Great Artist

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Homecoming Dance

Every year at the beginning of the new semester, various high schools and universities hold a one-week to two-week homecoming festival from September to October. On the one hand, it is to welcome the alumni who have graduated to return to the school. On the last day of Homecoming, there will be a grand Homecoming Ball, which will bring an end to the strong school atmosphere.

For high schools, it is more focused on the return of students, so Homecoming not only has a series of activities, but also votes to select the king and queen of the homecoming dance, which means the most popular boys and girls in the school.

For universities, it is organized by current students, while freshmen and outstanding alumni who have graduated are more important. It is very simple for new students, that is to welcome fresh people in the university, let everyone relax, and prepare to integrate high school life with college life; for the alumni who have graduated, especially the successful ones, let me put it bluntly, that is, I hope these alumni who have achieved success Welcome holiday for school donations

At Harvard University, the first two weeks of the new semester are called Open Day, and it can also be called Homecoming Week or Homecoming. There are no classes or extracurricular activities for two weeks. Meeting with counselors in the morning, listening to lectures in the morning, visiting school institutions in the afternoon, and dancing, parties, and fraternity activities in the evening. These activities are to let freshmen feel the atmosphere of the university and pave the way for university life; they also let the alumni who have graduated fully feel that they are indeed coming home, so they are willing to donate to the school. After two weeks, the last big formal dance is the Homecoming Dance.

Although Harvard students claim to be the most diligent and least party-loving students in the United States, Harvard students know that it’s just talk. Who doesn’t like parties and who doesn’t like to play, it’s just the timing is not right. On Homecoming, the small dance every night is where the students revel, and the madness is definitely worse than what you see in the movies. After Homecoming is over and the time to play is over, students will devote themselves to their studies and wait for the next big time, like Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas.

In the United States, the most popular in schools is always the football team, followed by the baseball team and the basketball team. Although Gu Luobei is neither of the two, the band player is still very popular. The homecoming festival has just kicked off, and he has received five invitations to the homecoming dances: the dances are to be accompanied by a companion, and the boys choose the girls, and the girls also choose the boys, which is normal.

Gu Luobei, who attended with Heidi Montgomery, stole the style of many men present. Whether it was his gentle temperament or his calm demeanor, he was indeed very eye-catching. Coupled with Heidi Montgomery, a sporty beauty who has attracted much attention among the freshmen, the pair has gained a lot of attention today.

Twenty minutes later, Heidi Montgomery was chatting and laughing with the quarterback of the football team, while Gu Luobei disappeared on the dance floor unknowingly. This young man, who first attracted countless attention in the melancholy passionate performance at the beginning, and then gracefully brought his female companion out to impress, is now sitting on a bench at the back of the auditorium, blowing the wind.

He proposed to his girlfriend at the graduation ceremony of his university. There is no formal dance party when graduating from a university in China, but the graduation ceremony is also very lively. He still clearly remembered the excitement and joy on his girlfriend’s face at that time, but when he opened his eyes, it was the homecoming dance at Harvard University in the fall semester of 2000, which made his head a little confused.

“Hey…why don’t you stay in there.” A voice sounded not far away, Gu Luobei’s head suddenly sobered up a lot, and he followed the voice to look over. The starlight tonight is very good. The stars that cannot be seen in New York can still be seen occasionally in Cambridge, so Gu Luobei can see the petite figure clearly, but because the face is not very clear, Gu Luo Bei still asked tentatively, “Portman?”

“If you want to compete for the King of the Homecoming Ball, I think it’s more appropriate for you to go back inside.” The voice approached Gu Luobei step by step. It turned out to be Natalie Portman. Today, she has lost her hair. When he got up, his entire face was revealed. Although there was no way to see the details because of the light, the personality and perseverance between the eyebrows were clearly visible.

Gu Luobei’s loneliness was quickly hidden, his eyes and expressions were perfect, and he couldn’t see it at all, “I don’t think I can compete with that stupid big Finn, so I’d better sit here sober and compare. Really.” Finn was the name of the football quarterback.

Natalie Portman walked to the side of the bench and saw Gu Luobei under the street light, white shirt, black tuxedo, and a slightly playful bow tie, although he was sitting with his hands on his back. On the knee, the left hand was covered on the ring finger of the right hand, but it was quickly released. Natalie Portman couldn’t help but praise one in her heart. From an objective standpoint, the man in front of him is more than enough to be elected as the king of the homecoming dance, no matter his temperament or bearing. Of course, it is estimated that he does not bother to compete for this king. ‘s title.

