Grass Story

Chapter 17: The hill and the Village.

Amidst a landscape now free of the overwhelming flower overgrowth, two figures with emerald hair sat beneath the violet cherry blossom tree, the same location where their initial encounter had taken place.

"I can scarcely believe the extent of the changes you've instigated in people," Eiki remarked, her tone carrying a mix of amazement and observation, as she took a sip of the tea that Kusa had prepared.

Kusa responded with a self-effacing chuckle, acknowledging the truth in Eiki's words. "Yeah, it does feel a bit surreal to realize the impact I've had on them. I mean, I always expected them to gain something from our interactions, but I never thought it would lead to such profound changes."

Eiki's gaze held a hint of knowing as she regarded Kusa. "You tend to downplay your role in these matters, my dear. It's not just a matter of interaction; it's the influence you naturally exert on those around you, even if you may not realize it."

Kusa offered a wistful smile, understanding Eiki's point. "True, I suppose I have a habit of underestimating the power of simply being myself."

She took a moment to reflect, her expression growing more introspective. "It's strange, you know. In the beginning, I was alone, locked in an internal battle with myself. But now, I find myself surrounded by incredible individuals, each leaving their mark on me in unique ways. It's... touching."

Kusa's gaze softened as she let her thoughts wander. "I'm genuinely grateful for the opportunity this existence has provided me. I owe a debt of gratitude to the divine force that guided me here."

However, as the conversation turned, Kusa's demeanor grew somber. She looked down, her fingers tracing patterns on the ground.

"But there's a lingering question that has always haunted me," Kusa began, her voice tinged with a mixture of sorrow and contemplation. "Why did I have to return as a mere grass? I found myself doubting my identity, struggling with the idea that I might have lost something of myself in the process."

She sighed, her gaze distant. "In the early days, I couldn't control the grass around me. I felt powerless, yearning for an end that seemed unreachable. I've spent countless moments grappling with the feeling of being something less than human, something akin to a monster."

Kusa's admission hung in the air, heavy with emotion. Her smile, though tinged with sadness, held a hint of acceptance.

"I guess, over time, I've come to embrace this form. To see it not as a loss, but as a unique way to experience the world, to touch the lives of others. And maybe, just maybe, find a way to reconcile the person I was with the being I've become."

Eiki Shiki listened attentively to Kusa's heartfelt words, her expression a blend of empathy and understanding. As Kusa's emotions poured forth, Eiki's gaze remained unwavering, her presence a steady anchor amid Kusa's introspection.

When Kusa fell silent, Eiki took a moment to let the weight of her words settle before she spoke. Her voice carried a gentle reassurance, a calming balm to Kusa's shared turmoil.

"Your journey, Kusa, resonates with the very essence of existence itself," Eiki began, her tone carrying a sense of wisdom that spanned ages. "It is a journey of self-discovery, of navigating the depths of one's identity in a world that often defies easy understanding."

She shifted slightly, her gaze never leaving Kusa's eyes. "The path you've walked, from the shadows of doubt to the light of acceptance, is a testament to your strength and resilience. It is a testament to the beauty of embracing what makes you unique, even when faced with uncertainty."

Eiki's words held a profound truth, delivered with the clarity that only a Yama of the afterlife could possess. "In your quest to reconcile your past and present self, you've come to realize that your essence, your core being, transcends the form you inhabit. You are more than just grass, more than a mere existence. You are a catalyst for change, a source of inspiration, and a friend to those whose lives you touch."

A soft breeze rustled the leaves of the violet cherry blossom tree, a gentle reminder of the interconnectedness of all things. Eiki continued, her voice carrying a soothing cadence.

"As for your longing to understand the purpose behind your reincarnation, sometimes the answers to life's most profound questions elude us. It is a mystery woven into the fabric of existence, one that even I, as a Yama, may not fully comprehend. But what I can assure you is this: your existence, no matter the form it takes, has brought light to the lives of others. You've extended your hand to those in need, shared laughter, and camaraderie, and shown kindness in the face of uncertainty."

