Grass Story

Chapter 2: And so I move forward.

In the aftermath of that harrowing incident, time becomes a nebulous concept for Taiyo. The days blur into one another, a continuous stream of existence that remains devoid of distinct markers. The bones of those unfortunate humans linger beneath her, a somber reminder of the tragedy that unfolded at her roots. "Since that incident, I don't know how many days have passed since," Taiyo reflects, her thoughts mired in a haze of introspection.

A complex mixture of emotions stirs within her as she contemplates the remains that now rest beneath her leafy exterior. "Their bones are underneath me, and I don't know what to feel about it," she muses, grappling with the conflicting sensations of guilt, sorrow, and detachment.

Despite the somber undercurrents that have woven their way into her existence, life continues to unfold around Taiyo. The fairies, unaffected by the tragedies that have transpired, flit about in their carefree dance. "The fairies are still playing around, like their lifestyle," she observes a bittersweet acknowledgment of the enduring vitality that contrasts with the weight of her own experiences.

As the seasons shift, the world around her transforms. Autumn paints the landscape with hues of orange and red, a visual testament to the passage of time. The grass surrounding Taiyo remains unperturbed by the changing seasons, an emblem of resilience against the ebb and flow of nature's rhythm. "It's currently autumn, and the leaves are turning into orange and red colors," Taiyo notes, her observations tinged with a touch of nostalgia for the cycles of life she once knew.

Amidst this backdrop of change, a subtle revelation emerges – the realization that her existence may extend beyond the confines of her current state. "It seems I won't die in winter," Taiyo contemplates the thought a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty that envelops her. The specter of her mortality is momentarily tempered by this newfound understanding.

Yet, even amidst these musings, Taiyo remains attuned to the intricacies of the fairies that grace her presence. The absence of the red-hued fairies does not go unnoticed, their infrequent appearances a subtle shift in the rhythm of her surroundings. "Also, the fairies that are colored red don't appear much," she observes, an acknowledgment of the ever-changing symphony of life that she bears witness to.

Amid this evolving narrative, Taiyo embraces her role as a hermit of sorts, an observer of the world's myriad complexities. "Well, this seems I've become truly a hermit of some kind," she reflects, her thoughts resonating with a blend of acceptance and introspection.


Winter descends upon the landscape, its icy embrace sweeping through the surroundings with an unrelenting chill. As expected, Taiyo's presence remains steadfast, unyielding against the harshness of the season. "Winter is here," Taiyo observes, her thoughts a quiet reflection on the passage of time and the endurance of her form.

Amidst the frosty landscape, a curious transformation unfolds among the fairies. Once vibrant and playful, they now don hues of blue, a visual manifestation of the winter's grip on their surroundings. Among them, a larger fairy, dubbed "Cirno," captures attention with her frequent appearances, often found nestled within Taiyo's grass.

The spectacle takes an intriguing turn as a green fairy, named "Daiyousei," enters the scene, her curiosity piqued by Cirno's presence. "Cirno!" she exclaims, her voice carrying a note of surprise. Cirno, the blue fairy, responds with an air of familiarity, their exchange hinting at a shared history. "Daiyousei! I didn't think you are coming here just to find me," Cirno jests, a playful camaraderie between the two apparent.

Daiyousei's curiosity persists as she questions Cirno's motives. "Why are you here?" she inquires, a touch of intrigue coloring her words. Cirno's response comes with an air of excitement, her voice animated as she gestures toward Taiyo's grass. "Look at what I found. This grass isn't dying in this cold weather!" Cirno exclaims, her admiration evident as she pats the resilient foliage. "And the grass is very fluffy too," she adds with a hint of delight.

Playfulness reigns supreme as Daiyousei's interest shifts, her desire for rest evident in her next words. "Let me sleep too!" she declares, diving into the grass with a sense of carefree abandon. The interaction between the two fairies paints a vivid picture of their dynamic, showcasing a blend of companionship and lightheartedness.

