Grass Story

Chapter 34: U.F.O III

As Shou's tears flowed, Byakuren offered a comforting gesture by gently patting her on the head. The emotional weight of their reunion was evident in the tears that had long been suppressed.

"I'm glad you're okay," Minamitsu voiced her relief, her voice quivering as she struggled to keep her tears at bay.

Byakuren, with a playful gleam in her eyes, couldn't help but tease, "I'm glad you're still short, Minamitsu."

"Hey! That's just mean!" Minamitsu retorted her pout a blend of annoyance and fondness.

Byakuren's laughter echoed in response to Murasa's spirited comeback, the joyous atmosphere unwavering.

"I'm grateful that we managed to free you, sister," Ichirin said softly, her grasp on Byakuren's hands conveying her sincerity.

Looking into Ichirin's eyes, Byakuren spoke with warmth, "Ichirin, Unzan... I'm glad you didn't forget me."

With genuine happiness etched across her face, Ichirin's words rang out, "I could never forget you, sister! And Unzan agrees!"

Byakuren's patting hands brought comfort to their hearts, a soothing reminder of their unbreakable bond.

Turning her attention to the newcomers, Byakuren posed a curious question to Shou, "Well, Shou, who are these people you've brought?"

"Ah, they're the ones who helped us," Shou said with a deep sense of gratitude as she introduced the group.

"I see," Byakuren responded, her gaze shifting toward the newcomers. Stepping forward, she bowed respectfully towards them, a gesture filled with genuine appreciation.

"I thank you all for assisting in my release," Byakuren expressed her gratitude with sincerity, her voice carrying the weight of the centuries she had spent sealed away.

With a serene smile, she continued, "My name is Byakuren Hijiri. Long ago, I was a Buddhist monk, walking a path of enlightenment."

As Reimu, Marisa, and Sanae introduced themselves and explained their roles and affiliations, Byakuren listened attentively, absorbing the information about these individuals who had come to aid her release.

"And this is Kusa, an important grass," Marisa announced while carefully holding the slumbering Kusa in her arms.

Observing Kusa's small form, Byakuren seemed puzzled. "A doll?" she questioned, her unfamiliarity with Kusa's unique nature evident.

However, Kusa's slumber was briefly interrupted by a reflexive attempt to smack someone, even in her unconscious state. This humorous display drew amused chuckles from the others, finding entertainment in Kusa's automatic response.

"No, she's just a harmless and adorable creature," Marisa clarified while affectionately hugging the tiny being, her protective and caring demeanor toward Kusa evident to everyone.

"From what I've observed, she truly holds a significant place in your heart," Byakuren said, her smile gentle and understanding.

"Absolutely! She's Kusa, after all," Marisa replied with pride, her affection for Kusa evident in her tone and expression.

Byakuren's smile widened as she felt the sincerity in Marisa's words. To witness a human forming a deep connection with a yokai was a rare and heartening sight.

"As a token of my gratitude for helping me, I am willing to grant one wish each. What would you desire?" Byakuren inquired, her perception extending beyond the surface to sense the true motivations of the individuals before her.

"An alliance!" Sanae exclaimed, her enthusiasm filling the air as she expressed her wish.

Byakuren raised an eyebrow, genuinely surprised by Sanae's request. The idea of a shrine maiden proposing an alliance for yokai-human coexistence was a concept she had never encountered before.

"An alliance?" Byakuren echoed, her curiosity evident. She considered the implications of such a proposal, realizing its potential significance.

"Yes! An alliance for the coexistence of yokai and humans!" Sanae confirmed, her conviction unwavering.

Impressed by Sanae's determination, Byakuren nodded in agreement. "Very well, but first, I need to speak with your god," she stated. Byakuren understood that such an alliance would require the approval and understanding of the divine beings overseeing the factions involved.

"Of course!" Sanae responded with a radiant smile, pleased that Byakuren was willing to consider the proposition.

Turning her attention to Marisa, Byakuren awaited her wish, though she already had an inkling of what it might be.

"Could you aid Kusa?" Marisa inquired, her concern for Kusa is evident in her voice.

"I will do my best to determine a solution," Byakuren replied, her expression serious as she assessed the situation. She couldn't make any promises until she fully understood the nature of Kusa's condition.

Byakuren gently placed her hand on Kusa's forehead, closing her eyes as she reached out with her abilities to analyze the situation.

"It appears that your companion's soul is fragmented," Byakuren revealed, her tone filled with concern. The discovery of a fragmented soul was a serious matter, often leading to instability and, in some cases, even death.

Marisa's eyes widened in shock at this revelation, her heart sinking at the unexpected news. Reimu shared the sentiment, her brows furrowing as she tried to comprehend the severity of the situation.

"How...? Why?" Reimu stammered, struggling to find words in the face of this unexpected revelation.

"I cannot discern the cause at this moment," Byakuren explained. "But it seems that for Kusa to fully recover, she may need to ascend to a state of godhood."