Eiki's expression softened, a genuine warmth radiating from her gaze. "Kusa, the journey you've embarked upon is a testament to the power of resilience, the beauty of self-discovery, and the strength of the bonds we forge with others. Remember, you are not defined by the past, nor confined by the present. Your existence, as complex and enigmatic as it may be, holds immeasurable value."

With those words, Eiki reached out and gently placed her hand atop Kusa's, a gesture of solidarity and support. "Embrace your journey, Kusa, for it is a reflection of the intricate tapestry that weaves us all together in the grand symphony of life and beyond."

"Thank you, Eiki," Kusa expressed genuinely, her smile reflecting her heartfelt appreciation for Eiki's words.

Eiki's response was accompanied by a nod, her gaze reflecting both understanding and acknowledgment. "Indeed, the balance between one's deeds can often reveal more about a person than their faults alone."

Kusa's brows furrowed slightly as Eiki mentioned her similarity to someone else. The reference to "that girl" stirred a sense of intrigue and curiosity within her, but she chose not to dwell on it at the moment.

"I appreciate your kind words," Kusa replied, humility lacing her tone as she acknowledged the praise from the esteemed Yama.

The mention of Komachi brought a knowing smile to Kusa's lips. "It's heartening to hear that Komachi has been more diligent in her duties. Perhaps my presence did ignite her curiosity."

Eiki's departure was met with a respectful nod from Kusa. "Thank you once again for your time and wisdom, Eiki."

As Eiki disappeared from view, Kusa's attention returned to the world around her. The peaceful ambiance of the cemetery enveloped her, and with a renewed sense of purpose, she spoke to herself.

"I'll continue to explore and search for intriguing objects. Who knows what wonders the outside world may bring to this tranquil place."

With that determination in her heart, Kusa ventured deeper into the cemetery, ready to embrace whatever mysteries and treasures lay ahead.


Amid the eerie serenity of Nameless Hill, Kusa found herself wandering through the dense vegetation, her keen senses attuned to the unique aura of the place. As she walked, a sense of unease crept over her, and she couldn't help but comment aloud to herself, "Poisonous, why is everything here infused with poison?"

The plants around her seemed to react, their vibrancy dimming slightly as if acknowledging her observation. But Kusa wasn't one to let negativity linger, and she quickly followed up with an encouraging remark, her voice laced with kindness. "That doesn't mean you aren't beautiful, so cheer up."

To her surprise, the plants seemed to respond positively to her words, their leaves and petals visibly perking up as if invigorated by her compliment. The exchange carried a unique connection, a silent understanding between Kusa and the flora around her.

However, the tranquil atmosphere was soon disrupted as an enigmatic fog rolled in, shrouding the hill in its misty embrace. Kusa's brows furrowed in curiosity and caution, her gaze scanning the surroundings as she pondered the nature of this new phenomenon. "Is this a poisonous fog?" she mused aloud, her voice laced with a mixture of intrigue and concern.

It was then that a voice, both curious and composed, cut through the mist. "Are you perhaps immune to poison?" the voice inquired, drawing Kusa's attention to a figure emerging from the haze.

A girl stood before her, her silver-colored eyes shining with an otherworldly glint. Her blonde hair framed her face in gentle waves, and she sported a black shirt paired with a vibrant red skirt. A red ribbon adorned her hair, adding a touch of elegance to her appearance. Beside her, a diminutive doll, strikingly similar to her visage, hovered in the air.

Kusa's words echoed in the mist, affirming her identity as a plant, a statement that seemed to intrigue the girl standing before her.

The girl, who introduced herself as Medicine, responded with a reference to a certain "su-san" and a potent poison derived from the lily of the valley. Kusa's curiosity deepened at the mention of this formidable poison, her thoughts racing to decipher the connection. There was more to this girl than met the eye, and Kusa was determined to uncover the truth.

"Are you a yokai?" Kusa's voice held a mixture of inquiry and suspicion as she sought to understand the nature of her newfound acquaintance. The air was thick with anticipation, the misty landscape adding an air of mystique to the conversation.

