Grass Story

Chapter 1: I am a grass.

A slow awakening stirs Taiyo's consciousness from the depths of her being, and she is greeted by an unexpected warmth that envelops her. A puzzled murmur escapes her lips as she attempts to pry open her eyes, only to be met with a startling realization – the ceiling she had anticipated has been replaced by a vast expanse of sky, and the sun's rays bathe her in their radiant embrace.

Perplexed and disoriented, Taiyo blinks against the sun's glare, her thoughts racing to make sense of her surroundings. The landscape that unfolds before her is unfamiliar, a tableau of nature's beauty that stretches beyond the horizon. Her mind races, grappling with the overwhelming question: "What happened to me?"

A mixture of disbelief and frustration courses through her as the reality of her situation sinks in. "I thought god granted my wish," she muses aloud, her voice a blend of astonishment and incredulity. "And here I am in the middle of nowhere!"

A sudden realization grips her, and her eyes widen in apprehension. Panic colors her thoughts as she grapples with an unsettling revelation. "Eh? Why can't I speak?" she wonders aloud, the words echoing in her mind as they fail to find a voice.

The dread deepens as she considers an even more disconcerting possibility. "Don't tell me I've become a slime?!!" The thought hangs heavy in the air, a whimsical yet unsettling notion that she dares not accept.

With an urgency born of both curiosity and anxiety, Taiyo attempts to move, her attempts met with mixed results. Leaning forward and then backward, her movements are clumsy, a stark contrast to her former grace.

The relief that washes over her is palpable as she dismisses the notion of becoming a slime. "No... I don't become a slime," she reassures herself, her thoughts steadying even as her physical control remains limited.

Determined to understand her predicament, Taiyo turns her gaze to her surroundings, her eyes scanning the vista that unfolds before her. A sea of verdant foliage stretches in every direction, the forest and greenery painting an idyllic scene that leaves her both awestruck and bewildered.

A curious awareness settles upon Taiyo as she observes her surroundings from her newfound perspective. The grass beneath her seems to stretch taller than she is, an unexpected elevation that grants her a view of the world she has become a part of. Her gaze shifts to a nearby bush, its height surpassing her own. The realization dawns upon her – she is bound to her spot, an observer of the world from her stationary vantage point.

Confusion gives way to a growing apprehension as Taiyo grapples with her circumstances. She finds herself locked in a state of immobility, her voice silenced. A sense of vitality courses through her, a profound energy that seems to emanate from the very sun that had once conversed with her. "Wait... did I become a plant?!!!!" Panic claws at her thoughts, and an anguished cry resounds within her being. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

"What is this!!!! Like seriously, what is this!!!!!" Taiyo's exasperation spills forth, her frustration was evident in her words. The inconceivability of her situation ignites her inner turmoil, challenging the boundaries of her understanding.

A torrent of thoughts crash through her mind, each wave carrying a tide of incredulity. "Reincarnating is one thing, reincarnating as an animal is okay, reincarnating as a humanoid is okay..." Her voice trails off, her voice a chorus of disbelief. The notion of being reincarnated as a plant defies all expectations, mocking the very notion of the circle of life and rebirth.

Her lament continues with a mixture of bitterness and desolation. "Who wants to be a plant!!!!! Ahh!!!!!!" Her words are a resounding declaration of discontent, a vehement rejection of a fate she never anticipated.

As her realization crystallizes, Taiyo's emotions ebb and flow like a turbulent sea. The helplessness of her situation, and the inability to act or communicate, weigh heavily upon her. "I can't do anything but wait and die..." she laments, her voice a reflection of her surrender to her circumstances.

A spark of determination flickers within her, a glimmer of hope that propels her into action. "Hmm... if I move too much, probably a grass-eating animal will eat me," she ponders, her thoughts a testament to her adaptability. And so, with a newfound resolve, Taiyo embraces her reality, her essence guided by a single purpose – to mimic the movement of the wind that caresses the world around her.

The breeze becomes her guide, a gentle choreography that dictates her swaying motion. As she yields to the rhythm of the wind, Taiyo grapples with the realization of her newfound strength. "Damn... I didn't think my body is sturdy. It won't break as I hoped too," she concedes, her thoughts marked by a hint of begrudging admiration.

An inquisitiveness stirs within her, a curiosity borne of necessity. "What do plants do?" she muses aloud, her inquiry a contemplative whisper that echoes through her foliage.

A resigned acceptance settles upon Taiyo as she navigates the confines of her vegetative existence. Amidst the swaying motion dictated by the wind's gentle caress, a contemplative thought takes root within her. "Stay and bask in the sunlight?" she ponders, the words a reflection of her realization that her role, for now, is one of passive observance, a witness to the ebb and flow of life around her.

