Grass Story

Chapter 14: Endless night end.

Chaos reigns on the battlefield, a true disaster unfolding before our eyes.

Strewn across the ground, numerous bamboo stalks lay broken and lifeless, mere remnants of the fierce struggle. A sea of plant-monster corpses bears testament to the intense clash that transpired, their demise a haunting reminder of the battle's toll. An ocean of leaves carpets the entire expanse, a blanket of nature's confetti scattered by the violence.

Amid this turmoil stands a green-haired girl, her radiance undiminished even amid the chaos. Cradled within her arms is a pale, unconscious figure with white locks, a stark contrast against the backdrop of devastation.

Frozen in her stance, the girl gazes forward, eyes unseeing and ears deaf to the urgent cries around her. Five figures face her, their tense forms poised for action. Futility marks their every strike, for the girl remains untouched, shielded by an enigmatic shield of roots that defies all attempts to breach it.

"KUSA, SNAP OUT OF IT!!!" Marisa's desperate shout echoes, lost amidst the chaos, falling on ears that cannot perceive.

Yet, from the realm beyond, a voice cuts through the chaos, carrying wisdom. "Save your voice, Marisa, she can't hear you," Yukari's ethereal words reach Reimu through the amulet on her wrist, casting a veil of understanding over the mystifying situation.

Seeking answers, Marisa's voice travels once more, her query finding an unexpected recipient. "Do you know what happened to her?" she implores, and it is not Yukari but Remilia who offers insight, her voice a calm harbinger of clarity. "She is probably affected by the fake moon," Remilia's explanation resonates, providing a plausible explanation for the enigma that has befallen the green-haired girl.

Amid the skirmish, Alice's voice weaves into the mix, tinged with a mix of admiration and disbelief. "Tsk... I know she is strong, but I didn't think she is this strong..." Alice's realization hangs in the air, mingling with the scent of fallen leaves and the rustle of bamboo shoots that stubbornly spring back to life as if defying the very chaos that seeks to quell them.

"The cycle begins anew!" Youmu's voice cuts through the fray, a call to arms as her blades dance in a whirlwind of precision and chaos, each slice an elegant testament to her mastery.

With swift reflexes, the assembled fighters heed Youmu's warning. Bodies twist and turn, evading the cascade of leaves and obliterating the encroaching bamboo that threatens to ensnare them once again. In this dance of survival, they navigate the onslaught with the grace of practiced warriors.

The urgency of the situation is palpable, and even Yuyuko's typically carefree demeanor is tinged with gravity. "It seems we need to force Kaguya to remove the fake moon immediately," her words echo through the charm that rests with Youmu, each syllable a weighty note of determination.

Yuyuko's proposal finds agreement among the ranks, and the Netherworld's Scarlet team is chosen for the pivotal task. Remilia's agreement, channeled through Sakuya's amulet as a conduit, solidifies the strategy. "That's a nice suggestion," Yukari's voice chimes in, her approval like a guiding thread woven into the fabric of their plan.

As the pieces fall into place, Youmu and Sakuya exchange a glance, a silent understanding passing between them. Without hesitation, they depart from the battlefield, a shared purpose propelling them forward.

Observing the scene, Reimu's keen gaze assesses the unfolding tableau. "It seems she's stopped attacking us," she remarks, her observation met with cautious relief among the ranks. Kusa's once-fiery aggression appears to have subsided, an unsettling calm descending upon her demeanor as Sakuya and Youmu withdraw.

"However," Alice interjects, her discerning eyes never leaving Kusa's form, "she's watching our every move." The unbroken intensity of Kusa's gaze is a stark reminder that her awareness remains sharp, a predator assessing her prey.

Amidst this tense exchange, a delicate petal drifts down from Kusa's ornate accessories. Marisa's heart skips a beat as she notes the ominous descent, an instinctive unease settling upon her.

Driven by concern, Marisa's resolve solidifies, and her decision is made. She sets off toward Kusa, a determined stride in her step, only to be met with an implacable barrier of roots that thwarts her every advance.