“Can I?” Natalie-Portman pointed to the vacant seat beside Gu Luobei, and after receiving a smile in response, Natalie-Portman sat down on the bench, “officially introduce, Natalie Portman.”

Looking at the small palm in the air, Gu Luobei also stretched out his right hand and shook it lightly, “Evan Bell. Why did you come out? How can the queen of the homecoming dance be left out? ”

Listening to Gu Luobei’s teasing with a chuckle, Natalie Portman pouted, “I don’t care about the kind of queen chosen by face-to-face dancing.”

Gu Luobei laughed out loud this time, “I like it very much. As a boy, I don’t suffer.” Natalie Portman gave Natalie Portman a blank look at this. After all, it is a dance party, a carnival dance party, so when dancing, both men and women always like to dawdle with sensitive parts. Of course, if you don’t like it, just leave like Natalie Portman, no one will force it.

“Your band’s opening performance is very good. What’s the name of the last song?” Natalie Portman seemed to be more interested in the melancholy opening performance, tilting her head and showing an expression of inquiry.

“‘The sea is vast and the sky is wide’.” Gu Luobei also hid the last emotion in his heart, and turned his attention to the conversation with Natalie Portman.

It’s a pity that the conversation between the two has just begun, and the voices of Xixixuoso came from the bushes behind them. The dialogues of “Hurry up, hurry up” and “Baby, I love you” are in my ears, and the meaning is unclear. , If you add the gasping and rolling sounds, everyone is an adult, and you know what’s going on.

However, Gu Luobei and Natalie Portman don’t seem to be very embarrassed. They are almost complete strangers. They only talked a few words, but at this time they are both in each other’s eyes. Saw the joke.

Gu Luobei raised his voice and shouted, “Hey, there are people here, you can change places.” In fact, the bench Gu Luobei was sitting on was under the street lamp, which couldn’t be more obvious. The two people who were playing in the field at the back were probably in a hurry. They didn’t go around to the front at all, so they went in directly from the side.

Hearing Gu Luobei’s voice, the cursing voices of the two people in the grass immediately rang out, and the boy said cursingly, “What are you doing, keep silent.” Injustice! Gu Luobei and Natalie Portman were obviously chatting, and it was because the two of them didn’t pay attention to their surroundings. But before Gu Luobei could speak again, the boy yelled, “Don’t worry, just listen to it if you like.” Then he heard the girl’s shy refusal. It is estimated that the boys can’t wait and want to continue, but the girls are still a little ashamed and feel that they should change places.

Seeing Gu Luobei’s bright smile, Natalie Portman seemed to gloat over the misfortune and raised her voice, “Are you serious? Are you allowed to watch the battle? I’ve only seen it on the videotape, The real person has always wanted to observe it once.” As he spoke, his expression was very serious, as if she was a curious little girl who had never seen the time. As soon as Natalie Portman said this, Gu Luobei burst out laughing. UU reading gave Natalie Portman a thumbs up of her right hand, expressing admiration .

Sure enough, the boy behind only shouted “Damn”, and then heard the sound of two people fleeing, and vaguely heard the boy’s scolding, “Two stupid pigs…” Obviously Gu Luobei and Natalie Portman ruined a good thing, very dissatisfied.

However, these two people didn’t care at all, on the contrary, they completely enjoyed it. When the sound of running away gradually faded, the two of them burst into laughter. The crisp laughter fainted on the dim yellow street lamp, making the moths circling under the street lamp become much more active.

After laughing for a long time, I naturally feel that my throat is dry and my stomach hurts. But the two of them looked at each other’s embarrassed smiles, and they couldn’t help but want to laugh or not, which made it uncomfortable. At this time, another voice came from far away. The two thought it was another field troop doing investigations, but they laughed again. When the voice was close, it was discovered that the other party was actually calling “Evan, Evan Bell”. The two people knew about Oolong, but they thought it was absurd, and the smile on their faces did not disappear.

This is what Eden Hudson saw when he found Gu Luobei. Natalie Portman knew that people must have something to take pictures of them, so she shook hands with Gu Luobei again and said goodbye.

Eden Hudson sat down in the place where Natalie Portman was originally, his whole body turned towards the back of Natalie Portman’s departure, his eyes remained motionless, obviously recognizing the other party’s identity, his face There was no change in his expression, his expression was still flat, and even his eyes were calm, but the words in his mouth were extremely gossip, “You two hooked up?”

Today’s first update, a cliché, please collect and recommend! Ha ha.

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