Grass Story

Chapter 13: Fake moon and rage.

Kusa's tired form was evident as she approached her friend Mokou, who stood with a mixture of curiosity and concern. With her energy depleted from recent battles and unfavorable weather, Kusa sought out the source of warmth that Mokou's fiery nature provided. However, her approach was met with an unexpected response.

"Mokou~ let me hug you," Kusa half-murmured, her voice a blend of conscious and unconscious thoughts. The toll of the morning's poor weather and her intense battle with Yuuka had left her drained, unable to recharge as she normally would under the sun's embrace.

Mokou's reaction was swift and clear, a step back and a firm refusal. She seemed visibly uncomfortable with Kusa's zombie-like demeanor, a behavior brought on by her current weakened state.

"Why not?" Kusa questioned with a sleepy and somewhat plaintive tone. Her exhaustion was palpable, a result of her body's increased energy consumption without the ability to photosynthesize effectively. The prospect of entering a temporary chibi state and becoming embedded in the ground for several days held no appeal for her, prompting her quest for an alternative solution.

Mokou eyed Kusa with a mixture of wariness and surprise, ready to react if her friend's behavior took an unexpected turn.

"You're acting pretty strange tonight," Mokou observed, a hint of caution underlying her words.

Kusa's response was tinged with a touch of sadness. "The moon has been replaced with a fake one, and it's not emitting enough solar energy for me to recharge properly," she explained, her tone carrying a note of genuine concern.

"That's why I need to hug you," Kusa said with unusual seriousness. "Marisa isn't home because of this incident, and I need her Master Spark to hit me."

Mokou's incredulous reaction was expected. "You're telling me the moon right now is fake?" she exclaimed, her gaze shifting between Kusa and the clear night sky, where the moon shone brightly.

"Yup," Kusa affirmed without hesitation, taking advantage of Mokou's momentary distraction to embrace her. She could feel her energy slowly returning as she absorbed Mokou's comforting warmth.

Mokou's voice carried a mix of disbelief and humor as she muttered, "It's really weird to be hugging you now that you look like a human," referring to Kusa's temporary humanoid form.

Kusa caught up in her need for energy, didn't mince words. "Can't help it. I'm not immortal, and I need to evolve, or my life will be cut short," she admitted, her exhaustion causing her to speak more candidly than usual.

Mokou's abrupt halt in trying to pull away caught Kusa off guard, prompting her to meet Mokou's gaze.

"Wait, are you serious?" Mokou's tone held genuine concern, her curiosity now overridden by worry for her grassy companion.

Kusa's response was a mixture of playfulness and honesty. "Yes, especially since I'll lose another 'petal' soon, which means my life will be officially shortened by another year," she revealed, a coy smile tugging at her lips as she once again sought comfort in Mokou's warmth.

Mokou's final question hit a more somber note. "How many 'petals' do you currently have?" She voiced her concern, wanting to understand the depth of the situation and the time Kusa had left.

Kusa's voice carried a blend of both happiness and melancholy as she mentioned the number of her remaining "petals." With a renewed sense of energy, she knew she could make it through the night and into the next morning.

"I see," Mokou responded, her tone thoughtful as she closed her eyes briefly, absorbing the weight of Kusa's words. She couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness settle within her for her friend's unique and temporary existence.

Kusa, ever the mischievous one, seized the opportunity to lighten the mood. "You can't really 'see' since you closed your eyes," she teased, a playful glint in her own eyes.

Mokou's frustration was evident as she retorted, "Not in the literal sense, you idiot!" Despite herself, a small smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she engaged in their banter.

"Hehehe~ Hey, do you still remember our first meeting?" Kusa's voice took on a wistful quality, her weariness showing through.

"Of course," Mokou replied with a touch of amusement. "One day, I was just walking around when a strange creature suddenly decided to hug my foot." She recounted the memory, her tone tinged with both bemusement and fondness.

"No matter how much I pried, it wouldn't come off," Mokou continued with a resigned sigh, her fingers playfully pinching Kusa's cheeks in an attempt to rouse her from her drowsiness.

"And then, a few hours later, it just... came off," Mokou concluded, a chuckle escaping her. The memory was clear in her mind, a reminder of their initial encounter.

Kusa, her voice a mix of innocence and mischief, added, "I wonder who that creature was." She played coy, even though both of them knew very well who that "creature" was.

Mokou responded with a playful karate chop to Kusa's head, a mock expression of hurt crossing Kusa's face.

"Who else could it be? It's probably the grass on my side," Mokou quipped, earning a pitying gaze from Kusa as she turned her attention to the nearby grass, a mockingly sad expression on her face.

"Mokou, no wonder you have no friends. You only talk to grasses," Kusa said in a tone that feigned sadness, causing a faint twitch in Mokou's smile.

Mokou, undeterred, responded by delivering a harder chop to Kusa's head, prompting a genuine expression of pain from Kusa.

"Ouch! It hurts!" Kusa's voice held a more genuine note of discomfort this time as she shot a slightly aggrieved look at Mokou.

"Your low-energy side is pretty annoying, kind of like someone I know," Mokou remarked with amusement, her voice tinged with a playful edge.