"KUSA!!!" Marisa's voice rang out, an anguished cry meant to pierce through the tumultuous chaos in hopes of reaching Kusa's senses.

Startled, Reimu turned her attention to Marisa's outburst, concern etching lines of worry onto her features. "Marisa, what's wrong?" Her voice held a mix of surprise and alarm, the abruptness of Marisa's actions catching her off guard.

The urgency in Marisa's response was palpable as she shouted, her desperation fueling her determination to breach the encroaching barrier. "She'll die if she continues like this!" Marisa's words were a stark proclamation, laced with fear and a fierce protective instinct.

Yukari's gaze fixed on Kusa, her keen insight unraveling the mystery behind Marisa's recklessness. "It appears that she's unknowingly expending her life force," Yukari explained, her tone measured as she unraveled the enigma. "To be precise, she's utilizing her life force to exert dominion over everything within this realm."

Marisa's struggle continued a resolute defiance etched onto her face even as the vines grew thicker and more numerous, an impenetrable wall of verdant resistance.

Responding to the perilous situation, Reimu unleashed her powers, her attacks cleaving through the vines that ensnared Marisa. Freed from the botanical bonds, Marisa was swiftly pulled back by Alice's firm grip, a mixture of relief and reproach in the dollmaker's eyes.

"You should rest, Marisa. This isn't you," Alice's voice held a gentle yet admonishing tone, her empathy mingled with the knowledge that Marisa's actions were driven by concern.

Marisa's resistance wavered as she succumbed to the potent sleep-inducing potion that Alice administered, her consciousness slipping away like a flame extinguished.

"Damn, you..." Marisa's voice, tinged with lingering resentment, faded into the stillness as she drifted into sleep, her fervent determination finally giving way to the embrace of slumber.

Reimu's voice held a hint of desperation as she turned to Yukari, seeking guidance in this dire situation. "Yukari, is there anything we can do to help her?"

Yukari's response was heavy with an unusual sense of powerlessness, her tone betraying her uncertainty. "I'm afraid we're at a loss here," she admitted, a rare admission of her limitations. This was uncharted territory for her, a situation without a clear solution.

As the unfolding chaos tested their abilities, Alice's exasperation was evident in her expression and words. She had hoped Kusa would cease her aggressive onslaught, but now the tables had turned, demanding her focus be divided between self-defense and the ongoing threat of Kusa.

The eerie reanimation of the fallen monsters created an unsettling atmosphere, a grim reminder of the relentless onslaught they faced.

"Annoying indeed," Alice muttered, her gaze fixed on her delicate dolls, their delicate forms ill-suited for sustaining further damage.

Observing their predicament, Yukari's voice carried a note of concern. "Reimu, have you run out of amulets?" she queried, noting Reimu's reliance on spells over her customary amulets.

Reimu's reply held a touch of melancholy as she confessed, "Yes, I've used up all my amulets... even my needles." The implication of the financial strain this imposed on her was clear, a testament to the costs of their relentless battles.

Yukari's words held a somber weight as she expressed her hope. "Let's hope they conclude this swiftly. Prolonging the conflict further could lead to dire consequences for Kusa." With a wave of her power, Yukari conjured a cascade of amulets and needles through her portals, offering a lifeline to Reimu in the form of replenished resources.


As Mokou gradually regained consciousness, her groggy state was met with confusion. The scene before her was unlike anything she could have anticipated. Roots enveloped her, cocooning her within their grasp, and in her arms rested Kusa – no longer in her small form, but her mature self.

"Hmm...?" Mokou's voice was a soft groan, and her efforts to open her eyes met with resistance as she struggled against the haze of her awakening.

Blinking her eyes open, Mokou's gaze fell upon Kusa, a mixture of relief and concern flooding her senses. However, her relief was short-lived as a sense of unease settled in her chest. Something was off, and her instincts warned her to stay alert.

"Kusa...?" Mokou's voice trembled as she muttered the name, her brows furrowing in confusion as she sought to rouse the green-haired girl from her apparent trance.

Kusa remained unresponsive, her gaze fixed unwaveringly on the battlefield before them. The turmoil and chaos unfolding seemed to captivate her attention, and her silence only deepened the mystery.

