Grass Story

Chapter 33: U.F.O II

"We just want to inquire about this fragment," Reimu began, extending the piece toward Ichirin and the enigmatic cloud.

Ichirin's expression softened, her initial vigilance giving way to a misunderstanding.

"I see... so you've come to help us," Ichirin remarked, assuming their intentions were aligned with hers.

Reimu was about to clarify their true purpose, but Marisa took swift action, placing her hand over Reimu's mouth.

"Yes, indeed! We're here to lend a hand," Marisa interjected with an amiable grin, veiling their true intentions.

Reimu shot Marisa an annoyed look and removed her hand from her mouth, ready to reprimand her.

Marisa leaned in and whispered into Reimu's ear, explaining her reasoning.

"It's easier to learn their motives if they believe we're on their side," Marisa's hushed words carried practical wisdom that Reimu couldn't easily dismiss.

Reimu grudgingly acknowledged Marisa's point with a subtle nod, realizing the merit in her partner's approach.

"Very well then... Unzan agrees to allow you passage," Ichirin's expression brightened, and the cloud-shaped entity created a thumbs-up gesture in affirmation.

"Thank you," Marisa responded with gratitude as they stepped aboard the ship, ready to uncover the mysteries that lay ahead.

The ship they entered was a weathered vessel, its wooden structure giving off an enchanted aura that hinted at its mystical nature.

"It feels rather empty in here," Reimu remarked, her expectations of encountering a bustling crew not met.

Ichirin's expression was clouded with melancholy. "It's been many years since my sister was sealed away. There aren't many who remember her anymore."

A hushed solemnity settled among the group, their thoughts drifting to the mysteries surrounding Ichirin's sister and the circumstances that led to her imprisonment.

Sanae, unafraid to delve into the heart of the matter, decided to address it directly. "Why was your sister sealed?"

Ichirin's grip tightened on her hand as the memories resurfaced, a testament to the unjust fate that had befallen her sister.

"Because she chose to help Yokai," Ichirin's words hung in the air, the weight of her sister's actions and their consequences palpable.

"Breaking that seal and giving her a chance at redemption is what I desire most," Ichirin's voice was soft but resolute, her determination to undo the perceived injustice unyielding.

Reimu glanced at Sanae and Marisa, their shared conviction evident in their expressions. With a decisive nod, she conveyed their shared sentiment.

"We're here to aid you in freeing your sister from that seal," Reimu announced a promise of assistance that lifted a burden from Ichirin's heart.

Tears of gratitude welled in Ichirin's eyes. "Thank you. Unzan sensed your genuine kindness. He was right about you."

The cloud-shaped entity, Unzan, joyfully spiraled through the air, its whirlwind movements expressing his elation at their willingness to help.

As the group entered the spacious room, Reimu's lips curved into a wry smile. Before them stood a girl with black hair and teal eyes, clad in a white and teal sailor suit complete with a sailor hat and a red neckerchief. A large anchor rested nearby, and she also held a hishaku, a traditional purification ladle.

"Wow, Ichirin, who are these people you've brought?" Minamitsu's voice held genuine surprise as she observed the group.

"They're here to help us unseal my sister!" Ichirin's tone was brimming with excitement and gratitude, although Murasa regarded them with a hint of suspicion.

"Is that so?" Murasa's response was neutral, choosing not to dwell on it for too long.

Setting the unease aside, the attention shifted to Minamitsu, who introduced herself with a note of pride. "I'm Minamitsu Murasa, the captain of this ship."

Reimu stepped forward, her posture composed as she introduced herself. "Hakurei Reimu, the shrine maiden of the Hakurei shrine."

"I'm Sanae Kochiya, a shrine maiden from the Moriya shrine," Sanae added, her tone a touch shy.

"Marisa Kirisame, an ordinary magician," Marisa chimed in, her voice brimming with cheerful nonchalance.

Kusa followed suit, her languid demeanor unchanged. "I'm Kusa, a plant."

The last statement brought a gasp from both Minamitsu and Murasa, clearly taken aback by Kusa's unexpected proclamation.

"It can talk!!!" Ichirin and Murasa's voices rang out simultaneously, their astonishment palpable as they realized Kusa was capable of speech.