Medicine's response was both unexpected and intriguing. "A former doll," she revealed, casting a shadow of intrigue over her identity. Kusa's mind buzzed with recognition, and the term "Tsukumogami" surfaced in her thoughts. The concept of objects possessing consciousness was a unique facet of Gensokyo's folklore, and Kusa couldn't help but wonder if Medicine fit within that realm.

As the conversation unfolded, Kusa's intuition urged her to create some distance from this enigmatic presence. The mysterious girl held secrets that seemed to dance just beyond reach, and Kusa couldn't shake the feeling that a certain caution was warranted.

However, before Kusa could act upon her instincts, Medicine posed an unexpected question, anchoring her attention once more. "Wait, you said you are a plant?" Medicine's inquiry carried a sense of urgency, prompting Kusa to reaffirm her identity.

"Yes," Kusa nodded, her gaze steady as she met Medicine's inquisitive gaze.

"Then can you conjure the most poisonous plant in the world?" Medicine's request hung in the air, the weight of its implications sinking in. Kusa's thoughts raced as she considered the ramifications of such an action. In response, she summoned a vibrant green orb, its luminous presence casting an ethereal glow.

With focused intent, the orb transformed, slandering into the form of a shrub adorned with ominous-looking berries. The air seemed to hold its breath as the manifestation took shape, a tangible representation of Kusa's power over plant life.

Medicine's curiosity was piqued as her gaze remained fixed upon the vibrant orb that Kusa had conjured. "What is that?" she inquired, her voice laced with a mix of fascination and intrigue.

Kusa's response was delivered with a sense of confidence and knowledge. "Belladonna," she stated, her tone carrying a note of caution. She went on to explain that every part of the plant was poisonous, with the berries being particularly potent.

The atmosphere grew tense as Kusa's actions took an unexpected turn. With a bold gesture, she plucked one of the berries from the belladonna shrub and consumed it, defying the inherent danger that the plant posed. "It's very delicious if you can shrug off the poison," Kusa remarked, her words laced with a warning that echoed both her amusement and concern.

"It's sweet," Medicine's observation carried a sense of surprise and delight, her eyes sparkling with newfound intrigue.

Kusa's conviction remained unwavering as she emphasized the potential of Belladonna when handled with care. "See! Though if handled properly, you can make it into medicine," she explained, her words opening a door to the plant's potential benefits.

Medicine's eyes gleamed with newfound interest, her curiosity ignited by the possibilities that Kusa had presented. "Can I have some?" she asked eagerly, her voice carrying a genuine eagerness to explore the plant's properties further.

Kusa's response was measured, her gaze steady as she considered the implications of Medicine's request. "As long as you won't harm anyone else," Kusa's words held an underlying caution, a reminder of the responsibility that came with harnessing the power of such a potentially dangerous plant.

Medicine's assurance came swiftly, her tone sincere and resolute. "I promise!" she declared, her words carrying a weight of commitment.


Amidst the bustling activity of the village, an unexpected pair strolled along the streets—Kusa and Mokou, an odd yet strangely fitting duo. Their casual banter danced on the edge of familiarity and exasperation, a testament to the unique nature of their companionship.

Mokou's candid observation cut through the conversation, her words carrying a hint of both admiration and unease. "It's truly terrifying how you could pass off as an ordinary human," she remarked, her gaze fixed on Kusa, who walked beside her.

Kusa's response was delivered with a touch of playfulness, a twinkle in her eye betraying her amusement. "I'm an ordinary plant too," she quipped, an unspoken acknowledgment of her dual identity.

"In appearance, yes," Mokou conceded, her tone hinting at a deeper understanding beneath her words.

A hint of teasing crept into Kusa's voice as she responded, "You are truly a killjoy," a gentle ribbing that reflected their familiar camaraderie.

Mokou's retort was swift, her words revealing a glimpse of her protective nature. "As long as you aren't smiling, I'm happy," she stated, her sentiment belying a sense of concern.

