Grass Story

Chapter 22: Realization.

Under the overcast sky, with no sign of the sun, Kusa appeared to be in an unusually jubilant state, her demeanor resembling that of a tipsy reveler.

"Ah, what a fantastic day it is!" Kusa exclaimed with a radiant smile, seemingly completely absorbed in the moment.

Her tone took on a playful quality, "No sun and no bees, how utterly intriguing!"

Yet beneath her cheerful facade, an undercurrent of frustration simmered. Kusa halted her skipping abruptly, her gaze fixed on the ground, her emotions in turmoil.

"I feel like I'm teetering on the edge of madness..." Kusa muttered softly, her words revealing the inner struggle between sanity and chaos.

A sudden outburst followed, her voice carrying a mix of desperation and anger, "Where is the sun?!!" It was as if she was ready to challenge the very clouds that dared to obscure the sun's radiance.

Yet just as swiftly, her expression shifted again, a sense of carefree acceptance taking over. "Well, regardless of the weather," she remarked with a nonchalant shrug, her mood flipping like a switch.

With that, her vexation seemed to evaporate, replaced by a buoyant spirit. Her feet resumed their skipping as if the earlier outburst had never occurred. The transition from anger to lightheartedness was as abrupt as the changing weather itself.


Amidst the blossoming flowers, Yuuka could be observed taking a stroll through the field. However, a sense of annoyance began to creep into her demeanor, manifesting as a subtle clenching of her teeth.

"Can you please stop staring?" Yuuka's voice carried a sharp edge as she directed her words toward Kusa, who had been observing her intently for quite some time.

Kusa, seemingly unaware of any potential intrusion on Yuuka's personal space, responded with an innocent tone, "Why~?"

"It's unsettling," Yuuka retorted firmly, her discomfort evident at being subjected to such unwavering attention.

"Heh~" Kusa shows her amusement at the situation. She has a great idea - to tick off Yuuka even more and extract some of the necessary energy from her.

Without hesitation, Kusa positioned herself near Yuuka, their gazes locking in an intense face-to-face encounter. The proximity was deliberate, designed to unnerve Yuuka even more.

"What's gotten into you?!" Yuuka's frustration reached a boiling point, her voice carrying a blend of bewilderment and irritation.

"Oh, nothing at all," Kusa's reply was laced with playful amusement, her actions becoming more daring as she reached out and ran her fingers through Yuuka's hair, a teasing smile on her face.

In response to Kusa's audacious behavior, Yuuka pushed her away forcefully, her annoyance reaching its peak. She was not in the mood to entertain Kusa's antics any longer.

"Stay back!" Yuuka's voice held a final, stern warning, her patience reaching its limits as she threatened Kusa with harm if her intrusive behavior persisted.

"Ehh?~ What's the matter?~" Kusa's response was marked by a playful tone, but her intention was clear: she aimed to provoke Yuuka further, seeking a specific reaction.

"It's none of your concern," Yuuka's words were icy and dismissive, a clear indication that she wanted Kusa to leave her alone.

As Yuuka began to walk away, Kusa stubbornly trailed behind, maintaining her proximity and continuing to fix her gaze on Yuuka.

Growing increasingly irritated, Yuuka channeled her power, gathering it with the intent to blast Kusa away and put an end to her aggravating presence.

However, before Yuuka could release her burst of energy, Kusa suddenly acted in a way that caught Yuuka off guard. In a surprising move, Kusa reached out and grabbed Yuuka's hand, sinking her teeth into it.

The abruptness of the action left both of them momentarily speechless, a strange tension settling between them.

A silence, laden with an odd mix of uncertainty and disbelief, lingered for a brief moment. Then, without warning, Kusa found herself propelled high into the sky, hurled away by the force of Yuuka's response to her unexpected bite.


Keine found herself teaching a group of children within her classroom. However, her efforts were consistently interrupted by the presence of a green-haired girl who seemed to be observing the proceedings from an unconventional vantage point—perched on the ceiling, to be exact. The curious children couldn't help but direct their attention toward this unusual observer.