Kusa's response was an irritated huff as if offended by their amazement. She swiftly conjured a small shrub and playfully launched it towards the two surprised women, hitting them gently.

Laughter echoed in the room as the rest of the group found amusement in the unexpected turn of events, watching as Ichirin and Murasa's expressions shifted from surprise to bemusement.


Kusa reclined on the bed in her human form, feeling the softness beneath her as the others discussed their plans in earnest.

"I see..." Reimu's voice held a thoughtful tone as she processed the location where Hijiri was sealed.

"Isn't the Entrance to the Demon World near your shrine, Reimu?" Marisa chimed in, her gaze fixed on the shrine maiden.

Reimu's nod confirmed Marisa's speculation. "Now that you mention it, yes, it is."

Sanae's curiosity was piqued by this revelation. "What?! There's a Demon World entrance near your shrine?"

Just then, a new voice entered the conversation, capturing everyone's attention. "It seems everyone's having a good time here."

The newcomer had orange-yellow hair with distinct black stripes and vibrant golden-yellow eyes. She adorned her head with a lotus-shaped ornament and carried a giant spear in her left hand, while her right held the jeweled pagoda of Bishamonten. Her attire was a striking burgundy-orange-white dress with a tiger pattern around her abdomen. Completing her ensemble were white, frilly pants underneath her dress and black shoes.

"Shou!" Ichirin's cheerful exclamation filled the air as Shou appeared.

"Hello everyone, I'm Shou Toramaru, a devotee of Bishamonten and the representative of our creed," Shou introduced herself with a warm smile.

Ichirin quickly took the opportunity to introduce the group. "They are Reimu, Sanae, Marisa, and Kusa. They're here to help us break the seal and free Hijiri."

Shou nodded in appreciation. "Thank you for your support. I'm glad to see that you're not like other humans who react negatively to encountering yokai."

A subtle exchange of glances passed between Marisa and Reimu, hinting at a shared history that had mellowed over time.

"While we wait for Nazrin to retrieve the Pagoda, we should prepare to enter the Demon World," Shou suggested, directing their attention to the imminent task at hand.

"You mean that tower-like structure?" Kusa asked, surprising Shou with her familiarity with the concept.

"Yes, although on a smaller scale," Shou confirmed, impressed by Kusa's understanding.

"Got it," Kusa murmured, using her unique abilities to conjure a miniature version of the pagoda to demonstrate for the group.

As they engaged in further conversation, Nazrin finally returned to the scene.

"Oh, you guys are still here?" Nazrin's surprise was evident, her wariness giving way to a more relaxed demeanor as she regarded the group.

"We're here to help," Marisa assured her, prompting Nazrin to seek confirmation from Shou.

"They're indeed here to assist us," Shou affirmed, putting any doubts to rest. Nazrin regarded the group with a bemused expression.

"You should've mentioned that earlier when we first met," Nazrin commented, prompting a wry chuckle from Marisa.


As the group breached the barrier into the Demon Realm, the ship began to shudder, its structure contending with the foreign energies of the realm.

"I never thought this ship could navigate the Demon Realm so easily," Reimu muttered, impressed by the ship's resilience as she felt the vibrations beneath her feet.

"It's Byakuren's creation, so it's only natural that it's well-equipped for this," Minamitsu reassured Reimu, her trust in the ship evident as she guided them through the tumultuous entry.

Meanwhile, amidst the commotion, Kusa remained asleep, blissfully unaware of the chaos around her. The sudden jolts and shifts seemed to have little effect on her slumber.

Eventually, the ship's shaking subsided, and the group cautiously ventured out onto the deck, seeking to explore their new surroundings.

Marisa decided to rouse Kusa from her deep sleep, gently shaking her. However, as she woke, Kusa's form unexpectedly shrank once again, and she fell into another profound slumber.

"What's happening?" Reimu's voice carried a mix of concern and confusion as she hurried over to Marisa, who held the tiny form of Kusa in her hands.

"It seems the influx of information from the plants here is overwhelming her," Marisa explained, her tone reflecting her understanding of the situation.

"She should be alright once she processes it all," Marisa continued, offering reassurance, though her uncertainty was evident in her expression.

"I hope so..." Reimu's voice held a note of concern, her brows furrowing as she pondered why Kusa seemed to be so affected by these incidents.

