Grass Story

Chapter 18: Shoot the bullet.

The serene surroundings of Gensokyo's natural beauty provided the backdrop for Kusa's playful display. Multicolored orbs of energy danced and weaved through the air as Kusa skillfully manipulated them, creating intricate patterns that seemed almost like a choreographed dance. With a series of precise movements, she directed the orbs towards the lush flora, where they dissipated into a soft glow, nourishing the plants with their ethereal energy.

The sudden sound of camera shutters clicking cut through the tranquility, startling Kusa. Her orbs of energy dispersed, fading away into nothingness. Aya, the tengu reporter from the Bunbunmaru Newspaper, emerged from the bushes, revealing her presence.

Kusa's eyebrows furrowed in mild surprise. "Aya? Where did you get that camera?" she inquired, curious about the unfamiliar object.

Aya held up the rectangular device, examining it with interest. "So its name is a camera," she mused aloud. "Such a nice object."

The camera itself featured multiple lenses, and with a curious mechanism, it ejected a square sheet of paper that bore a captured image – one that had been taken mere moments ago, featuring Kusa amid her bullet manipulation.

Kusa's curiosity was piqued, and she leaned in to get a better look at the photograph. "It's a nice thing," Aya commented, studying the image with a thoughtful expression.

Kusa nodded in agreement, recognizing the potential of the device for capturing moments of beauty and intrigue. "Indeed, it's nice for photography," she remarked.

A spark of inspiration seemed to ignite in Aya's eyes. "Oh, I know!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with excitement. "Why not help me take pictures of the various bullets used by people here in Gensokyo?"

Kusa hesitated, caught off guard by the suggestion. "Eh? I don't know..."

Aya fixed her hopeful gaze on Kusa, her wings fluttering with eagerness. The tengu's request held a certain charm, and Kusa found herself considering the proposition.

Kusa's initial reluctance was met with Aya's jubilant enthusiasm as she eagerly accepted Kusa's agreement to help with her photographic endeavor. Kusa's sigh of resignation, mixed with a hint of amusement, went unnoticed amid Aya's excitement.

"Can you give that thing to me?" Kusa requested, holding out her hand for the camera.

"Here," Aya replied, handing over the rectangular device with its multiple lenses and mysterious mechanism.

As Kusa accepted the camera, Aya's curiosity got the better of her. "What are you going to do with it?" she inquired, her curiosity evident in her tone.

Kusa's fingers deftly manipulated the camera, revealing a cartridge that held a stack of square sheets of paper. "You see, this type of camera uses a special type of paper," she explained, her words carrying a sense of intrigue.

With a subtle motion, Kusa exposed the last sheet of paper in the cartridge, revealing its imminent depletion. Aya's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected revelation.

"Wait, that's the last paper you have?" Aya exclaimed, her astonishment clear.

Kusa nodded in affirmation, a hint of a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Indeed, but fear not," she reassured, her tone taking on a more magical quality.

In a display of her supernatural abilities, Kusa conjured ten small pieces of paper, each fitting perfectly into the cartridge. With a fluid motion, she inserted them one by one, reinvigorating the camera's supply.

Aya's surprise turned to awe as she watched the display of magic unfold before her eyes. "You only have ten chances to capture a decent photo, so use it wisely," Kusa cautioned, her voice carrying a note of wisdom.

As Aya processed the information, a realization dawned on her. "So you mean I can only take ten photos of each person we meet?" she clarified.

Kusa nodded once again, her green eyes reflecting a sense of finality. "Yes," she affirmed.

Aya's determination was reignited by this challenge. A determined glint sparkled in her eyes. "Hmm... fine, I will become the best photographer in Gensokyo!" she declared with renewed energy.

Kusa's mischievous grin was barely visible as she turned to Aya, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Come on, Aya! Let's find someone to annoy!" she exclaimed with a hint of laughter in her voice.

Aya's initial bewilderment quickly gave way to amusement, and a mischievous glint lit up her own eyes. "Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have a little fun," she conceded, her tone playful.

With that unspoken agreement, the duo continued their flight, their target in sight. They descended upon their unsuspecting victim, a youkai engrossed in their activities below.


Kusa's mischievous plan took an unexpected turn as she spotted Rumia, the enigmatic youkai of dusk. Aya's mention of Rumia's title sparked Kusa's interest, and in no time, she had transformed into her tiny form and nestled herself on Aya's head.

Aya, taken aback by Kusa's sudden actions, voiced her confusion. "What are you doing?" she questioned, a mixture of surprise and mild irritation in her tone.

Kusa, undeterred, explained her idea. "Since we're photographing youkai, why not make it interesting? You dodge their bullets and capture their bullets in the photo at the same time," she suggested a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Aya hesitated, clearly unsure about the feasibility of the plan. But before she could protest, Kusa was already calling out to Rumia, her tiny voice carrying through Aya's thoughts.

The Yokai of dusk, Rumia, looked around in surprise, her attention drawn to Kusa's voice.

"Rumia!" Kusa called out, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and challenge.

Rumia, recognizing the voice, looked puzzled for a moment before spotting Kusa riding on Aya's head. "Kusa?" she questioned, her curiosity evident.

Kusa wasted no time in presenting her proposition. "Hit me with your bullets, Rumia, and I'll reward you with some delicious fruits," she offered, her eyes shining with anticipation.

Rumia's eyes widened in intrigue at the tempting offer. "Really? But there's someone else here," she pointed out, glancing at Aya.

Kusa reassured Rumia with a playful grin. "Don't worry about Aya. I doubt you could hit her," she remarked confidently.

