Grass Story

Chapter 11: Pain and gains.

Submerged beneath the water's surface, Kusa gazed upward at the expanse of the sky, her thoughts forming a temporary refuge from the impending ordeal. The relentless migraine that awaited her upon resurfacing couldn't be ignored, but for now, she found solace in the unusual clarity of her thoughts underwater.

"I didn't drown..." Kusa's silent realization echoed through her mind, a reassurance she held onto amid the currents.

As she spoke aloud, her voice carried effortlessly through the water. "I can speak underwater easily," she observed, allowing herself a tangent to distract from the impending discomfort.

A wistful sentiment found its way into her words. "Being a plant sure is neat," she mused, finding strange comfort in the connection she held with the natural world.

Yet, she couldn't avoid the inevitable any longer. A decision was made, and Kusa emerged from the water, her body immediately responding to the reconnection with the earth. Her senses, attuned to nature's rhythm, surged with a newfound intensity, triggering a cascade of memories and emotions.

Vertigo swept over her, a tumultuous rush of experiences flooding her consciousness. Kusa gripped her head, attempting to steady herself against the overwhelming torrent of sensations and images. The souls held captive by the Youkai tree, the memories of countless lives, all surged into her being with unrelenting force.

"The information... it's flooding... and it hurts," Kusa managed to convey, her voice strained as she grappled with the influx of knowledge.

A sense of desperation overcame her as the deluge threatened to engulf her sanity. "I feel... like I'm going insane," she admitted, her vulnerability laid bare in the face of the excruciating pain.

Seeking respite, Kusa knelt and pressed her forehead to the cool, reassuring embrace of the earth. It offered a grounding presence, a momentary relief from the chaos that raged within her.

"Stupid..." Kusa's voice carried a note of self-disapproval as she murmured to herself, her discomfort evident as she struggled against the overwhelming sensations that had enveloped her. Moments later, her strength waned, and her body succumbed to the turmoil.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, darkness began its gradual ascent, casting its shroud over the landscape.

Meanwhile, in the depths of the forest, a determined figure traversed the skies, astride a broom and clutching a glowing lamp. Marisa's voice pierced through the silence, the urgency and concern evident in her shout, "Kusa!"

Guided by her unwavering determination, Marisa sped through the forest with agile finesse, her magical prowess illuminating her path. With each calculated maneuver, she fended off encroaching youkai, her relentless determination unwavering as she sought out her friend.

"Where are you?!" Marisa's voice echoed through the trees, a plea to connect with the one she sought. The magic of her lamp cast its blue glow, momentarily halting her advance as she scanned her surroundings.

"Kusa!" Her call echoed again, met only by the haunting silence of the forest. Despite her skill in combat and her knowledge that Kusa's connection to nature offered protection, Marisa's anxiety remained unabated, her heart racing with worry.

Undeterred, Marisa continued her search, navigating the terrain with practiced ease. Finally, her gaze settled upon a small figure near the pond, besmeared with mud and cradling her head in distress.

"Kusa!!!" Relief surged within Marisa as she sprinted to the scene, her fear momentarily dissipating upon hearing the sound of Kusa's breathing. Gently and with great care, Marisa turned Kusa over, her heart aching at the sight of her friend's unconscious form.

Kneeling beside Kusa, Marisa's concern deepened as she observed the troubled expression etched onto her features. It was clear that Kusa was in the grip of a distressing nightmare, her unconscious state a testament to the intensity of her ordeal.

Marisa's heart ached as she cradled Kusa's unconscious form on her lap, the mud-soaked clothing and physical discomfort forgotten in the face of her friend's distress. Determinedly, she took to the skies once more, her broom leaving a trail of star-shaped bullets as she zoomed through the night.

Swiftly, Marisa navigated the corridors, her focus unwavering as she embarked on her mission to care for her ailing friend.

In the bathroom, Marisa gently bathed away the mud and grime, her touch tender and considerate. Kusa's prone form was a testament to her vulnerability, and Marisa's actions reflected the depth of their bond.

