Grass Story

Chapter 12: Flower Viewing.

Amidst the festive atmosphere at the Hakurei Shrine, humans and youkai alike were gathered for a joyous feast. Laughter and merriment filled the air as they shared food, stories, and camaraderie. It was a rare occasion for the two worlds to come together in harmony, a testament to the unique nature of Gensokyo.

Kusa, however, observed the festivities from a different perspective. While she too participated in the preparations, her keen senses allowed her to detect an underlying anomaly. She sensed an eerie presence – a living mist that seemed to envelop the shrine and its surroundings.

"It's the second time this has happened. There's no doubt that this is another one of those supernatural events," Kusa mused to herself, her mind working to decipher the mysterious occurrence. The sudden spring viewing feast, while seemingly innocent, raised her suspicions.

As the mist swirled and weaved around the shrine, Kusa found herself unaffected by its influence. Positioned under a patch of sunlight, the mist dared not encroach upon her, its ethereal tendrils recoiling from the radiant warmth.

"Living mist... what a pain," Kusa remarked, her voice tinged with a mix of annoyance and resignation. She had seen such phenomena before and knew that those enshrouded by it were oblivious to its unnatural nature.

Despite her aloof demeanor, Kusa had played her part in preparing for the feast. She recognized the limitations of the shrine's resources and felt a sense of pity for Reimu, the diligent but financially constrained shrine maiden.

"I'm well aware of the one responsible for this, but I'm not particularly inclined to engage with the mightiest Oni in Gensokyo," Kusa admitted, a shiver running down her spine at the thought of confronting Ibuki Suika.

Kusa's thoughts shifted to the attendees of the feast, the humans and youkai partaking in the festivities. She pondered the eventual breaking point of their blissful camaraderie, knowing that the mist's influence would eventually take its toll.

"Let them deal with it themselves," Kusa concluded, her gaze drifting away from the shrine and towards a clearer area. She ventured towards a sunflower field, basking in the sun's gentle embrace.

The conversation within her mind turned to her recent encounter with Ayakashi's soul, an experience that had left a lasting impact. Kusa found herself appreciating the unexpected assistance it had provided, allowing her to inhabit a more capable and robust form.

A serene aura enveloped Kusa as vines encircled her form, delicately weaving around her like a cocoon. The vines emitted a soft, gentle glow, illuminating the scene with an otherworldly radiance. With each passing moment, more vines joined the intricate pattern, gradually transforming the small bundle into a sprawling expanse of verdant growth.

As the vines continued to intertwine and multiply, the cocoon expanded, its once modest size giving way to a magnificent spectacle of nature's artistry. The air itself seemed to hum with quiet energy, a testament to the magic at work.

The luminescence intensified, casting an ethereal light that danced across the encased figure. The anticipation built an unspoken promise of something wondrous about to be revealed. Then, in a crescendo of brilliance, the vines burst open in a glorious display, unveiling the transformation they had nurtured within.

Emerging from the remnants of the cocoon stood a girl of captivating beauty. Green hair cascaded down like a cascade of leaves, framing features that exuded an air of enchantment. Pink eyes sparkled with a hint of mystery, a reflection of the secrets they held within. Her attire, a pristine white dress with long sleeves and a flowing skirt, exuded an aura of elegance and purity. A contrasting black tie added a touch of sophistication to the ensemble, while white stockings adorned her legs with a sense of grace.

The newfound presence radiated an air of tranquility as if she were an embodiment of the very nature that surrounded her. She stood with an air of poise, her gaze serene and contemplative, as if awakening from a deep slumber to embrace a new existence.

Kusa's joyful expression mingled with curiosity as she observed her new human form, a subtle sense of wonder emanating from her being. Her gaze shifted downward, her attention caught by the altered perspective her newfound height granted her. It was a simple pleasure, yet it held a profound significance to her.

A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she reflected on the phrase she had used earlier. "Feel the pain and you gain," she mused, her words carrying a mix of light-heartedness and genuine contentment. It was as if the challenges she had faced had woven a deeper understanding into the fabric of her existence.

Curiosity piqued, Kusa entertained a novel question. "Can I bleed?" she pondered aloud, her tone laced with a childlike curiosity. Her thoughts manifested into reality as she conjured a blade crafted from reeds, an embodiment of her innate connection to the natural world.

Experimentally, she tested the blade's sharpness by slicing a lock of her hair. The blade effortlessly cut through the hair, it's precision is a testament to the harmonious fusion of nature's elegance and Kusa's innate power. However, the display of prowess soon turned into an unintended mishap.