A heavy sigh escapes her leafy form, a sigh that resonates with the weight of her thoughts. Her gaze turns skyward, her leaves reaching toward the radiant source that powers her existence. In the dance of light and shadow, Taiyo finds a semblance of solace, an acknowledgment of the simple beauty that graces her surroundings.

Yet, amidst this acceptance, a trace of longing remains. A whisper of yearning clings to her thoughts as she contemplates the circumstances that led her to this point. "I wish a plant-eater will come towards me and end my suffering," she muses her words a candid reflection of her wish for release from the constraints of her current state.


Amidst the passage of time, Taiyo's leafy existence unfolds like a slow, intricate tapestry. Her gaze lifts toward the sun, a ritual of nearly thirty repetitions, each day marked by a cycle of light and darkness. The realization sets in, a testament to the unyielding nature of her predicament – she remains rooted as a plant, a silent observer of the world around her.

The forest, once a realm of tranquility, takes on an eerie aura as night descends. The shadows cast by moonlight evoke a sense of foreboding, yet amidst this somber landscape, Taiyo's eyes catch the glimmer of ethereal beings. Fairies flit through the darkness, their presence a testament to the mystical undercurrents that course through the heart of the woods.

Rain descends from the heavens, a symphony of nature's melody that envelops Taiyo in a soothing embrace. The droplets dance upon her leaves, each touching a delicate caress that resonates with her essence. It's a moment of connection, a reminder of the beauty that lies within the harmonious dance of elements.

A sudden sound disrupts the tranquility, a sharp "crack" that echoes through the air. Taiyo's attention sharpens, her leaves quivering in response to the unexpected disturbance. Her gaze shifts, drawn to the source of the noise, and her perception is met by an enchanting sight.

"Ohh!!! It's a deer!" Taiyo's thoughts resound with a mixture of curiosity and a hint of dark humor. Her words are imbued with a playful invitation, a teasing enticement that carries an undercurrent of yearning. As the plant's movements take on a graceful, undulating rhythm, the deer's attention is captivated.

The forest's secrets unfurl before her eyes, and the passing days of her vegetative existence culminate in a transformative realization. "Finally, 30 days of suffering for being a plant is finished," Taiyo reflects, her thoughts laced with a sense of resolve. The promise of a second chance hovers on the horizon, a pledge to honor the sanctity of life and interconnectedness.

Yet, in the blink of an eye, the moment takes a sinister turn. The deer's anticipation morphs into agony as the grass surrounding it transforms, becoming spiky and elongated. A grotesque tableau unfolds, as the deer succumbs to a fate that defies comprehension. "Ehh? Wait... wait... This can't be happening," Taiyo's thoughts race, her disbelief a stark contrast to the horror that unfolds before her.

The deer's lifeblood stains the grass, an inescapable testament to the brutality of nature's dance. Roots emerge a macabre embrace that ensnares the fallen creature. "I can taste it..." Taiyo's thoughts trail off, the realization settling upon her with a haunting weight.

A surreal tableau unfolds before Taiyo's senses, a nightmare juxtaposed with inexplicable sensations. The initial revulsion is offset by a peculiar undercurrent of fascination, a discordant fusion of horror, and... is it desire? "It's very bloody but delicious?" Her thoughts falter as she grapples with the dichotomy of her emotions. The realization crashes upon her like a wave – a brutal contradiction, a grotesque attraction to something inherently repulsive. "No... It can't be!!!!"

As Taiyo's distress mounts, the world around her reacts in unsettling ways. The surrounding grass stirs, a foreboding tension settling upon the environment. A tiny green projectile is birthed from the agitated grass, its ethereal presence a stark contrast to the carnage unfolding. "Ehh... wait," Taiyo's incredulous thoughts trail off, her gaze fixated on the unnatural phenomenon.

In a swift and disconcerting sequence, the projectile finds its mark, colliding with a hapless bird that had been perched nearby. The avian creature plummets to the ground, ensnared by roots that materialize with uncanny swiftness. The once-lively creature becomes a victim of a sinister dance, ensnared by a macabre grip that defies the laws of nature.

As the roots constrict and tighten, the bird's life force is drained, its essence absorbed into the very fibers of the surrounding grass. The creature's body shrivels and decomposes with alarming speed, a nightmarish transformation that leaves Taiyo aghast. The once-vibrant grass patch at the center of the spectacle grows taller, a testament to the insidious power of the dark forces at play.