Amidst their banter, the true nature of the grass comes to light, their discussion taking a surprising turn. "Isn't that kind of odd that this grass isn't withering? It's been cold, and I doubt this grass can drink water with this kind of weather," Daiyousei points out, her curiosity highlighting a perplexing inconsistency.

Cirno's response is characteristically confident, her tone laced with a touch of pride. "It's very simple, Dai-chan... this plant is fake," she proclaims, her revelation met with a mixture of surprise and amusement.

"I see, as expected of Cirno," Daiyousei concedes, her awe evident in her response. Amidst the whimsy and intrigue, a sense of camaraderie and warmth infuses their interactions, offering a glimpse into the lives of these fantastical beings as they navigate the mysteries of their world.

An air of confusion hangs in the wake of the fairies' banter, their playful exchange having revealed an unexpected twist. "Excuse me? Who is the fake grass!!!" Taiyo's thoughts bristle with a blend of bewilderment and amusement, her voice a silent protest amidst the fantastical interactions unfolding before her.

Cirno's declaration, brimming with youthful determination, elicits a response from Taiyo's surroundings. The once-gentle tall grass stirs with an energy that mirrors her exasperation, a visual representation of her thoughts. Yet, the fairies remain blissfully unaware of the commotion their words have incited, the rustling of the grass escaping their notice.

"I will claim this as my territory! If someone will take this spot, I will freeze them!!!" Cirno declares with a resolute fervor, her words imbued with an air of authority. Her assertion, however, is met with an unexpected question from Daiyousei. "Who wants to be under you!!!" Taiyo's thoughts interject, a wry note underscoring her internal commentary.

Caught in a moment of realization, Cirno's determination wavers. "But what will happen to your territory on the lake?" Daiyousei's practical query punctures Cirno's grand aspirations, prompting a reconsideration of her territorial claims. "Ah! You are right, this spot is far from the lake..." Cirno concedes, a touch of sheepishness coloring her response.

Their camaraderie remains unshaken, however, as Cirno swiftly shifts gears. "It can't be helped. The lake is much better than this secluded spot. Let's go, Daiyousei, let's find someone to fight with!" Her call to action is met with agreement as Daiyousei joins her companion's enthusiasm. "Yes," she concurs, a hint of excitement threading through her voice.

As the two fairies depart, their words echoing in the air, the tension that had briefly infused the grass subsides. "Go away and don't come back!!!" Taiyo's silent exclamation carries a sense of relief and exasperation, her sentiments an echo of her earlier frustration.

Amid this unfolding tableau, a new presence emerges, drawing Taiyo's attention. Crack. The sound reverberates, signaling the arrival of another being. A white deer comes into view, its gaze fixed upon the towering green plant. Taiyo's thoughts register the creature's presence, her mind contemplating the possibilities it presents.

A sinister thought flits through her mind, the notion of deer meat entering her consciousness. "I guess deer meat isn't bad," she muses, a dark undercurrent lacing her thoughts. Yet, the sentiment remains unspoken.


As spring breathes new life into the world, the landscape awakens with vibrant colors and renewed vitality. Amidst this season of growth and transformation, Taiyo's predicament remains unchanged, a bitter irony that she addresses with a hint of sardonic humor. "And I'm still a f**king plant! Horray!" Her voice, laced with a mixture of resignation and exasperation, paints a stark contrast against the backdrop of blossoming life.

Yet, Taiyo's existence is not confined to mere passivity. The passage of time has granted her a unique ability, a connection to the world of plants that transcends mere understanding. "But seriously, that doesn't mean I didn't do anything else," Taiyo reflects her thoughts a testament to her resilience and resourcefulness.

Within the intricate web of plant life, Taiyo has come to grasp their intentions, a symphony of silent communication that unfolds within her mind. It's a unique form of comprehension, more akin to deciphering a complex code that resonates within her consciousness. This newfound connection unveils a truth that both surprises and empowers her: the plants have become her protectors.