The atmosphere grew tense as Kusa's gaze shifted from the blade to her left hand, which was now severed. Her eyes welled up with a mixture of shock, pain, and regret. The blade dropped from her grip as her emotions surged, her voice trembling between gasps.

"It hurts so bad..." Kusa's words carried poignant anguish, a reflection of both physical pain and the weight of her own self-inflicted mistake. She grappled with the reality of her actions, feeling the intensity of her emotions surge through her.

In a heartbreaking revelation, Kusa's realization unfolded before her. There was no blood flowing from the severed hand, confirming that the transformation had not truly made her human. It was a stark reminder of the boundaries that still defined her existence, a reminder that the journey towards her own identity was far from over.

With a mixture of acceptance and a tinge of sadness, Kusa spoke softly, almost to herself. "It seems I'm still a plant." She paused, her gaze distant for a moment before she shook her head, dispelling any lingering thoughts. "But that's okay," she affirmed, a sense of resilience underlying her words.

The severed hand, once fallen, underwent a mesmerizing transformation. Green lights danced and swirled around it, akin to emerald fireflies. The lights converged, enveloping the dismembered limb until it began to reform. Vines twined and encased the emerging structure, weaving a new hand with intricate precision. The process was a testament to Kusa's remarkable connection with nature, a fusion of her plant-like essence and the potential for regeneration.

As the newly formed hand settled into place, Kusa's gaze shifted from the revitalized limb to her surroundings, her thoughts a blend of awe and contemplation. "Now that's finished, I can deduce that I have no organs... or do I?" Her mind meandered down a perplexing path, wondering about the intricacies of her existence. A fleeting impulse crossed her thoughts, an urge to explore the depths of her physical form. "I'm going to stop those thoughts," Kusa muttered, her voice a quiet determination to quell the inquisitive musings that threatened to spiral.

Despite her efforts to suppress such contemplations, another thought slipped in, hinting at the possibilities that lay ahead. "It feels like a human body... is it possible to gain a fully human body?" The notion lingered, a tantalizing prospect that danced on the horizon of Kusa's consciousness. It was a thought that carried both curiosity and uncertainty, a glimpse into a potential future that stirred a whirlwind of emotions.

Returning to the shrine, Kusa's steps guided her through the tranquil surroundings until an unexpected encounter shifted her focus. Another figure with vibrant green hair stood before her, a presence that mirrored her unique connection with the natural world. It was Yuuka Kazami, a woman of immense power and a reputation that preceded her.

Their eyes met, a shared glint of recognition and understanding passing between them. Without a word exchanged, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation. Yuuka's umbrella was set aside, a silent declaration that the two would communicate through action rather than speech.

In an instant, they moved, closing the distance between them with uncanny speed. Fists met fists, a collision that resonated with energy and intent. The impact reverberated, causing the very earth beneath them to tremble. The ground quaked, sending ripples of disturbance throughout the surroundings.

A series of resounding blasts and seismic vibrations followed, their fierce exchange echoing across the landscape. The clash of titanic forces sent shockwaves that reached the Hakurei Shrine, shaking its foundations and jolting its occupants from their reverie.

Inside the shrine, humans and youkai alike were brought to attention by the tumultuous upheaval. Eyes widened in surprise, and voices rose in a chorus of concern as the ground quivered beneath them. The once-peaceful atmosphere had been disrupted, and everyone present was left to grapple with the mystery of the seismic disturbance and the enigmatic battle that raged beyond their sight.

"Eh?! What happened?!!!" Reimu's alarmed voice pierced through the sudden chaos, a mixture of concern and confusion etched on her features. The festive scene had transformed into a disarray of fallen foods and spilled alcohol, a scene that caught everyone off guard.

"Earthquake?!!" Marisa's swift response was a testament to her instincts, as she swiftly took to her broom, defying the trembling ground to maintain her balance and stability in the air.

"Lady Yuyuko, I'll protect you!" Youmu's dedication was evident as she drew her blade, her gaze unwavering as she stood ready to fend off any potential threat that might accompany the tremors. Yuyuko's nonchalant response seemed to contrast with the situation, as she continued to enjoy her meal as if the quaking earth was a minor inconvenience.

"Mistress, are you okay?" Sakuya's concern was directed at Remilia, who found herself unceremoniously deposited onto the ground as a chair succumbed to the seismic disturbance. The exchange between them carried a mix of worry and care, highlighting their close bond.

"Yes... how about you, Flan?" Remilia's attention shifted to her younger sister, ensuring her well-being amid the unexpected upheaval. Flan's spirited response brought a sense of relief, indicating that she was unharmed and in good spirits.

"This earthquake seems not stopping soon," Alice's observation was accompanied by a calm demeanor, as she efficiently commanded her dolls to catch the falling food, showcasing her resourcefulness even amid a crisis.