"Kusa, what happened?" Mokou's tone was laced with concern and a touch of urgency, her attempts to garner a response from Kusa growing more desperate.

With a determined effort, Mokou shifted her head, aligning her line of sight with Kusa's intense gaze. Her eyes widened as she took in the frantic battle, countless creatures converging upon a group of people who fought valiantly to repel them.

"Kusa, answer me!" Mokou's voice held a mixture of frustration and worry, her attempts to shake Kusa yielding no results. It was as if Kusa was locked in a trance, her focus solely fixated on the ongoing conflict.

As time passed, Mokou's growing apprehension was mirrored by the falling petals that marked Kusa's life force. Another petal drifted away, leaving only two remaining. The realization hit Mokou like a punch to the gut, a sharp pang of fear gripping her heart.

The gravity of the situation became all too clear – Kusa's very existence hung in the balance, her life tethered to a delicate thread. As the battle raged on, Mokou's determination solidified. She had to find a way to break through to Kusa, to awaken her from whatever trance had taken hold. Their fates were intertwined, and Mokou was unwilling to let Kusa slip away.

Mokou's panic escalated with each passing moment, her frantic attempts to rouse Kusa yielding no results. The sight of the falling petals, a stark reminder of Kusa's waning lifeforce, sent a chill down her spine.

"Stop it!!!" Mokou's voice cracked with desperation, a sense of helplessness washing over her. She couldn't bear the thought of losing Kusa – not like this, not when she had finally found a connection that mattered so deeply.

A wave of guilt crashed over Mokou's heart as she considered the possibility that her actions had led to this dire situation. How could Kusa think that she would let her disappear? The realization cut through her like a blade, and Mokou's resolve hardened.

"I won't let anyone vanish from my life again," Mokou's voice trembled with determination, her words a vow to herself as much as they were an appeal to the universe.

Mokou's lips trembled as she pressed them against Kusa's, an act borne of desperation and a fierce determination to save the one she cared for. A bittersweet mixture of blood and breath passed between them, an intimate connection formed in the heat of the moment.

Kusa's eyes, once fixed and vacant, began to change. A soft hue of light purple suffused her irises, a sign that the trance was slowly releasing its grip.

Unbeknownst to both of them, a transformation was occurring. The monsters that had plagued the battlefield began to fade into nothingness, the fallen leaves dissolving into the ether. The entire area underwent a profound rejuvenation, the scars of battle replaced with the tranquility of a restored bamboo forest.

As Mokou's kiss and sacrifice took effect, the countdown represented by the petals in Kusa's hair vanished, and the impending threat of her dwindling lifeforce obliterated. A profound change swept through Kusa's being, her hair shifting to a radiant blend of gold and green, a testament to the renewal of life.

The two of them remained locked in their intimate embrace, the air around them heavy with the weight of their connection. It was a pivotal moment, a turning point that had saved not only Kusa's existence but also forged an unbreakable bond between two souls who had found each other amidst the chaos of their world.

The serene tableau of the two entwined figures, framed by the shattered remnants of the false moon, evoked an almost ethereal beauty. The moon, once obscured by deceit, now shone brilliantly in the sky, casting a radiant glow over the scene below.

Amidst the ethereal beauty of the moment, Reimu couldn't help but interject with her characteristic cynicism, her voice cutting through the atmosphere like a sigh of exasperation.

"Of all the times to have a romantic moment... seriously," Reimu muttered, her words an amusing juxtaposition against the enchanting tableau before her.

A shared sentiment seemed to linger in the air as Alice murmured, "I hope she isn't awake," her gaze averted, perhaps unwilling to witness the intimacy unfolding before them.

"It's too late," Yukari's voice interjected, the knowing tone underscoring Marisa's awakening to the scene. Marisa stood there, her eyes wide with surprise, unshed tears glistening as they welled up within her. Emotions swirled within her, a maelstrom of confusion and longing.