Kusa's playful spirit shone through as she countered, her words dancing with a touch of exaggeration. "Isn't that mean? My smile is like the light of a thousand suns!"

Mokou's response was unapologetically candid, her reasoning straightforward. "Because it's too bright, it's annoying," she admitted, her honesty eliciting a chuckle from Kusa.

"Ahh... you have a point," Kusa conceded, her laughter dancing in the air as she accepted Mokou's perspective.

Mokou's proposition shifted the conversation to a new topic, one that involved their shared experiences beyond mere conversation. "Since you are with me, you should help me with my yakitori stand," she suggested a hint of anticipation in her voice.

Kusa's acquiescence was met with a sense of resigned agreement. "Fine... it's rare for me to hang out with you," she conceded, a gentle nod signifying her acceptance of the task.

Mokou's surprise at Kusa's choice of words was palpable, her incredulity carrying a note of humor. "Rare? You are always with me when the moon isn't present in the sky!" she retorted, an amused grin tugging at the corners of her lips.

Kusa's response was light-hearted, a shrug accompanying her nonchalant words. "Don't sweat the small details," she replied, their easy rapport evident in their exchanges.

The revelation that Marisa didn't seem bothered by Kusa's absence from her side prompted Mokou's curiosity. "Though I'm surprised Marisa isn't bothered by it," she mused, her curiosity piqued by the dynamics of their trio.

Kusa's response held a touch of vulnerability, a glimpse into her deeper emotions. "Because you are my life support when that happens," she admitted her words carrying a note of gratitude for Mokou's presence during those moments.

Amidst the backdrop of their shared activities, Mokou's probing curiosity led the conversation down a new avenue. Her tone carried a hint of playful accusation as she remarked, "I see... because you are so lecherous that she kicked you out."

Kusa's response was swift, her voice holding a note of defense as she denied the implication. "No..." she refuted, her words carrying a touch of earnestness.

Mokou's response held a sense of knowing amusement, a knowing smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Figures..." she retorted, her words laced with a sense of camaraderie as she accepted Kusa's reaction.


In the bustling heart of the village plaza, Mokou and Kusa had set up their yakitori stand, ready to serve up delicious skewered chicken to the passersby. As the aroma of sizzling meat began to fill the air, their banter continued in a playful rhythm.

Mokou's voice carried a hint of a challenge as she assigned Kusa a task. "Can you skewer the chicken while I start the fire?" she inquired, her eyes alight with a mischievous glint.

Kusa's response was accompanied by a sly grin, her playful spirit coming to the forefront. "You could easily do that. So why not skewer them with me?" she proposed a sense of camaraderie evident in her tone.

Mokou's refusal was firm, a gesture of trust extended towards her companion. "You can do it. I trust you," she affirmed, her words carrying a sense of confidence.

Kusa's retort held a note of protest, laced with humor. "That's cheating... using trust as a bet," she playfully accused, though her hands were already deftly at work.

As the skewers swiftly took shape under Kusa's skillful hands, she couldn't help but boast a little. "Let me show you how fast I can skewer a former living being," she quipped, her words accompanied by a smirk.


Amidst the lively backdrop of the plaza, Mokou, and Kusa's yakitori stand had garnered a steady stream of customers, drawn by the irresistible aroma of the skewered chicken. As the afternoon sun began to dip below the horizon, signaling the end of their bustling endeavor, Mokou's voice cut through the air.

"I guess that's the last of it..." Mokou remarked, her tone a mixture of exhaustion and satisfaction.

Kusa, however, seemed to have a surprise up her sleeve. "I have ten left. You can have 5 of them," she offered, her words accompanied by a sly grin.

Mokou's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Since when did you keep these?" she inquired, a mixture of curiosity and amusement evident in her expression.

Kusa's reply was quick and cheeky. "When you weren't looking. I know you're an immortal, but you need to eat, you know?" Her concern was laced with a playful undertone.

Mokou's retort was swift, though it carried a hint of begrudging gratitude. "Shut up, I always eat," she countered, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

Kusa wasn't about to let Mokou off the hook that easily. "After I nagged you many times," she pointed out, a sense of triumph evident in her voice.