Meiling, however, had a more unfortunate experience, her food slipping from her grasp and falling to the ground. Her crestfallen expression mirrored the disappointment of her ruined meal.

"The earthquake is making me sick..." Patchouli's frail form reflected the toll the tremors were taking on her, as she appeared unwell and uncomfortable in her seat. The disruption seemed to exacerbate her delicate constitution.

The mysterious mist dissipated, unveiling a horned girl perched upon the roof of the shrine. Suika, her gaze attuned to the ongoing events, offered her casual commentary amidst the commotion that had arisen.

"It seems like an intense fight to me..." Suika's words carried a touch of intrigue, her sensitivity to the shifts in the atmosphere allowing her to sense the winds of conflict rustling from the direction of the sunflower garden.

A rift in reality materialized, and Yukari gracefully emerged beside Suika, her presence adding a touch of enigmatic charm to the scene.

"It appears that the newcomer and Yuuka have established a rather spirited acquaintance," Yukari's amusement was palpable as she observed the aftermath of the encounter, finding entertainment in the unexpected turn of events.

"Eh... so you're telling me that my carefully planned festivities were unintentionally derailed by a duel?" Suika's incredulous tone conveyed her disbelief, her efforts to orchestrate a memorable gathering inadvertently upended by the clash of two individuals.

"It seems that's precisely the case," Yukari responded, her gaze holding a glint of playfulness as she regarded Suika's perplexed expression.

"Allow me to offer you this wine as a token of goodwill," Yukari extended a gift of alcohol, presenting it to Suika with a knowing smile.

"Thank you, Yukari!" Suika's spirits lifted as she gratefully accepted the offering, her delight evident as she received an abundance of the favored libation.

A hushed silence enveloped the surroundings, a brief lull settling over the scene. Suddenly, a powerful surge of energy surged through the air, manifesting as a colossal heat haze that materialized and dissipated in an instant, leaving an air of anticipation and curiosity in its wake.

In the sun-kissed field, a pair of green-haired girls lay sprawled on the ground, their chests heaving from the exertion of their intense duel. Despite their weariness, there was a sense of satisfaction that lingered in the air.

"I underestimated how draining that would be," Kusa confessed, her voice carrying a mixture of surprise and renewed energy. She cast an appreciative glance at Yuuka, who was similarly catching her breath.

"Don't be foolish to think you could wield a miniature sun without consequences," Yuuka responded with a soft chuckle, her fatigue tempered by a hint of amusement.

"Coming from someone who unleashed a barrage of five signature moves simultaneously," Kusa retorted playfully, her words dancing with jest.

"But I emerged victorious," Kusa's smugness hung in the air, momentarily affecting Yuuka's mood.

"Enjoy your moment, for I assure you, I will reclaim victory next time," Yuuka's words carried a subtle challenge as she extended her hand for a handshake, sealing their unspoken agreement.

As observers began to gather, the two green-haired combatants exchanged a firm handshake before a playful contest of strength ensued, each attempting to outmuscle the other.

"It seems you've grown stronger than one might have anticipated," Yuuka noted, a tinge of surprise coloring her tone as she assessed Kusa's newfound prowess.

"Naturally, I have no desire to be a mere plaything kicked around," Kusa's response carried a touch of defiance, hinting at the less dignified days when she had been subjected to such treatment.

Though smiles adorned their faces, a subtle intensity lingered in their eyes, a testament to the unspoken rivalry that had taken root between them.

As Yuuka's departure was announced, a cloud of confusion settled over Kusa's expression. It was customary for them to unwind and share tea at Yuuka's residence after their vigorous sparring matches, so her sudden exit caught Kusa off guard.

"Alright then, until next time," Kusa's voice held a touch of disappointment as she waved Yuuka off, a sense of longing lingering for the teas she wouldn't get to enjoy.

"Indeed," Yuuka replied with a playful smirk before transforming into a swift streak of vibrant green light, streaking across the horizon towards her abode.

With Yuuka's departure, Kusa turned around, only to find herself facing an unexpected assembly of both humans and yokai, their gazes focused on her. A mixture of surprise and annoyance flickered across Kusa's features as she recognized among them a familiar face - a certain mischievous yokai with unkempt hair and a disarrayed demeanor.

"Curses... that turncoat," Kusa muttered under her breath, a tense undercurrent coursing through her words. She clenched her teeth, knowing all too well that she was about to be roped into community service or, worse yet, forced to offer her culinary skills to the gathering.