The plants' defensive response is revealed as Taiyo uncovers their role in safeguarding her from potential threats. "So they protect me. That's why the animals or the people that want to uproot me will be killed," Taiyo deduces, her understanding of this symbiotic relationship allowing her to grasp the underlying intricacies of her surroundings.

Yet, even with this newfound understanding, Taiyo's attempts to alter the plants' behavior are met with a resolute barrier. The very essence of their protection remains steadfast, a testament to the bonds that have formed between them.

In her quest for survival, Taiyo has also tapped into a more elemental source of sustenance. The sun's rays nourish her, vital energy that fuels her existence. "I can rely on surviving only by absorbing the sun. Even no water is needed, but flesh and blood will help my growing speed to be faster," Taiyo notes, her observation revealing the interplay between her nature and the world around her.

Yet, a glimmer of hope emerges amidst her contemplations. "And from what I understand, I can gain a form that can walk around," Taiyo muses, an intriguing possibility that hints at a potential evolution of her current state.

Amidst these musings, a sudden shift in Taiyo's awareness draws her attention to a gathering outside a set of ruins. "Hmm? What do you mean?" she ponders, her curiosity piqued by the scene unfolding before her. Seven figures stand united, their forms cast against the backdrop of ancient remnants. Each figure is unmistakably female, a mysterious convergence that sparks Taiyo's interest and beckons her closer to unraveling the enigma that lies ahead.

As Taiyo's newfound connection with the plant life deepens, their perceptions become a part of her own. The plants share their observations, revealing a scene that unfolds within the ancient ruins. Among the figures gathered, Taiyo discerns three individuals with distinctive yellow hair, a red-haired presence, a green-haired figure, and a shrine maiden who captivates her attention.

Her curiosity ignited, and Taiyo's thoughts turned toward the enigmatic contents of the ruins. "What is inside of the ruins?" she wonders, her mind a canvas for exploration as she contemplates the mysteries that await discovery.

Her intrigue deepens as the scene within the ruins unfolds before her mental eye. Another pair of figures enter the fray, both adorned with yellow and red hair. The unexpected convergence of these characters fuels Taiyo's curiosity. "Wait, what do you mean the 7 people fight each other?! Ahh, I want to see it!!!" Taiyo's excitement is palpable, her eagerness to witness the unfolding conflict evident.

With gratitude for the upcoming narrative, Taiyo expresses her anticipation. "You are going to describe it to me? Thank you!!!" Her words carry a note of sincerity, a genuine appreciation that resonates with the surrounding plant life. Their response is tangible, the plants rustling and swaying in response to Taiyo's compliment, a testament to the connection that has formed between them.

As the battle commences within the ruins, Taiyo's mental imagery transforms into a vivid spectacle. "So they started shooting each other like a different kind of glowy thingy?" she envisions, the ethereal clash of energy depicted with a touch of whimsy.

The unfolding narrative reveals that some participants have already been eliminated from the fray. "Ohh, the others have been eliminated already? They didn't die but they are unconscious?" Taiyo's thoughts echo with a mix of curiosity and relief, the outcome both surprising and intriguing.

Among those who have been eliminated is the red-haired girl, her role in the conflict coming to an end. "The red-haired girl has been eliminated?" Taiyo's words carry a hint of sympathy, her emotional connection to the unfolding story evident.

As the narrative progresses, attention shifts to the next participant, a violet-haired girl who becomes the focal point of the ongoing battle. "Next, is the violet one?" Taiyo's anticipation builds, her thoughts following the rhythm of the unfolding events.

Two distinct-haired girls, known as Ellen and Kana, are called into the fray. "Have the two-haired girls been defeated?" Taiyo's query reflects her engagement with the narrative, her curiosity piqued by the evolving dynamics.