Their banter was interrupted by Mokou's assessment of the cooking process. "The charcoal made of cherry wood is best for the yakitori," she mused, her expertise in the culinary arts shining through.

Kusa, ever one to embrace praise, leaned into it. "As expected, your ability to create any plants never ceased to amaze me," she admitted, her grin widening.

However, Mokou seemed to have reached her limit as she stepped away from Kusa, prompting an inquiry. "Did you gain a trauma after that incident?!" Kusa exclaimed, a playful concern in her voice.

Mokou's response was immediate and lighthearted. "Of course!"

Before the banter could continue, a newcomer entered the scene. Keine, a girl with brown eyes and long silver hair adorned with blue highlights, approached the pair. Her unique attire, including a hat resembling a building, made her stand out in the crowd.

"It seems even in public, you two banter with each other," Keine observed, her words carrying a hint of amusement at the duo's dynamic.

"Keine! Mokou is mean. She hates my caressing touch," Kusa complained with a pout, directing her words at the silver-haired girl who had just joined the conversation.

Keine's response was quick and laced with dry humor. "Even I don't want to feel your caressing touch," she retorted, her deadpan expression perfectly matching her words.

Kusa's pout deepened, clearly not pleased with the response. "Humph... you just didn't experience it," she countered, her tone a mixture of faux offense and amusement.

Keine's reply held a hint of mischief. "I have, and I use a wooden stick just to knock you out," she revealed, her eyes twinkling with a playful glint.

Mokou, who had been the subject of Kusa's affections, chimed in with a smirk. "See? Even Keine agrees," she teased, clearly enjoying the banter.

Kusa seemed to be pondering something as she gazed thoughtfully into the distance. "Am I that weird when there's no moon?" she mused aloud, her voice carrying a touch of curiosity.

Keine's response was both enigmatic and cautionary. "Who knows? But I do know that you mustn't be approached when there's no moon," she warned, her gaze locking onto Kusa with a hint of seriousness.

The conversation took a turn as the topic shifted to the moonlit nights. Kusa's relationship with Mokou seemed to take center stage. "It's reassuring that Mokou is the one that babysits you when that happens," Keine remarked, a knowing smile tugging at her lips.

Mokou, however, was quick to reveal the challenges that came with that responsibility. "It's very hard, just so you know..." she admitted her tone a mixture of resignation and playful exasperation.

Kusa seemed to be contemplating a solution to the situation. "I see... I can't remember them, and I don't want to retrieve the memory. So I'll try not to spend much solar energy when messing around with Yuuka," she concluded, her determination evident in her words.

Mokou had a simple request in response. "Just don't approach me in the middle of the night," she stated, her voice holding a hint of caution.

Kusa readily agreed with a cheerful tone. "I'll try!"

As the conversation wound down, Keine's observant eyes caught something intriguing. "Is that a lovebite?" she inquired, her words accompanied by a knowing smirk.

A sudden shift in the conversation left a momentary silence hanging in the air. Mokou's swift and instinctive reaction caught everyone's attention, her hand moving to cover the spot in question as if to shield it from any further scrutiny.

The trio, composed of Mokou, Kusa, and Keine, exchanged wordless glances, each seemingly absorbed in their thoughts. It was a pregnant pause, one that carried an undercurrent of tension and curiosity.

Breaking the silence, Keine's playful tone returned, her words laden with a touch of mischievous amusement. "I'm just joking, but you reacted to it instantly, which means..."

Mokou's face immediately flushed a deep shade of crimson, her attempt to cover up the situation only further highlighting her embarrassment.

As the focus shifted back to Mokou's reaction, Kusa found herself caught in a moment of internal panic. Her artificial senses seemed to intensify, and despite her inability to sweat, an imaginary sheen of nervous perspiration appeared on her brow.

Kusa's inner monologue raced as she attempted to piece together the events of the previous night. "Crap, what the hell happened last night?!!!" she mentally exclaimed, her thoughts a whirlwind of confusion and mild panic.

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