"Uhm... Kusa, could you perhaps try to act a bit more like a normal person?" Keine's request was delivered with a gentle tone, tinged with a concern that the eccentric behavior might influence the children's behavior negatively.

Kusa's response was a carefree chuckle, accompanied by her characteristic teasing tone. "I'm just a grass~. Why should I pretend to be a person~?"

Keine let out a sigh, her patience showing signs of wear. "What I mean is, could you please take a seat on the tatami instead of hanging from the ceiling?"

Kusa responded playfully, her demeanor still light-hearted. "Vines are often found hanging~. Consider me a vine~."

However, Keine's patience was reaching its limits. She closed her fan with a determined expression, gazing at Kusa with a hint of mysterious intent. "Kindly follow my suggestion, or I might find it necessary to personally ensure you're seated."

The atmosphere in the room shifted subtly as the other children observed this exchange, their curiosity piqued.

"Scary!~" Kusa playfully exclaimed, her voice tinged with a hint of mock fear, followed by a playful giggle.

With that, Kusa gracefully leaped down from her peculiar perch and settled herself near one of the children, demonstrating a willingness to cooperate—at least for the moment.

"Thank you. Now, let's proceed with our lesson," Keine's fan snapped open once more, as she resumed her role as an educator, her determination unwavering despite the minor disruptions.

Keine went about the class, believing that the lesson was proceeding relatively smoothly. However, her attempts at maintaining an air of professionalism were tested by a particular presence that had her perspiring more than usual. Kusa's intense stare seemed to linger on her, but Keine did her best to ignore it and continue with the teaching.

"As the class comes to an end, you're all free to head home now," Keine announced, concluding the day's lesson.

"Thank you, teacher!" echoed the chorus of children's voices as they eagerly left the classroom.

Keine's relief was palpable as the room emptied, and she took a moment to retrieve her handkerchief to dab at her forehead. However, she couldn't help but notice that one pair of eyes was still locked onto her—Kusa's.

"Kusa, could you perhaps refrain from staring so intently?" Keine's voice was tinged with a shy awkwardness, as she found Kusa's gaze unsettling.

Kusa remained silent, maintaining her unbroken stare at Keine. This only served to deepen Keine's unease.

"Kusa?" Keine's tone was more probing this time, a mixture of curiosity and suspicion as she approached the green-haired girl.

Keine cautiously moved closer to Kusa, her steps deliberate and measured. As she drew near, it became clear that Kusa was... asleep? Her eyes were open, fixed on Keine, but she showed no signs of awareness.

Keine's brow furrowed in disbelief, her mouth twitching slightly as she found herself at a loss for words.

With a mixture of exasperation and bemusement, Keine closed her hand fan with a swift motion and used it to deliver a light smack to Kusa's arm.

"Ow~!!!" Kusa's response was accompanied by a cute, almost playful whine, clearly not exhibiting any true distress from the impact.


In a room filled with an extensive collection of books, a young girl dressed in a checkered kimono and an apron named Kosuzu was engrossed in her reading. Her red eyes moved across the pages as she absorbed the knowledge within.

However, Kosuzu's quiet reading time was soon interrupted by an unwanted presence. Kusa, the mischievous grass spirit, appeared and playfully began poking at Kosuzu's cheeks, much to the girl's annoyance.

"Kusa, could you possibly find someone else to bother? Like Marisa?" Kosuzu's tone remained emotionless, clearly unamused by Kusa's antics.

"But Marisa's busy with her job, and she said I could do whatever I want~," Kusa responded cheerfully, seemingly pleased with her freedom to cause a little chaos.

Kusuzu let out a resigned sigh, realizing that Kusa's target had inadvertently become her. She resigned herself to Kusa's antics, choosing not to react and hoping that Kusa would eventually leave her.