Finally, the focus shifts to a green-haired girl, driven by a determined purpose. "Does the green-haired girl want to defeat the shrine maiden named Mima?".

As Taiyo's mental canvas continues to paint the unfolding tale, a pivotal moment emerges within the ruins. The enigmatic shrine maiden named Mima finds herself defeated by another, a figure bearing the name Reimu. The details of their confrontation weave a narrative that captures Taiyo's attention.

"Does the Reimu person use Paper thingy?" Taiyo's query echoes with a touch of intrigue, her curiosity piqued by the unique attributes displayed by Reimu in the heat of battle.

A shift in focus introduces a new contender, a blonde-haired girl named Marisa who stands ready to engage Reimu in combat. The dynamic clash between the two fighters sparks Taiyo's interest, each move and exchange is a testament to their determination.

However, an unexpected twist adds an element of challenge to the confrontation. "No attacks can hit Reimu?!" Taiyo's incredulous disbelief is palpable, her assessment echoing the sentiments of a virtual audience witnessing a seemingly unbeatable opponent.

The humor in the situation is not lost on Taiyo as she humorously exclaims, "That's cheating! Officer, someone used hacks!" Her playful comparison to the realm of gaming adds a touch of whimsy to the unfolding narrative.

Reimu's triumph over Marisa further solidifies her dominance in the battle. "Reimu easily defeats Marisa and goes inside the ruins?" Taiyo's description captures the swift and decisive resolution, painting a vivid picture of Reimu's prowess.

As the story progresses, the focus shifts to the ruins themselves, unveiling a mysterious interior. "What do the ruins look like?" Taiyo's curiosity lingers on the details of this ancient setting, her imagination conjuring images of metal structures adorned with luminous elements.

The realization that the ruins might resemble a spaceship adds an unexpected layer of intrigue to the narrative. "Isn't that a spaceship of some sort!!! Huh?! Isn't this a fantasy world? Wait... isn't spaceships fantasy too... Whatever." Taiyo's stream of consciousness reveals her inner thoughts as she grapples with the fantastical elements interwoven within the story.

The introduction of a blonde figure within the confines of the "spaceship" introduces a surprising twist. "The blonde inside of it uses a gun against the shrine maiden?!" Taiyo's sense of disbelief is evident, her expectation of a more traditional fantasy confrontation shaken by the unexpected weaponry.

Despite the unconventional nature of the encounter, the tension remains palpable. "How absurd!!! This isn't what a fantasy fight is supposed to be like!" Taiyo's exclamation captures her reaction to the unconventional turn of events, underscoring her expectations and sense of immersion in the narrative.

The climax of the battle takes a surprising turn as the blonde's gunshots fail to find their mark. "But she didn't hit the shrine maiden with her bullets?" Taiyo's observation encapsulates the suspenseful culmination of the encounter, leaving her captivated by the unfolding drama.

A lighthearted chuckle escapes Taiyo's thoughts as she observes the turn of events. "What an idiot, what is she, a stormtrooper??" Her mirthful amusement echoes within her mind, a playful comparison that draws a grin from the depths of her consciousness. The humor of the situation isn't lost on her as she erupts into laughter, the sound echoing like a melodious symphony amidst the surrounding plant life. "Hahahahahahahaa....!!!" Taiyo's laughter rings out, a burst of genuine joy that dances on the wind.

The narrative continues its fluid motion, shifting its focus to the encounter between the shrine maiden and the red-haired girl. As the red-haired girl launches her attack, a dialogue ensues between the two adversaries. "They talked and the shrine maiden is super angry about it?" Taiyo's curiosity infuses her words, her thoughts keen on unraveling the emotions and motivations that drive the characters' interactions.

The clash between divine power and magic captures Taiyo's attention, the differences in terminology fueling a heated exchange. "So the shrine maiden uses divine power but the red hair called it magic?" Taiyo's understanding of the conflict deepens, and her appreciation for the intricacies of their confrontation is evident.