Rumia's competitive spirit was ignited, and a determined glint entered her eyes. "Let me show you what I can do!" she declared, raising her hands as orbs of darkness formed around her.

Rumia, fueled by her competitive spirit, wasted no time in taking up the challenge. With a mischievous grin, she conjured a barrage of dark bullets and sent them hurtling toward Aya and Kusa.

Kusa, realizing the imminent danger, immediately sounded the alarm. "Rumia, what are you doing? Aya, dodge!" she exclaimed urgently, her voice laced with concern.

Aya, understanding the gravity of the situation, quickly sprang into action. She swiftly maneuvered through the air, evading the incoming bullets with a combination of agility and finesse.

As Aya's graceful dodges painted a mesmerizing dance of movement, she hatched an innovative plan. "I think I'll photograph the clusters of bullets," she declared with a hint of excitement.

Kusa's eyes lit up at the clever suggestion. "That's a fantastic idea!" she exclaimed, her admiration for Aya's quick thinking evident.

With renewed determination, Aya continued to navigate the storm of bullets, her keen eyes focusing on capturing the intricate patterns and formations they created in midair. The camera's lens clicked repeatedly as it captured the mesmerizing chaos of Rumia's dark barrage.

The dark bullets created a mesmerizing spectacle, weaving an intricate tapestry of shadows and light against the backdrop of the sky. Aya's camera deftly froze each fleeting moment, preserving the beauty of the dark bullet dance for eternity.

As the final bullet dissipated, Aya lowered the camera with a triumphant smile. "I got it!" she exclaimed, her satisfaction palpable.

Kusa, still perched on Aya's head, couldn't help but applaud the impressive feat. "Well done, Aya! You managed to capture the essence of Rumia's bullets perfectly!"

Rumia's frustrated proclamation echoed through the air as she watched Aya nimbly evade her barrage of dark bullets. She was undeniably outmatched in terms of speed, leaving her feeling a sense of defeat.

Kusa, always quick to offer comfort, approached Rumia with a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about it, Rumia," she said soothingly, conjuring a basket of delectable fruits. "Here, you can have these."

Rumia blinked in surprise, her frustration momentarily forgotten. "Even though I didn't hit you once?" she questioned, her confusion evident.

Kusa nodded with genuine kindness. "Yes, because you're trying hard, and that's what counts, doesn't it?"

A smile slowly spread across Rumia's face as she accepted the basket of fruits. "Umu!" she agreed enthusiastically, her spirits lifted by Kusa's understanding gesture.

Meanwhile, Aya couldn't help but express her surprise. "I didn't think you were such a gentle person," she commented, her curiosity piqued.

Kusa chuckled softly, shaking her head. "Me? I'm not the gentle type," she replied, her tone laced with amusement. "If I want to do something, I do it. That's just my way of living."

With a gentle and playful demeanor, Kusa reached out and affectionately ruffled Rumia's hair. The youkai girl leaned into the gesture, clearly enjoying the attention.

"Shall we go find someone else to photograph?" Aya suggested, her eagerness returning.

"Of course!" Kusa agreed with a nod, her adventurous spirit reignited.


Through the boundless skies of Gensokyo, Kusa, and Aya soared toward their next intriguing encounter. Their aerial journey brought them face-to-face with a girl who possessed an air of mystique, an aura harmonizing with the ethereal realm she inhabited. Blue eyes met teal hair, and bug-like antennae crowned her head. Her attire was a curious blend of a white shirt with long, stylized sleeves, a black cape that revealed a vibrant red lining when parted, and knee-length blue baggy shorts. By her side, a firefly familiar emitted a soft, otherworldly glow.

"Wriggle," Kusa's voice carried on the breeze, catching the attention of the bug youkai.

"Wriggle? Oh, it's Kusa!" Wriggle's melodious tone resonated, her surprise evident. "I didn't expect our paths to cross this morning."

Kusa acknowledged the rare sighting of Wriggle in the sunlight. "Yes, it's unusual to see you out in the sun."

With an air of intrigue, Kusa revealed her purpose. "I have a favor to ask."

Wriggle's curiosity was piqued, and she regarded Kusa with a knowing smile. "A favor? This is quite the surprise coming from you."

Kusa tilted her head, momentarily puzzled by Wriggle's assertion. "Is it? I've never requested anything before?"

Wriggle's smile widened, her gentle demeanor unchanged. "Indeed. You're known for your remarkable capabilities, so this is indeed the first time you've approached someone with a favor."

Kusa's humility shone through her response. "I'm far from all-powerful. There are things I can't do, like commanding bugs. I may possess unique abilities, but I'm just an ordinary person with a special gift, not an all-knowing being."

Wriggle's smile deepened, a silent understanding passing between them.

"So, what is your request?" Wriggle inquired, her voice brimming with anticipation.

Kusa's request was both simple and direct. "Can you shoot that crow?"

With a playful gleam in her eyes, Kusa's gaze shifted from Wriggle to Aya, her intentions becoming clear as she pointed towards the tengu.

"Eh?!!" Aya's startled exclamation escaped her lips, her surprise mirrored by the curious bug youkai by her side.

"I can, but why?" Wriggle inquired, her intrigue evident as she glanced from Kusa to Aya.

Kusa's lips curled into a mischievous smile as she answered, her attention now fully on Aya. "She's practicing her dodging skills, isn't that right, Aya?"

Aya's features lit up, caught off guard by Kusa's unexpected proposal. "Yes!" she exclaimed, her enthusiasm undeniably genuine.

Wriggle's expression shifted from curiosity to amusement, a knowing glint in her eyes. "Well, then. If it's a training exercise you seek, I'm more than willing to participate."


