Grass Story

Chapter 15: Sea of flowers.

A week or two had passed since the incident, and the aftermath had settled into a sense of calm and normalcy. Kusa and Marisa found solace in each other's company, their bond growing stronger with each passing day.

As the night enveloped the room in a gentle embrace, Kusa and Marisa lay intertwined on the bed, wrapped in the warmth of their affection. Kusa's arms held Marisa close, their bodies fitting perfectly against each other. Whispers of their shared laughter still lingered in the air, a testament to the playful moments they had shared.

Amid this peaceful scene, Kusa's body tensed, a sudden shift in her demeanor catching Marisa's attention. As Kusa perked up, her eyes seemed to hold a distant focus, as if she were tuning into a world beyond the physical.

Marisa's drowsy gaze met Kusa's, a mix of confusion and concern etched on her features. "What's wrong, Kusa?" she asked, her voice a soft murmur that echoed through the quiet room.

Kusa's expression was a blend of intrigue and unease as she spoke, her words carrying a sense of urgency. "I felt a great disturbance in the Force," she announced, her voice almost reverberating with the weight of the information flooding her mind. The surge of knowledge was unlike anything she had experienced before, overwhelming her senses and threatening to consume her connection to the natural world.

Marisa's brows furrowed in bewilderment, her mind trying to grasp the significance of Kusa's words. She shifted slightly, sitting up in the bed, her sleep-filled eyes locking onto Kusa's troubled gaze.

"Did something happen?" Marisa inquired, her voice laden with concern for her grassy companion.

Kusa's apologetic tone resonated as she realized the abrupt disturbance she had caused. "I'm sorry for waking you," she softly replied, a hint of regret touching her voice. Sometimes, Kusa's impulses got the better of her, momentarily forgetting the impact on those around her.

"It's alright," Marisa reassured, her yawn punctuating her words. She rubbed her eyes in an attempt to fully awaken, unintentionally causing the fabric of her clothing to shift. As her left shoulder became exposed, Marisa seemed oblivious to the sudden exposure.

Kusa's gaze caught the subtle movement, a mischievous smile tugging at her lips. A moment of silence passed between them, a shared understanding hanging in the air.

"You know," Kusa's voice carried a teasing tone, "I never thought I liked girls until I met you." Her words were lighthearted, a playful confession that danced on the edge of intimacy.

Marisa's eyes blinked open in response to Kusa's words, a mixture of surprise and grogginess evident in her expression. "Ehh? That's so sudden," she mumbled, her mind still finding its way out of the realm of dreams.

A mischievous glint danced in Kusa's eyes as she continued, her words imbued with a sense of whimsy. "You made my heart shift lanes," she declared, her statement cryptic and charming in its way. With a confidence that stemmed from the deep connection between them, Kusa sealed her words with a gentle kiss, leaving a sweet and lingering sensation on Marisa's lips.

"And I like it," Kusa added playfully, her voice carrying a hint of teasing that sent a playful jolt through the atmosphere.

Marisa's cheeks flushed a rosy hue as she processed Kusa's words and actions, her drowsiness now fully replaced by a sense of alertness. In response to the playful kiss, she retaliated with a well-aimed pillow strike, her voice animated and filled with a touch of exasperation. "It's still early, idiot!" Marisa exclaimed, her pillow-wielding protest punctuating the room with a burst of energy that effectively banished the last remnants of sleep.

Kusa's laughter rang out joyfully, a symphony of mirth that painted the morning with its vibrant notes. She relished in Marisa's lively reactions, finding solace in their shared moments of lightheartedness.

As the morning unfolded, Kusa and Marisa embarked on their routine, sharing a comforting bath and partaking in a simple yet satisfying breakfast. The air buzzed with an unspoken understanding, a silent rhythm that had woven itself into the fabric of their companionship.

Amidst the casual exchange, Marisa's curiosity got the best of her. "What do you mean about sensing a disturbance in the force?" she inquired, her voice holding a mixture of intrigue and puzzlement.

A mysterious smile graced Kusa's lips, an enigmatic twinkle in her eyes. "You'll know after I open the door," she replied, her voice holding a promise of something intriguing yet to be revealed.

With a flourish, Kusa swung the door open, revealing a sight that caused Marisa's eyes to widen in astonishment. A kaleidoscope of colors greeted her gaze, a mesmerizing display that painted the surroundings in a breathtaking array of hues.

The world outside seemed to have transformed into a breathtaking symphony of colors, as a vibrant array of flowers stretched as far as the eye could see. Marisa's voice filled the air with amazement as she took in the wondrous sight before her. "Ehh?! Did you do this?" she exclaimed, her awe palpable as she marveled at the multitude of floral hues and varieties.

