Grass Story

Chapter 5: I have become a small human.

A tiny figure lies nestled within a tranquil patch of grass, her slumber undisturbed by the world around her. As the gentle caress of awakening touches her senses, she stirs and gradually eases herself into a seated position. Her eyes flutter open, revealing a vivid shade of emerald green that seems to hold a glimmer of curiosity and wonder.

Adorning her youthful countenance are two delicate flowers, each nestled artfully within her hair, lending an air of natural elegance to her appearance. Her attire, a dress that harmoniously blends pristine white with shades of lush green, seems to mirror the very environment from which she has emerged.

As she takes in her surroundings with newfound awareness, the little girl's presence becomes a testament to the beauty and harmony that exists between herself and the verdant world that cradles her.

Picture of Kusa

A soft and delicate voice drifted through the air, barely audible to anyone who might be listening closely. The young girl, now transformed into a humanoid form, looked down at her newly acquired hands and took in the unfamiliar surroundings around her.

With a mixture of awe and trepidation, she softly spoke to herself, her voice carrying a hint of uncertainty, "It seems I have successfully become a humanoid..."

But as her gaze shifted, a sudden shift in her demeanor was evident. The innocence that had graced her countenance faded, replaced by frustration and disbelief. Her voice rose, tinged with a touch of indignation, "What the heck is this!!!!!"

Her agitation was palpable as she continued, her voice carrying a distinct note of exasperation, "What is this? This isn't acceptable! The fiction that I've read when the protagonist undergoes evolution and becomes an adult human, is a lie!!!"

Her frustration seemed to trigger a reaction from the environment itself. Roots emerged from the ground, surrounding her with their presence. These roots bore a unique coloration, a blend of white and brown, each branch adorned with sharp points that hinted at their potential power.

With a heavy sigh, her agitation seemed to abate, and the roots slowly retracted, sinking back into the earth. Her voice, now more resigned, murmured, "Can I change back into an ordinary plant?"

As if responding to her plea, a gentle green glow enveloped her form, and before long, she had transformed back into the guise of ordinary grass, the transition seamless and fluid.

As the grass emitted a gentle green glow, the transformation into the little girl was once again complete.

Kusa glanced around, her emerald eyes taking in her surroundings as she pondered her next steps. She seemed to be engaged in a silent conversation with herself, her thoughts articulated through whispered words.

"It seems I can..." Kusa's voice carried a mix of curiosity and contemplation.

The nod from the girl seemed to confirm something within her thoughts, and Kusa continued, her voice filled with a sense of determination, "Now what? I mean, I want to go to the human village, but because I look similar to a fairy, they will probably shun me."

She paused, considering her options, "Wait... I don't know the affairs of everything here. Maybe the creatures are on good terms with the humans."

An air of uncertainty lingered in her voice as she mused, "I don't want to go in and get hit by the unexpected."

Kusa's thoughts seemed to take a more practical turn, "I should just live like a normal creature... including the bloodshed."

She seemed to shift her focus, her curiosity piqued, "But first, I want to acquire simple knowledge!"

A thoughtful expression crossed her face as she contemplated her next move, "Maybe the Cirno fairy knows about it..."

A subtle realization dawned upon her, prompting her to add, "I think something is missing..."

Observing a leaf that was notably larger than her, Kusa decided to seek assistance from the surrounding plants. With a gentle request, the plant willingly offered a piece of its leaf, cutting itself with a willingness that might seem eerie to an outsider.

Kusa's internal musings noted the unique beauty in the act, even if it came with a hint of the macabre. "This is kinda gruesome, as expected because as a plant, you can feel every root, every leaf, and every movement of your body. So seeing a plant willingly cut itself is..." Her thoughts trailed off before finding a conclusion, "...kinda beautiful."

With a sense of gratitude, Kusa addressed the plant, her voice soft and appreciative, "Thank you, plant!"

In response, the plant rustled its leaves, a gentle movement that seemed to convey happiness.

Taking a determined step forward, Kusa decided on her next course of action, her emerald eyes shining with purpose. "Now I'm going to find someone to ask..."

Guided by her newfound leaf umbrella, the little girl began her journey, each step carrying her closer to her goal. The surrounding world seemed to observe her with a curious gaze as she embarked on her quest for knowledge.


Realizing that ordinary fairies wouldn't be able to provide the answers she sought, Kusa determinedly muttered to herself, "That's a waste of time. I should find the Greater fairies or maybe the three groups of fairies."

With a renewed sense of purpose, the young girl set off on her mission, her emerald eyes scanning her surroundings as she embarked on her quest to seek out those who might hold the knowledge she sought.


Kusa, with her newly acquired humanoid form, approached a figure she had encountered. She cleared her throat and asked, "Hey, can I ask a question?"

Rumia's Picture

Rumia looked around, seemingly puzzled, until Kusa directed her attention downward. "Are you a fairy?" Rumia inquired.

Kusa nodded. "Something like that... Do you know the name of this place?"

Rumia's response was unexpected. "I know the answer, but you have to defeat me first!"

Kusa raised an eyebrow, finding the tradition a bit peculiar. "Weird tradition, but okay..."

Without further ado, Rumia took action, shooting black orbs toward Kusa. However, the young girl's newfound abilities allowed her to summon roots, which deftly blocked the incoming orbs. Kusa retaliated by summoning green orbs that surrounded Rumia.

Rumia's initial confidence wavered as the green orbs surrounded her, and panic soon overtook her expression.

"Wait!" she managed to exclaim, but it was too late. The orbs hit Rumia, enveloping her in a cloud of smoke that spread throughout the area.