"I didn't think she's good at dodging," Wriggle admitted, her tone laced with surprise as she watched Aya's impressive performance unfold before her.

As the barrage of bullets subsided, the atmosphere shifted, a collective exhale echoing through the air. Aya's hands trembled slightly, the exhilaration of the exercise still coursing through her veins. Meanwhile, Kusa's encouraging words broke the momentary stillness.

"Good work!" Kusa's cheerful praise reached the ears of both participants, the words carrying a sense of camaraderie and achievement.

Kusa extended a basket of fruits towards Wriggle, the gesture a simple yet heartfelt token of appreciation. Wriggle's expression held a hint of bemusement as she accepted the offering, her surprise evident as she recalled the similar gesture from the previous day.

"Eh? You're giving me more today?" Wriggle's curiosity prompted her question, yet Kusa's response offered a reassuring perspective.

"Don't worry, you can't have too many fruits, especially when you're not the only one enjoying them," Kusa's words carried a gentle reminder, emphasizing the communal nature of the treats.


Beside the tranquil lake, the vibrant scenery painted a serene backdrop for a well-deserved respite. Kusa's proficiency in shaping the natural world allowed her to conjure a quaint setting with ease. A table and chairs emerged from the verdant surroundings, while a spread of fruits and a refreshing beverage adorned the surface.

Aya let out a contented sigh as she settled into one of the chairs, the weight of her previous exertions melting away. She reached for the wooden cup filled with juice, her thirst for refreshment evident. Yet, a small yearning for cooler temperatures tinged her expression. Almost as if her unspoken wish had been heard, ice cubes manifested within the cup, creating a pleasant chill.

"Thank you—" Aya began, her gratitude trailing off as her attention shifted to a nearby presence. To her surprise, Cirno, the self-proclaimed strongest fairy, was partaking in the same reprieve. Aya's inquiry remained unspoken, her intrigue mirrored in her gaze.

Cirno, unabashed by the attention, offered a casual response to Aya's unspoken question. "What?"

As the trio settled into their leisure, an unexpected revelation prompted Aya to share a tidbit about her companion's motivations. Kusa's playful tone carried a hint of mischief as she exposed Aya's desire for a worthy challenge. Aya's immediate denial, however, couldn't conceal the truth behind Kusa's words.

"No! I didn't say it!" Aya protested, her attempt to distance herself from the claim ringing slightly hollow.

Cirno's eyes twinkled with mischief as she processed the information. Her animated response seemed to capture the spirit of the moment perfectly. "Ohh!"

With the truth unveiled and Aya's competitive spirit laid bare, Cirno proposed a collective pause from such matters.


In a sudden twist of events, the tranquil scene at the lake transformed into a spectacle of icy chaos. A thousand shards of sharp ice manifested in the air, creating a daunting challenge that demanded the utmost agility to navigate. Aya, the self-assured tengu, found herself ensnared within this frosty tempest.

With frantic precision, Aya evaded as best as she could, her movements a dance of survival amidst the crystalline barrage. Yet, the relentless assault proved to be her undoing, and several ice shards found their mark. The tengu's agile maneuvers faltered, and she stumbled, the ground claiming her with an undignified faceplant. Her body was now adorned with frosty adornments, the ice shards sticking to her skin and clothing.

As Aya lay on the ground, momentarily defeated by the icy assault, Kusa's voice cut through the flurry. A playful tone laced her words, her admiration for Aya's determination evident even in this comical situation. "As expected of the strongest Fairy!"

Cirno, standing nearby and unscathed by the onslaught, beamed with pride at the acknowledgment. Her chest puffed out, and a triumphant grin tugged at her lips. "It's a given," she chimed in, her self-assuredness mirrored in her words.

Kusa, undeterred by the chaotic turn of events, appeared at Cirno's side bearing a bounty of fruits. Her offering was met with pure delight as Cirno eagerly accepted the colorful array. The rewards of victory were sweet, both literally and figuratively, as the trio shared in the moment's joviality.

With her characteristic kindness, Kusa extended a hand toward the fallen Aya. The tengu's icy plight seemed to evoke a sense of amusement rather than concern, and Kusa's playful demeanor held no trace of mockery.


In the wake of the icy escapade, Aya's exasperation with dodging seemed to reveal a hint of reluctance. However, her competitive spirit remained undaunted, and her resolve to continue was unwavering. The challenge, it seemed, was too enticing to pass up.

Kusa, ever the adaptable one, considered Aya's proposition with a thoughtful expression. She pondered her options, weighing the decision carefully before concluding. "Hmm... fine," Kusa eventually conceded, her voice holding a mix of determination and agreement.

Aya's face lit up with delight, her triumph evident in her beaming expression. "Really?!" she exclaimed, clearly pleased with Kusa's acceptance.

With a confident nod, Kusa affirmed her decision. "Yes, that's why we should find someone."

And so, their quest for a new opponent led them to an encounter with Letty Whiterock, the enigmatic Yuki-onna known for her control over ice and snow. As the trio approached her, the air grew colder, a testament to Letty's presence and her natural affinity for wintry conditions.


As the trio faced off against Letty Whiterock, the Yuki-onna's determined declaration reverberated through the frosty air. "Kusa! This time I will surely have my revenge!!!"

Kusa, seemingly unfazed by Letty's proclamation, had a plan in mind. "I'll dodge, and you shoot from the sidelines," she suggested a mischievous glint in her eyes. Her strategy aimed to capture the dynamic interaction between her dodging and Letty's icy assaults, all while allowing Aya to snap photos from a different vantage point.