Kusa's response carried an air of mystery, her sense of wonder mingling with Marisa's. "Nope," she replied, though her connection to the vibrant garden was undeniable. Each petal, each bloom seemed to resonate with a life force that extended beyond the ordinary.

Marisa's curiosity only deepened, her excitement bubbling forth as she probed further. "Then why are they here?!!" Her words held a sense of determination as if she had already decided that this colorful phenomenon was an incident that demanded an investigation.

Kusa's response was casual, a hint of playful annoyance lacing her tone. "Who knows..." Her words masked a deeper understanding, a connection to the natural world that transcended human comprehension. "All I know is they are annoying as insects," she thought to herself, a humorous observation that reflected her unique perspective.

Marisa's conviction was unwavering, her excitement now fueling a sense of purpose. "This is an incident! Let's find Reimu!" Her voice carried an electrifying energy, her determination clear as she took charge of the situation.

With a carefree nod, Kusa embraced the spirit of the moment. "Okay..." Her response was a perfect blend of nonchalance and curiosity, a reflection of her adaptable nature.

As the duo embarked on their journey, Kusa assumed her diminutive form, a playful transformation that allowed her to accompany Marisa on their skyward flight. The wind rustled through their hair as they soared higher, their shared quest for answers uniting them in a thrilling adventure.


"Is it just me, or is the entire expanse of Gensokyo adorned with these magnificent flowers?" Marisa mused aloud, her thoughts drifting back to the breathtaking sight.

"It's just you..." Kusa's voice carried a playful tone, laced with a hint of gentle teasing. She couldn't resist a playful jab at Marisa's tendency to see the world through her unique lens.

Marisa's mischievous nature came to the forefront as she reached out, playfully squishing Kusa's cheeks. A devilish undertone underscored her words, lending an air of intrigue to the moment. "I see..." Marisa's voice held a knowing quality, her eyes locking onto Kusa's with an unmistakable spark.

Caught in Marisa's mischievous clutches, Kusa could only flail her arms in response, a comical gesture of helplessness that spoke volumes even without words. Her gaze pleaded for mercy, a silent plea for Marisa to relent in her playful torment.


In the tranquil shrine, Reimu's brow furrowed with concern as she surveyed the unusual array of flowers that had taken root within its sacred grounds. The serene ambiance of the shrine was juxtaposed by the vivid blooms that seemed to have sprung up overnight, casting an otherworldly aura over the once-familiar surroundings.

A familiar voice shattered the silence, carrying a sense of urgency. "Reimu!" Marisa's voice called out as she descended gracefully from the skies, her broomstick guiding her with practiced ease.

Reimu's gaze shifted towards her friend, a mixture of surprise and curiosity etched onto her features. "Marisa? What brings you here?"

Marisa's response came swift and purposeful, her eyes scanning the shrine's adorned surroundings. "Even the shrine isn't spared from this floral invasion," she remarked, her words tinged with a mix of fascination and disbelief.

Reimu nodded in agreement, her observations echoing Marisa's sentiments. "Yes, I initially suspected Yuuka might be behind this, but upon closer inspection, I've realized that these plants possess sentience of their own. They move and sway without the guidance of the wind."

The realization settled heavily between them, deepening the mystery surrounding the sudden proliferation of the sentient flora.

Kusa's voice chimed in, her admiration is evident as she addressed Reimu. "You've become quite the discerning investigator, Reimu. A far cry from the impulsive shrine maiden I first encountered."

Reimu's expression softened, touched by the compliment. "Well, you've been a guiding influence, Kusa. I've learned a lot from you, even amidst your endeavors."

Genuine gratitude colored Reimu's words, emphasizing the bond that had formed between them despite the demands of their respective paths. Kusa's response was a simple yet heartfelt gesture – she conjured a small handkerchief, tenderly wiping away a golden tear that had escaped her eye, a gesture that spoke volumes of her emotions at that moment.

Kusa's words held a sense of maternal pride, reminiscent of a parent watching their child take their first steps towards independence, perhaps even ready to embark on a Pokémon journey and vie for the championship.

Marisa responded with a playful nudge to Kusa's back, a silent acknowledgment of the sentiment shared.

Turning her attention back to Reimu, Marisa posed a practical question that mirrored the path they were about to tread. "Do you think it's a good idea to seek out someone who might have insight into this situation?"

Reimu's thoughtful expression indicated her agreement. "Indeed, consulting someone knowledgeable would likely provide us with valuable information."

With a shared understanding, Marisa's smile grew, an indication of her readiness to take on the challenge. "Then it's settled. Let's go find some answers."

As Marisa and Reimu set out on their quest for answers, Kusa found herself deep in thought, nestled against Marisa's lap. The quiet contemplation served as a reflection of her connection to the ongoing events, a connection that extended beyond the mere physical world.


