Grass Story

Chapter 0: Prologue

In a modest bedroom, soft morning light filters through the curtains, gently illuminating the peaceful scene. A young girl rests cocooned beneath her cozy blankets, lost in the embrace of slumber.

Abruptly, the shrill sound of the alarm pierces the tranquil air, jolting the girl from her dreams. She stirs, a groggy determination etching across her features as she attempts to silence the unwelcome noise while cocooned within her protective bedding. A miscalculated move and a momentary misjudgment lead to an unintended tumble, and suddenly, she finds herself sprawled on the bedroom floor, still wrapped in her blankets.

Undeterred by her stumble, a wry smile tugs at the corner of her lips. "What a way to start the day," she quips softly, her voice a blend of amusement and self-acceptance. With a graceful fluidity, she rises to her feet, a determined resolve evident in her actions.

She proceeds to tidy her surroundings with a sense of purpose, meticulously folding her bed and arranging the pillows with care. The room takes on an aura of order and calm, a reflection of her meticulous nature.

The day's rituals continue as she gracefully transitions into the ritual of self-care. A soothing bath ensues a moment of tranquility amid the morning rush. Drops of water glisten like jewels as they cascade down her skin, carrying away the remnants of sleep and inviting a fresh start.

Now attired in her crisply pressed uniform, she descends the stairs, her footsteps echoing in the quiet house. A cheerful greeting escapes her lips as she enters the dining area, her voice infused with a contagious energy that belies the solitude that greets her.

A flicker of remembrance crosses her expression, and she turns towards another room, her steps purposeful yet laden with a sense of reverence. With a gentle hand, she opens the door to a room bathed in soft, golden light. A small, sacred space adorned with two cherished picture frames comes into view. Within those frames, captured memories of a woman and a man exude an aura of warmth and love.

In the heart of this sacred enclave, she lights incense, the fragrant tendrils weaving a bridge between the earthly and the ethereal. Her palms come together, fingers interlaced, and she closes her eyes, sending forth a heartfelt prayer that transcends words.

In this moment of quiet devotion, her connection to her past, her present, and her aspirations for the future converge. The girl stands as a bridge between generations, a carrier of legacies, and a beacon of hope. With a final, serene glance at the images before her, she departs, ready to embrace the day with renewed purpose and an unwavering spirit.


In the cozy confines of her kitchen, the girl's culinary skills come to life as she creatively transforms leftover rice from the previous day into a sizzling masterpiece. The aroma of the frying rice mingles with the fragrance of eggs and spring onions, crafting an enticing symphony that fills the air. A satisfied smile graces her lips as she deems her efforts sufficient.

With a decisive twist of her wrist, the burner is silenced, and the fragrant fried rice is gracefully transferred to a waiting bowl. The pan, now bearing the remnants of her culinary endeavor, finds its place in the sink, awaiting its turn in the cleansing ritual.

Seated at the dining table, chopsticks in hand, the girl begins her meal with a heartfelt declaration. "Itadakimasu," she intones, a whisper of gratitude preceding her first bite. As each morsel meets her palate, a cascade of thoughts courses through her mind like a gentle stream, each bite a reminder of the responsibilities that rest upon her shoulders.

Between mouthfuls, she contemplates the delicate balance of life's demands – the practicalities of bills, the careful management of resources, and the dreams she aspires to fulfill. A sigh escapes her lips, laden with both resolve and a tinge of weariness. "Perhaps," she muses aloud, "it's time to seek additional employment."

With the meal concluded, she washes her dish with quiet efficiency, leaving no trace of her culinary endeavor behind. Her bag, already waiting by the door, is retrieved with a sense of purpose. "I'm heading out now," she announces to the empty room, her voice carrying a mixture of determination and readiness.

As the door clicks shut, she secures it with practiced ease, ensuring the key finds its familiar resting place beneath the flower pot – a hidden treasure for her return. Beyond the threshold, the world stretches before her, a canvas of opportunities waiting to be explored.

Venturing forth, she strolls down the path, her steps resonating with a measured cadence. The gate, a sentinel to her dwelling, is locked securely with a padlock, a guardian against the uncertainties that lie beyond. A nameplate stands proudly, adorned with the characters 朝風, a poetic embodiment of her residence – "Morning Wind."

Her journey unfolds, a harmonious dance with nature as she ambles past towering pine trees, their branches swaying like graceful dancers against the backdrop of the azure sky. Leaves, like whispers of time, descend around her in a gentle ballet, a reminder of the passing seasons.

Approaching the intersection, her gaze fixes upon the beckoning signal, its vibrant green hue urging her forward. With steady resolve, she sets foot onto the designated crosswalk, ready to navigate the currents of daily life. Yet, as she steps forth, an unexpected danger materializes – a truck hurtling toward her, heedless of the pedestrian's path.

