Grass Story

Chapter 32: U.F.O

Amidst the festive atmosphere and the chatter of the gathering, Kusa's thoughts seemed to drift, pulled by the currents of various conversations. She tried to focus on the discussion about the Industrial Mountain plan involving Suwako and Kanako, but her mind was a whirlwind of distractions. The influx of information and the continuous interactions left her feeling mentally fatigued.

"I don't know, Reimu and Marisa probably have more insights on that," Kusa mumbled with a wry smile, acknowledging her limitations when it came to staying informed about the larger events in Gensokyo.

Her attention span seemed to waver, her thoughts veering off to the outside world and the plants that she had helped to revitalize. The interconnectedness of all these elements weighed on her mind, making it difficult to concentrate.

"I'm just a plant," Kusa sighed, her voice tinged with a mix of frustration and resignation. The complexity of the world and the myriad of information flowing into her being seemed to clash with her innate simplicity.

"Evolution..." Kusa's voice trailed off, her mind wandering to the idea of gaining a soul and a permanent form. The concept intrigued her, but the uncertainty of it all weighed heavily on her.

Her surroundings shifted as she began to walk, seeking solace and distance from the crowd. The movement of vehicles from the outside world caught her attention, a stark reminder of the contrast between the bustling human realm and the relative tranquility of Gensokyo.

"Or I hope so..." Kusa's words were laced with a mixture of longing and doubt, the inner conflict of a being straddling two worlds.

As she moved, her thoughts meandered through time. She recalled the passing of the seasons, counting the springs she had witnessed in Gensokyo. With a touch of nostalgia, she traced back to when she first took on her tiny form.

"When I got my tiny form, it was the 4th spring..." Kusa mused, her voice tinged with a hint of melancholy. She mentally calculated the passage of time, realizing that three years had passed since then.

Pausing, Kusa drew a simple number in the dirt beneath her, a visual representation of the time that had slipped through her fingers.

Kusa chuckled softly, her thoughts momentarily shifting away from the complexities of her existence and the world around her. The simple phrase "time flies when you're having fun" seemed oddly fitting, a reminder of how quickly moments could slip through one's fingers, especially amid enjoyment.

Her attention was soon captured by a mysterious orb that appeared in the sky. It was a peculiar sight, and Kusa's curiosity was piqued. She observed the orb as it floated, seemingly defying gravity with its ethereal presence.

"That is new..." Kusa muttered to herself, her mind working to process the anomaly before her. She contemplated controlling the plants to retrieve the orb, but the influx of information in her mind made it difficult to concentrate properly.

A vine suddenly shot out from the ground, wrapping itself around the orb before retracting and placing it in Kusa's hand. The gesture seemed almost instinctual as if the plants themselves were responding to her unspoken desires.

"Thank you," Kusa whispered with a genuine sense of gratitude, her connection with the plant world providing her with yet another unexpected interaction.

She examined the orb in her hand, a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty in her expression. Kusa playfully tested its solidity by tossing it to the ground, only to see it create a small crater upon impact.

"This orb... solid?" Kusa voiced her thoughts aloud, her brow furrowing slightly as she continued to study the enigmatic object.

A mischievous grin crossed her lips as she contemplated a daring idea.

"I'm tempted to eat it..." she mused with a chuckle, her sense of humor prevailing even in the face of the unknown.

Recalling the rumors she had heard about flying objects, Kusa began connecting the dots.

"Some say flying objects can be seen in Gensokyo, and this might be one of them," Kusa theorized, her mind racing with possibilities.

Her musings took a more whimsical turn as she remembered stories of a ghost ship in movies she had watched as a child.

"And a flying ship... Why not? We've got spaceships, so an old ship sailing through the sky doesn't sound too far-fetched!" Kusa laughed, her imagination taking flight as she envisioned the fantastical scenes that could unfold in Gensokyo.

"It seems that the trouble never ends..." Kusa murmured to herself, a hint of weariness in her voice. She closed her eyes briefly, her thoughts centering on her next destination.