The scene unfolds high above the ground as Marisa and Reimu accompany Kusa through the sky. The vibrant flowers below serve as a striking backdrop to their aerial journey.

Interrupting their flight, Kusa's voice chimes in, a request for a moment's pause. "Could you both wait here for just a minute? I need to greet someone," she explains, her gaze fixed upon the familiar figure of Yuuka, who seems to revel in the sea of colorful blooms.

Marisa and Reimu exchange knowing glances. They are well aware of what Kusa's greeting entails, understanding her unique way of engaging with Yuuka.

"Just make it quick, alright?" Marisa remarks, her tone slightly exasperated. She knows that Kusa's interactions with Yuuka can be rather eccentric.

"I promise I won't be long!" Kusa responds with childlike enthusiasm, her voice carrying a sense of innocent delight.

Without further ado, Kusa takes a dramatic leap from their airborne position, gracefully transitioning into her adult form mid-air. Her magical prowess becomes evident as she conjures a spell card, her outstretched hand radiating with verdant energy. The luminous glow intensifies, culminating in the formation of a miniature green sun within her grasp.


Amidst the flourishing sea of vibrant blossoms, Yuuka revels in the sheer delight of the moment. Her carefree attitude and love for nature have rendered her unfazed by the peculiar phenomenon that has blanketed Gensokyo in an array of colorful flowers.

With an air of nonchalance, Yuuka muses aloud, "Well, this is rather odd, but who cares? I'm simply enjoying myself to the fullest." Her radiant smile remains untouched by the mysteries of the flower flood, her spirit is undampened by the enigma that surrounds her.

However, her attention is quickly diverted as a brilliant green light pierces through the natural beauty around her. Her keen senses pick up on the sudden change, and she can't help but raise an eyebrow in curiosity. "Now, what do we have here?" Yuuka's voice carries a hint of intrigue as her gaze fixates on the luminous emerald hue that contrasts against the lush grass.

As her eyes ascend toward the source of the radiant illumination, Yuuka's expression shifts from mild curiosity to utter surprise. Hovering in the sky above, an immense green orb captures her attention, its grandeur and brilliance overpowering the serene landscape.

The resounding boom reverberates through the air


"I believe I've extended my warm regards. Time to move on!" Kusa's voice rings with a cheerful tone as she reverts to her diminutive form and comfortably settles onto Marisa's lap.

Marisa lets out a resigned sigh, her patience tested by Kusa's antics, while Reimu can't help but find amusement in the situation. With Kusa back in her spot, the trio resumes their journey, leaving behind the perturbed green-haired girl in their wake.


Upon arriving at the mist-shrouded lake, the trio's attention is drawn to a playful blue fairy, frolicking near the water's edge. Their steps carry them closer, Kusa taking the lead as she approaches the familiar figure.

"Cirno! Can you shed some light on what's been happening?" Kusa inquires, her tone a mixture of curiosity and concern, as she engages with the whimsical fairy.

Recognition flickers in Cirno's eyes as she gazes at Kusa, her thoughts racing back through the annals of time. Her brows furrow in concentration as she recalls a significant event from six decades past.

Kusa's astonishment is palpable. "You remember something from that long ago?"

Cirno responds with a nonchalant toss of a shard of ice in their direction, her irritation apparent. "Don't underestimate me just because I'm carefree. I'm not as clueless as you might think."

Kusa's regret is evident in her voice as she quickly apologizes, realizing her misjudgment of the spirited fairy. "I'm sorry, Cirno. I didn't mean to doubt you like that."

Cirno's expression softens, and she takes a moment to regain her composure. "Apology accepted, but don't let it happen again."

Before they can delve further into their conversation, the atmosphere shifts as Cirno summons a brisk blizzard, determination in her eyes. She's ready to prove her mettle, defending her pride against Kusa's earlier remark.


Cirno's floundering form can be spotted in the lake, a familiar sight that seems to repeat itself with predictable regularity – a consequence of her spirited battles with Kusa. The scene unfolds with an air of amusing inevitability as if it were an ordinary occurrence for the frosty fairy.

Reimu, ever pragmatic, offers a casual observation. "Well, it's just another Wednesday for Cirno."

Marisa chimes in, directing her words toward Kusa. "You might want to patch things up with Cirno."

Kusa nods in agreement, her expression a mix of determination and contrition. "You're right. I'll make it up to her by giving her a basket filled with lychees, strawberries, and grapes. That should do the trick."

Marisa's response is a bemused murmur, acknowledging the peculiar yet fitting nature of Kusa's peace offering.


As the group continues their flight, a distant sound catches their attention – a soft and haunting melody carried by the wind. The voice draws nearer, and they find themselves listening to the enchanting song of a girl with unique features.