Resigned to her fate, Kusa prepared to face the consequences, her expression a mix of irritation and determination. The burden of work that Yuuka had skillfully sidestepped now fell squarely upon her shoulders, a fact that stirred a mixture of resentment and reluctant acceptance.


he festive gathering continued, with a multitude of people and yokai joining in at the grand table to partake in the bountiful spread. Amid the lively chatter and clinking of plates, the topic of the spring incident was brought to the forefront once again, this time in a conversation between Reimu, Marisa, and Suika.

Reimu's question cut through the air, inquiring about Suika's motivations behind orchestrating the feast. Marisa, ever inquisitive, echoed Reimu's query almost simultaneously, creating a curious synchrony that elicited a small chuckle from some of the onlookers.

Suika nodded, her expression thoughtful as she confirmed their suspicions. "Yes," she admitted, her gaze drifting across the cheerful faces gathered around. "It's a shame to see spring cut short due to an incident. I wanted people to appreciate its beauty while it lasts, even if it means staging a little spectacle."

As the conversation unfolded, Youmu interjected with her insight, tying together the various elements at play. "And the unintended consequence was that Kusa and Yuuka's fight brought awareness to the mist and its effects," she pointed out, drawing a few nods of agreement from those nearby.

The discussion continued, Remilia's observation cutting through the chatter like a well-aimed arrow. "So, Kusa inadvertently resolved the incident while we were all caught up in our conflicts," she mused, her tone carrying a mixture of surprise and amusement, which was mirrored in the expressions of those around her.


Amid the festive atmosphere, Marisa couldn't help but feel a mixture of aggrievement and amusement as she confronted Kusa about her hidden transformation. With an air of mock indignation, she shook the green-haired girl lightly, her eyes narrowing playfully as she addressed the situation.

"Why didn't you tell me, huh?" Marisa's voice carried a hint of mock scolding, her eyebrows raised in a playful accusation. Her genuine curiosity was tinged with a touch of mock frustration, fueled by the fact that Kusa's secret had been revealed before she had the chance to see it for herself.

Kusa's response came with a sigh, a mix of resignation and amusement dancing in her eyes. "Well, it was supposed to be a surprise, you know," she explained, her voice carrying a hint of mirth. The fact that her new form had been exposed prematurely due to the unexpected encounter with Yuuka was an unintended twist that she couldn't have foreseen.

The topic shifted to their difference in height, a point of contention that Marisa playfully raised. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she pointed out the unfairness of Kusa towering over her now. Her words carried a lighthearted tone, but a hint of playful protest was evident as she voiced her thoughts.

"I mean, seriously, you're taller than me now," Marisa remarked, her tone feigning exasperation. Unspoken beneath the jest was the notion that their dynamic had shifted, and she couldn't help but feel a twinge of nostalgia for the times when Kusa could easily fit in her lap during their broom rides.

A grin tugged at Kusa's lips as if she could read Marisa's unspoken sentiment. "Don't worry, I can become smaller again," she reassured with a playful glint in her eyes, her tone brimming with a teasing quality that hinted at her mischievous nature.

In an instant, Kusa's form shimmered and shifted, returning to her initial petite stature, which was accompanied by an infectious sense of cuteness that she radiated. "See!" Kusa's voice held a note of triumph, her excitement evident as she presented her smaller self to Marisa.

Marisa's smile grew as she looked at the tiny Kusa before her, a wave of fondness washing over her. The others around them couldn't help but smile at the exchange, appreciating the dynamic between the two friends.

With a good-natured chuckle, Marisa scratched the back of her head in a gesture of mild embarrassment. "Well, I guess I worried for nothing, huh?" she admitted, a sense of relief and warmth evident in her words.

Kusa's form shifted once again, returning to her adult self, her green hair cascading around her shoulders. A mischievous glint danced in her eyes as she observed Marisa's reaction. She couldn't resist teasing her friend, playfully commenting on the newfound joy that seemed to radiate from her.

"It looks like someone has found their happiness," Kusa quipped, her tone light and playful. Marisa's cheeks tinted a faint shade of pink, but her response was immediate and heartfelt as she pulled Kusa into a warm hug.

The conversation took an unexpected turn as Reimu, ever the curious one, inquired about the nature of their relationship. Her curiosity was met with Marisa's unabashed pride, her voice ringing with a mix of confidence and playfulness.

"We're dating!" Marisa proclaimed, her voice carrying a note of triumph. The announcement seemed to hang in the air for a moment, prompting the others to exchange glances of surprise and confusion. Their collective reaction came in unison, a harmonious chorus of "Huh?!"

The shock of the revelation reverberated through the group, and a mixture of expressions—ranging from disbelief to amusement—crossed their faces. The unexpected declaration had certainly caught them off guard, injecting an element of lighthearted chaos into the already festive atmosphere.

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