With meticulous care, Marisa wrapped Kusa in a mini towel, her movements gentle as she carried her to the bedroom. She laid Kusa down on the bed, the familiar comfort of the room serving as a stark contrast to the turmoil that had overtaken her friend's consciousness.

Deliberately, Marisa chose an outfit from Kusa's wardrobe, a dress that had been crafted by Alice herself, catering to Kusa's ever-changing style preferences. The act of dressing Kusa held a sense of intimacy and care, a silent promise to shield her from the outside world's uncertainties.

As Kusa's restless form continued to twist and turn, Marisa's concern deepened. With a furrowed brow, she reached out to feel Kusa's forehead, seeking any signs of fever or illness. Her heart ached as she struggled to make sense of the inexplicable pain that held her friend captive.

"Why..." Marisa murmured, her frustration and helplessness evident in her voice. The lack of answers only intensified her worry, leaving her feeling powerless in the face of Kusa's suffering.

With a determined resolve, Marisa set to work, concocting a painkiller born from her knowledge and experience. She hoped that it would alleviate Kusa's distress, even if only temporarily. As she administered the remedy, she watched with bated breath, her eyes never leaving Kusa's face.

A sigh of relief escaped Marisa's lips as the painkiller began to take effect, gradually soothing Kusa's torment. The transformation from restless tossing to peaceful slumber was a testament to Marisa's unwavering care, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of solace in the small victory.

As Kusa's breathing steadied and her expression eased, Marisa finally allowed herself a moment of respite. She tidied up, changed into comfortable nightwear, and joined Kusa on the bed. Gently, she brushed a strand of hair away from Kusa's face before pressing a tender kiss to her forehead.

"Rest well, Kusa," Marisa whispered her words a whispered promise of unwavering companionship. With that, she settled in beside her friend, wrapping an arm protectively around her as they both succumbed to the embrace of sleep.


The first rays of the morning sun gently filtered through the window, casting a warm glow across the room and rousing Marisa from her slumber. Blinking sleepily, she shifted her gaze to the peacefully sleeping figure beside her. Kusa's features were softened in repose, a serene expression that eased Marisa's heart.

With a soft nudge, Marisa coaxed Kusa awake, her smile reflecting the relief she felt to see her friend safe and sound. Kusa stirred, her eyes slowly fluttering open to meet Marisa's gaze.

"Good morning, Kusa," Marisa greeted her, her voice a tender whisper as she reached over to gently pinch Kusa's cheeks. The playful gesture was a testament to their close bond, a moment of shared affection that spoke volumes without words.

Kusa blinked, her gaze meeting Marisa's with a mixture of curiosity and morning grogginess. The events of the previous night seemed distant, and Marisa's question brought them rushing back to the forefront of Kusa's mind.

"What happened to you last night?" Marisa inquired, her tone laced with genuine concern as she sought to unravel the mystery of Kusa's sudden distress.

Kusa's response was initially hesitant, an attempt to brush off the topic with a vague statement. However, Marisa's perceptive gaze didn't waver, and Kusa's resolve faltered under the weight of her friend's scrutiny.

"I don't remember," Kusa mumbled, attempting to deflect the inquiry with a weak attempt at evasion.

Marisa's eyes narrowed, her expression firm as she saw through Kusa's feigned innocence. She wasn't about to let Kusa off the hook so easily, her determination to uncover the truth driving her persistence.

"Don't lie to me, Kusa," Marisa's tone carried a hint of sternness, her unwavering gaze locking onto Kusa's. "I know you're lying when you drag your speech too much."

Kusa let out a resigned sigh, the facade crumbling as she realized the futility of trying to deceive Marisa. With a reluctant admission, she began to recount the events of the previous night, her words tinged with a mixture of vulnerability and honesty.

"You know I'm a plant, right?" Kusa's question held a weight of significance, a reminder of her unique nature that set her apart from the human world they inhabited.

"Of course," Marisa's response was immediate and unwavering, a testament to the depth of their friendship and understanding. Kusa's identity as a plant spirit was not a barrier to their connection; rather, it was a thread that bound them even closer.

