Grass Story

Chapter 3: And so I travel.

After enduring a period of being a stationary plant, Taiyo's newfound ability to move brings forth a surge of exhilaration. "Finally, after the gruesome amount of being a stationary plant is finished," she exclaims, her relief palpable in the tone of her thoughts.

With newfound freedom coursing through her, the once-stationary grass in the clearing becomes a whirlwind of motion. Leaves are stirred, a dance of movement that paints a vibrant path across the ground. Taiyo's control over her surroundings is evident as she describes the intricacies of her manipulation. "Although it may look simple, I controlled every thousand roots below me and made myself move forcefully," she explains, a testament to the precision with which she wields her newfound power.

A transformative moment unfolds as the grass itself merges with Taiyo's form, concealing her true nature beneath the guise of an ordinary patch of tall grass. "The grass patch can merge into me, making me look like an ordinary tall grass, but I have the durability of a million grass," she reveals, her thoughts laced with a sense of awe at her newfound abilities.

The notion of renaming herself emerges as a playful idea that Taiyo embraces. "Should I rename myself Kusa?" she suggests the characters for "grass" carrying a sense of whimsy and internet slang. The notion of adopting a nickname to conceal her true identity appeals to Taiyo, and she solidifies her decision. "That will be my nickname while I will hide my real name..." she decides, her determination unshakeable.

Empowered by her newfound mobility and resilience, Taiyo revels in her sense of purpose. "This grass will be the unstoppable grass of all time!" she proclaims, her confidence radiating through her thoughts.

As the grass sets out on its journey, Taiyo's intentions become clear. "From what the plants tell me, there is no such thing as saltwater here..." she reflects, understanding her surroundings guiding her path. Determined to find her way, she sights on a single direction. "So probably I'm in the middle of the land or something, so I should go in one direction to get out," she deduces, her resolve unwavering.

Her rapid movement attracts the attention of herbivores, ushering in a new challenge. "What is this!!! There is a train of animals chasing me!!! I should hide!!" Taiyo's thoughts brim with urgency as she contemplates her options.

The tension between survival and her desires becomes apparent as Taiyo grapples with the dilemma. "But... they are necessary for my humanoid form... It can't be helped; they are going to be my nourishment," she concedes, her internal struggle mirroring the complexity of her existence.

The grass's movement is accompanied by the emission of green orbs, a manifestation of Taiyo's unique abilities.

Upon contact, the green orbs explode with a vibrant burst, scattering in every direction. The animals caught in the explosion are struck with surprise and panic, their instinct to flee thwarted as roots entangle their limbs. Desperation takes hold as the roots wind their way beneath the animals' skin, slowly sapping their vitality.

As the terrible change continues, Taiyo starts thinking about what will happen next. "The animals that touched the green orbs were stabbed by the roots," she says, knowing that it was bound to happen. The sight is chilling, a picture of life fading away into just bones.

Taiyo's determination to bury the remains is driven by a sense of responsibility. "I'm going to bury them so people won't start hunting me," she declares, her understanding of the potential consequences of her actions clear. The recognition of her power and the symbiotic relationship she shares with the plant life that surrounds her bolsters her sense of protection.

A contemplative pause allows Taiyo to weigh her options. "Should I risk myself and attack a stronger creature here?" Her internal debate reflects the complexity of her situation, the interplay of survival and curiosity intertwining.

Uncertainty colors her thoughts as Taiyo grapples with conflicting emotions. "Now I'm conflicted about whether to die or live," she admits her internal struggle a testament to the weight of her choices.

Yet, an underlying desire persists within her. "I want to see my humanoid form first," she acknowledges a thread of longing that tugs at her consciousness.

With a blend of pragmatism and determination, Taiyo navigates her circumstances. The roots carry out their task with delicate precision, successfully burying the remains without arousing suspicion. "The roots successfully buried the many animal bones without leaking suspicion," she observes, her understanding of the subtleties of her environment evident.

And so, her journey continues. "Now I'm going to continue the travel," Taiyo proclaims, her resolve unshaken. The grass stirs to life once more, its movement a reflection of her unwavering spirit as she forges ahead into the unknown.


A resounding thunk reverberates through the air, eliciting a pained exclamation from Taiyo. "It hurts!!!" Her voice holds a note of surprise and frustration, mirroring the confusion that blankets her thoughts.

Puzzlement sets in as Taiyo grapples with the unexpected obstacle. "What?" Her internal inquiry carries a blend of bewilderment and disbelief, a reflection of her struggle to comprehend the nature of the hindrance before her.

The grass's movement persists, and its attempt to traverse its surroundings is met with an enigmatic resistance. Taiyo's deduction is swift and accurate. "Barrier?!" she exclaims, her realization punctuated with a mix of astonishment and determination.

A sense of futility creeps in as Taiyo contemplates her circumstances. "I've seen the sun going down yet here I am wasting my time for nothing!!!" Her frustration is palpable, her tone colored by a hint of exasperation at the seeming impossibility of her situation.