Aya's response was swift and enthusiastic. "Okay!" she chimed in, her grin taking on a slightly wicked edge. The prospect of documenting the impending spectacle excited her.

However, as the confrontation unfolded, it became apparent that reality had a way of defying even the most carefully laid plans. Kusa's instructions to Letty to shoot from the sidelines were met with a flurry of icy projectiles, each aimed with precision. Yet, to everyone's surprise, Letty's attacks were repeatedly thwarted by unexpected barriers—twisting roots that seemed to sprout from the ground, forming an impromptu shield.

Aya's initial eagerness gave way to a bemused silence as she watched the scene unfold. Despite her best efforts to capture Kusa's dodging and Letty's attacks, the unexpected intervention of the roots had thrown a wrench in her photographic plans.


After the playful confrontation between Kusa and Letty Whiterock, the atmosphere lightened considerably. Kusa, true to her nature, extended a gesture of goodwill by offering Letty a basket of fruits. Letty, her icy demeanor thawing just a bit, accepted the offering with a begrudging nod.

As the trio began to wind down from their mock battle, Aya voiced her thoughts, a hint of frustration evident in her tone. "I mean, can you please act like you are struggling with the attacks?" Aya's request was accompanied by a touch of exasperation, as her attempts to capture the perfect shot had been thwarted by the unexpected intervention of the roots.

Kusa, displaying a surprising level of agreement, chimed in to support Aya's plea. "I agree with your request, so don't argue with what I do, or else I will make you do it all." Her words held a hint of mischief, indicating that she was fully prepared to turn the tables if Aya continued to press her point.

Aya's response was one of reluctant compliance, her resolve weakening as she recognized Kusa's determination. "Fine..." she conceded, a mix of resignation and resignation in her voice. It was a rare moment of acquiescence, a testament to the unspoken bond that existed between the trio.


Amid their playful escapades, the trio's next target emerged: Alice Margatroid, the enigmatic puppeteer of Gensokyo. Kusa's mischievous nature took the lead as she initiated a curious request.

"Attack me while I stay here in this circle," Kusa proposed, her words dripping with intrigue.

Alice's violet eyes narrowed in suspicion, her doll-like features betraying a hint of confusion. "What are you playing at?" she inquired, her tone cautious.

Unfazed by Alice's skepticism, Kusa revealed the purpose behind her peculiar request. "It's for a project of Aya," she explained, her words carrying a note of earnestness.

Accepting Kusa's explanation, Alice nodded in understanding. "I see... then let's do it," she agreed, a playful glint in her eyes.

As the "battle" commenced, Alice launched a flurry of attacks at Kusa, who remained nonchalant in the face of the incoming barrage. While Alice exhibited aggression and determination, Kusa took on a more carefree approach, using the opportunity to doodle idly on the ground.

Meanwhile, Aya was in a flurry of activity, expertly positioning herself to capture the dynamic scene unfolding before her lens. Her focus was unwavering, as she sought to capture the essence of the confrontation in a single, fleeting moment.

The collaboration between the three yielded a striking juxtaposition—the relentless attacks of Alice, the laid-back indifference of Kusa, and Aya's dedicated pursuit of the perfect shot. It was a true reflection of the diverse personalities that inhabited Gensokyo.

Once the "battle" had run its course, Kusa presented Alice with a basket of fruits and a selection of books, a token of gratitude for her participation.


In their pursuit of capturing unique moments, Kusa, Aya, and their ever-growing group of willing participants found themselves face-to-face with Keine Kamishirasawa, the diligent and responsible teacher of the Human Village.

Kusa's enthusiasm remained undaunted as she initiated her unusual request. "Keine! Can you shoot with your bullets?" she exclaimed, her tone carrying a sense of eagerness.

Keine's response was laden with a mixture of bemusement and mild exasperation. "And here I thought you aren't going to be weirder..." she muttered under her breath, her eyes regarding Kusa with a quizzical expression. "What for?" she inquired, seeking clarity on the unusual proposal.

Kusa's reply was quick and to the point, "Aya's request." It seemed the photographer Tengu had managed to rope Kusa into her project, which had now extended its reach to even the usually composed and serious Keine.

Keine's sigh was accompanied by a subtle roll of her eyes, a gesture that spoke volumes of her willingness to comply despite her reservations. "Fine..." she relented, her tone tinged with a hint of resignation.

With Keine's agreement in hand, Kusa's determination appeared to pay off once more. This time, Keine was the one to unleash her barrage of bullets, her precision, and control evident in the way the projectiles were aimed and coordinated.

Aya, as always, was in her element, capturing the scene with unwavering focus. Her lens caught every movement, every flash of magic, and every fleeting expression, immortalizing the interaction between Kusa and Keine.

Once the "shootout" had concluded, Kusa extended her gratitude to Keine in the form of school supplies and a basket of fruits.


The whimsical journey continued, with Kusa and Aya venturing further into the enigmatic world of Gensokyo. Their latest encounter led them to the tranquil and verdant presence of Reisen Inaba, the moon rabbit who resided within the secluded Eientei.

"Rabbit!" Kusa exclaimed playfully upon spotting Reisen, her tone carrying an air of excitement.

Reisen, recognizing Kusa's distinct voice, turned to address the source of the exclamation. "Kusa? What are you doing here?" she inquired, her curiosity evident.

Kusa's response was a simple and enigmatic challenge. "Guess!" she retorted, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Reisen's brow furrowed slightly as she contemplated the situation. "Fine," she relented, sensing that unraveling Kusa's intentions might prove more entertaining than ignoring her antics. "But I don't want to give away my secret spell. Is that fine?" she stipulated, a note of caution in her tone.