As the group stepped outside the ship, they were met with a surreal landscape. The ground bore a deep crimson hue, contrasted by sprawling crystalline forests and frozen expanses that extended into the distance. The sun hung low in the sky, casting a dim, otherworldly light across the landscape.

"The Demon World is suffused with toxic miasma," Shou explained, her tone carrying a sense of gravity. "It weakens the physical strength of beings, but it enhances magic spells and seals."

The group absorbed this information, understanding the reasons behind Hijiri's sealing in this realm.

Curiosity tugging at her, Sanae posed a question that had likely been on the minds of many: "Why did humans come to dislike Byakuren so much?"

Shou's response was heavy with the weight of history. "Byakuren sought to create a world where humans and yokai could coexist harmoniously."

"Isn't that great Reimu?!" Sanae suddenly said, surprising the group as Reimu nervously decided to let Sanae continue and tell her whole point.

"The Moriya Shrine and the Hakurei Shrine are partners in making humans and yokai coexist! With the help of another faction, we will achieve this!" Sanae realized what she had done and quickly said what she thought.

"You're right! But you shouldn't have said that part before!" Reimu said angrily at Sanae, making the others giggle.


The ship came to a halt at a location marked by a prominent, visible seal. Reimu's gaze fixed upon it, a mix of curiosity and determination in her eyes as she recognized this as the very spot where Byakuren's power had been constrained.

"So, this is the place where Byakuren sealed off," Reimu murmured, her voice carrying a tinge of awe, sensing the lingering strength of the seal.

"Yes," Shou replied with a smile, her eyes reflecting a sense of fulfillment that the time had come to liberate her friend.

Shou turned to Nazrin, who handed over the collected fragments. Then, one by one, Reimu, Marisa, and Sanae offered their pieces to Shou.

Marisa gently pried the fragment from Kusa, who was still sleeping soundly and handed it to Shou with a grin.

"Thank you," Shou expressed her gratitude, her voice soft yet sincere.

With all the fragments now in her possession, Shou began to chant a quiet incantation, her movements graceful and deliberate as she positioned the Pagoda and fragments into a precise pattern upon the seal.

The crew aboard the ship watched with bated breath, their excitement palpable as the culmination of their efforts unfolded before them.

The Pagoda's connection to the seal seemed to spark an ethereal transformation. The seal's ancient magic slowly unraveled, its energy unwinding like a tightly bound ribbon, revealing a previously concealed entrance to a sealed realm within the depths of the Demon World.

A sense of achievement permeated the air as Shou's ritual came to fruition, the seal dissipating to unveil the path they had strived to open.

In the distance, a faint silhouette emerged against the backdrop of the otherworldly landscape. Ichirin, Murasa, and Shou, driven by the urgency of their longing, rushed ahead with quickened steps. Their determination was palpable as they closed the distance to the figure that stood before them.

The others followed more leisurely, allowing the emotional reunion to take its course. As they approached, they observed the scene unfolding before them.

There, beneath the strange skies of the Demon World, stood a girl with long, wavy hair that transitioned from light brown to a soft gradient of purple at the crown. Her eyes were hazel or light brown, reflecting a mixture of emotions as she gazed upon her friends.

She donned a distinctive dress – a harmonious blend of black and white with long strips of black ribbon crisscrossing the middle, complemented by white ribbons along her arms. An elegant cape cascaded down her back, adding an air of regality to her presence. In her hand, she held a magical scroll, an emblem of her authority and wisdom.

As Ichirin, Murasa, and Shou reached her, the four of them collided in a heartfelt embrace, the weight of their separation dissolving in the shared warmth of their connection. Their reunion spoke volumes of the bonds that had withstood the trials of time and distance.

The others, observing from a respectful distance, felt a profound sense of contentment and hope. The girl's return had brought a certain vitality to the previously subdued atmosphere of the Demon World. Her presence was a testament to their collective determination to strive for harmony between humans and yokai.

The embrace continued for what felt like an eternity, each moment an affirmation of their unity. In that brief period, their shared memories, hardships, and aspirations converged, encapsulated within the simple act of an embrace.

As they slowly disentangled from the hug, their smiles reflected the happiness that radiated within them. The group's efforts had culminated in a triumphant reunion, and the future held the promise of even greater endeavors as they worked to realize their shared vision.




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