"Hmm? Maybe it's your wife," Kusa chimed in excitedly, only to be met with another swift headshot from Mokou.

Kusa could be seen crouching, one hand holding her bumped head while the other was aimed accusingly at Mokou. Her exclamation carried a blend of frustration and playfulness, "You're mean, Mokou!"

Mokou's tone took on a more irritated edge as she retorted, "Maybe you should just shut up for a second!"

Kusa conjured a wooden board with swift finesse, fashioning it into an impromptu figure that mimicked Mokou's appearance. With a mischievous glint in her eye, Kusa brought her finger to her lips, gesturing for Mokou to take a moment of silence.

Mokou's reaction was immediate and fiery, her body erupting into flames as her frustration reached its peak. "You little shit!" Her words crackled with an intense mix of irritation and amusement, showcasing her dynamic personality.

Kusa, seemingly unaffected by Mokou's fiery outburst, burst into laughter and swiftly took off, her feet carrying her away in a spirited escape. Mokou, now a blazing figure of determination, pursued her with fervor, the playful chase weaving a tapestry of lightheartedness against the backdrop of the night.


Kusa, now covered in dirt, found herself being carried into Mokou's house by her phoenix friend. Though Kusa was immune to flames, she was certainly not impervious to getting dirty.

"Seriously, you made me chase you so hard," Mokou said with a mix of exasperation and a sigh.

Kusa pouted, responding playfully, "Because~ you are mean~."

"You've regressed to a childlike state of intellect... it's quite a hassle," Mokou muttered, showing signs of irritation.

Kusa's mischievous grin persisted as she teased, "Heh~."

Mokou's threat came with a seriousness that made Kusa fall silent. She realized she might have pushed the boundaries a bit too far this time.

"You should take a bath first, to clean yourself up," Mokou suggested, her tone softening. She knew she might have overreacted and decided to offer Kusa the space to clean up.

Kusa, however, couldn't resist a playful suggestion. "Let's take one together~," she said with a childlike demeanor, half expecting Mokou to decline.

Mokou looked at Kusa, a bemused smile on her face. Despite herself, she found Kusa's antics amusing. "Fine, you probably won't remember this memory anyway," Mokou conceded, a sigh accompanying her words. She figured that refusing might lead to a tantrum, given Kusa's current state.

Kusa, taken aback by Mokou's unexpected agreement, was momentarily speechless. She decided not to press the matter, recognizing the importance of restoring her energy through a bath.


Kusa's dissatisfaction was palpable, the lukewarm water failing to provide the necessary warmth to clear her thoughts. Even the constant stream of information from the surrounding plants was grating on her nerves. Her frustration grew, and she hatched a mischievous plan to remedy the situation – one that involved heating Mokou.

With an exaggerated and playful tone, Kusa remarked, "Ahh~ Mokou's bare body is quite a sight." She acted like a pervert, her words laced with a teasing edge.

Mokou, though taken aback by the unexpected comment, couldn't help but smile at Kusa's antics. "Shut up, you pervert!" she retorted, amused by Kusa's playful banter.

Undeterred, Kusa continued, "It can't be helped, you truly are beautiful." While Kusa's eyes couldn't perceive Mokou's appearance, the collective knowledge of the plants had given her a sense of Mokou's beauty, despite the phoenix's tomboyish nature.

Mokou's reaction was swift and familiar – another chop to the head. Kusa's pout deepened; she couldn't fathom why her words of praise led to being hit.

In an attempt to provoke Mokou further, Kusa took her teasing to an outrageous level. "Ahh... Mokou's armpits must be quite fragrant~ I'd love to take a whiff," she added with a disgusting laugh, emulating the crude comments she had come across on pictures of beautiful women.

Mokou's expression turned to one of disgust, her gaze piercing Kusa like she was looking at something utterly repulsive.

"I want to see you writhe in agony," Mokou's voice dripped with venom, her tone conveying a deep-seated annoyance.

Kusa, undeterred by Mokou's words, responded with a mischievous playfulness. "How about you make me?" Her playful demeanor was paired with the realization that the bathwater had warmed up, providing her with some much-needed energy.

"Pervert," Mokou sighed, her patience wearing thin as she dealt with Kusa's antics.

In the dimly lit room, they eased into the tub, their bodies almost too close for comfort as they shared the space. The sound of water splashing and gentle laughter filled the air as they playfully scrubbed each other's backs, ending their night bath with a sense of camaraderie.

As they began to dry off and dress, Kusa couldn't resist voicing a curious thought. "I always thought you were burning away the dirt," she mused, wondering if Mokou's fiery nature acted as a self-cleaning mechanism.

Mokou chuckled, her eyes glinting with amusement. "Well, if I'm feeling a bit lazy, that method works too," she admitted, though it was clear that laziness was a rarity in Mokou's vocabulary.

Just as Mokou was still in her towel, Kusa seized the opportunity to add a final playful touch to their interaction. Sneaking up behind Mokou, Kusa wrapped her arms around her in an unexpected hug.

