Great Artist

Chapter 23

Chapter 23: Special Impression

This is Natalie Portman’s second year at Harvard. Although she was recently filming “Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones”, she still returns to school whenever she has time, not only for her studies, Also to experience university life. The start of school in September, due to the film’s suspension, allowed Natalie Portman to have a good time at school and attended the homecoming dance, which she didn’t really like, but it was part of college. Next week, the film will resume busy shooting, and it is estimated that there will be no way to go to school for a month or two, so Natalie Portman also cherishes the last week of school, which is also the first week of formal classes.

Today, Natalie Portman went to the School of Design to find her roommate for lunch. Natalie Portman is the quintessentially capable person who likes to socialize with people similar to her, which is one of the reasons she chose Harvard. Three of Natalie Portman’s roommates, one once performed on the same stage with the famous cellist Yo-Yo Ma, one who has published poetry books, and one who is from the School of Design.

Compared with other colleges, Harvard’s School of Design is a bit colder. The entire School of Design is also a huge classroom. All the departments of architecture, environmental art, digital design, and urban planning are taught in this classroom. So the classroom schedule is always full. The entire classroom is like a huge gymnasium, and the open space is a bit scary. Generally speaking, first-year freshmen are at the top of the classroom steps, and then go down in the order of grades. The students with the highest grades are at the bottom of the steps. The purpose is to let the freshmen see what the seniors are doing.

At this time, it was less than ten minutes before get out of class ended. Natalie Portman stood at the door of the classroom and saw her roommate. She was in the first row, a senior. At this time, everyone in the classroom was carefully drawing something on the design table. It was estimated that they were drawing design drawings according to the content of the class. Looking along the students in the first row, it turned out to be a senior student with a more confident face. Occasionally he stopped writing to do some thinking, and then he would continue to write. Compared with the students in the lower grades, Efficiency is much faster.

Suddenly, Natalie Portman’s gaze stopped at the figure in the innermost row of the first row, “Is he also an architecture student?” After thinking about it, Natalie Portman remembered again, ” The Francis Loeb Institute for Design Library did appear in the last catalogue.”

What Natalie Portman saw was Gu Luobei, the first meeting in the library, and the second meeting full of laughter at the homecoming dance. I didn’t expect that the third meeting was not psychological. In the class of Professor Muller-Lance, it was in this way and on this occasion.

The classroom of the School of Design is naturally different. The sunlight in the mid-afternoon covered the entire classroom through the huge glass window, and shone on the boy named Evan Bell, who cast a shadow on the glass table top. superior. Those focused eyes and serious attitude made Natalie Portman a little confused, or rather curious. What kind of person is this boy or man? Natalie Portman couldn’t help laughing about being a girl, downplaying her disdainful attitude, being lonely at the homecoming dance, and being sincere in her profession today. Natalie Portman couldn’t help but smile. This man updated himself every time he met him. view is not easy.

Ten minutes passed quickly, Natalie Portman’s roommate walked out quickly, and the two girls walked to the cafeteria side by side. When she left, Evan Bell was still packing things in place, and soon , the figure bathed in the sun disappeared from sight.

“Aren’t your classrooms sitting in grade order? Why do I seem to see underclassmen in the first row.” Natalie Portman remembered that Evan Bell should be a junior in his book list It has a student number and was admitted in 1998.

The girl walking beside Natalie Portman thought for a while and immediately understood, “Oh, you mean Bell? What, do you know him?”

Natalie Portman nodded cheerfully, “I’ve seen it twice.”

Originally, the girl wanted to ask a little more gossip, but Natalie Portman admitted it so directly, but she didn’t seem to have anything, so she didn’t dig any further, and said directly, “You know, our department is famous It’s hard to get admission, hard to learn, and hard to graduate.” Harvard’s School of Design, along with Yale University, MIT, and Rhode Island School of Design, are known as the top universities for design in the United States, and it’s not a blank name. “But this Evan Bell is a special case. He is also well-known in our department. During his interview, he alerted the big boss of our department and said he liked him very much. After he came in, he was the one who received the most praise from the professor. Although He is only in his third year, but he has already started his graduation project. The big boss of our department has only one student under his name this year, and there is basically no problem with graduation.” Natalie Portman raised her eyebrows, just now from that posture Guessing that he should be a very powerful person, the result is still more than imagined.

