Grass Story

Chapter 4: And so I travel II.

Having retraced my steps back to where I started, I find the girl still resting, unconscious. Deciding to let her sleep, I quietly continue on my way toward the shrine, my footsteps guided by the sensations and instincts of the surrounding plants.

As I approach the shrine once more, a peculiar sight unfolds before me – an array of creatures, seemingly gathered in this area. I contemplate the possibility of an "exp farm" or some sort of hunting ground, a notion that piques my curiosity. However, I recognize that consuming these creatures could expedite my transformation into a humanoid form, a thought that fuels my determination.

In response to this opportunity, the plants around me spring into action. Swiftly and silently, roots emerge from the ground, launching an unexpected assault on the unsuspecting creatures. A sense of surprise and urgency emanates from the creatures as they attempt to flee, yet their efforts are in vain. The very surroundings of the shrine seem to transform, as roots materialize and close off any potential escape routes.

It becomes clear that there is no escape for the creatures – they have inadvertently become prey in this unforgiving game of survival. The relentless roots, acting as my extensions, ensnare and incapacitate the creatures, ensuring their fate as sustenance for the hungry grass.


Observing the cessation of creature spawns, Taiyo determines that it is now an opportune moment to depart from the shrine's vicinity. The grass beneath her begins to move silently, erasing any traces of the recent encounter as she withdraws from the scene.

Meanwhile, near a Hokora, a figure with vibrant green hair becomes aware of Taiyo's departure and fades from view.


The aftermath of the encounter leaves Taiyo with a lingering sense of dissatisfaction. Her hopes for attaining a humanoid form from the consumed creatures remain unfulfilled, and a tinge of disappointment colors her thoughts.

With a resigned sigh, Taiyo acknowledges the situation. "It can't be helped," she muses softly, a touch of acceptance in her voice. Undeterred, she resolves to press forward and continue her exploration of the surrounding environment, her movements guided by the keen senses of the plants around her.


Guided by the insights of the surrounding plants, Taiyo becomes aware of her proximity to the residence of the blonde magician. A sense of acknowledgment stirs within her as she takes note of her location.

Yet, despite this newfound awareness, Taiyo remains resolute in her journey, her determination unwavering. "Well, I should keep going," she affirms, her voice carrying a steadfast resolve as she continues to traverse the land, her movements shrouded in mystery as she relies on the plant's senses for guidance.


The plant's guidance leads Taiyo to an unexpected discovery—a shop that appears to be an antique store. A mixture of surprise and intrigue colors her thoughts as she contemplates the peculiarities of this human establishment.

A note of curiosity enters Taiyo's voice as she ponders, "What kind of human isn't afraid of weird creatures?" Her musings reflect her sense of wonder at the unique dynamics of this world she has found herself.

As Taiyo considers the possibility of an unconventional shop owner, she adds, "Maybe the store owner is weird too," her tone a blend of bemusement and expectation, hinting at the intriguing encounters that may await her within the antique shop.


Amidst her extensive exploration, Taiyo's path leads her to a graveyard—an expanse of resting places that draws her attention. A detached curiosity tinges her thoughts as she observes the neat arrangement of tombstones.

A fleeting impulse, swiftly suppressed, stirs within Taiyo. Her inner musings are momentarily interrupted by the instinctive urge to feed on the remnants of those who rest here. Yet, she quickly admonishes herself, resolute in her determination to resist such temptations.

"I should stop thinking about that and move on," Taiyo reminds herself, her tone carrying a firm resolve.


Taiyo's path takes her to a sunflower field, a sight that captivates her senses with its sheer beauty. The golden blooms stretch out before her, a vibrant tapestry of nature's artistry. However, a peculiar observation unsettles her—there is an absence of the chaos and destruction often associated with the presence of monsters.

An instinctive feeling, almost like a whisper from the plants themselves, cautions Taiyo against lingering in this idyllic scene. Despite the visual allure, an undercurrent of danger lingers in her perception, urging her to continue her journey.

