Great Artist

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: Stupid Stupid

After deciding to star in “Death Illusion”, Gu Luobei felt that life was really wonderful. He just rejected the contract with Warner Records not long ago, and now he has entered the world of movies. Although the “Death Illusion” starring Jake Gyllenhaal in the last life was widely loved by loyal fans, this time if Gu Luobei did not study the script seriously and did not perform well, perhaps this classic Cult movie will be buried. Maybe, so Gu Luobei still put all his energy into the study of this script, hoping that his first performance on the big screen will at least satisfy himself.

Speaking of the movie, Gu Luobei thought of Anne Hathaway again. Although she knew that Anne Hathaway was chosen in the interview for “The Princess Diaries”, Gu Luobei still decided to make a phone call to ask about the situation. It’s been two weeks, and it’s time to get in touch with this little girl.

“Hello, this is Hathaway’s house.” The person who answered the phone was a middle-aged lady, her voice was very pleasant, unhurried, with a touch of elegance.

“Mrs. McGory, this is Evan.” Gu Luobei knew it was Anne Hathaway’s mother Kate McGory. Although she took her husband’s surname after marriage, “Kate McGory” The name is proof of her being a singer and actress, and the so-called Mrs. Hathaway is always in a good mood when she is called “McGolly”.

“Evan, lovely boy, how’s your road trip, are you enjoying it?” Kate-McGory heard Gu Luobei’s address, and her tone of voice became brisk.

“Everything is fine, it’s just that there is no way to take a shower along the way. It really bothers me.” Gu Luobei’s answer caused a series of laughter on the other end of the phone. “Mrs. McGory, is Anne at home?”

“Annie? Yes, wait.” Kate-McGory put the microphone aside, walked to the stairs and shouted “Annie” before walking back, “She’s here.”

“Please say hello to Mr. Hathaway, and Michelle and Thomas on my behalf.” Gu Luobei was still very polite, and did not forget to greet Anne-Hathaway’s father, as well as her brother and brother.

Kate McGory repeated yes on the other end of the phone, and then handed the microphone to Anne Hathaway, “North, how was your road trip? Did you have any exciting experiences?” To Anne-Hathaway’s grinning voice, you can even imagine her grinning eyes and mouth grinning brightly on the other end of the phone.

“Of course, starting from New York is an exciting journey.” Gu Luobei also shared the stories of the journey very generously. Although there was no thrilling experience, it was just the feat of crossing the United States, and there were surprising things along the way. The beautiful scenery made Anne Hathaway sigh again and again.

“If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely try it once. It’s really cool to walk around the world with my backpack on.” Anne Hathaway couldn’t help but envy her. She had a very boyish personality since she was a child, and she got along with Gu Luobei. . It’s just because of family education, Anne-Hathaway is relatively stable in her bones. “Excessive” is never something that the family will advocate, so although she is very envious of Gu Luobei’s road trip, it is still difficult to put in practice. of.

Gu Luobei is even more so. He wanted to do this kind of attempt in his last life, but unfortunately it has not been realized until this life. Chic, indeed, just pack your bags and go wandering, do whatever you want, and let your short life bloom with infinite brilliance. This is the real enjoyment of life. Suddenly, Gu Luobei thought of Blake Lively, this little girl is only thirteen years old, so it is really rare to have such courage. The dream of longing for freedom and the courage to put it into action made Gu Luobei, who has been a human being in two generations, admired.

“Mate, how’s the interview for ‘Princess Diaries’?” Gu Luobei remembered his main purpose of making this call. He was talking about travel just now. Before he knew it, nearly 20 minutes passed. remembered.

Although Gu Luobei has only lived in London for six years, and most of his time as an infant, the habit of British English has always remained in Gu Luobei’s spoken language, including the British accent of the old pedantic and aristocratic. Also includes some differences in names. For example, Americans more often like to use gentlemen (Gentleman), while the British use Mr. (Sir), of course, this is not absolute. However, the common saying “dude” is more clear and clear. Americans like to use the word Dude as a colloquial language, which is relatively street; while the British use the word Mate. The word mate includes the meaning of partner, brother, spouse, partner, etc., which means more written and more poetic. When Americans imitate British speech, the word “Mate” is the iconic phrase.

Gu Luobei’s British accent is not jerky, but it sounds very comfortable and elegant. Anne-Hathaway was also used to Gu Luobei’s accent and way of speaking, so she didn’t care at all, just heard the content of the question, and came a long “My God”, and then heard The sound of her lying on the table, “That was a disaster…”

Hearing Anne Hathaway’s exaggerated answer, Gu Luobei’s smile involuntarily hung up, “Why, you beat the director?”