Frozen in the aftermath of a heart-pounding encounter with a recklessly speeding truck, Taiyo's wide eyes remain fixed on the road ahead. The near-miss has left her momentarily immobile, a rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins, like a whisper of fate that she narrowly escaped.

But just as the weight of the moment settles upon her, a reassuring presence materializes at her side. A man, strong and composed, effortlessly lifts Taiyo in his arms and carries her to safety. The world seems to regain its momentum as the truck smoothly maneuvers past, unimpeded by any obstacles, a dance of precision that betrays no hint of its earlier danger.

In the aftermath, an exasperated voice cuts through the air, its undertone revealing frustration at the driver's recklessness. "That damn driver..." The words hang like a cloud, carrying a mix of anger and disbelief.

Taiyo's voice, a mixture of gratitude and respect, breaks the silence. "Thank you, nii-san," she acknowledges, a term of politeness often used to address an older gentleman.

Her mysterious savior nods in response, a fleeting smile playing at the corners of his lips. "You're welcome," he replies before taking his leave, fading into the backdrop of the bustling street.

As the man's figure recedes, Taiyo resumes her forward momentum, each step taking her closer to her destination. With a steadfast determination, she continues on her path, the memory of the encounter etched into her thoughts, a testament to the fragility and preciousness of life.

Within the familiar confines of the classroom, Taiyo's presence is acknowledged with a simple call. "Asakaze," the teacher intones, prompting her swift response. "Here!" she replies, her voice clear and unwavering.

The rhythm of the lesson proceeds in a familiar cadence, the ebb and flow of knowledge imparted and absorbed. Taiyo engages with quiet diligence, her focus unwavering despite the lingering echoes of the earlier events.

During the brief respite of break time, Taiyo sits alone, a meal before her that exudes a sense of normalcy amidst the surrounding groups of chattering students. Unperturbed by the lively interactions of her peers, she remains immersed in her world, savoring her meal in serene solitude.

As the bell heralds the end of the break, a new request emerges, delivered with a mix of apology and a hint of hesitation. "I'm sorry, Taiyo-chan, but can you clean up the classroom? My friends and I are planning to have a karaoke session," the voice implores.

A moment of agreement hangs in the air, Taiyo's response a quiet affirmation to the urgent plea that had reached her ears. "? Seriously?! Thanks, you are a lifesaver!!" The gratitude in the voice is palpable, a sincere acknowledgment of Taiyo's willingness to step in and assist.

As the girl and her friends exit the classroom, Taiyo remains behind, her gaze unfocused. Her determination solidifies, and she reaches for a broom, its familiar weight grounding her in the task at hand. With measured precision, she moves through the space, orchestrating a symphony of cleanliness as she arranges desks, closes windows, and erases chalk markings from the board.

Her preparations continue as she retrieves a pail from its designated corner, the anticipation of water's cleansing touch guiding her actions. Methodically, she fills the pail until it brims with the promise of renewal. Positioned within the classroom, she wets the mop, each rhythmic stroke a testament to her meticulous approach.

The floor transforms under her efforts, the sweep of the mop leaving behind a pristine expanse free from any hint of dirt or chalk residue. The discarded water is swiftly dealt with, and the pail she once filled is now returned to a state of immaculate readiness. The mop, too, undergoes its cleansing ritual, a reflection of the meticulous care Taiyo invests in every task.

With a sense of accomplishment, she gathers her tools, placing broom, mop, dustpan, and pail into their designated storage. Her movements are efficient and purposeful, a graceful dance that embodies her commitment to her responsibilities.

Bag in hand, Taiyo stands before the now-orderly classroom, a sense of fulfillment accompanying the completion of her duty. The door is closed, a symbolic seal upon her efforts. A swift transition sees her indoor shoes exchanged for their outdoor counterparts, each step a declaration of transition from one realm to another.

Leaving the familiar corridors of the school, Taiyo offers a warm goodbye to the guardian of its entrance, a gesture that embodies her respectful nature. Beyond the threshold, the setting sun casts long shadows, its descending rays painting the world in hues of amber and gold.

In a rare moment of vulnerability, Taiyo's thoughts manifest in words, a whisper to the retreating sun. "I wish to disappear..." Her voice is laden with a mixture of melancholy and longing, a moment of honesty that she allows herself.

With a sigh that carries the weight of her emotions, she resumes her journey, the path leading her homeward. The door before her swings open, and as she steps into the embrace of her dwelling, a sense of quietude envelops her. The familiar surroundings offer a sanctuary from the world outside, a space where Taiyo can retreat and find solace.