Amid this surreal horror, Taiyo's internal turmoil crescendos. "This must be a nightmare... it's delicious but..." Her thoughts waver, a disjointed reflection of the contradictions that assail her. The notion of savoring the macabre banquet before her stirs a sickening self-loathing, a realization that grates against the core of her identity. "Delicious? What I've become!!!"

The surrounding tableau takes a sinister turn as the deer, encased in a web of roots, undergoes a grotesque transformation. The once-majestic creature withers before Taiyo's eyes, the roots draining their very essence, leaving nothing but bones in their wake. The horror of the spectacle swells within her, a realization that the monstrosity she witnesses is none other than an extension of herself. "I've become a monster..."

Desperation and anguish converge within Taiyo, a plea for release from the nightmarish reality she finds herself trapped within. "Can someone please kill me..." Her thoughts reverberate with a raw vulnerability, a yearning to escape the cruel fate that has ensnared her.

Amidst the dark landscape, a subtle shift in the grass's demeanor unfolds. The once-gloomy center remains shrouded in shadow, but the surrounding blades adopt a vibrant hue. It's a disconcerting juxtaposition, a symbol of the conflicting forces that have woven their way into Taiyo's very essence. As the macabre symphony plays on, Taiyo remains ensnared, a reluctant participant in a horrifying dance of existence that defies her understanding and rends the fabric of her being.


The passage of time, an unrelenting current, has left Taiyo adrift in a sea of blurred days. Counting the endless cycles becomes an exercise in futility, her existence a disorienting blur of actions and reactions. The grim toll of her circumstances is evident, a ledger etched with the lives of countless animals, each marked by her unwitting role in their demise.

Amidst the somber tableau, there exists a glimmer of solace – the knowledge that, in her twisted state, she has managed to spare humans and fairies from her unwitting violence. Fairies flit about in playful abandon, their ethereal presence a testament to the enigmatic beauty that weaves through the tapestry of her existence. The fairies' magical prowess manifests in vibrant hues, casting splashes of mana that dance through the air like whimsical fireflies.

Amusement mingles with melancholy as Taiyo observes the fairies' play, her gaze drawn to their vibrant spectacle. "Many fairies are playing surrounding me," she muses, her thoughts a mixture of wonder and wistfulness. The ethereal beings seem unfazed by their mana projectiles, a testament to the otherworldly resilience that sets them apart.

A newfound agency blooms within Taiyo, a realization that she can manipulate her leaves. "I can now move my leaves!" she exclaims, her thoughts colored by a blend of surprise and delight. An impulse guides her, and with a gentle motion, the blades of grass inch closer to a curious fairy that rests nearby.

The scene takes an unexpected and tragic turn as the grass, spurred by Taiyo's innocent intention, unwittingly punctures the fairy. A burst of light engulfs the once-playful being, leaving Taiyo and the surrounding fairies aghast. "Eh...?" Her thoughts falter, her realization marred by the unintended consequence that has unfolded.

Chaos erupts as the surrounding fairies react to the sudden disturbance. A cacophony of energy crackles through the air as they launch a barrage of mana projectiles, their concern transformed into a frantic bid to defend themselves. Yet, the grass exhibits a newfound resilience, its roots exposed and transformed into serpentine appendages that ensnare the fairies. A chorus of light and sound fills the air, a symphony of bursts that leaves Taiyo reeling from the grim spectacle.

When the storm of commotion subsides, solemn aftermath prevails. The fairies, once a vibrant ensemble, have been extinguished, their existence reduced to a shimmering memory. Only a tall grass, radiant in its verdant glow, stands as a testament to the cataclysmic events that have transpired. Mana residue lingers in the air, a bittersweet echo of the beings that once graced Taiyo's presence.

Amid the surreal aftermath, an overwhelming sense of despair grips Taiyo's essence. "I want to cry!!!!" Her thoughts reverberate with a poignant vulnerability, an acknowledgment of the tragedy that has unfolded and the irrevocable toll it has exacted upon her soul.

A profound sense of anguish washes over Taiyo as the weight of her unintentional actions bears down upon her. "But I can't!!! Why!!!!!" Her voice, a silent scream within her thoughts, reverberates with a mix of frustration and despair. The innate desire for connection and compassion, embodied by her attempt to pat the fairy, is met with tragic consequences that she cannot fathom.

The realization that her actions have led to death and destruction, extending not only to the fairy she sought to touch but to the surrounding ones as well, haunts her consciousness. The words she longs to utter remain trapped within the confines of her newfound form, a testament to the cruel twist of fate that has rendered her voiceless.