"It's beautiful... but, oddly, there is no monster wreaking havoc in here..." Taiyo's voice conveys a blend of appreciation and wariness, underscoring her intuitive awareness of the anomaly.

"My instinct said it's dangerous to stay here," she acknowledges with a note of caution.


"This is the mountain that I saw earlier. I will attempt to climb it stealthily," Taiyo's determination is evident as she carefully maneuvers her way up the mountain's slope, her actions guided by the insights of the plants around her.

Amidst her ascent, Taiyo's path intersects with a group of little girls, easily recognizable as Kappa due to their distinct blue hiker-style outfits, complete with backpacks and hats. Taiyo's thoughts linger on the unexpected sight, though her words falter as she finds herself at a loss for an appropriate response.

Continuing her climb, Taiyo's journey introduces her to a new character— A vivid description paints the picture of the enigmatic girl, from her striking red eyes to the intricate details of her attire, including the thorny vine motif and the peculiar shackle on her wrist.

Further along, Taiyo's attention is drawn to a giant pond teeming with frogs. The playful scene unfolds before her as Cirno, a familiar face, engages in her antics with the amphibious creatures. With calculated precision, Taiyo pushes Cirno into the water, eliciting a startled reaction from the ice fairy.

"Don't call me fake again!" Taiyo's voice rings with a mixture of triumph and determination, her act serving as a bold assertion of her newfound agency. Unperturbed by the aftermath, Taiyo continues her ascent up the mountain, the encounter with Cirno left in her wake.


As Taiyo's exploration continues, her senses guided by the plants around her, she comes across a figure that stands out from the fantastical backdrop. A silver-haired woman, dressed in a manner reminiscent of primitive attire, catches her attention. Taiyo's inner thoughts reflect a sense of relief at the sight of someone who appears more conventionally ordinary in this extraordinary world.


Amidst the captivating landscape, Taiyo's perception is guided solely by the plants, and she observes a peculiar sight. Figures resembling bird people soar through the air, clutching papers in their hands as they glide gracefully. A thought crosses her mind—could these be Tengu, the legendary beings often associated with the mountains and forests?

Taiyo's exploration takes a turn as she decides to descend from the elevated vantage point. The plants continue to guide her, their sensory insights providing her with a vivid understanding of the environment.


The grass's days unfold with a sense of whimsy and curiosity, as it ventures through the world and observes various inhabitants. Its mischievous side occasionally emerges, leading it to play pranks on unsuspecting fairies, a lighthearted diversion from its otherwise solitary existence. The grass's resourcefulness becomes apparent when it employs seagrass to help catch fish by the giant lake, showcasing its adaptability and the unique ways it interacts with its surroundings.

As the grass lingers near different locations, it becomes a silent observer of daily life. It watches the rabbit girls in the bamboo forest, witnesses Reimu's frustration at Mima near the shrine, and even encounters a mysterious black Orb that turns out to be a child. Its interactions are subtle yet impactful, as it trips the child and continues on its way, leaving an impression of playful mischief.

Amidst its wanderings, the grass's attention is drawn to Marisa, the familiar blonde magician, who is focused on gathering herbs and mushrooms in the forest. The grass's roots quietly entangle Marisa's feet.

With her collection of mushrooms complete, Marisa prepares to leave the forest and head on her way. However, her steps are abruptly halted as she suddenly loses her balance, leading to an unexpected tumble to the ground. The impact is met with an exclamation of surprise from the magician, her voice echoing through the tranquil surroundings.

Amused by the spectacle, Taiyo's presence is subtly felt as she observes the scene. The playful spirit of the grass finds entertainment in Marisa's misfortune, evident in the amused comment she makes. The plants, acting as her eyes and ears, relay the details to her – even the unexpected observation of the color of Marisa's underwear.

Casually shrugging off any responsibility for the magician's mishap, Taiyo's sense of detachment is evident. With a nonchalant attitude, she continues on her journey, leaving behind a puzzled and bewildered Marisa who remains unaware of the grass's mischievous involvement.