The room seemed to hold its breath as Kusa's confession hung in the air. Her words revealed a piece of the puzzle that explained the source of her suffering, and Marisa's expression shifted from curiosity to understanding.

"I accidentally absorbed some of the Ayakashi's soul when I crushed it," Kusa admitted, her voice carrying a note of remorse. The weight of her unintentional actions and the subsequent consequences were evident in her eyes. "I didn't think that tree could absorb memories."

A somber realization settled over the room, as the depth of the situation became clear. Kusa's pain, both physical and emotional, was a direct result of the connection she unwittingly formed with Ayakashi's soul.

"That's why my head is severely hurting," Kusa explained, her gaze fixed on Marisa. The seriousness in her tone mirrored the seriousness of the situation, and Marisa's heart went out to her friend.

Marisa's initial surprise was soon replaced by a pang of loneliness. She couldn't help but feel a sense of isolation as if Kusa had kept this burden hidden from her. She was about to voice her feelings when Kusa's next words caught her off guard.

"I don't want to be a burden to you..." Kusa's sincerity was palpable, her eyes reflecting a mixture of vulnerability and selflessness. It was a sentiment that tugged at Marisa's heartstrings, leaving her momentarily speechless.

However, before any further words could be exchanged, Marisa enveloped Kusa in a warm, unexpected embrace. The suddenness of the gesture surprised Kusa, but she soon found herself melting into the embrace, her arms wrapping around Marisa in return.

"You won't become a burden to me at all," Marisa's words were laced with genuine conviction, a reassurance that held a world of meaning. The warmth of her hug and the sincerity in her voice dispelled any doubts that had lingered in Kusa's mind.

"Mmhm..." Kusa's soft hum was a response brimming with gratitude and a newfound sense of security. Marisa's words had managed to breach the walls of doubt that Kusa had erected, reminding her that she was not alone in her struggles.

"Let's take a bath and cook some food, shall we?" Marisa's cheerful suggestion lifted the weight from the room, infusing it with a renewed sense of camaraderie and warmth.

"Yeah," Kusa replied, her small smile returning as a sense of normalcy began to settle back into their interactions.


In the cozy dining room on the second floor, the atmosphere was filled with a mix of comfort and playfulness as Kusa and Marisa enjoyed their meal together.

"Did you guys finish talking with Yukari?" Kusa inquired between bites, her expression curious as she savored the flavors.

"Nope, she wasn't around yesterday, so Ran mentioned that she might be available in the morning," Marisa responded, taking a moment to spoon-feed Kusa as if to emphasize her point.

Kusa nodded, understanding the cautious approach Marisa was taking. The events of the previous day had left an imprint of concern in both of their minds.

"But after what happened to you... I don't want to take any chances, so I'm staying with you for the whole day," Marisa added, her tone carrying a mixture of protectiveness and worry. It was clear that Kusa's well-being was of utmost importance to her.

Kusa considered Marisa's words, appreciating the depth of their connection. However, she didn't want to be a source of constraint for Marisa.

"What about Reimu?" Kusa gently prodded, her concern for Marisa's well-being evident.

Marisa's demeanor shifted, her expression turning serious. "Despite being considered rivals, I have to admit she's incredibly strong," she replied, her voice carrying a weight that Kusa could sense. The implications of her words resonated deeply.

Kusa couldn't help but chuckle lightly. "I don't think she considers you a rival, though," she teased, her words laced with a hint of playfulness.

A mock pout appeared on Marisa's face. "Well, she will now, because I almost beat her in a best-of-ten match," she declared confidently.

Kusa's laughter brightened the room. "Oh really? I'll have to hear all about it if you manage to beat her," she responded, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

Marisa's gaze locked with Kusa's, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Nope, you'll have to see for yourself how I managed to pull it off," she replied, her tone teasing yet full of determination.

"Someone is confident today," Kusa remarked with an amused smile, a playful glint in her eyes.

"If I'm not, how can I ever reach where I am now?" Marisa replied, gently brushing away a stray grain of rice from Kusa's cheek with a tender touch.

Kusa nodded in agreement, her expression thoughtful. She admired Marisa's determination and the effort she put into becoming the powerful and skilled magician she had become.

