Great Artist

Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Harvard University

Boston’s summer is great for escaping the heat. Even at its hottest, the average temperature is only around 72 degrees Fahrenheit (22 degrees Celsius), which is not so much summer as it is warm spring. It was the end of August, and the temperature in the morning was only 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Wearing a short-sleeved shirt still felt a little chilly. In addition, it was near the sea and the wind was strong in the morning and evening, so when going out, people always kept their bags in their backpacks. Get used to wearing a jacket.

Boston is built along the river. On the opposite side of the Charles River in the Back Bay area is the city of Cambridge, which has given birth to 130 Nobel Prize winners. Today, there are only more than 700 Nobel Prize winners in the world. Cambridge is a small city. The town occupies one-sixth, an astonishing number, only because there are two of the top schools in the world, Harvard University and MIT.

This town of only 100,000 people is different from Boston across the river. The pace of life here is much slower, and the air is filled with a leisurely and comfortable book fragrance. This quiet town atmosphere can always be Let the best part of time stop. Walking on the streets of the town, the ancient buildings and mottled tree shadows give people an illusion of traveling through history.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), recognized as the world’s most technological university, is definitely a pioneer leader in global high-tech and advanced research. Its academic excellence has been recognized worldwide, and it once surpassed that of Cambridge. University, Oxford University and other famous institutions, known as the world’s second largest university.

Teddy Bell looks very simple and honest on the outside, and is even considered to be a person with developed motor nerves but a simple head because of his sturdy physique. In fact, the character who loved to fight when he was a child did give Katherine Bell a headache. However, in terms of learning, Teddy Bell also performed very well. Not only did he take school scholarships from a young age, but he also received admission notices from MIT and Stanford University with outstanding results at the age of eighteen. In the end, Teddy Bell chose the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and became a student in the management department under the Sloan School of Management, one of the school’s most famous colleges. At the same time, Teddy Bell also chose economics as his second major, majoring together.

Originally, Teddy Bell was actually a little interested in languages, and wanted to learn another foreign language. Currently, he can speak English and Chinese, but Chinese is only at the level of everyday conversations, so reading and writing are more difficult. But as we all know, MIT’s studies are very heavy. In addition to studying, it is sleeping. If you see someone reading on a treadmill, please don’t be surprised. He is not relaxing, but is really studying. “I hate this **** place.” Teddy Bell is also on the lips every day.

Before the new semester of junior year started, Teddy Bell was buried by countless papers, and he still had economics courses to take, so the pressure was even greater, and it was estimated that there would not be too much time in school. Compared with Teddy Bell, Gu Luobei at Harvard University is much happier.

The two boys of the Bell family entered college in the same year, one went to MIT and the other went to Harvard, and they became the talk of the neighbors after dinner during that time.

Although Gu Luobei is two years younger than Teddy Bell, his pace of learning is much faster than that of his brother. At the age of sixteen, Gu Luobei received admission letters from Harvard University, Columbia University and Yale University. . Gu Luobei finally chose Harvard University. The two brothers applied for university in the same year, and finally both chose Cambridge, which is a tacit understanding. However, although the two brothers’ schools are neighbors, just across the street, but because of Teddy Bell’s busy schoolwork, Gu Luobei’s life is also colorful, so even at school, the time for the two to meet is pitiful.

Harvard University, founded 140 years before the founding of the United States, is the oldest university in the United States. It is now recognized as the number one institution in the world. Even in the rankings of the British university system, Harvard University has occupied the first place for many years. Harvard University is the most famous business school, and its MBA education is rated as the world’s first MBA education school. In addition, Harvard’s design school, law school, medical school, and humanities school are also considered to be the top in the United States.

Gu Luobei is a junior at Harvard Medical School. The so-called medical school covers a very wide range, not just simple internal medicine and surgery. Gu Luobei’s major is the psychology department under the medical school. The main courses include social psychology, organizational behavior, clinical science, etc. Wait, it’s a very interesting profession.

In addition, Gu Luobei is also a student of the Architecture Department of the School of Design. Although he studied architecture because of the expectations of his family in his last life, it took seven years to go from undergraduate to graduate school, but he still likes it. This time studying architecture at Harvard University, although the pressure is very high, but maybe because of the relationship between graduate students in the previous life, maybe because of the relaxed state of mind this time, Gu Luobei’s courses in the architecture department are completely like a duck to water, compared to other It’s definitely easy for students.

Both the Department of Psychology and the Department of Architecture are Gu Luobei’s majors, and he also took several courses of interest from the Department of Music and the Department of Journalism and Communication. Therefore, when he was in school, Gu Luobei had almost no free time in his university life.