In the blink of an eye, Kusa vanished from where she stood, leaving behind a girl who appeared to be searching for her.

The newcomer had an intriguing appearance. Short black hair framed her face, and her dark red eyes held a mixture of curiosity and determination. On her back, three red metallic-looking wings jutted out from the right side, contrasting with three blue arrow-shaped tails on the left. In her grasp, she held a trident, and a snake was coiled around her right arm. Her attire was predominantly black, with blue and white trim adding a touch of detail. A red bow adorned the front of her dress, and a small, yin-yang-like tomoe design graced the bottom corner of her skirt. Completing the ensemble were black thigh-high stockings and red shoes adorned with bows.

"How did she suddenly disappear?!" the girl exclaimed, her confusion evident in her expression. She scanned the area, her eyes searching for any sign of Kusa's presence. It was clear that she had been caught off guard by Kusa's sudden disappearance, leaving her intrigued and eager to uncover the mystery behind it.


Kusa materialized within the shrine's interior, where an intriguing discussion was taking place among Sanae, Reimu, and Marisa.

"Look at what I found!" Kusa exclaimed, presenting the Orb she had retrieved to the trio.

Reimu peered at the object in Kusa's hand. "It's a wooden block?" she questioned, her tone tinged with confusion.

Sanae, however, interjected excitedly, "No, it's a round device!" Her declaration prompted puzzled glances from both Reimu and Marisa.

"Huh? It's a wooden block, can't you see?" Marisa defended Reimu, her statement contradicting Sanae's observation.

Kusa chimed in, correcting their perception, "It's an Orb, though..." Her words hung in the air, causing the group to fall into a momentary silence.

"It appears to be another incident," Reimu mused, the realization dawning upon her that the objects had varying appearances to each of them.

Marisa joined the conversation, recalling another topic of discussion, "Does this have anything to do with the flying ship everyone's been talking about?"

"It certainly seems possible," Reimu agreed, her attention shifting to Sanae.

Sanae's eyes gleamed with eagerness as she responded to Reimu's unspoken question. "Well, Reimu, count me in! I'd love to help with the investigation."

With the team assembled and the promise of a new incident to solve, the group prepared to uncover the truth behind the mysterious Orb and its connection to the enigmatic flying ship.


In a realm where the sky was curiously mirrored on the ground below, an unusual scene unfolded.

A tanned, muscular male god found himself caught in the grasp of a pale, ethereal white goddess. Her delicate fingers clutched around his throat, and her teeth sunk into his arm with an air of controlled fury. Despite his evident strength, the male god seemed to have resigned himself to this unexpected predicament, his expression a mixture of wry acceptance and bemusement. The interaction appeared almost like a familiar couple, with the husband allowing his wife to vent her emotions.

The exact reason for this curious display remained shrouded in mystery, adding to the enigmatic ambiance of the realm they occupied.


As the group continued their pursuit of the flying ship, they encountered an unfamiliar figure standing before them. The girl had gray hair and piercing red eyes. She wore a distinctive brownish-black one-piece outfit with pink sleeves, accompanied by a gray capelet. A crystal pendant hung from a necklace around her neck, and she held dowsing rods in her hands, each with letters indicating the cardinal directions on the ends. Additionally, she carried a small mouse in a basket, secured by her tail.

"Humans?" Nazrin muttered, her curiosity piqued as the group drew nearer.

"Why are my dowsing rods pointing at all of you?" Nazrin inquired, her gaze focused on the approaching individuals.

Upon noticing Kusa, who was perched on Marisa's lap and holding a piece of shard, Nazrin's attention shifted. She singled out Kusa as the holder of the object she was searching for.

"Could you hand over that item you're holding?" Nazrin's question was directed at Kusa, prompting confusion among the group members as they tried to determine who she was addressing.

"Who are you talking about?" Reimu inquired, seeking clarification.

"The tiny girl," Nazrin replied, gesturing toward Kusa. The realization dawned on Reimu that Nazrin was seeking a particular item from Kusa.

"Why do you need it?" Kusa inquired, her curiosity piqued by Nazrin's request.