Aya, ever eager to capture the essence of the moment, responded with enthusiasm. "Yes!" she chimed in, ready to embrace the challenge.

Kusa rewarded Reisen's cooperation with a thoughtful gift, presenting her with a combination of fruits and herbs—a gesture that conveyed appreciation and camaraderie in Gensokyo's unique language of interaction.

As their quest for unique moments continued, Kusa's approach remained consistent. Tewi, the crafty and mischievous rabbit who called Eientei home, was the next to partake in Kusa and Aya's project. Just like with Reisen, Kusa's charismatic request was met with both intrigue and compliance. In return for her participation, Tewi received a doll and a basket of fruits, a playful exchange that mirrored the light-hearted nature of their gathering.

The trail of their escapades led them to the enigmatic Eirin Yagokoro, the skilled pharmacist and sage who resided alongside Reisen within Eientei's walls. Eirin's initial skepticism was swiftly tempered by Aya's plea to capture the unique bullets she was known to wield. Recognizing the sincere intent behind the request, Eirin eventually conceded, agreeing to unleash her formidable skills for the sake of Aya's photographic endeavor.

"To be honest, I'm not close with Kaguya," Kusa admitted, her voice tinged with a touch of candid honesty. It was clear that Kusa was navigating a complex landscape of emotions, one where friendships and alliances were forged through unique circumstances.

Aya, her curiosity piqued, offered a suggestion. "Then let's not include her…" Aya's words carried a sense of practicality as if navigating around a delicate situation.

However, Kusa seemed to have a more direct approach in mind. With a casual yet purposeful motion, she opened the door to Kaguya's room and ushered Aya inside before swiftly closing the door behind her. The action left Kaguya momentarily surprised by the abruptness of the encounter.

Meanwhile, Kusa turned her attention to the visibly exhausted Aya, who had been swept into the room. Sliding a basket of ripe and succulent fruits towards her, Kusa's demeanor was a blend of playfulness and consideration.

As the moments passed, Kaguya's gaze settled upon the scene before her—a seemingly whimsical interaction unfolding amid her ornate chambers. A sense of curiosity lingered in her eyes, a reflection of the mystery that often surrounded Gensokyo's inhabitants.

Amidst this tableau, Kaguya's voice cut through the air, a question laden with a mix of introspection and uncertainty. "Do you not hate me?" she inquired, her tone carrying a hint of vulnerability.

"I don't," Kusa's words resonated, a simple yet profound declaration that spoke volumes about her perspective. Her stance was one of understanding and empathy, a testament to her unique ability to see beyond the surface and grasp the intricacies of individual experiences.

Kusa continued, her tone holding a thread of practicality. "I just hope you and Mokou will talk with each other and settle this farce." The word "farce" seemed to encapsulate the futility of their prolonged conflict, a reminder that the animosity between Kaguya and Mokou had persisted for far too long.

Kusa's words also held a pragmatic edge, acknowledging the undeniable truth that Mokou was, in fact, a formidable ally—an ally who could provide unparalleled strength and protection in times of peril. It was a point that underscored the potential benefits of resolving their differences, a point that resonated even amid their complex history.


The familiar landscape of Medicine's dwelling greeted Kusa and Aya as they stood before the patch of vibrant flowers that served as the entrance to her abode. Aya's inquisitive nature led her to voice the question that had likely been on her mind since their arrival.

"Isn't this Medicine's home?" Her voice held a hint of curiosity, a reflection of her natural penchant for uncovering the mysteries of Gensokyo.

Kusa nodded in affirmation, her gaze fixed on the swaying flowers that concealed the entrance. "Yes..." Her response was measured, carrying with it a sense of familiarity that hinted at her interactions with the enigmatic being who resided within.

The silence that followed was brief, for the patch of flowers soon parted, revealing the petite figure of Medicine herself. Her appearance was accompanied by a sense of casual curiosity, her crimson eyes resting upon Kusa and Aya inquiringly.

"Kusa and Aya? What are you guys doing here?" Her voice carried a tone of mild surprise, suggesting that their unexpected visit had piqued her interest.

Kusa offered a simple explanation, her words are casual yet indicative of the purpose behind their presence. "Just some request." Her response was succinct, leaving a touch of intrigue as to the nature of their undertaking.

As Aya completed her task of photographing the bullets, Kusa extended a gesture of gratitude to Medicine. She presented a collection of offerings—a blend of poisonous plants, herbs, and fruits—a gesture that encapsulated both appreciation and camaraderie.


As the path led them toward the imposing Scarlet Devil Mansion, Aya's curiosity found voice once again, her tone tinged with anticipation. "Isn't this the way to the Scarlet Devil Mansion?" Her words held a hint of excitement as if the prospect of their upcoming venture promised a dose of amusement.

Kusa's response was laced with a mischievous undertone, a playful glint in her eyes as she acknowledged Aya's observation. "Yes... that's why it's going to be more fun after this." Her words carried an air of mystery, hinting at the intriguing encounters that lay ahead.

As they approached the familiar grounds of the mansion, their attention was drawn to a slumbering figure—the gatekeeper, Meiling Hong. Kusa's mischievous streak came to the fore as she tossed a fruit in Meiling's direction, a gesture that was deftly caught by the vigilant guardian. Meiling's voice held a blend of surprise and mild annoyance as she addressed Kusa. "Kusa? Don't surprise me like that..." Her words were accompanied by a faint sigh, a testament to the familiarity of such interactions.

