Great Artist

Chapter 17

Chapter 17: Coincidence

Gu Luobei took out the note on his chest and spread it out. As expected, it was a string of phone numbers written with lipstick. Even the phone number is ready, and with such a heavy taste, he is indeed a master. Gu Luobei did not throw away the phone number, but folded it again and put it in his pocket. When there is a party, call Heidi Montgomery, this type of people can play, and the party atmosphere will be good.

Of course, it wasn’t the literature in front of me, but the area for the collection of card catalogues. I found the catalogue I needed, sat down on the sofa, and started to check which bookshelf of which library the books I needed for the next semester were on.

In the world of learning, the passage of time seems to be unconscious. Suddenly, Gu Luobei felt that his eyes were dark, and someone sat down on the sofa opposite him. He didn’t mind either, it was normal. So Gu Luobei moved the things on his desktop to the left, and went back to his own business without raising his head.

After a while, the person on the opposite side didn’t move at all, and it seemed that he had no intention of learning at all. He only heard the other side coughing lightly. Gu Luobei knew that he had something to call himself. He didn’t change his posture. He just looked up and saw that she was a little girl. The reason why she said she was small was because her skeleton was very petite, and her dark brown hair was casually draped. On his shoulders, he also wore a hat. Gu Luobei asked with his eyes, “Is something wrong?”

The other party seemed a little embarrassed and didn’t speak. Gu Luobei looked at his desktop. Countless catalogs were randomly scattered on the desktop. Even if he moved some positions, he still occupied two-thirds of the table in front of him. So, Gu Luobei showed an apologetic smile to the other party, sorted out the information, moved a little to the left, freed up about half of the space for the other party, and then raised his right hand, signaling the other party to use the table, and lowered himself again. head off.

Out of the corner of Gu Luobei’s eyes, he saw that some information finally appeared on the desktop on the right, so he took his attention back and continued to work on his work.

The silence only lasted for two or three minutes, and there was another cough from the other side. Gu Luobei’s brows were slightly wrinkled. When studying, he should not be disturbed all the time. He raised his head and gestured with his eyes, “What’s wrong?” The slightly wrinkled brows indicated Gu Luobei’s dissatisfaction.

The girl didn’t seem to see Gu Luobei’s dissatisfaction. She got closer, her expression was flat, and she didn’t seem to be asking for help at all. She lowered her voice and said, “Is the catalogue of the Psychology Research Library here with you?” Gu Luobei is the only person who is looking up the directory nearby. No wonder this girl came to ask.

But her eyes didn’t mean to ask for help at all, she was just plain, hiding a little bit of disdain. That little bit of disdain was hidden under the brim of his hat, and Gu Luobei almost thought he was wrong. Gu Luobei looked at the taupe knitted sweater jacket, and suddenly remembered that it should be the girl who passed by him and Heidi Montgomery just now.

Although the face of the girl in front of her was hidden under the brim of her hat, the two of them were looking at each other and communicating, and Gu Luobei could see most of them clearly. Those brown eyes are slightly alienated, full of personality and wisdom, not surprising at first glance, but there is a sense of confidence that can’t be ignored. The girl in front of her is actually her? Unexpectedly, this girl Gu Luobei knew each other! But what does it matter who the other party is? The disdain in the other party’s eyes and the unfamiliar tone made Gu Luobei feel uncomfortable, so he pouted and said nothing more. Gu Luobei didn’t look at the girl again, and just rummaged on the desktop to find it.

The girl clearly saw various emotions in the eyes of the boy on the opposite side: first she suddenly realized, then she understood, and then she didn’t care. But in the end, she didn’t say anything, just buried herself in search of information, which made her very baffled.

Involuntarily, the girl cast her gaze on the half of the table. A half-bitten hamburger indicated that the boy had not finished his lunch and was fully engaged in the world of learning. What is the content of the messy data? Catalogues of the Francis-Loeb Design Institute Library, the Edda-Koon-Loeb Music Library, the Psychology Research Library, and most notably the Widener Library of Social Sciences Collection Directory. This is all the information that the man in front of him is checking. He can take care of so many courses by himself?

Just when the girl was surprised, Gu Luobei had already sorted out the catalogue of the Psychology Research Library and handed it over.

The girl’s “thank you” had already reached her lips, but she froze, and finally she just said “thank you” lightly, I’m afraid she couldn’t hear it clearly.

The hour hand is ticking, and the elegant reading atmosphere of the Widener Library makes people feel that time is like an hourglass, and the sound of rustling passing by can be heard in my ears, which is comfortable and quiet.