For a moment, Nazrin seemed to hesitate, considering her response. She contemplated the implications of her words, wondering if she should reveal certain information, even though it appeared that doing so would not break her contract.

"Someone commissioned me to locate these flying treasures," Nazrin explained, her gaze fixed on the group.

"Why the interest in these treasures?" Sanae inquired, wanting to understand the purpose behind Nazrin's quest.

Nazrin simply shook her head, a knowing smile gracing her lips. "That's something I can't divulge. It's a secret."

Turning her attention to Reimu, Marisa asked for her input, seeking her opinion on whether they should hand over the shard to Nazrin.

Reimu pondered the situation, weighing the potential consequences of their decision. After a moment of contemplation, she seemed to conclude.

"Will giving this to you cause any disruptions or chaos?" Reimu inquired, her expression serious as she sought reassurance.

Nazrin's response came swift and decisive. "No, it won't."

Considering Nazrin's assurance and her intuition, Reimu made her decision. "Alright then. Just remember, if we hear about you causing any trouble, we won't hesitate to find you."

With a determined nod, Nazrin agreed to Reimu's terms. "Understood."

"Great. Let's get this over with," Reimu said, her tone businesslike as they continued their pursuit of the flying ship.

As they flew onward, the trio managed to acquire another piece of the scattered treasures, inching closer to their goal.

Reimu's eyebrows raised at the appearance of yet another treasure piece. "Strange... wasn't expecting another one."

Kusa offered a more casual perspective. "Maybe it's just a coincidence," she mused, considering the possibility of fate playing a role.

Their journey was then interrupted by Kogasa's attempt at a surprise scare. However, Kusa's deadpan reaction and feigned fear left the others chuckling at the unexpected response.

"Really?!!" Kogasa exclaimed in a mix of surprise and happiness, glad to finally succeed in surprising someone.

To show her appreciation for Kogasa's effort, Kusa handed over a basket filled with an assortment of fruits. Kogasa's eyes lit up in delight as she eagerly accepted the unexpected treat.

"Yey!!!" Kogasa cheered, clutching the basket of fruits with pure enthusiasm before continuing on her way, her spirits lifted by the exchange.

"Why did you lie, Kusa?" Marisa questioned her, genuinely curious as Kusa was not known for being deceptive.

Kusa responded with her usual straightforwardness. "She's not exactly a malicious yokai. Her scare attempts often fall flat, and honestly, I feel sorry for her."

Marisa raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Kusa's perspective. "You pity her?"

"Yeah," Kusa admitted. "I mean, think about it. She's trying to bring a little thrill to people's lives, but her attempts almost always fail. It's kind of sad."

Marisa nodded, understanding Kusa's sentiment. "So, what's the plan?"

"I'm thinking of giving her some pointers, you know, help her improve a bit so she can at least succeed occasionally," Kusa explained.

"That's kind of you," Marisa commented with a smile, impressed by Kusa's willingness to offer guidance.

Kusa, however, dismissed the praise humbly. "Nah, don't make a big deal out of it. It's more for my satisfaction than anything else."

Marisa's smile persisted. "Well, you're a good person, Kusa."

Kusa shook her head, dismissing the notion. "I wouldn't go that far. It's not about being good; it's just my impulsive way of doing things."

With their conversation winding down, the group refocused on their mission.


The group landed near the ship, greeted by the stern presence of a girl with light purple wavy hair and deep purple eyes. In her right hand, she held a medium-sized yellow ring. Adorning her head was a headdress reminiscent of a hijab or a nun's habit. Her attire consisted of a white dress with blue trim at the hem, completed with black shoes.

Beside her floated a pinkish-reddish cloud, sporting the face of an elderly man with a distinguished beard.

"Halt!" Ichirin's voice boomed, cutting through the air as she adopted a vigilant stance, Unzan standing by her side with a protective aura.

"State your business here!" Ichirin's tone was clear and assertive, leaving no room for ambiguity as she surveyed the newcomers, ready to defend her territory and the ship entrusted to her.

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