Suddenly, the weight of what she was witnessing crashed down upon Marisa. The realization hit her with an intensity that left her breathless. Kusa was more than just a friend – she was Marisa's girlfriend, a love that Marisa had only recently begun to comprehend and accept.

Overwhelmed, Marisa's instincts kicked in, prompting her to flee from the scene. In her hasty retreat, she left behind her precious Hakkero and broom, the symbols of her identity and her connection to the magical world.

"I should talk to her," Reimu's voice broke through the tension, her determination evident as she swiftly pursued Marisa, the urgency of the situation demanding immediate attention.

As Reimu ran, the significance of the moment was not lost on Yukari, who chose to offer a playful comment. "It seems Kusa's problem just bloom," she mused, capturing the essence of the unfolding drama with a touch of whimsy.


Kusa's consciousness gradually returned, and her once-golden eyes had transformed into a soft shade of pink. The roots that had encircled the area silently retracted, sinking back into the earth as if acknowledging the shifting atmosphere.

Mokou, her lips no longer wounded from the daring act, pulled away from the kiss as the crimson hue on her lips slowly faded with each passing moment. Her confusion and lingering embarrassment were palpable in the air.

Kusa's gaze remained fixed on Mokou, her expression a mix of bewilderment and realization. As the fog of her altered state lifted, she began to comprehend the significance of the scene before her.

"You..." Kusa's voice wavered, the word hanging in the air as she struggled to find the right words to articulate her thoughts and emotions.

Mokou's cheeks flushed with a deep shade of red, and she averted her gaze, pushing Kusa away in an attempt to distance herself from the intensity of the moment.

"What just happened?!" Kusa's voice was clear and demanding, her eyes reflecting her determination to understand the events that had unfolded between them.

Unseen by the others, Kusa silently sent her directive to the surrounding plants, her plea for clarity conveyed through her connection with nature itself. The roots responded, extending their subtle touch to Kusa, transferring the memories of the recent past into her mind.

As the memories flooded her consciousness, Kusa's cheeks burned with embarrassment and realization. She saw herself in her frenzied state, the chaotic battle, and the desperate actions she had taken to protect and save those she cared about. And then, the scene that had unfolded between her and Mokou, a kiss that seemed to transcend time and circumstance.

Kusa's eyes widened, and she turned away, her face now a bright shade of crimson that matched Mokou's. She felt a mixture of shame and astonishment, grappling with the implications of her actions.

Mokou's anger cut through the moment, her voice laced with both frustration and a hint of bashfulness as she delivered a resounding punch to Kusa, sending her spiraling through the air until she landed on the ground with a thud.

"Don't you dare blush, you bastard!!!" Mokou's outburst echoed through the air, a blend of emotions swirling within her as she struggled to reconcile her feelings and the undeniable connection they now shared.

Kusa swiftly regained her footing, her fiery determination evident as she pointed an accusatory finger at Mokou, her voice laced with an indignant tone.

"I should be the angry one here!!! You fed me your blood!" Kusa's words rang out, carrying a mix of anger and frustration. The act of consuming human blood was something she had strived to avoid, and Mokou's impulsive action had thrown her carefully maintained balance into disarray.

Mokou, her own emotions stirred by Kusa's reaction, retorted fiercely, a defiant spark in her eyes. "You've been drinking the blood of other creatures, so why should mine be any different?!"

Kusa's retort was immediate and unfiltered, her words spoken without a second thought, and yet they managed to strike a nerve. "Human immortal or not, your blood doesn't taste good!" Her candid declaration seemed to catch even herself off guard, but the damage was done, leaving Mokou momentarily stunned.

"You... you bastard!!!" Mokou's rage was rekindled, her flames roaring to life once more as her temper flared.

The two determined and headstrong individuals exchanged heated words, but their verbal skirmish quickly escalated into a physical showdown as both Kusa and Mokou readied themselves for combat, fists clenched and abilities at the ready.

Meanwhile, the onlookers, the other individuals who had been caught in the whirlwind of events, gazed upon the unfolding spectacle with a mix of confusion and bemusement. The rapid shifts in mood and situation had left them somewhat dazed and struggling to keep up.