The gravity of the situation settled heavily upon Marisa's shoulders. She was determined to help Kusa, but the prospect of guiding her friend to godhood was an immense challenge.

"How can we achieve that?" Marisa implored, desperation evident in her voice.

"The path to ascension varies for each being," Byakuren responded, her expression sympathetic but solemn. "I wish I could offer a more definitive solution, but this is a journey Kusa must undertake herself."

Marisa's flame of determination flickered, mixed with a sense of helplessness. Her resolve was unwavering, but the uncertainty of the road ahead weighed heavily on her.

"Marisa. Kusa made a promise, and I believe she'll keep it," Reimu said with a reassuring smile, her words meant to uplift her friend's spirits.

"I trust in her," Marisa responded, the determination returning to her voice as she reminded herself of Kusa's commitment.

Byakuren, witnessing their camaraderie, nodded in approval. "It's heartening to see your trust and loyalty."

Marisa's gaze turned back to Byakuren as she addressed her. "No need to apologize, Miss Byakuren. Just having some clarity on Kusa's condition is a huge help."

"And now, Miss Reimu, what is your wish?" Byakuren turned her attention to Reimu, curious about her intention.

"I wish for an alliance between humans and yokai for the coexistence of Gensokyo," Reimu stated firmly, her resolve evident in her words.

Byakuren's surprise was palpable, her expression mirroring the sentiments of many in Gensokyo who remembered the conflicts of the past. She couldn't help but reflect on the potential for change in the air.

"Times have indeed changed," Byakuren mused aloud, her thoughts returning to the era of the Youkai Wars that had shaped much of Gensokyo's history.

"With Kusa's presence, even the most unexpected changes can come about," Reimu thought with a fond smile directed at the slumbering Kusa.

"Then, let's return," Byakuren declared, her voice filled with determination. The ship rumbled to life once more, lifting them from the demon world and back to their familiar realm.


Rubbing her eyes, Kusa muttered to herself, "I didn't think the demon world is wider than Gensokyo..." Her words, though spoken aloud, felt like they were drifting in a haze of confusion.

Her gaze wandered around the room, recognizing the furniture and items that were long gone in her dream world. "Mhm? This is my bedroom when I'm still human..." she murmured as a peculiar realization dawned upon her.

Slowly, Kusa began to inspect her own body, only to realize that she was not herself but rather the human form she once possessed.

"Is Gensokyo a dream?" The words slipped out of her lips, spoken to the air itself as she grappled with the sudden dissonance between reality and the vivid dream she had experienced.

"This dream was so vivid as if I'd lived there for a long time," Taiyo said, her voice carrying a tinge of melancholy. She stood up and went about tidying her room, performing the routines that felt like muscle memory.

As she cleaned herself and prepared for the day ahead, Taiyo's eyes became clouded with a growing realization. "Marisa, Reimu, Mokou... all those people I cared about don't exist," she muttered, her voice laden with sorrow. The friendships, the connections, all now reduced to mere delusions of her mind.

Taiyo retrieved her fully charged phone, observing the date displayed on the screen: March 4, 2022. The time was 6:25 a.m. She sighed deeply, acknowledging the immense gap between her dream and the reality she had awakened to.

"That was a long dream," Taiyo whispered to herself, her voice laced with a mixture of disbelief and regret. She slapped her cheeks lightly, a gentle reminder of getting so attached to a fleeting dream.

Descending the stairs to her living quarters with a heavy heart, Taiyo muttered, "Good morning," her greeting void of the enthusiasm that once characterized it.

"Good morning, sweetie!" a voice filled with warmth and motherly affection greeted Taiyo as it resonated from the kitchen.

"Good morning," her father's familiar, languid voice chimed in, also emerging from the kitchen.

Taiyo froze in her tracks, her heart racing in disbelief. The voices of her parents, voices she thought she would never hear again, were echoing through the house.

Her steps quickened as she rushed towards the kitchen, her heart pounding loudly in her chest. She swung open the door to reveal her parents standing there, healthy and alive.

Her mother, with amber eyes that always held kindness, stood wearing an apron, ready to cook Taiyo's favorite miso soup. Her long black hair framed her face, just as Taiyo remembered. Her dad, with his familiar brown eyes and that slightly annoying but beloved expression, was there too.

"What's wrong, dear?" her mother asked, noticing Taiyo's surprise and emotional state.

"Don't rush! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" her dad playfully scolded, his voice filled with the same exasperation and love that Taiyo remembered.

Tears welled up in Taiyo's eyes as she struggled to find words. Seeing them again, both looking so real and alive, was a shock beyond words.

Amidst her mixed emotions, Taiyo's mother playfully hit her dad with a wooden ladle. "What did I do wrong?!" he protested, his tone capturing the essence of their familiar dynamic.

"You made our daughter cry!" her mother replied, her scolding tone carrying a sense of comfort and normalcy that Taiyo had sorely missed.

Taiyo wiped away her tears, a smile tugging at her lips as she watched the familiar exchange unfold before her. The presence of her parents, the people she had lost, was a gift beyond imagination.