The tall grass, once animated in its motion, now leans forward with a gloomy air. The shift in its posture mirrors Taiyo's disappointment, a physical manifestation of her deflated hopes.

"I'll just sleep," she declares, her voice carrying a tinge of resignation. The decision to rest is borne from a place of weariness, a brief respite from the challenges that have come to define her existence.


A gentle caress of sunlight graces the grass, coaxing it back to wakefulness. "It's the early morning. I should just explore this enclosed space," Taiyo muses, her thoughts infused with a sense of determination and curiosity.

The grass responds to her resolve, its movement deliberate and unhurried as it embarks on its exploration.


Guided by the whispers of the vibrant flora that surrounded her, Taiyo's perceptive awareness honed in on the presence of three ethereal beings. Each fairy possessed a unique aura, as described to her by the plants: one with eyes of shimmering blue and short gold hair, another with fiery red eyes and curls of blond locks, and the third with deep brown eyes and long, straight black hair.

Although Taiyo couldn't see them herself, her senses were keenly attuned to the significance of their presence. Concealed from their perception, she remained perfectly still, her hidden sentience allowing her to act as a silent witness to the fairies' passage. "I stand before them, a hidden observer," Taiyo acknowledged, her voice tinged with both fascination and detachment.

As the fairies glided away, fading beyond view, Taiyo's determination held strong. "They've moved on, their forms now vanished from sight. I shall press forward," she resolved, her unwavering intent propelling her through the intricate landscape, guided by the whispers of the flora that graciously shared their world with her.


A soft thud resonates as Taiyo encounters an unexpected barrier, a wooden wall that halts her movement. "The plants told me that this is the human village," she reflects, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and intrigue.

Taiyo's response to this discovery is marked by a thoughtful tone. "Interesting," she murmurs, her words carrying a hint of fascination as she contemplates the significance of her surroundings.

Confident in her connection with the plant life around her, Taiyo expresses her reliance on this unique bond. "I don't know how to find it again, but I'm sure the plants will tell me how," she muses, her tone reflecting a blend of confidence and trust in the guidance that the natural world provides.


"This area seems to be full of bamboo," Taiyo observes, her tone carrying a note of contemplation as she takes in the abundant presence of the towering grass-like plants.

"Bamboo is grass, not a tree, so I can understand them clearly," she notes with a touch of understanding, her voice reflecting the unique connection she shares with the plant life around her.

Taiyo's attention turns to the inhabitants of the area, the bamboo reveals the presence of rabbit-like beings and a white-haired girl. "So there are rabbit people here? And a white-haired girl, I see," she remarks, her tone holding a hint of intrigue and curiosity.

Expressing her gratitude for the insights provided by the bamboo, Taiyo offers her appreciation. "Thank you for the information, bamboo," she acknowledges, her words tinged with a sense of respect for the natural world that continues to guide her journey.


"I can change my size now! I can disguise myself as ordinary grass, not tall grass," Taiyo exclaims, her voice resonating with accomplishment and enthusiasm as she unveils her freshly acquired skill, guided by the insights of the surrounding plants.

Her focus sweeps across the expansive panorama stretching before her. "Is this a giant lake? And is that a giant castle far away?" Taiyo muses aloud, her tone an interplay of wonder and curiosity as she absorbs the vastness of her surroundings, her perceptions shaped by the whispers of the plant life.

Deliberating her options, Taiyo evaluates the remote sights. "The giant mountain in the faraway seems nice to explore, but I don't want to test my hiking abilities with that," she remarks, her voice carrying a note of caution mingled with an undeniable spirit of adventure.

While her senses detect the diverse array of creatures populating the area, Taiyo's observations evoke a heightened sense of intrigue. "The creatures here seem more numerous than ever," she observes, her tone reflective of her deepened awareness and curiosity, drawn from the insights provided by the surrounding vegetation.

Suddenly, a spark of interest ignites within her. "Eh? Something interesting happens?" Taiyo inquires, her voice betraying her excitement and eagerness to explore the unexpected.

"I want to go!" she declares, her tone radiating determination as she prepares herself to advance toward the captivating unfolding event, her movements guided by the shifting and rustling of the grass beneath her, orchestrated by the guiding whispers of her leafy companions.


"Uwaah, there are so many creatures destroying this poor shrine," Taiyo exclaims, her voice a blend of concern and empathy, laced with a touch of sorrow for the sacred site's plight—a perception shaped by the insights of the surrounding flora.

Her focus shifts to another presence nearby. "Another fairy? A child with blond hair on my way here, wearing dark clothes and T-posing," she observes, her tone a dance of amusement and curiosity as she encounters the whimsical tableau, guided by the unique perspective granted by the plants.