Yukari's playful voice cut through the tense atmosphere, her amusement apparent as she commented on the situation. "Seems like your worries were for naught."

Marisa, her earlier anxiety now replaced with a sense of relief and lightheartedness, let out a hearty laugh and flashed a wide grin as she watched the two women exchange banter and blow.

The tumultuous encounter between Kusa and Mokou had taken an unexpected turn, a rollercoaster of emotions and actions that left those present with a mixture of amusement, bewilderment, and even a hint of admiration.

"Though it seems we failed the trial," Reimu's voice carried a hint of disappointment, the weight of the outcome heavy on her shoulders.

"Not at all, we defeated Mokou, but Kusa protected her, so technically we won," Remilia chimed in, her voice infused with a touch of triumph as she analyzed the situation.

Sakuya and Youmu returned, their presence noted by Remilia's words. "It seems, but consuming a part of her is hardly the most appealing solution," Sakuya interjected, her practicality lending a dose of reality to the conversation.

Alice's perspective added depth to the discussion. "Considering Mokou's fiery abilities, attempting to bite her is likely a perilous endeavor for any yokai."

Youmu's tone carried a tinge of sadness. "So, we essentially carried out Kaguya's wishes without reaping any real benefits?"

A mischievous suggestion came from Yuyuko, her voice light and playful. "Perhaps we should target her five treasures instead, a fitting revenge for her misinformation."

Marisa's enthusiasm was palpable as she eagerly jumped in. "I'm in for that! Count me in!"

Reimu's resolve seemed to strengthen as the conversation unfolded. "The idea is tempting, and it's a way to hold Kaguya accountable for her actions. I'm on board."

Yukari's smooth persuasion worked its magic on Reimu, sealing the decision. The tides had turned, and determination now burned brightly within them.


Under the shimmering moonlight, Kusa and Marisa strolled through the tranquil forest of Magic, the very air around them seemingly holding its breath in anticipation. Their footsteps were soft, matching the quiet symphony of nature around them, creating an intimate ambiance that seemed to cocoon them in a world of their own.

As the silence lingered, the weight of unspoken words hung in the air, a palpable tension between the two. Marisa's gaze, warm and soft, met Kusa's, and the gentle curve of her lips hinted at a question she longed to ask. Kusa, equally unsure yet fully present in the moment, met Marisa's gaze with a hint of curiosity and a touch of vulnerability.

"Hey, Kusa," Marisa's voice was a gentle breeze, carrying her words like a delicate melody that harmonized with the rustling leaves.

Kusa's heart skipped a beat, her attention fully captured by Marisa's presence. "What is it?" she replied, her voice hushed yet carrying a world of emotions.

Marisa's eyes held a certain longing, a desire to bridge the gap between them. "Can you lean in a little?" Her request was spoken with a tenderness that seemed to envelop them in an invisible embrace.

Without hesitation, Kusa acquiesced, her heart racing as she leaned in, their proximity now intimate, their breaths almost mingling in the cool night air. Their connection felt like a fragile thread, taut with the anticipation of what was about to unfold.

And then it happened—a soft and tender connection, lips meeting in a kiss that seemed to transcend time and space. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the magic of their union. The forest responded to the plants surrounding them emitting a gentle glow, casting a warm and ethereal light upon their embrace. Sparks of yellow and gold danced in the air, a silent celebration of the love that had blossomed between them.

At that moment, everything felt enchanting and serene, as if nature itself was bearing witness to the magic that had unfolded. It was a kiss that spoke of unspoken feelings, a bridge between two souls that had found solace and love in each other's presence.

As their lips finally parted, the world slowly returned, the forest's soft symphony resuming its melody. Marisa's eyes held a depth of emotion, a silent acknowledgment of the significance of that kiss. Kusa's cheeks were adorned with a rosy hue, her heart beating with a newfound rhythm that resonated with the enchantment of the night.

In the middle of the tranquil forest, bathed in moonlight and surrounded by the whispering leaves, Kusa and Marisa stood as a testament to the magic that love can bring, their bond forever imprinted in the heart of the night.

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