As weeks pass by, the mischievous pranks orchestrated by the grass have left many creatures perplexed, believing themselves to be cursed due to the series of strange incidents. Even the ice fairy, a victim of the grass's antics, finds herself mysteriously falling into bodies of water without explanation, prompting her to seek solace and answers at the shrine.

Amid this curious turmoil, Reimu and Marisa take it upon themselves to uncover the source of these unusual occurrences. However, their efforts are in vain, as the orchestrator of the pranks remains elusive – an unseen presence that eludes both their sight and grasp.

Meanwhile, Taiyo finds herself mired in boredom, her days lacking excitement and novelty. However, her surroundings abruptly shake, drawing her attention to the unexpected upheaval. The ground trembles and the air is filled with a sense of anticipation as creatures emerge from a nearby cave near the Hakurei Shrine. The plants, serving as her eyes and ears, convey this newfound information to her.

Filled with excitement at the prospect of something intriguing unfolding, Taiyo expresses her gratitude to the plants for keeping her informed. With a renewed sense of purpose, she eagerly awaits the unfolding events, ready to immerse herself in the unfolding spectacle that promises to break the monotony of her days.


As the showdown between the shrine maiden and the magician unfolds, Taiyo, relying on the plants for her sensory perception, watches in awe as Reimu and Marisa effortlessly dispatch the creatures that have emerged from the cave. Their prowess in battle is evident, leaving Taiyo both impressed and intrigued by their abilities.

However, her attention is swiftly diverted when she notices a development that piques her curiosity. The shrine maiden and the magician, in a surprising turn of events, make their way into the very cave from which the creatures have emerged. Taiyo contemplates the implications of their actions, realizing that this could potentially lead to unforeseen consequences.

A moment of contemplation passes, and a mischievous thought crosses Taiyo's mind. She considers taking advantage of the chaotic situation by consuming the creatures that continue to pour out of the cave. Yet, as she weighs her options, she hesitates, wondering if there might be more to the unfolding scenario than meets the eye.

Mima's appearance does not go unnoticed by Taiyo, who observes her following Reimu and Marisa into the cave. The prospect of others joining the fray further intrigues Taiyo, prompting her to hold her position and await the potential emergence of additional figures. With a sense of anticipation, she remains hidden, keen to witness the unfolding events and discover the true nature of the situation.


As Taiyo observes the ongoing events through the senses of the surrounding plants, her instincts prove accurate once again. A new figure emerges, a girl with striking green hair, donning a school uniform and wielding an umbrella. Without hesitation, the green-haired girl swiftly dispatches the creatures that have been causing chaos near the cave. Taiyo can't help but feel a mix of awe and trepidation at the girl's swift and merciless actions.

Much like the shrine maiden and the magician before her, the green-haired girl also enters the cave, delving into the depths of the mysterious cavern. Taiyo watches as the girl's determined steps lead her further into the darkness, wondering what secrets the cave might hold and what challenges she might encounter within.

However, Taiyo's intentions take center stage as she seizes the opportunity presented by the chaos. Suddenly, roots surge forth from the earth, relentlessly attacking and eliminating the remaining creatures that continue to emerge from the cave. The cave's surroundings become a scene of frantic activity as the roots and grass work together to subdue and drag the defeated foes underground.

Amidst the tumult, a floating girl takes notice of the phenomenon unfolding in the cave. Intrigued by the display of power and the mysterious force at work, she watches with keen interest, drawn to the spectacle before her. The roots continue their relentless onslaught until, finally, the influx of creatures comes to a halt, leaving a trail of defeated foes in their wake.

With the situation resolved, Taiyo's presence fades away from the cave, the grass receding into the ground and retracing its steps to its initial starting point. There, bathed in a radiant green light and surrounded by a halo of red orbs, Taiyo transforms sorts. The fairies that inhabit the area become curious spectators, their attention captured by the enigmatic display of light and energy.

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