With a familiar sense of belonging, Taiyo's voice resonates through the quiet confines of her home. "I'm back," she announces softly, a declaration that marks her return to the sanctuary she calls her own. Her shoes, now redundant, are meticulously removed and set aside, a sign of respect for the space she enters.

The table becomes a temporary haven for her bag, a reliable repository for the burdens and treasures she carries throughout the day. As Taiyo changes into a more comfortable attire, the air takes on a sense of ease, the weight of her uniform relinquished in favor of relaxation.

A thoughtful gaze falls upon her discarded uniform, and a decision is reached. "I should wash this and put it on the dryer," she muses aloud, her words carrying a tinge of practicality. The impulse to maintain order and cleanliness is a reflection of her diligent nature.

The laundry room beckons and Taiyo answers its call, a basket brimming with clothes cradled in her arms. Within the room's confines, she orchestrates a ballet of sorts, her movements fluid and purposeful. The washing machine becomes a sentinel of cleanliness, its mechanical hum harmonizing with Taiyo's actions.

Clothes find their place within the machine's embrace, a ritual of renewal set into motion. The room fills with the rhythmic cadence of the washing machine's song, a comforting backdrop that accompanies Taiyo's thoughts.

As the washing machine carries out its duty, Taiyo's attention shifts. A notebook, a repository of knowledge and ideas, becomes her focus. With a studious intent, she opens its pages, her eyes tracing the carefully penned lessons she has captured. The atmosphere seems to shimmer with quiet diligence as she immerses herself in the sea of words and concepts.

Amidst the soft symphony of the washing machine, Taiyo's mind embarks on a journey of review and contemplation. The world outside may be bustling and unpredictable, but within this cocoon of learning and introspection, time seems to slow, allowing Taiyo to navigate the intricacies of her studies with a sense of purpose and clarity.

The steady ebb and flow of the washing machine's noise interweaves with Taiyo's focused absorption, creating a harmonious blend of sound and thought. In this gentle convergence, Taiyo's spirit finds solace, her actions a testament to her unwavering commitment to growth and self-improvement.


As the gentle hum of the washing machine fades into silence, a shift in Taiyo's focus is palpable. With a purposeful stride, she navigates the familiar corridors of her home, her destination the laundry room. The air is charged with a sense of intent, a quiet determination that accompanies her every step.

Upon reaching the laundry room, Taiyo's movements are graceful and deliberate. The basket of freshly laundered clothes rests against her hip, a testament to her dedication to order and cleanliness. With practiced ease, she transfers the damp garments from their temporary abode within the washing machine to the eagerly waiting dryer.

Each piece of clothing finds its place, the steady rhythm of her actions a soothing cadence in the stillness of the room. The dryer, like a loyal companion, stands ready to continue the cycle of care, its purpose defined by Taiyo's meticulous efforts.

The room takes on an aura of purposeful efficiency as Taiyo orchestrates this final phase of the laundering ritual. Garments find their designated positions within the dryer's embrace, and with a swift motion, she activates the machine, its mechanisms springing to life with a soft hum.

As the dryer commences its task, the room fills with the promise of warm, dry clothing. Taiyo watches for a fleeting moment, her gaze reflecting a sense of contentment and accomplishment. Her actions serve as a reflection of her unwavering commitment to both the practicalities of life and the nurturing of her personal space.

With the cycle set into motion, Taiyo departs the laundry room, her footsteps carrying her back to her chosen corner of contemplation. A sense of tranquility accompanies her return, a quiet acknowledgment of the tasks completed and the moments of solace embraced.


With a deft hand, Taiyo carefully hangs the freshly dried clothes in a choreographed dance of order and practicality. The laundry room, once a hub of activity, is now imbued with a sense of fulfillment as each piece of clothing finds its rightful place.

Emerging from the laundry room, Taiyo shifts her attention to the task at hand – her assignments. Seated in a corner of her living space, her posture exudes an air of determination. Pencil meets paper in a dance of intellect and creativity as she applies herself to the challenges set before her.

The minutes turn into hours, marked by the steady progression of completed tasks. Taiyo's focus remains unswerving, her diligence a testament to her commitment to her studies. As the final flourish is added, she leans back, a satisfied smile gracing her lips. Time slips through her fingers, and as she glances at the clock, a realization dawns.

Responding to the gentle tug of hunger, Taiyo embarks on a simple culinary venture, crafting a meal of fried egg and rice. The aroma wafts through the air, a tantalizing invitation that she heeds with a contented heart. Each bite is a symphony of flavors, a testament to her resourcefulness and ability to create comfort in the simplest of moments.

As dusk settles over the landscape, Taiyo embarks on her second journey of the day. She navigates the urban currents, her destination a store where she assumes the role of a diligent retailer. Time flows seamlessly as she tends to the needs of customers, her interactions a tapestry of exchanges that weave through the fabric of the evening.