“That,” the girl opposite said again, this time a little louder. When Gu Luobei looked up, he saw the girl’s slightly embarrassed expression, “May I ask how many books Professor Lance needs for his class?” After asking the question, the girl added, “Sorry for disturbing you.” Before Gu Luobei answered, she added, “Are you a student of the Department of Psychology?” Realizing the confusion of her word order, the girl’s cheeks Slightly reddened, he secretly blamed himself in his heart.

In fact, this girl just saw the boy on the opposite side flirting at the corner of the stairs. She has no right to interfere with what others think. She simply felt that flirting in a professional place like the library gave her the impression of being ignorant. It just so happened that she really didn’t like people who were illiterate. Therefore, when we first met again, there was inevitably some disdain in his eyes.

But now, seeing that the other party is so focused, whether it’s because there is ink in his stomach or just pretending, at least the other party is not completely ignorant, and he can see his seriousness from the well-organized notebook. This made her feel a little embarrassed, and she didn’t expect to ask the other party to teach her again, so it made her a little incoherent.

“This is your first time taking Professor Lance’s class?” Gu Luobei didn’t seem to notice the confusion of the other party, so he lowered his voice and answered politely. Although she felt indifference and disdain in her eyes and tone just now, it did not affect Gu Luobei’s mood, “Is it social psychology?” Gu Luobei answered the girl’s upside-down question with practical actions, “This is It’s my book list from last semester, you can take it for reference.”

Seeing that the other party answered so readily for her, this made the girl even more embarrassed. Originally, she has always been very rational, and she is the type to talk straight and outspoken, so since she felt sorry, she felt that she should apologize for her rude behavior just now, “I’m sorry.” Gu Luobei fourth When he raised his head, he saw the girl’s apologetic face.

“I was rude in my attitude just now because of my one-sided thoughts. Please allow me to apologize for my attitude.” The girl said with sincerity, looking into Gu Luobei’s eyes.

The other party’s direct communication made Gu Luobei feel very comfortable. Gu Luobei naturally knows that there are many people in this world who use knives on the surface and arrogance behind the scenes, and it is too hard to deal with such people. On the contrary, like the girl in front of her, her likes and dislikes are directly expressed, her generous and straightforward personality is more pleasing, and it is easier to get along with each other.

Gu Luobei’s mouth curved into a smile, very refreshing, “I accept your apology. Miss Natalie.” After speaking, he lowered his head again and immersed himself in his own business.

The other party actually knew him, but he didn’t make a fuss at all. Moreover, his attitude was not good, and the other party didn’t seem to care very much, and he gave the book list directly to himself, which made Natalie Portman’s cheeks a little warmer.

The girl sitting opposite Gu Luobei is Natalie Portman. When she was ten years old, she starred in “This Killer Is Not Too Cold” and became famous overnight. Last year’s “Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace” made it even more so. This little girl, who is only 5.3 feet (1.6 meters), is popular all over the sky. Before Gu Luobei’s rebirth, Natalie Portman also won the best actress at the 83rd Oscar for her outstanding performance in “Black Swan”. Therefore, although I didn’t see it very clearly just now, Gu Luobei recognized this famous actress at a glance. UU reading www.

Although Gu Luobei recognized Natalie Portman, the other party was wearing a hat, showing that he didn’t want to be recognized by others, and the first sentence of the conversation between the two sides didn’t get off to a good start. Gu Luobei felt that there was no need to call out others, anyway, he was not uncommon, so he focused his attention on his own study.

Indeed, after the great success of “Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace”, Natalie Portman resolutely chose the latter between Hollywood and Harvard, and she even wanted to remain anonymous and wished to enroll herself. Don’t be too flamboyant. It is undeniable that the boy on the opposite side still didn’t make a fuss even after recognizing him, which made Natalie Portman heave a sigh of relief.

Looking down at the book list in his hand, “Evan Bell”, this is the other party’s name, and the beautiful English in his hand is smooth and flowing. Although there are some scribbles, the lines reveal an unrestrained artistic conception, which makes people feel very comfortable to read. . The arrangement of the book list is also very clear, not only the book list, but also marked the must-read in class and the core theory of each book, which is clear at a glance.

Natalie Portman knew that if she hadn’t been a serious student, she would never have made such a detailed list of books. She couldn’t help but raised her head and glanced at the boy named Evan Bell opposite. At this time, he was still burying his head in sorting out the book list, his serious profile was completely different from the expression at the corner of the stairs just now, and his dedicated eyes were impressive.

Natalie Portman also lowered her head and started sorting out her book list. Time passed without knowing it. When she raised her head and rubbed her stiff neck, she realized that the seat opposite was already empty and the other party was not there. Know when has quietly left.

Today’s second update, please collect and recommend.

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