Of course, Kusa's amusement stemmed from annoying a variety of individuals, and Kusuzu was just another name on that list. She reveled in her mischievous endeavors, proudly declaring that Kusuzu wasn't her sole target.

Kusuzu maintained her passive stance, allowing Kusa to carry out her playful disruptions while she continued reading. However, Kusa seemed to grow tired of Kusuzu's unresponsive attitude, prompting her to shift her strategy. Instead of actively annoying Kusuzu, she decided to simply stare at her in silence.

The silence between them stretched on, an odd tension filling the air. Kusa's unwavering gaze met Kusuzu's calm expression. The intensity of the stare-down seemed to unnerve Kusuzu, and she eventually reached her breaking point. With a subtle change in her demeanor, she grabbed a nearby sprayer filled with water and aimed it at Kusa.

Pshhh- "Ahh!!!" Kusa exclaimed in surprise, though she quickly realized that the water wasn't causing her any harm.

Curiosity piqued, Kusa leaned closer to the sprayer, undeterred by the wet splashes.

"What's that?" Kusa inquired with genuine interest as if the concept of water was entirely new to her.

"It's water," Kusuzu responded, her tone remaining as blank as ever.

Pshhh- "Ahhh!!!" Kusa's reaction was just as animated as the first time, despite her clear understanding of what was happening.


Amid a room adorned with the charm of blooming flowers and wafts of tranquility, Kusa playfully imitated the sound of a bird. With her natural affinity for plants, she crafted a delicate avian figure out of the grass, deftly controlling it to take flight. The grass bird joined a lively flock of around twenty similar creations, fluttering playfully throughout the room.

In the same space, a young girl with striking purple-black hair and eyes sat diligently at a table. She wore an elegant outfit that combined elements of a "wa lolita" style with a Japanese-inspired maid ensemble. Her attire boasted yellow flower-patterned sleeves, a green vest, and a hakama skirt, all cinched with a vibrant red and white laced obi. This was Akyuu, known for her role as Gensokyo's chronicler.

Despite the harmonious ambiance, Kusa's activity was a source of disruption for Akyuu. The cheerful mimicry of birdcalls and the rustling of the grass birds captured Akyuu's attention, rendering her attempts to focus on her work increasingly futile.

"Kusa, could you please maintain silence?" Akyuu's voice was gentle yet laced with a plea as she struggled to make headway with her writing before the day's end.

"Of course~," Kusa agreed readily, her demeanor shifting to comply with Akyuu's request.

True to her word, Kusa refrained from producing any further sound. However, the chorus of rustling grass birds continued to punctuate the silence, each fluttering movement becoming a distraction that pulled Akyuu's thoughts away from the words she wished to pen.

As Akyuu wrestled with the onset of a headache, her patience dwindled. She found herself contemplating ways to address the situation without resorting to the intense and potentially dangerous danmaku battles common to Gensokyo.

"Kusa, have you not considered a solution to your current state of being?" Akyuu's inquiry was delivered with a mix of curiosity and concern, as she recognized that Kusa's current state was not ideal for anyone involved.

Kusa pondered Akyuu's question for a moment, her playful demeanor shifting into one of contemplation. It was evident that even she found the disruptions to be an issue, particularly given her sporadic consciousness while in this state.

"hmm~," Kusa hummed thoughtfully, her expression growing more serious as she sifted through potential solutions.

Kusa's typically carefree demeanor underwent an abrupt transformation, veering into a realm of solemnity that momentarily subdued her playful nature.

"I have contemplated an option," Kusa's tone was notably grave, holding a weight of seriousness that caught Akyuu off guard.

"Really?" Akyuu's response was tinged with surprise, her attention captured by the unexpected turn in Kusa's demeanor.

Kusa's explanation followed with a matter-of-fact quality that indicated a profound understanding of her words. "Becoming one with the sun is the crux of it," she stated, elaborating on her concept.