"Nothing, Mom. Dad, it's just that I had a nightmare... but I'm fine now," Taiyo said, her words laden with a bittersweet understanding that this moment was a fleeting gift.

"Let Dad hear about it so I can give that nightmare a piece of my mind!" her dad exclaimed with his usual enthusiasm, a playful glint in his eyes that made Taiyo chuckle.

"We can eat first..." her mother suggested, a touch of fond exasperation in her voice as she set the table with utensils and food.

"Yeah..." Taiyo muttered, appreciating the mundane yet precious act of setting the table with her mother.

The family enjoyed their meal together, laughter and jokes flowing freely as they reminisced and poked fun at each other.

As her mother finished tidying up the dishes and joined her father, Taiyo's heart felt heavy with the knowledge that this was a transient moment.

"Mom, Dad, even though I've always been impulsive and stubborn, I'm so grateful that you never gave up on me," Taiyo's voice trembled with emotion as she spoke, wanting to convey her deep gratitude.

"I'm grateful that you're our daughter," her dad said warmly, his eyes holding love and pride.

Taiyo took a deep breath, her tears glistening. "I love you both. Though our time together was cut short, I want you to know that my love for you is endless. I want you to remember this, even if the memories fade away."

Her voice wavered as she continued, "That's why, even though I'm no longer Taiyo Asakaze... I want to tell you this, the words I regret not saying before."

With unwavering resolve, Taiyo's appearance shifted, transforming into the form of Kusa. Her tears fell, but her expression held newfound strength.

"I promised to live happily and without regrets. Now, as Kusa, I can finally keep that promise," Kusa declared, her eyes shining with determination.

"Please know that I'm not a child anymore," Kusa said softly, her gaze meeting the souls of her parents with a mixture of love and understanding.

Moved beyond words, her mother and father exchanged a glance before approaching Kusa. They embraced her, a shared moment of tears, love, and finality. In that heartfelt embrace, their souls connected, conveying emotions that transcended words.


Two celestial beings gazed upon the heartwarming scene with a mix of relief and amusement.

"I'm glad she had the chance to say her goodbyes to her parents," Sun commented, his expression softening as he observed Kusa's reunion.

Moon nodded in agreement, her eyes twinkling with a playful glint. "Well, what can I say? Her parents were always quite stubborn, refusing to be bound by the cycle. Seeing them find closure like this is a relief."

"Their regrets held them back so strongly that they even managed to fend off the grim reapers who were trying to claim them," Moon added, a hint of admiration in her voice.

"Seriously?" Sun's tone was one of genuine surprise, not expecting the mortal couple to defy even Moon's underlings.

"Yes, quite astonishing, isn't it? I'm almost tempted to invite them to become gods under my guidance," Moon mused with a calculating look, intrigued by their resilience.

Sun rolled his eyes, trying to reclaim his robe from Moon's grasp. "Can you please stop using my clothes as a tissue?"

Moon smirked mischievously. "Well, I can't use my own, so I suppose I'll just have to make do with yours."

Sun let out a resigned sigh. "You're impossible."

"That's why you love me," Moon replied, a smug smile playing on her lips.

Sun muttered under his breath, "Unbelievable." Yet, there was a hint of affection in his exasperated tone.


Byakuren had visited the Hakurei Shrine to discuss her plans with Reimu when an unexpected event occurred. Kusa suddenly began to emit a radiant glow, causing Reimu, Mokou, and Marisa to react with alarm.

Byakuren approached Kusa and gently placed her hand on her, trying to understand the nature of this phenomenon. After a moment, she spoke with a calm assurance, "It appears that her soul is beginning to reform."

The three were filled with relief and joy upon hearing this news. The prospect of Kusa's soul reforming meant a potential resolution to her ailment.

"It's quite intriguing," Byakuren mused aloud, studying the ethereal display. "I suppose her deity must be watching over her, ensuring her well-being."

As the words left Byakuren's lips, an unseen presence seemed to acknowledge her observation. The deity, whose connection to Kusa remained a mystery, was listening and attentive.

"However," Byakuren continued with a thoughtful expression, "it does raise the question of whether this deity has little else to occupy their time."

Her comment was met with a moment of contemplative silence. The idea of a deity closely monitoring Kusa's progress in Gensokyo raised intriguing possibilities and unanswered questions.

"I guess even gods can be quite invested in certain matters," Marisa commented, breaking the silence with a grin.

"Indeed, it seems that way," Byakuren agreed, her gaze still focused on the glowing Kusa. The circumstances surrounding Kusa's situation continued to unfold, revealing a connection that reached beyond the ordinary boundaries of their world.

Well, look who's the master of name mix-ups! It's me. Kept dropping "Hijiri" like it's the latest catchphrase, even though Byakuren's the actual deal. Oh, and here comes another thrilling round of "Let's Edit the Past Chapter"! Yay for that, right? Totally not sarcastic at all...




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