Kusa's response was unapologetic, her playful demeanor apparent as she engaged in banter with Meiling. "Isn't that fine? Despite sleeping, you can sense something coming towards you." Her words were punctuated by a sense of amusement as if she found joy in testing Meiling's awareness.

Meiling's retort was tinged with a touch of exasperation, her words revealing a recurrent pattern in their interactions. "Meiling: Cause you always throw something towards me every time you visit here!" Her voice carried a note of mock annoyance, suggesting that such antics were a hallmark of Kusa's visits.

The exchange between the two continued, alternating between light-hearted banter and playful challenges. As Meiling demonstrated her martial prowess, Kusa's taunts prompted her to unleash a barrage of bullets and ki. Aya's amazement was palpable, her eyes widening in disbelief as Kusa effortlessly evaded Meiling's attacks, appearing to flicker and teleport at will.


Triumphant words spilled from Kusa's lips as she reveled in her victory. "I won again! Without lifting a finger," her tone carried a smug satisfaction, a clear declaration of her triumph.

Meiling's response was a mix of frustration and protest as she challenged the legitimacy of Kusa's approach. "That's cheating!" Meiling's voice held a note of indignation, her sense of fair play momentarily disrupted by Kusa's clever tactic.

Unperturbed, Kusa explained her unconventional victory, her demeanor easygoing and nonchalant. "I gave you a time limit, and you needed to hit me, or else you lose. That's very simple," her words conveyed a sense of simplicity to her strategy as if it were all part of a casual game.

Meiling's exasperated sigh hinted at a determination to improve and rise to the challenge Kusa had presented. The defeat had ignited a fire within her to train harder, to hone her skills and perhaps turn the tables in the next encounter.

Their exchange concluded with Kusa's triumphant declaration, a demand that resonated with her recent victory. "Let us pass now," her words carried an air of smug satisfaction as if her victory granted her the right to proceed. As a gesture of good sportsmanship, Kusa presented Meiling with a basket filled with fruits—a symbol of her acknowledgment and respect for the guardian's efforts.

With their passage secured, they entered the Scarlet Devil Mansion, a place of mystery and intrigue. Their arrival caught the attention of the mansion's resident maid, Sakuya Izayoi. Sakuya's inquisitive tone cut through the air as she addressed the visitors. "Kusa and Aya, what brings you here?" Her words held a sense of curiosity, inviting an explanation for their unexpected presence.

Kusa, true to her playful nature, turned the inquiry back to Aya, her voice exaggeratedly weary. "Aya, you convinced Sakuya. I'm tired of talking," her words carried a hint of jest, a playful attempt to shift the spotlight to her companion.

Aya's response was one of reluctant compliance, understanding that her persuasive skills had led them to this point. "Okay..." Aya's voice carried a note of resignation, acknowledging her role in the unfolding scenario.

Sakuya's response carried a note of understanding as she processed the information. "I see," her tone was composed, suggesting that she had grasped the situation at hand.

Aya's perplexed reaction added a layer of intrigue to the unfolding events. "Eh?" Her voice held a mix of surprise and curiosity, indicating that she was caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events.

Within the confines of a decorative pillar, the enigmatic figures of Remilia and Flandre Scarlet made their presence known. Their banter revealed a playful argument, each one attempting to shift the responsibility for their participation onto the other. "It isn't that I want to participate, it's just Flandre who wanted to," Remilia's voice carried a hint of protest, her words attempting to deflect any blame.

Flandre's response was swift and decisive, contradicting her sister's assertion. "Nope, you want to!" Her voice held a mischievous tone, suggesting a sense of determination in her desire to take part.

The situation was not without its comedic element, a sibling disagreement playing out before their audience. "No! You want me to!" Remilia's retort carried a playful defiance, an attempt to counter Flandre's claim.

Sakuya's pragmatic approach brought the playful banter to an end, steering the group toward their intended activity. "Okay, let's start now," her voice carried a sense of authority, signaling the initiation of their bullet-dodging challenge.

Kusa's encouraging words were directed at Aya, the lightheartedness of her tone evident. "Good luck, Aya," her words offered a playful sentiment, a show of support for her companion.

Aya's response held a note of skepticism as if she couldn't believe the situation she had found herself in. "Eh... you're kidding," her words reflected a mixture of disbelief and uncertainty, perhaps questioning the sincerity of the challenge.

Amidst the chaos of the bullet hell, Kusa's actions added a touch of amusement to the scene. Creating grapes and leisurely observing Aya's struggles, her enjoyment was evident. "It's delightful," her tone carried a sense of amusement, a declaration of her enjoyment in watching the spectacle.

As the challenge concluded, Kusa presented the participants with tokens of appreciation, offering them fruits and tea ingredients as a gesture of goodwill.


Aya's exhaustion was evident as she struggled to regain her composure and stand up. Her voice carried a sense of defeat as she muttered, "This is a big mistake," her words expressing her regret for having embarked on the challenging task.

Kusa's response was lighthearted and reassuring, her tone meant to offer comfort to her fatigued companion. "Don't worry, Aya. We only need to meet four more people," she offered a reminder of their progress and the proximity to their goal.

Aya's protest grew more emphatic as she expressed her desire to quit. "I want to quit!!!" Her voice held a mix of frustration and exhaustion, a clear indication that the physical and mental strain had taken its toll.

Kusa, however, remained resolute in her determination to see the task through. Her response was unwavering, refusing to entertain the idea of quitting so close to the finish line. "Nope! Since we're almost finished, why quit?" Her words carried a sense of optimism and encouragement, an attempt to motivate Aya to persevere.

Aya's protest continued, her voice carrying a note of desperation. "No!!!!" Her refusal was emphatic, a final declaration of her unwillingness to continue.


