Grass Story

Chapter 21: Another shrine III.

With the combined power of the Highest Damage Magician and the Versatile shrine maiden, the goddess stood little chance of winning. "This is painful to look at," Aya remarked, recalling when Reimu and Marisa had fought her together.

"They complement each other so well," Kusa sighed. Don't get her wrong; she loved Marisa, but she couldn't deny that Reimu was a person far more capable than herself.

"It could be said that they can lean on each other without worrying about the consequences," Kusa added, with a hint of pity that she and Marisa couldn't complement each other similarly when they joined forces.

"Are you not envious?" Aya asked Kusa, who seemed easygoing and unaffected by the revelation.

"Me? Why would I be?" Kusa asked in confusion. She didn't see a reason to be envious.

"Your way of fighting is both high offense and impenetrable defense," Aya pointed out, recognizing that Kusa was an all-rounder.

"I doubt someone can match you so well," Aya said seriously, making Kusa pause to consider her words.

"There is one person who can keep up with me," Kusa replied thoughtfully.

"Let me guess... Mokou?" Aya guessed, and Kusa nodded in agreement.

"Yes, even though grass and fire don't seem to mix well, I am a heat-powered grass," Kusa chuckled.

"With her by my side, I can unleash my Horoscope spell cards without any worries," Kusa explained, indicating that she couldn't use light-based attacks as frequently due to their high energy consumption.

"Of course, her fire becomes even stronger when we're close to each other. I suppose it's a side effect of my connection as a vassal of the sun god."

"Oh... then why did you choose Marisa?" Aya inquired, prompting Kusa to ponder her question.

"I don't know why you're questioning that... I don't see Mokou in that way, maybe?" Kusa replied, her thoughts on the matter seeming unclear even to herself. Despite her low-energy self and the influence of alcohol, she couldn't deny a certain affinity she felt with Mokou.

"Well, Marisa... she's helped me a lot in ways only I understand. She's become quite precious to my life, and I'm committed to being a better partner for her," Kusa admitted, her tone shy as she shared her feelings.

As the sky above them was illuminated by the ongoing battle, Aya and Kusa continued their conversation like they were enjoying a casual fireworks display.

Sanae offered tea to the two of them, which they both accepted with gratitude. Settling down together, they watched the intense conflict unfold in the sky above.

"I wish I could be as strong as them..." Sanae mused aloud, her eyes fixed on the airborne battle.

Kusa, taking a thoughtful sip of her tea, responded, "If you were as strong as them, you might end up being the one to solve all the future incidents."

Sanae looked puzzled by the statement. "What do you mean?"

Kusa explained, "Since Reimu came into the picture, various incidents have been occurring. It's almost as if fate is tied to her."

Aya chimed in, "It's true, things were much more peaceful before Reimu's arrival. But honestly, I prefer the chaos now. It gives my newspaper more interesting stories."

Kusa couldn't help but chuckle. "You haven't changed much at all, Aya."

Aya defended herself with a grin, "Oh, I have! I mean, not many Yokai enjoy a peaceful atmosphere like this. I'm one of those who thrive in the chaos."

Kusa's response was pragmatic, "My point is that being overly strong can lead you to even stronger opponents. Sometimes it's better to remain average."

Aya glanced at Kusa, a teasing smile forming on her lips. "I'm curious, though. With your strength, who do you consider your opponent?"

As the conversation continued amidst the unfolding aerial battle, Kusa downplayed her strength.

"You misunderstand my abilities," Kusa explained. "I'm not all that strong. Most of my grass-based spell cards are focused on binding and restricting movement."

She continued, "My Horoscope spell cards are powerful, but they drain a lot of energy. That's why I often rely on my control over plants to handle enemies, rather than relying solely on my spell cards."

Aya expressed concern, "Isn't it a bit risky to openly discuss your weaknesses like this?"

Kusa dismissed the worry with a nonchalant attitude. "Nah, it's fine. I'm just a Grass, you know. I never truly die; I always regrow as a new grass."

Sanae chimed in, a hint of unease in her voice, "That sounds a bit depressing when you put it that way."

Kusa contemplated her words and then grinned mischievously. "Let me revise that answer, Aya. Because the world won't allow me to die, and I highly doubt you can defeat the entire world."

Aya was taken aback by the boldness of Kusa's statement. "Wow, now that's some arrogance!"