The audacity of her proposition left Akyuu momentarily lost for words. "Becoming one with the sun? That's quite an ambitious notion."

Kusa's voice remained steady as she continued, revealing the practical mechanics of her idea. "By sending my soul toward the sun, I could merge with its essence. However, the cost is daunting."

The weight of the potential sacrifice she might have to make lies heavy in Kusa's words. "The duration of the merging process is a mystery, spanning from days to centuries or even more."

Akyuu absorbed the implications of Kusa's words, the gravity of the situation becoming more evident with each passing moment.

"So, the sun that warms Gensokyo might fade?" Akyuu's query held a hint of sorrow, hinting at the potential loss of the Kusa she knew.

Kusa clarified, her voice steadfast. "Not necessarily. There are countless suns scattered in the cosmos. The choice doesn't hinge on Gensokyo's sun alone."

Akyuu found herself immersed in silence, her thoughts churning with newfound insights into Kusa's unique predicament. Even someone as ethereal as Kusa had her fair share of troubles and dilemmas.

Kusa's somber countenance, however, began to waver, allowing her carefree spirit to resurface in a swift transition.

"But~," Kusa's tone suddenly shifted, imbued with cheerfulness once more, "I'm not going to pursue that path. After all, I'd be separated from everyone for a long time~."

"I remember the feeling of being alone, and I don't want to go through it again," Kusa said in a vulnerable tone, revealing her tender heart's desire to have company.

Interrupting the intimate moment, a knock echoed through the room, followed by the entrance of a white-haired girl on a quest.

"Apologies for the abrupt intrusion, but is Kusa here?" Mokou's inquiry was delivered with a tinge of annoyance, indicating that the troublesome grass had come under her radar.

"Mokou~!!!" Kusa's voice rang out joyously, her demeanor brightening at the sight of the white-haired woman.

However, Mokou's reaction was far from warm; she halted Kusa's attempt to hug her and regarded her with a stern gaze.

"Troublesome girl... the villagers are growing weary of your childish antics," Mokou's voice held an undercurrent of anger, causing a somber expression to cloud Kusa's features.

"Why didn't you seek me out when you were in your low-consumption mode?" Mokou's question caught Kusa off guard, her confusion evident.

"Because I thought I was bothering you, I tried to avoid you," Kusa replied softly, her words conveying both her perceptions and a sense of guilt for potentially being a nuisance.

Mokou's gaze softened, a glimmer of understanding dawning in her eyes. "I suppose I didn't communicate that."

She continued, her tone carrying a mix of resignation and sincerity. "Kusa, if you have a problem or need help, you can always come to me. Even if I grumble about your presence, it's a lie."

Mokou's sincere admission left Kusa stunned, her preconceptions crumbling as she listened to Mokou's heartfelt words.

"I've always considered you an important person in my life. You can rely on me as much as you need to," Mokou's words were imbued with earnestness as she gazed at Kusa.

Kusa's disbelief was evident in her expression, her gaze searching Mokou's eyes for any signs of deception.

"You don't hate me?" Kusa's voice held a vulnerable edge, the fear of rejection was palpable.

"No," Mokou's response was clear and unwavering, her gaze steady and reassuring. She now understood the weight of her words and how they had impacted Kusa.

"Even when I'm annoying?" Kusa's voice wavered with uncertainty as she asked another question, seeking affirmation.

"Yes," Mokou answered gently, using a finger to wipe away Kusa's tears. A soft chuckle escaped her lips. "Don't cry, you look hideous like this," she teased, bringing a hint of playfulness to the moment.

In response, Kusa embraced Mokou tightly, seeking comfort and solace in her warm embrace.

As the heartwarming scene unfolded, Akyuu watched with a smile, absorbing the sentiment.

"A grass needs the sun to thrive and continue growing," Akyuu remarked, her gaze drifting to the clear sky above.

"It seems that the personification of the sun needs the embodiment of the sun," she mused, her attention returning to her peaceful writing.

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