At the Dock of the Styx River, a familiar face greeted Kusa. "Komachi!" Kusa exclaimed upon seeing the familiar figure of the Shinigami.

Komachi's surprise mirrored Kusa's. "Kusa?!" Her tone held a mix of confusion and curiosity at the unexpected encounter.

Kusa's next words were lighthearted, though tinged with a hint of mischief. "This bird wants to die," she stated, referring to Aya, who was undoubtedly feeling the strain of their adventurous quest.

Aya quickly interjected, rejecting the notion with determination. "Nope!!!"

Komachi, however, seemed to sense the need for a break and relaxation in Kusa's eyes. The shinigami's expression softened as she seemed to read the situation. "It seems I need to change your mind," Komachi remarked, her tone suggesting a certain playfulness.

Aya, on the other hand, was less enthusiastic about the prospect. "Don't do this to me!!!" she protested, likely fearing what Komachi had in mind.

Despite Aya's understandable distress, the situation seemed to push her to her limits, and she managed to perfectly capture the intricate patterns of Komachi's bullets through her lens.

As the tension shifted, Kusa had a new request. "Give me that camera so I could visit the Yama," she requested, referring to Aya's camera that had captured their interactions throughout the day.

Aya's response was a mixture of surprise and disbelief. "Eh...?!! But that's impossible!!!"

Kusa, undeterred, had her plans. "Just watch." With a confident motion, she boarded Komachi's boat, and a remarkable transformation occurred. The expansive Styx River seemed to shrink into a small pond, and Kusa effortlessly hopped to the opposite side.

The reactions were varied and momentarily left both Komachi and Aya speechless, their astonishment evident in their expressions.

In a realm characterized by its unique and enigmatic presence, Kusa's voice called out, echoing through the space. "Shiki!"

A girl, the image of green amidst the surroundings, sat on a throne with a somewhat disheveled appearance. The figure turned her gaze toward the source of the voice. "Kusa?" Shiki's voice held a tinge of surprise at the unexpected visitor.

Kusa's concern was evident as she addressed Shiki. "I didn't think you are so miserable. Did you not take any breaks?" Her words held a touch of reproach, reflecting her worry for the girl on the throne.

Shiki's response came forth, offering insight into her situation. "No... I need Komachi to slack off," she admitted, revealing the challenges she faced.

A somber atmosphere lingered, and Kusa's awareness of the external world's troubles was clear. "You see what happened outside?" she questioned, acknowledging the ongoing turmoil and conflict.

Kusa's concern extended beyond mere conversation, and she offered a suggestion. "How about a little break and a bullet release?" Her words carried a sense of compassion, an offer to provide a moment of respite.

With a nod of agreement from Shiki, the two briefly took a pause, engaging in an activity that seemed to offer them solace. Kusa's gesture of providing fruits, carefully chosen for their restorative properties, demonstrated her thoughtful nature.

After their brief interlude, Kusa eventually returned from her engagement with Shiki. With a sense of purpose, she declared their next move. "Let's go, Aya! Goodbye, Komachi!" Her words were both a farewell and a call to continue their journey, as the adventure pressed forward.

Komachi's response echoed a simple affirmation that carried weight. "Umu!"


Amidst the village veiled in an ethereal mist, Aya questioned Kusa's boundless energy. "Why are you so energetic, Kusa?" Her curiosity was evident, observing her companion's spirited demeanor.

Kusa's response came with a lighthearted explanation, her words carrying a touch of playfulness. "The sun is shining so bright, so I have unlimited energy!!!" Her exclamation seemed to capture the essence of her vibrant mood.

In this enigmatic setting, their attention turned to three figures who awaited them. Among them, Yukari's voice carried a knowing tone. "We already know what you two are up to, so we should start now," she suggested, prompting their engagement in whatever endeavor had brought them here.

With a decisive movement, Kusa stepped away, taking on the role of a cheerleader. Her voice rang out in support, encouraging Aya to rise to the challenge. "Go, Aya!!!" Her words carried enthusiasm, a vocal affirmation of her friend's efforts.

The atmosphere was charged with a sense of camaraderie and competition, as Aya responded to Kusa's cheer with equal fervor. "KUSA!!!!!!" Her declaration echoed, the bond between the two friends evident in their spirited interactions.

As the encounter drew to a close, Kusa made a thoughtful gesture, offering fruits and a doll to their companions, including Chen. Her actions spoke of her appreciation for their involvement and camaraderie.

However, the day's activities were not yet complete. Kusa's determination led her to take on a new task, as she decided to carry an unconscious and dirtied tengu with her, venturing forth to find another person to engage with.


In the lively atmosphere where Suika Ibuki's presence was felt through the aroma of sake, Kusa's casual greeting caught the oni's attention. "Yo, Suika," she called out, her tone light and friendly, as if familiar with the surroundings.

Suika's reaction was one of pleasant surprise, her expression mirroring her recognition of the green-haired figure before her. "Kusa?!! Are you here to experience how strong my sake!!" The excitement in her voice was evident, as if eager to share her brew with others.

Kusa's response carried a mix of curiosity and purpose. "Yes... but I have a request," she admitted, a hint of intrigue in her words as she alluded to her intentions.

As the encounter unfolded, Kusa's agility and reflexes were put to the test as she adeptly dodged the barrage of bullets that Suika's sake manifested. Amid this spirited interaction, Kusa also seized the opportunity to capture the moment with her camera, ensuring that her friend Aya's project remained on track.