“This semester, the big boss of the department asked him to be a teaching assistant to help with the basic course of design, but he didn’t have time, so he refused.” Girls’ nature of gossip will not degenerate at any time, even for the top students at Harvard University, He also enjoys gossip. “He is still a psychology student, and I heard that he is choosing a thesis topic.” Natalie Portman knows that choosing a thesis topic does not mean that you can start writing. Doing countless pre-investigations and choosing a suitable topic is a long and important process. However, in the last semester of the junior year, I started to choose the thesis topic, which means that, if the fastest, I can start writing my graduation thesis in March next year. This speed.

“But he’s here to ask for leave today. I heard that there was something wrong. Our boss approved it without saying a word. It’s refreshing.” The girl’s tone was full of envy. “Forget it, there are so many such geniuses in our school every year. Before he becomes the second Bill Gates, no, to be precise, he is not counted as the second IM Pei. Really amazing.” Ieoh Ming Pei, the world’s top architectural designer, the designer of the Louvre Museum in Paris, a bachelor’s degree in architecture from MIT, a master’s degree in architecture from Harvard University, and one of the legends of Harvard University. “What’s for lunch? Let’s go out to eat. I heard there’s a new Italian restaurant opening up the street. Let’s try it?”

The two walked towards the school gate while chatting, but there was one more exclamation mark in Natalie Portman’s heart.

After Gu Luobei, who stayed in the classroom, packed up his things, he walked slowly to the cafeteria after his leave was over. There are still a lot of things to be busy these two days. He also has to meet Muller-Lance, the supervisor of his graduation thesis in the Department of Psychology. He plans to listen to Muller-Lance’s social psychology again this semester. courses and then decide on your own dissertation topic. But now it seems that he will start to miss classes from the very beginning, but fortunately, he has already heard this class once in the second grade.

Coming to the cafeteria of Harvard University, this building looks like the auditorium of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in “Harry Potter”, which makes people suspect that the props group of the movie is based on this cafeteria as a model for the scene construction. Gu Luobei saw it. It’s very interesting in my eyes, but I don’t know if other people will see it as interesting after the release of the “Harry Potter” movie.

Walking into the dining hall is like being in a resplendent cathedral. The interior is very quiet and bright, and the decorations are extremely luxurious and solemn. Whether it is wood carving, oil painting window paper, or hanging medieval chandeliers, every part of the cafeteria has an elegant sense of art.

The cafeteria of Harvard University is self-service, providing cuisines from all over the world to meet the different tastes of campus students. Gu Luobei chose Chinese cuisine, Kung Pao Chicken, Mushu Pork and other dishes, which can be regarded as thinking of his hometown. Holding a plate and looking for a position, he saw someone on a table not far away, raising his hand and waving at him. A closer look, impressively is Jacob – Tebow, next to him is not Gillen – Haas and Bruce – Sterwood Well.

Gu Luobei took a plate and sat down opposite Jacob Tibo. Before Gu Luobei had adjusted the chair, Jacob Tibo couldn’t wait to ask, “I heard that you are going to take a month’s leave, what’s wrong, what’s the matter?”

Seeing Jacob Tibo’s rolling eyes, Gu Luobei smiled dumbly, presumably there was another gossip, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Otherwise, how could they expect their answer so much, “I took a movie and it takes a month to shoot.”

Hearing that it was not about the music, Jacob Tebow’s eyes suddenly dimmed a lot. Gillen-Haas glanced at Jacob Tibo, who had gone down, and smiled at Gu Luobei, “Movie? What movie?”

Jacob Tebow also recovered quickly, and joked with a smile, “Which international director? Will you become a movie star next time we meet?”

Gu Luobei knew from the look in their eyes that they were still concerned about the band. As for the movie, they only mentioned it incidentally, but this is normal. People like them who put all their energy into one thing are not interested in other things. Always lack some concern.

“If it’s so easy to be a movie star, I’m afraid it’s all over the street now.” Gu Luobei said with a smile, “Don’t worry, I’ll also take care of the band.” Gu Luobei said so directly The only issue that everyone is concerned about is the band, and the face is a little hot. “We didn’t think about sending our songs to a big company before, so let’s try it out. We record a master tape ourselves this week, and then send it to the record company one by one.”

Hearing Gu Luobei’s words, everyone immediately put their shyness aside, their eyes began to flicker again, and even Bruce Sterwood looked at Gu Luobei. Seeing that Jacob-Tibo seemed to have problems, Gu Luobei said directly, “We practiced hard for the past two days, and made an appointment for a recording studio on Friday for an hour.” This made the other three members His heart settled down, and Bruce Sterwood couldn’t help holding his right fist and dancing, expressing his excitement.

Second update today. Sorry, something happened today, the update is late, I’m really sorry.

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