In the aftermath of their fierce battle, a victor emerges. "The shrine maiden beats her badly, and the two retreat while having sour faces?" Taiyo's description captures the tension that lingers in the air, the characters' expressions a testament to the intensity of their conflict.

As the narrative unfolds, the ruins themselves seem to respond to the events within. "Do the ruins disappear, leaving the shrine maiden with a smug face?" Taiyo's inquiry captures the dynamic transformation of the surroundings, a visual reflection of the shrine maiden's triumph.

Taiyo's gratitude for the narration is palpable as she expresses her thanks. "I see... Thank you for the narration!" Her words carry a note of appreciation, a sincere acknowledgment of the vibrant tapestry of events that have unfolded before her.

The resonance of Taiyo's emotions extends to the plant life that surrounds her. "The plants are brimming with joy, their color becomes light green." Taiyo's observation reflects her connection to the natural world, the vibrant response of the plants mirroring her sense of contentment.

As she contemplates her continued existence as a plant, Taiyo acknowledges the need to seek new experiences and interactions. "How long for me to stay as a plant? Well, I should bask again in the sun, and I have to make sure to attack any animals or beasts nearby." Her determination to stave off the creeping monotony of her existence is evident, as a resolve to embrace change and challenge.

Taiyo's declaration carries a sense of clarity as she contemplates her actions. "This isn't because I've gone insane; it's because I'm on the edge of being insane from looking at the same thing a thousand times." Her candid admission reflects the fine balance she seeks to maintain, a quest for equilibrium amidst the ever-evolving landscape of her consciousness.

With purpose in mind, Taiyo sets her intentions. "Let me see... I can attract the hungry beast." Her determination to engage with her surroundings and defy the monotony underscores her resilience, a testament to her unyielding spirit.

Taiyo's contemplations lead her to a dark realization, one that stems from her awareness of the blood that courses through her being. "I could release the scent of fresh blood because my entire body is full of them," she muses, her thoughts tinged with a sense of both curiosity and apprehension.

The concept takes root in her mind, and Taiyo ponders the means to manifest her intentions. "How to release it though..." Her inquiry hangs in the air, a question that holds the key to her newfound potential.

As Taiyo contemplates, a gentle sway overtakes the grass surrounding her, an ethereal movement that releases a faint red mist. The environment stirs, responding to her thoughts with an almost otherworldly fluidity.

The sound of growling heralds the arrival of a pack of wolves, drawn to the scent that has permeated the air. Their curiosity leads them into the grass, their steps unwittingly triggering a chain of events beyond their control.

In a sudden twist, the very grass they tread upon transforms into a sinister trap. Roots emerge with a ferocity that belies their plant origin, ensnaring the wolves ruthlessly. The once-curious creatures find themselves ensnared, and their attempts to escape are met with unyielding resistance.

The air fills with the anguished cries of the wolves as the roots continue their relentless assault. Bones are shattered, skin is punctured, and the very essence of life is drained from their bodies. Taiyo watches with a mixture of awe and horror as her newfound abilities manifest with an intensity that she had not anticipated.

The scene becomes increasingly macabre, as the once-fierce pack of wolves is reduced to a grisly tableau of blood and agony. The grass, now stained with crimson, takes on a heavy shade of green, its appearance morphing into something almost predatory.

Taiyo's awareness of her actions does not waver, and a pang of remorse pierces her thoughts. "Ahh... I didn't think I'd overdone it," she admits, grappling with the consequences of her power.

Despite the gruesome tableau before her, Taiyo's perspective takes an unexpected turn. "Well, whatever, it's a nice meal for me," she reflects, a pragmatic acceptance of the reality she now finds herself in.

As the grass recedes and the roots slowly begin to consume the remains, Taiyo's actions linger in the air, a testament to the duality of her existence. The scene paints a vivid portrait of her evolving relationship with her surroundings and the newfound abilities that have become a part of her very essence.

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