The taste of the sake proved to be an intense experience for Kusa, evoking an almost reflexive reaction. "Pwah..!! It's strong," she exclaimed her candid reaction a testament to the potency of Suika's creation.

Suika, ever the connoisseur of her brew, was intrigued by Kusa's resilience. "You didn't get drunk?!!" Her disbelief was evident, seemingly impressed by Kusa's ability to withstand the effects of the sake.

Kusa's explanation shed light on her unique constitution. "After all, I'm immune to poison," she revealed, offering a glimpse into her exceptional traits.

Suika's response was a mix of understanding and a challenge. "I see... but I refuse to believe that my sake can't overwhelm your resistance!!!" Her competitive spirit was clear, her determination unyielding as she playfully contested Kusa's assertion.

As a gesture of goodwill, Kusa presented Suika with a variety of different kinds of alcohol, a peace offering that Suika accepted with genuine happiness.


The day's adventures had led Aya and Kusa to an encounter with Mokou in the open field. As the tengu and the plant-like being approached, Aya couldn't help but notice the strong scent of alcohol emanating from Kusa.

"You reek of alcohol," Aya remarked, her nose wrinkling at the potent smell.

Kusa, seemingly undisturbed by the comment, offered a nonchalant response. "Oh..." With a brief glow of energy, the overpowering aroma dissipated, leaving a sense of relief in its wake.

"Better?" Kusa inquired, her gaze shifting to Aya.

Aya took a moment to assess the situation before nodding in approval. "Yes..."

With the scent issue resolved, Kusa turned her attention to the task at hand. "This is the last person now," she declared a note of accomplishment in her tone.

Aya, who had been through a whirlwind of encounters, expressed a mixture of exhaustion and relief. "Finally!" she exclaimed, her weariness apparent.

Seizing the opportunity, Kusa addressed Mokou with determination. "Mokou!" she called out, her intent clear.

Mokou, who had been resting on the field, responded with a hint of curiosity. "What is it?!" Her tone was sharp, reflecting her readiness for action.

Without hesitation, Kusa issued her challenge. "Fight me!!!" Her words carried an air of excitement, a call to engage in a battle of strength and will.

Mokou's response was swift and enthusiastic. "Gladly!!!" With a burst of energy, she sprang to her feet, ready to meet Kusa's challenge head-on. Fireballs materialized and were launched in rapid succession, aimed directly at Kusa.

Aya, watching the exchange, couldn't help but find it exhilarating. "That was refreshing!" she exclaimed, clearly enjoying the spectacle.

As the fireballs whizzed through the air, Kusa's agility and reflexes came into play as she evaded the fiery onslaught with skillful movements. The sight of her effortlessly avoiding the dangerous projectiles was both impressive and mesmerizing.

Amidst the chaos, Kusa found herself covered in black powder, a testament to the close calls she had narrowly escaped. With a determined expression, she stared at the unharmed Mokou, the intensity of their encounter leaving a palpable energy in the air.

Mokou couldn't help but taunt Kusa after the fiery exchange. "That's what you get for being smug!" Her playful tone carried a hint of satisfaction.

Kusa's inner thoughts, however, revealed her calculated strategy. "Because fire can't harm me, the plants let them hit me," she mused, recognizing the advantage her unique abilities provided.

Expressing her surprise, Kusa openly acknowledged Mokou's insight. "I didn't think you could completely predict me," she admitted a mix of admiration and amusement in her voice.

Mokou, confident in her understanding of her companion, responded matter-of-factly. "Of course, as the person who's always with you, I can deduce your next train of thought," she explained, the familiarity between them evident in her words.

Kusa couldn't help but tease Mokou, playfully adding, "Scary~" Her tone carried a lightheartedness that hinted at their unique bond.

Amidst the banter, Aya expressed her gratitude for Kusa's assistance. "Thank you, Kusa, for the help!" Her words were sincere, and she looked on with appreciation.

Kusa acknowledged Aya's gratitude with a simple "Yeah," her demeanor calm and collected.

With the mission completed, Kusa's energy remained undeterred. "Now that that's finished, let's go for round 2!!!" she declared enthusiastically.

Mokou, never one to back down from a challenge, eagerly accepted. "Bring it on!!!" Her voice held a determined edge, ready for the next showdown.

As the two combatants engaged in their second round, their battle was more intense and focused. The clash of their abilities and determination was palpable, and Kusa ultimately emerged as the victor. Her triumph was evident in her demeanor, and she couldn't resist a smug grin that seemed to linger throughout the day.

Mokou, on the other hand, found herself growing increasingly annoyed by Kusa's playful gloating. Meanwhile, Aya observed the battle with keen interest, capturing the dynamic between the two with her ever-present camera.


In the quaint abode of Marisa Kirisame, a knock resounded against the door, prompting her to answer its call. As the door swung open, Marisa was met with an unexpected sight: Kusa standing before her, a small flower extended in her outstretched hand.

Bemusement danced across Marisa's features as she regarded the offering. "What is this?" she inquired, genuine curiosity lacing her words.

With a serene smile, Kusa responded, "A gift for you, just because I wanted to give it."

Marisa's lips curved into a reciprocating smile, appreciation twinkling in her eyes. "I appreciate it, but why such a random gesture?"

The enigmatic reply was met with another of Kusa's mysterious smiles, casting a sense of intrigue upon the scene.

Marisa took a step back, an almost wary expression appearing as she playfully warned, "Kusa... don't you dare!"

Amidst the ensuing exchange, an attentive ear might catch faint and indistinct sounds, hinting at the subtle undercurrent of their interaction. The nature of those sounds, however, remained a tantalizing mystery, left to the imagination of those who observed the whimsical encounter.

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