With her grey eyes and pink hair, adorned in white and brown attire embellished with bird-shaped ornaments, the girl exudes an air of mystique. Her pointed ears resemble those of an owl, and her delicate light pink wings bear subtle purple highlights.

Mystia's voice resonates through the air, a haunting yet mesmerizing tune that seems to hold the very essence of the night itself.

"A duck carries a leek and..." Mystia's lyrics begin, sung softly but with an otherworldly charm.

Kusa's immediate response isn't one of admiration. "Your voice is as irritating as always," she calls out to Mystia, her words carrying a mix of annoyance and exasperation.

Mystia, upon recognizing Kusa's voice, responds in her typically carefree manner. "Oh, it's you, Kusa. For a moment, I thought you were a mosquito."

Kusa, true to her candid nature, delivers a backhanded compliment with a hint of sarcasm. "Well, at least you're less involved in accidents than Cirno."

This prompts Mystia's determination to prove herself, her irritation evident as she retorts, "Let's settle this then! I'll show you that I'm not to be underestimated."


Mystia finds herself unexpectedly face down on the ground, the weight of the plants causing her to be pinned on her back. Kusa's apology rings sincere, a rare occurrence considering her current state of agitation brought on by the influx of information.

"No worries," Reimu reassures, noting that it's Kusa's usual tendency to act without much restraint when provoked.

Marisa's curiosity gets the better of her as she questions Kusa's extensive knowledge of both yokai and humans. It's no secret that Kusa is remarkably sociable and has a knack for forming connections.

"I guess you could say I've crossed paths with the majority of them," Kusa responds, acknowledging her inherent desire to avoid the loneliness of her past. Her efforts to be more outgoing and engage with others have certainly paid off.

Marisa connects the dots, realizing that Kusa's occasional absence is likely due to her numerous interactions and commitments. However, Marisa acknowledges that despite her apparent absence, Kusa always seems to respond when needed, reinforcing the strength of their bond.

Kusa responds with an enigmatic smile. "You could say I have a certain connection to my surroundings."


As the group continues their aerial journey, Reimu's voice carries a hint of resignation. "Flying above the clouds, and still no clues to be found."

"I mean, what if they're ghosts pretending to be flowers?" Marisa chimes in, her imaginative mind exploring the possibility.

Kusa, lost in her thoughts, mumbles to herself with a hint of irony, "No wonder I became a grass. Did I secretly want to be grass?" The strange circumstances surrounding the flowers trigger a sense of introspection in her.

Amidst the speculation and musings, a captivating melody fills the air, drawing their attention toward a figure in red attire. It's a girl with a keyboard, recognizable as the third sister, Lyrica. Her short light brown hair and brown eyes give her an air of mystery.

Reimu voices her surprise, accustomed to seeing the sisters together. "You're alone today?"

Lyrica, in her defense, explains, "I'm not alone. I just wanted to have a solo concert."

"True, it's quite rare to see you all by yourself," Reimu observed, her curiosity piqued by the unusual sight.

Lyrica offers them a playful shrug before turning her gaze toward the group. "Want to listen to some music?" she inquired, half-expecting a decline given her solitary presence.

Kusa's eyes light up with enthusiasm. "Why not? We haven't been getting any clues anyway," she replies with a carefree grin. Reimu and Marisa nod in agreement, appreciating the chance to take a break from their fruitless search.

Lyrica's surprise quickly gives way to excitement. "I'll make sure you won't regret it!" she declares with a determined grin, taking a deep breath to prepare herself.

With a harmonious blend of curiosity and relaxation, Lyrica starts playing her instrument, its melody effortlessly weaving through the surroundings. The three listeners settle into a state of tranquil appreciation, the soothing music offering a momentary respite from their quest.


"Thank you for listening to my lovely performance!" Lyrica expressed her gratitude with a graceful bow toward her small audience.

With a sense of contentment and renewed energy, the group bid their farewell to Lyrica and resumed their search.

"I must admit, she has quite the talent," Kusa commented, her appreciation for Lyrica's music is evident in her tone as she reflected on the melody that seemed to harmonize effortlessly with the blooming surroundings.

Marisa nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I didn't expect her to pull it off that well. She knows how to make the most of her instrument."

Reimu mused, her thoughts turning toward the unique dynamic of the Prismriver Sisters. "It's interesting how her ability seems to complement the music of the other two sisters. Their performances together don't feel overwhelming."

Kusa's determination shone through as she urged the group forward. "Right, let's keep searching for those elusive clues. We'll get to the bottom of this mystery!" With renewed resolve, they continued their journey, the enchanting music of Lyrica's keyboard playing lingering in their minds.

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