With a hint of skepticism, Taiyo ponders the newcomer's nature. "Maybe it's a weirdo," she muses, her words a mix of intrigue and uncertainty, informed by her connection with the verdant world around her.

As the unfolding scene captures Taiyo's attention, her voice weaves a tapestry of intrigue. "Ohh... the shrine maiden and the blonde witch or magician girl?" she remarks, her tone a symphony of fascination and anticipation, woven from the whispers of her leafy companions.

Her amusement resurfaces as she observes the unconventional methods of transportation. "And they beat the creatures that are on the shrine... the magician flies away using a broom? And the shrine maiden is using a turtle to fly..." she notes, her tone infused with incredulity and a sense of humor, their actions a manifestation of the plants' descriptions.

Taiyo's voice is infused with a playful tone as she draws a comparison. "Seriously? A turtle that can fly, what is this? It's like a magic carp can fight on land!" she exclaims, her words painting a whimsical image fueled by her imaginative connection with the plant world.

Determined to follow the intriguing characters, Taiyo's tone reflects her sense of purpose. "I should follow them," she decides, her tone resonating with readiness as she embarks on a quest to unravel the unfolding narrative, guided by the intricate web of knowledge woven by the plants.

As the narrative continues, Taiyo's observations capture her incredulity and frustration. "They arrived on a mountain path and encounter a girl with red eyes, long red hair, wearing a yellow cap, has a white bow in her hair. Wears green and yellow clothing and carries a baton," she describes, her tone a blend of curiosity and disbelief, a mosaic painted by the plants' insights.

Taiyo's incredulity deepens as she witnesses the unexpected turn of events. "They talk to the girl, but the shrine maiden attacks the girl?" she exclaims, her voice a chorus of astonishment and confusion, her perceptions refracted through the botanical lens.

Her frustration becomes palpable as she observes the unfolding confrontation. "Seriously?! Like the girl doesn't want to fight, but the shrine maiden is oddly aggressive," Taiyo remarks, her tone tinged with exasperation, the plant world's revelations casting a unique hue upon the unfolding drama.

The dynamics of the battle evoke a mixture of surprise and curiosity from Taiyo. "Marisa seems doesn't want to fight, so she steps back and lets Reimu do the job," she observes, her voice infused with intrigue as she unravels the intricate dance of combat through the insight provided by the plant realm.

Taiyo's tone is marked by a mix of awe and puzzlement as she describes Reimu's prowess. "Reimu is overwhelming the girl, and the girl's hair becomes blue," she narrates, her voice a canvas painted with admiration and curiosity, guided by the whispers of the plants.

Frustration resurfaces as Taiyo reacts to Reimu's evasive maneuvers. "But Reimu is unfazed, and attacks don't connect to her, and it seems to avoid her," she notes, her tone layered with incredulity and a touch of annoyance, a perception sculpted by the plants' revelations.

Her exasperation is evident as she comments on the battle tactics. "Seriously, that seems like cheating!" Taiyo exclaims, her voice steeped in indignation and frustration, her perspective shaped by the unique lens provided by the plant world.

With a decisive move, Reimu emerges victorious, besting her opponent in the battle. Taiyo's voice mirrors her sense of awe and admiration, a symphony of emotions guided by the verdant insights that surround her.

As Marisa and Reimu begin to depart, Taiyo's voice carries a note of incredulity. "Wait! You're leaving the unconscious girl here!?" she exclaims, her words resonating with concern and disbelief, informed by the unique perspective granted by her botanical companions.

Responding swiftly, Taiyo takes matters into her own hands, using the plants' roots to gently pull the girl towards a nearby tree. Her voice carries a sense of determination as she issues her plea. "Please protect her when there are creatures that threaten to hurt her," she implores, her words woven with care and a profound sense of responsibility, the plants' wisdom guiding her intentions.

The plants respond with a subtle rustling, their movements indicating their understanding and agreement. "Thank you!!!" Taiyo expresses her gratitude, her voice a heartfelt symphony of appreciation and relief, echoing the harmonious connection she shares with the plant world, and the benevolent aid they offer in response to her entreaty.


"I've managed to catch up to the girls as they ascend the mountain, their path taking them over the lake that eerily resembles blood, and onward toward the enigmatic island at its center," Taiyo recounts, her voice weaving a tapestry of intrigue and resolve as she trails their path, guided by the whispers of the plants.

She contemplates her limitations, her tone tinged with a touch of resignation. "Is this the end of the line for me?" Taiyo wonders aloud, a hint of disappointment lacing her words. "Well, it can't be helped. I lack a humanoid form that can navigate the waters," she adds, her voice carrying a note of acceptance as she acknowledges her constraints.

With a resolute sigh, Taiyo's determination shines through as she decides her next course of action. "And so, retracing my steps, I leave the scene behind, moving forward without looking back," she concludes, her voice a harmonious blend of resolve and purpose, echoing the wisdom imparted by the plant realm that guides her journey.



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