"Oi! Don't mess around," Mokou exclaimed in a mix of surprise and panic, her usually composed demeanor thrown into disarray by Kusa's unexpected actions.

As Kusa leaned in, her voice took on a mischievous whisper, teasing Mokou further. "Hey, Mokou~" The intimacy of their close embrace was pushing Mokou's boundaries, and her face began to flush with a deep shade of red as her composure slipped.

The sensation of Kusa's teeth lightly grazing her ear caused Mokou to instinctively shove her away, her heart racing with both surprise and embarrassment. She struggled to form coherent words, her mind a jumble of thoughts brought on by the unexpected intimacy.

Reacting to Mokou's sudden push, Kusa stumbled back, her expression shifting to a mix of amusement and playful defeat. "Ugh..." Kusa's small form seemed to slump as she lost consciousness, her energy reserves finally depleted by her daring attempts to gain more.

Mokou, now regaining her senses and composure, found herself engulfed in a whirlwind of emotions. Shame, flustered embarrassment, and a hint of concern for Kusa's well-being all converged in her mind.

"Kusa, you idiot!!!" Mokou's voice rang out, a mix of frustration and genuine worry as she berated her grassy friend. The room seemed to carry an air of awkward tension as Mokou grappled with the unexpected turn of events.

Mokou focused on steadying her breathing and calming her racing heart, reminding herself that Kusa's actions were likely a result of her current low-energy state. Despite her initial reaction, a small undercurrent of disappointment lingered in her thoughts.

As the plants began to tend to Kusa, Mokou quickly dressed herself and carefully carried her friend to the bed. She watched as the plants efficiently went about their task, preparing Kusa and settling her into her usual clothes.

Sensing the presence of several individuals outside her abode, Mokou's guard went up. She cautiously stepped outside, her gaze sweeping over the group gathered there: Reimu, Marisa, Alice, Sakuya, and Youmu.

With a casual tone, Mokou addressed the unexpected late-night visitors while also gauging their intentions. "May I ask what you guys are doing here so late at night?"

Reimu's response elicited a surprised reaction from Mokou. "The trial of the guts? An urban legend about gaining immortality by consuming the flesh of an immortal?" She raised an eyebrow, a mix of skepticism and amusement in her expression. Though she couldn't confirm the truth of the legend, she certainly wasn't about to become a willing participant.

"Gross," Marisa bluntly interjected a sentiment that seemed to resonate with the rest of the group as well.

"I happen to be one of the Immortals, though... who is the one that told you to partake in it?" Mokou's voice carried a mix of curiosity and annoyance as she sought to uncover the source of the misguided idea.

"It's Kaguya," came the response, a name that ignited a blazing fury within Mokou. The flames that danced across her form grew more intense as her anger flared.

"I see... then all of you must be burned!!!" Mokou's voice crackled with intensity as she readied herself for what seemed to be an inevitable clash.

As the confrontation escalated outside, Kusa's peaceful dream dissolved, replaced by a rising sense of alarm. Groggily awakening, she stumbled out of the house, her mind still muddled from her recent fatigue and battle.

"Annoying!" Kusa's voice held a mix of annoyance and confusion as she emerged into the chaotic scene. Her attention was immediately drawn to Mokou, who stood visibly battered. Ignoring the plants' attempts to convey information to her, Kusa's focus was solely on her wounded friend.

Without hesitation, Kusa rushed towards Mokou, her concern, and compassion overriding any rational thought. She offered a portion of her life force to aid Mokou, causing another of her petals to fade away prematurely.

Amid this tense situation, Kusa's emotions shifted from alarm to pure rage as she witnessed Mokou's unconscious form. A profound stillness settled over the bamboo forest, the air heavy with otherworldly energy. Kusa's eyes took on a golden hue, and her entire being was enveloped in a vibrant green glow that resonated with the surrounding plants.

The forest itself seemed to respond, emitting an eerie and enchanting luminescence that mirrored Kusa's intense emotions. At that moment, she stood as a force of nature, her power intertwining with the very essence of the bamboo forest.

"I don't understand your motives, but you've managed to provoke my anger..." Kusa's voice resonated through the surroundings, a hauntingly beautiful melody that belied the intensity of her emotions.

"Kusa, snap out of it!" Marisa's voice carried a mixture of surprise and concern as she witnessed Kusa's transformation and the hostile situation.

The once peaceful plants that had surrounded them now swelled and contorted into massive, menacing forms. Hundreds of plant monsters materialized, their presence casting a shadow over the area. Leaves turned a foreboding shade of violet, falling like an endless cascade, while an eerie green mist enveloped the surroundings.

"Yes, it's all of you. You've harmed her, and now you'll face the consequences... your lives are forfeit!!" Kusa's words dripped with anger and malice, her voice laced with a vengeful determination that sent shivers down their spines.

The monstrous entities surged forward, a tidal wave of vegetation crashing toward the group. Simultaneously, hundreds of green orbs began to encircle the area, each emanating an ominous energy that hinted at the impending danger. The once serene bamboo forest had transformed into a battlefield, its atmosphere charged with an undeniable tension.

Nonsense 1



Nonsense 2


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