“Haha… If I really hit the director, I think it’s not just a disaster, but a farce.” Anne-Hathaway was amused by Gu Luobei’s teasing, “then my father will It’s time to use his expertise.” Anne Hathaway’s father, Gerald Hathaway, was a lawyer.

“Honestly, I was absolutely stupid on interview day. There was only one chair in the interview room that day, and then there was a line of people in front of me, which reminded me of my college interview, which sucks.” Anne- Hathaway complained and became excited, and described the interview day in a cadenced manner, “After I walked to the chair, I greeted everyone, and I was about to show the elegance of the princess, so I sat down and didn’t want to give up. After sitting empty, I only wiped the edge of the chair and fell directly to the ground. The chair also turned over. God, everyone at the scene laughed. If I could, I would like to disappear from there on the spot.”

Gu Luobei was not polite at all, and burst into laughter on the other end of the phone, making Anne Hathaway angry and embarrassed, but remembering her embarrassment that day, Anne Hathaway couldn’t help it anymore. to laugh. It’s really embarrassing to make such a big mistake during the interview, even if I think about it myself, it’s funny.

“This character is a princess, and my embarrassing appearance is hopeless.” It should be very disappointing to say this, but Anne-Hathaway couldn’t help but laugh, maybe in this way Missing out on the “Princess Diaries” is a special experience.

“No, no, I think you will get this role.” Gu Luobei rubbed his cheeks with a stiff smile and said firmly. Listening to the tone, it does not seem to be comforting at all, but to be convinced.

Anne-Hathaway didn’t believe it anymore, “Bei, you don’t have to comfort me. You didn’t see everyone’s expressions at that time, they all looked disappointed, and some even shook their heads.” Indeed, after all, Gu Luo Bei is his childhood sweetheart, and he will definitely comfort him. No wonder Anne Hathaway doesn’t believe it.

Gu Luobei finally became serious. Although the corners of his mouth were still smiling, his tone was much more serious, “Man, if I remember correctly, the director of ‘The Princess Diaries’ is Gary Marshall, right?” Anne Hathaway gave Confirmed answer, “He shot comedy films like ‘Pretty Woman’ and ‘The Bride That Runaway’, and made the image of Sweetie Julia Roberts popular. Marshall likes to shoot comedy films, although I haven’t read the script of ‘Princess Diaries’, but I think the princess in this script will not be the kind of elegant and noble type, but should be a lovely princess who is lively and cheerful, with some boldness.”

Anne-Hathaway didn’t answer, she recalled the script carefully in her mind, and couldn’t help but sighed at Gu Luobei’s keen observation, “That’s it.”

“So, remember what I told you before, you are very suitable for the role in this script.” Gu Luobei once again said his conclusion, which is obviously more convincing, “Although you got out of your chair on the day of the interview It seemed very reckless to fall down. But maybe, it was your move that gave you a lot of extra points.”

Anne-Hathaway opened her mouth in surprise, “Are you serious?” But after speaking, thinking that the other party was Gu Luobei, who she had known for twelve years, already believed most of her. However, the expressions of the judges who were present at the interview that day were really not very good, UU reading www.uukanshu. com can even be said to be bad. Even so, Anne-Hathaway finally showed a big smile, “Well, I hope the reality can be as you said.”

This is indeed the case. Under the circumstances that everyone is not optimistic, Gary Marshall voted Anne Hathaway as the heroine of “Princess Diaries” and became Anne Hathaway’s actress in her career. the first important turning point. It should be said that Anne Hathaway is stupid, or it should be said that Gary Marshall has a good eye, or both.

“By the way, I’m about to start filming.” Gu Luobei’s bombshell made Anne-Hathaway on the other end of the phone jump three feet high, “What? What’s going on? Let’s hear it. Listen.” It sounded that Anne-Hathaway was happier than Gu Luobei.

Gu Luobei briefly explained the matter, and Anne Hathaway sighed repeatedly, “As expected, you have your style, you always choose what you want to do, and I also think this movie should suit you very well.” Anne-Hathaway means that independent films, Cult films and Gu Luobei’s style are very consistent.

“Huh, who can say for sure about filming and challenging acting skills? I don’t have a clue at the moment.” Gu Luobei is telling the truth. He has Broadway experience, and he vaguely remembers Jack Gyllenha in his last life. How do you interpret this movie, but knowing that it is not an easy task to interpret it yourself.

“Haha, in terms of acting, I can still be your teacher, why don’t you ask me for advice?” Anne Hathaway’s hearty laughter is always in the ears, making people feel happy.

First update today. It’s on the new book list, Sahua, huh, thank you. Keep asking for recommendations.

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