Kusa raised an eyebrow, a competitive fire gleaming in her eyes. "Feeling up for a challenge?"

Aya smirked. "You're on!"

The once peaceful scene near the shrine quickly turned into a tumultuous struggle.


As chaos raged on the ground, a sudden voice cut through the commotion.

"Can I join?!!!" exclaimed a girl in a purplish-blue dress adorned with a frog print design. She had medium-length blond hair and grey eyes, and her wide-brimmed hat sported two frog eyes on top. Her appearance drew the attention of everyone around, prompting them to pause and exchange perplexed looks.

"Suwako-sama, it might be best if you run," Sanae advised, her tone laced with concern.

However, Suwako's response was far from expected. Instead of defusing the situation, she seemed to inadvertently amplify it. The ongoing conflict transformed into a momentary ceasefire as all parties turned their attention towards Suwako.

In an instant, the tense atmosphere shattered, replaced by a flurry of bullets and projectiles aimed at the newcomer. Suwako's startled cry filled the air as she found herself caught in the crossfire. It was as if the dogfight had taken a new turn, with the attention now squarely focused on the unintended target.


Seated around a table in the Moriya Shrine, the group enjoyed a moment of respite. Plates of food and cups of tea filled the table, offering a much-needed reprieve from the earlier clashes. Yet, the signs of their recent battles were evident, with the participants bearing ragged appearances. Kusa and Sanae seemed to be the exceptions, relatively unscathed by the confrontations.

Kanako's voice broke the calm atmosphere, her proposal hanging in the air like a shared realization. "That's why I propose to create an Alliance between Moriya Shrine and Hakurei Shrine!"

Reimu, despite her weary state, nodded in agreement. "I agree since you want yokai, and I'll gather the humans."

Kusa's thoughtful interjection added a layer of complexity. "But what if another shrine suddenly appears?"

Reimu's brows furrowed at the valid point. Kanako's expression mirrored the contemplation. It was Suwako who broke the silence with a characteristic nonchalance. "We'll cross that bridge when we get there."

The sentiment seemed to resonate, earning a shared agreement from both Kanako and Reimu.

Aya, who had been observing the conversation, decided to contribute her perspective. "Additionally, you'll need to form an alliance with the Yokai on this mountain. Their restlessness could pose a problem if you seek to garner faith from them."

"It seems that's the case," Kanako replied, her expression thoughtful.

Sanae, determined, chimed in, "Leave it to me, Kanako-sama!"

Marisa interjected, offering her perspective, "Don't be like that, Sanae. The Yokai will sense her sincerity if she negotiates with them. If it's you, the relationship might feel strained."

Sanae nodded in understanding. "I see..."

Curiosity piqued, Reimu posed a question, "By the way, why did you guys move here?"

Sanae explained, "Because humans are starting to lose faith in gods due to cults and negative influences from bad religions. Their focus has shifted towards media and companies."

Kusa added her insight, "Ah... the outside world seems tough."

Marisa, seeking more information, prodded further, "Didn't you go to the outside world, Kusa?"

Kusa responded, "Yes, I have, but I don't like to stay there for long. The plants there are very weak due to constant harm from the environment."

Kusa's tone turned somber as she continued, "If I were to stay there any longer, I might inadvertently damage humankind's foundations."

Marisa inquired with genuine curiosity, "Why?"

Kusa's voice carried a mix of sadness and determination, "I'm a plant, and I can sense their feelings. I want to grant their wishes, but causing harm to millions of people is a burden I can't bear."

She continued, her tone resolute, "That's why I've chosen to stay here."

Reimu acknowledged Kusa's struggle with a simple, "I see..."

The others around the table understood the weight that Kusa carried, the silent cries of her plant kin echoing in her heart, a responsibility she couldn't ignore.

Kusa shifted the focus away from herself, proposing a new idea, "Enough about me. How about I create a mini-shrine at the Hakurei Shrine? This way, Yokai can offer their faith to Kanako."

Kanako's eyes lit up at the thought, "That's a wonderful idea!"

Marisa, always ready to embrace moments of camaraderie, suggested with enthusiasm, "How about we celebrate this newfound cooperation?"

Kusa conjured wooden cups and filled them with wine, and in unison, they raised their cups for a toast, "Cheers!!!".

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