"True," Kusa finally responded, her smile softening as she pushed aside the fleeting thoughts of her journey and origins. At this moment, all that mattered was the tranquil atmosphere they were sharing.


Following their conversation with Reimu about the ghost problem plaguing Gensokyo, the shrine maiden resolved to take matters into her own hands. With a determined look in her eyes, Reimu declared her intention to embark on a solo investigation and confront Yukari to ensure the restoration of the weakened barrier between the realms.

Kusa and Marisa found themselves nestled in the cool shade of a tree near the lush grasslands. They were enjoying a quiet moment together, sharing a simple meal as they admired the vibrant array of flowers that had burst into full bloom after the restoration of the spring essence.

"I didn't expect the flowers to be in full bloom so soon after we restored spring," Marisa marveled, her eyes tracing the delicate petals that danced in the gentle breeze.

"Gensokyo has always been full of surprises. Its magic is woven into every aspect of nature," Kusa replied, a playful glint in her eyes. "And speaking of nature, I can't help but feel a special kinship with these plants."

Marisa chuckled at Kusa's mischievous comment, appreciating her sense of humor.

"Well, I'm certainly grateful for that weirdness. Thanks to it, I get to spend time with a unique and wonderful sentient grass," Marisa said, her voice softening with sincerity.

Kusa was momentarily taken aback by Marisa's heartfelt words, a warmth spreading through her as she processed the depth of their connection. She quickly gathered her composure, responding with her genuine sentiments.

"Despite lacking a physical heart or organs, you hold a special place in my... imaginary heart," Kusa confessed, her voice carrying a mixture of sincerity and playfulness. She wanted to cherish this moment, knowing that her time in Gensokyo was limited.

Marisa's smile grew wider as she pulled Kusa into a tender embrace, feeling a surge of happiness and contentment.

"I think I might just be the happiest person in all of Gensokyo right now," Marisa admitted, her gratitude shining in her eyes.

Kusa couldn't help but look at Marisa with an amused glint in her eyes.

"I'm pleased to know that I can bring such joy to your life," Kusa replied, a hint of smugness in her tone.

As they sat closely together, enveloped by the peaceful beauty of the blooming flowers, Kusa and Marisa shared a quiet moment of companionship, their unspoken emotions echoing in the tranquility around them.


Amid the intense training session, Reimu found herself locked in a relentless battle against Yukari, her every move a delicate dance to dodge the intricate patterns of attacks. With each dodge, she narrowly avoided the speeding projectiles that Yukari conjured, all while evading the swift strikes of Ran and Chen.

"This is getting on my nerves!" Reimu exclaimed, her voice laced with frustration as she briefly paused to catch her breath amidst the onslaught.

Yukari, seemingly unaffected by the chaos, held a teacup nonchalantly as she observed Reimu's struggle. Her mischievous grin betrayed her amusement at the situation.

"Think of it as a training exercise, my dear Reimu. After all, how else will you improve your skills?" Yukari replied casually, taking a sip from her tea.

Reimu shot a glare in Yukari's direction, her irritation clear as day.

"Training? This feels more like a never-ending obstacle course designed to wear me out!" Reimu retorted, her voice dripping with exasperation.

Yukari chuckled softly, her eyes glinting with amusement.

"Ah, but you see, in the world of combat, obstacles are aplenty. And as humans say, 'no pain, no gain,'" Yukari quipped, her tone teasing.

Reimu's face scrunched up in annoyance at Yukari's words.

"Well, I prefer the 'gain without pain' approach," Reimu grumbled, her frustration evident in her voice.

Yukari's expression grew more serious as she leaned in, her words carrying a weight of wisdom.

"But that mindset, Reimu, will only lead to weakness. To truly grow and become stronger, you must face challenges head-on and overcome them," Yukari advised, her tone firm.

Reimu let out an exaggerated groan, a mix of protest and resignation.

"NoooooO!!" she protested dramatically, not eager to embrace the notion of enduring more difficulties.

With a knowing smile, Yukari continued to push Reimu to her limits, determined to help her realize the importance of perseverance and growth

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