The Harvard dormitory can clearly see the history. Every brick and every corner has the smell of time. The floor is even a wooden floor that is only in memory, but the environment is really good. Two-bedroom and one-living single-living family, two people live in each room, and the large living room in the middle is furnished with everything, which is very comfortable. Gu Luobei still took a shower in the dormitory. After all, he just came back from a road trip, and he was really embarrassed. After finishing, it was almost eleven o’clock when we went out again. Breakfast is saved again, and it is directly lunch time.

Gu Luobei bought two hamburgers and went straight to the library. Harvard University’s library is the fourth largest library in the world, with a collection of more than 15 million volumes. It is also the largest university book in the world. Hall. However, so many books are definitely not hidden in one building. There are more than 90 libraries in Harvard University, most of which are located on campus, and there are also departments in other cities, which are divided according to the category of each department.

Gu Luobei is now going to Harvard University’s largest social science and humanities research library: Widener Library, which is also the main library of Harvard University’s library. The main building has the card catalogue of all Harvard libraries. Gu Luobei came here to check this catalogue and find a few books that he needed for class in the new semester.

The gate of the Widener Library is an ancient Roman-style column corridor. There are more than 20 steps up the stairs. The solemn and solemn feeling makes people feel as if they have undergone a spiritual baptism before entering the library. . After entering the library, the temperature dropped a degree or two in an instant, and all the irritability and tiredness settled down. All I could hear was the sound of footsteps rubbing against the ground, and the sound of heavy books colliding with the shelves. The interior of the quaint library, in the shades of tawny, brown and beige, is full of medieval flavors.

Gu Luobei walked to the bookshelf where the card catalog was placed. Although the school had not yet started, many people had already started their study plans for the new semester. A beautiful woman with long brown hair walked in front of her, her wheat-colored skin was glowing with a healthy luster, and she looked like she had been active on the beach for a long time. Gu Luobei just glanced at him casually, and didn’t look at each other seriously. The girl walked over to Gu Luobei and asked in a low voice, “May I ask which area of literature literature is located?”

Gu Luobei only had time to look at the woman in front of her at this time. It can be said that she is a little beauty. The most important thing is that she has a very attractive healthy and sporty atmosphere. In fact, literature literature is on the second floor, and there are nearly 100 staff members in the library who can ask questions anywhere. Gu Luobei’s eyes couldn’t help but meet the girl’s eyes, a faint gentleman’s smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth, and then he took a “please this way” gesture and walked forward side by side with the girl. The girl raised her head and looked at Gu Luobei’s handsome profile, with a hint of pride in her eyes.

When he reached the corner, Gu Luobei quickly stretched out his right hand to grab the girl’s arm, pulled it inward, and then imprisoned the girl in front of his chest with both hands. As soon as Gu Luobei lowered his head, he saw that the girl’s eyes were full of excitement.

The girl looked at Gu Luobei’s misty eyes and couldn’t help being a little dizzy. Gu Luobei’s breath had already hit her face, and the girl’s heartbeat couldn’t help speeding up, UU reading www. subconsciously licked his lips, the alluring tongue and pink luster, the meaning couldn’t be more obvious. Just when the girl thought that Gu Luobei’s **** lips would be kissed, Gu Luobei’s face was gently wiped from her cheek. The hot temperature, soft touch, and electric shock-like breath made the excitement in the girl’s eyes thicker.

“My name is Bell, from the music department. What about you?” Gu Luobei’s lowered voice was so lazy, as if a cat’s claws were scratching at the bottom of his heart, causing goose bumps all over his body.

The girl only felt that her ears were bearing the warm breath, and they were about to burn. The other party was indeed a master, “Heidi, Heidi Montgomery, a freshman in the literature department.”

Gu Luobei also felt the soft breathing of the little girl blowing in his ears. At this time, a petite girl walked by, and the step of walking straight suddenly stopped. Obviously, he saw two people who were flirting. , his eyes flashed involuntarily, and then he left quickly.

Those eyes seemed to be contemptuous. Gu Luobei interpreted it like this, but he didn’t care.

Heidi Montgomery in front of her, although she seemed to speak softly, and her face was red and she was very emotional, but Gu Luobei knew that the other party was obviously a master. The corner of Gu Luobei’s mouth twitched into a smile, “You are so athletic, you study literature, it’s interesting, interesting.” After speaking, the distance between the two was suddenly opened, and cold air was poured in, which made people shiver. .

Heidi-Montgomery took out a small note from her pocket, stuffed it into the front pocket of Gu Luobei’s shirt, pinched it on Gu Luobei’s strong chest, and left with a spring in her eyes. .

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