A glimmer of hope emerges amidst the darkness of her thoughts, an echo from a different realm. "I think fairies can respawn! Video game knowledge won't fail me now!" Taiyo's resolve takes root, her mind clinging to a thread of optimism drawn from the virtual worlds she once inhabited. With a renewed determination, she embraces the belief that there may be a chance for redemption, a possibility that the fairies could rise anew, just as characters do in the games she once played.


A sense of relief envelops Taiyo as the fairies she inadvertently harmed reappear before her. Their ethereal forms dance once more, and a semblance of normalcy returns to the atmosphere. "They are back, but they didn't seem to remember my doing. It's good..." Her thoughts echo with a mixture of gratitude and a hint of guilt, her heart lightened by the absence of lingering consequences for her unwitting actions.

Yet, as the fairies resume their playful antics, a bizarre twist unfurls within the surreal tapestry that surrounds Taiyo. A spectacle unfolds that defies all logic – a flying turtle takes to the sky, with an unexpected passenger atop its back. "But why is there a flying turtle?! And why is there a Shrine maiden riding on it in the sky?!!" Taiyo's incredulity is palpable, her thoughts tinged with bewilderment and disbelief.

The scene before her is a surreal glitch in the reality she now inhabits, a bizarre anomaly that shatters the boundaries of her understanding. "There is a glitch in the system!!! Please fix the game!" Her voice, though unheard, resounds within her mind, a fervent plea for the restoration of order within the bewildering tableau.


Under the shroud of night, an air of tranquility envelops the landscape, casting a serene veil over the surroundings. In the proximity of the swaying grass, two human figures emerge, their voices carrying on the whispering breeze.

"Is that a nest or a very rare herb?" one of them queries, curiosity lacing their words as they cast their gaze upon the verdant expanse?

The other hesitates, caution etched in their tone. "Maybe that's a trap. Don't be close to it!"

Their companion, however, dismisses the apprehension. "Don't worry. Just because the surroundings are dangerous doesn't mean the grass is dangerous too," they assert, a sense of optimism woven into their perspective.

Emboldened by their convictions, the male human decides to act. He reaches out to grab the grass, intent on cutting it down. Yet, before he can even comprehend what's happening, a cage of roots emerges, ensnaring him in its unforgiving grip. "AHH!!!!!" His cry pierces the night, an agonized exclamation of surprise and pain.

"S**T! I TOLD YOU, DIDN'T I!" The other human's warning rings true as they bear witness to the unfolding disaster.

Determined to rescue their companion, the second man wields a machete, seeking to sever the roots that have coiled around his friend. However, their efforts are met with resistance, the roots proving sturdier than anticipated.

In a moment of desperation, the man's resolve hardens. "I have no choice." With grim determination, he ignites a torch, the flames dancing in the night. The roots recoil, wisps of smoke curling into the air as they succumb to the scorching heat.

Yet, amid the struggle, a sinister presence lingers. The surrounding grass, once a passive observer, takes on a malevolent intent. It pierces through the man's defenses ruthlessly, its assault unrelenting. "No!!!! I don't want to die!!!!" The caged human's screams fill the air, a haunting symphony of terror and despair.

The roots embed themselves into his flesh, absorbing his essence, an insidious dance of life force fading away. His resistance wanes with every passing moment, his vitality drained as the roots feed hungrily.

Bones emerge, stark and skeletal, a grim testament to the inevitable fate that has befallen him. The roots, having claimed their grim prize, shift their focus toward the other human, chilling anticipation radiating from their presence.

As the tableau of horror plays out, a chilling realization grips Taiyo's consciousness. "Delicious..." Her thoughts reverberate with a mixture of revulsion and understanding, a stark reminder of the horrifying truth she has become entangled in.

A profound sense of self-loathing washes over Taiyo, her thoughts heavy with the weight of her actions. "I'm a monster..." Her voice, a lamentation of her existence, echoes within her mind, tinged with a mixture of despair and anguish. The realization of her unwitting role in the horrors that have transpired gnaws at her consciousness, a stark reminder of the darkness that has taken root within her.

The overwhelming burden of guilt compels Taiyo to yearn for an end to her existence. "I don't want to do it anymore. Kill me, please..." Her plea reverberates with haunting desperation, a plea for release from the cycle of violence and suffering that has ensnared her essence.

Amid her internal turmoil, the very landscape around her seems to respond to her emotions. The once-vibrant and lively grasses that surrounded her now exude an aura of happiness, their essence seemingly untouched by the malevolent undertones that have plagued Taiyo's consciousness.

Contrastingly, the tall grass at the center of it all takes on a somber and gloomy demeanor, mirroring the depths of despair that have engulfed Taiyo's thoughts. It stands as a symbol of her inner torment, a manifestation of the darkness that has tainted her perception of herself and her role within this enigmatic world.

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