When the smoke finally cleared, it revealed Rumia lying unconscious on the ground. Kusa's victory was apparent, though she couldn't help but feel a bit conflicted about the outcome.

"I think that this magic is harmless... but it's painful for sure," Kusa mused, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Realizing the unintended consequence of her actions, Kusa lamented, "Wait... I made her unconscious, which means I can't get the information that I want."

With a sigh, the young girl decided to move on, leaving Rumia behind. Before doing so, she carefully arranged a makeshift grass bed to ensure that Rumia would sleep comfortably during her unconscious state.


In her quest for answers, the tiny girl eventually came across three fairies, each with a distinct personality.

Three Fairies

"Hey, may I ask a question?" Kusa inquired, her voice carrying a sense of curiosity.

Sunny, Star, and Luna exchanged glances, their attention drawn to the small figure before them.

"Did you guys say something?" Sunny wondered aloud, her tone playful and mischievous.

"It's the tiny human over there," Star pointed out, her voice carrying a hint of amusement.

Luna's gaze followed Star's indication, and she exclaimed, "It's a tiny human!"

Quick to clarify her identity, Kusa chimed in, "No, I'm not a human yet. I'm just a kind of spirit."

Luna seemed to take this information in stride, nodding her understanding. Sunny, on the other hand, was eager to get to the heart of the matter.

"So, what is your question?" Sunny asked, her voice tinged with a sense of curiosity.

Kusa wasted no time in getting to the point, her question direct and simple, "What is this world called?"

Star stepped forward to provide the answer, her tone confident and assured, "It's called Gensokyo."

Kusa's reaction was a mix of intrigue and uncertainty. "Gensokyo?" she repeated, trying to wrap her mind around the concept.

Star's response seemed to anticipate Kusa's confusion, as she elaborated, "Maybe you were teleported here if you don't know what Gensokyo is."

Kusa's confirmation brought a sense of understanding to the fairies, who then proceeded to shed light on the world she found herself in.

"Well, Gensokyo is a giant invisible wall that protects us from the dangerous outer world," Star explained, her words carrying a weight of both explanation and caution.

Kusa absorbed the fairies' explanations with a mixture of fascination and apprehension.

"Yes?" she responded, seeking further clarification.

Sunny's surprised exclamation was evident as she remarked, "This is the first time I've heard this!!!"

Luna's affirmation followed, accompanied by praise for Star Sapphire, "Sapphire, you are so smart!"

Star Sapphire basked in the glow of the compliments, clearly pleased with the recognition.

"You can see Gensokyo as the land of fantasy if I remember it right," Star elaborated, her words painting a vivid picture of the realm.

"In Gensokyo, you can encounter a multitude of different creatures, including gods," she continued, her voice carrying a sense of awe and excitement.

Kusa's internal thoughts took a practical turn, considering the potential dangers of coexisting with powerful entities.

"Wait, isn't that super dangerous? Because gods can destroy the whole area just by sneezing?" Kusa pondered, her mental query laced with a touch of humor.

Star went on to explain another intriguing aspect of Gensokyo, revealing a new rule that piqued Kusa's interest.

"Also, there is a new rule I remember!" Star began her words hinting at a recent development. "From my knowledge, everyone must use danmaku made by the shrine maiden."

She described danmaku as a harmless form of magic, used for mock battles that couldn't result in death. Kusa's mind raced with the implications and potential applications of such a rule.

"I see... thanks for the information," Kusa expressed her gratitude, her tone appreciative.

"You're welcome," Star responded with a warm smile.

As Kusa moved away to continue her exploration, the three fairies watched her go.

"Wait, did she thank us?" Sunny questioned, a sense of surprise evident in her voice.

The others halted their movement, the realization sinking in.

"Now that you've mentioned it..." Star trailed off, her voice tinged with a mix of astonishment and amusement.

Luna chimed in, "This is the first time we've heard a thank you..."

With a newfound sense of accomplishment, the fairies continued on their way, still contemplating the unexpected interaction.


As Kusa continued her exploration and contemplation, she couldn't help but be struck by the complexity of the world around her. Gods, ghosts, fairies, magicians, and humans—all coexisting in a realm that seemed deceptively simple at first glance.

"What is this..." Kusa mused aloud, her voice carrying a mix of wonder and realization. "This area seems more complicated than you first look at it..."

With a determined resolve, Kusa set her sights on a new goal. "Now I should communicate with the locals here and slowly gather some information," she decided, her thoughts focused on the task ahead.

Lost in her contemplation about the intricacies of her new environment, Kusa walked onward, her small form moving with purpose. It was during one of these moments of reflection that her path intersected with that of a familiar figure.

"Wait!!!" came a voice, and Kusa turned her attention to the source.

Marisa Kirisame.

The blonde magician, Marisa, stood before her, wearing an expression of curiosity and intrigue.

"A new kind of species here?" Marisa mused aloud, her eyes narrowing as she inspected the tiny girl.

Kusa responded wh dry humor, "It's more appreciated if you put me down."

Marisa's surprise was evident as she realized that the small creature before her could talk. "It can talk!!!" she exclaimed.

Kusa's retort was swift, "What kind of humanoid creature can't talk?!"

Marisa raised an eyebrow, countering, "Fairies can't."

Kusa conceded with a nod, acknowledging the magician's point. "True, you have a point there..."

Seemingly satisfied with the exchange, Marisa shifted her focus. "Do you have a name, little one?" she inquired.

"Just call me Kusa," Kusa replied, her tone confident.

Marisa seemed to find amusement in the name. "Kusa? That's a weird name," she remarked, a playful grin tugging at the corner of her lips.

As the two introduced themselves, Marisa added, "My name is Marisa, by the way."

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