With the closing of the store, Taiyo steps out into the embrace of the night, her footsteps echoing in the quietness. The journey home is a solitary one, the nocturnal world around her bathed in the gentle glow of streetlights. Each step carries her closer to the refuge of her dwelling, a space where she can rest her weary bones.

Upon her return, Taiyo indulges in a moment of self-care, the soothing embrace of a hot bath a balm for her tired body and mind. The water envelops her, a warm cocoon that washes away the residue of the day's endeavors. It's a moment of serenity, a retreat from the demands of the world outside.

Emerging from the bath, Taiyo dries herself with meticulous care, her actions deliberate and purposeful. With a sense of calm settling upon her, she eases herself onto her bed, the embrace of slumber beckoning. The day's tapestry of experiences, both mundane and significant, finds its temporary conclusion as Taiyo surrenders to the embrace of dreams, ready to face the dawn with renewed energy when it comes.


Beneath her, the previously solid ground has transformed into a translucent surface, a mirror to the expanse of blue sky that stretches above. As consciousness stirs within her, the girl blinks in surprise at the surreal development that has unfolded beneath her.

A voice, rich and resonant like the very essence of daylight, fills the air. "Welcome, mortal," it declares with a weight that commands attention. The source of the voice materializes, a man of imposing stature with brown skin and a mane of silver-gray hair that shimmers like the twilight. Lines of orange dance across his form, reminiscent of molten lava in perpetual motion.

Startled yet intrigued, the girl raises her gaze to meet the gaze of this ethereal figure. "Who are you?" she inquires, her voice tinged with a blend of wonder and caution.

"I am the sun," he proclaims, his presence a radiant embodiment of the celestial body that governs the day. "And I'm here to grant your wish, a mortal that shares a name with my own."

As the revelation takes root, Taiyo's expression shifts, a mixture of surprise and gratitude blooming across her features. "I see... thank you," she responds her words a reflection of the respect she holds for this otherworldly encounter.

The sun, a figure of power and cosmic significance, extends an offer veiled in mystery. "I'll let you choose the world you will be reincarnating to!"

Taiyo's brows knit in confusion, her thoughts swirling as she grapples with the weight of this decision. "But I wish to disappear... rather, I want to disappear and never appear again," she voices her innermost desire, the weariness of her soul echoing in her words.

In response, the sun's expression holds a glint of understanding, an acknowledgment of her pain. "Wait! That's why I will give you another chance to live," he interjects with a sense of urgency, his voice unwavering. "Because as the person that bears the same name as I am, you are not supposed to emit an aura of helplessness."

Taiyo's gaze softens, her eyes betraying the turmoil within. "But I'm tired of life," she admits, her voice a fragile whisper carrying the weight of her struggles.

The sun's response carries a sense of finality, a decision reached with a hint of solemnity. "Fine, I'll grant your wish..."

"Thanks," Taiyo murmurs, her gratitude extending to the cosmic entity before her. In a surreal twist of fate, her very being transforms, an ethereal metamorphosis that culminates in her becoming an orb of vibrant blue fire. The once-familiar boundaries of her existence blur and recede, leaving her suspended as a luminous entity in the celestial expanse.

Amidst the radiant tapestry of colors that dance across the cosmos, the sun himself extends his influence. A gift, manifested in hues of verdant green and fiery red, converges upon Taiyo's essence. The disparate flames intermingle and blend, a fusion of energies that courses through her with a sense of purpose.

The sun's voice resonates once more, a tone of unwavering determination imbued with cosmic authority. "I'll make sure to change your mind," he declares, his words carrying a weight that reverberates through the fabric of existence.

And then, with a gesture that defies comprehension, the man propels Taiyo into a vortex, a wormhole that offers passage to the unknown. Time and space fold around her, an otherworldly current that carries her away from the presence of the sun.

"Goodbye, little spirit," the sun's voice follows her, a gentle benediction that accompanies her departure. "I hope you will find a reason to continue and enjoy life."

As Taiyo hurtles through the cosmic tunnel, her essence a beacon of luminous fire against the darkness, a sense of both trepidation and anticipation fills her being. Her journey, borne of celestial intervention and steadfast resolve, unfurls as a tapestry of discovery and transformation.

In this enigmatic voyage between realms, the threads of Taiyo's existence are woven anew, her essence intertwined with the fabric of the universe itself. The promise of change, of renewal, lingers in the cosmic winds that carry her forward, a beacon of hope in the boundless expanse. And as she ventures forth into the unknown, the universe holds its breath, an enigmatic observer to the unfolding of a singular soul's destiny.


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