Great Artist

Chapter 2286

Chapter 2290: Magical Country

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In order to find a new dreamer, Arthur and Cobb came to Paris together. Cobb found his mentor and father Mills in the School of Architecture, hoping to find a talented architecture student to help build dreams. world. In fact, Cobb was the best dream maker, but since Mo’er had been destroying the dream world, Cobb couldn’t dream, and could only turn to a third party for help.

So Mills introduced Ariad, the most gifted student in the architecture department, to Cobb.

During the conversation between Cobb and Ariad, the dream world constructed by Evan Bell and Christopher Nolan was completely and truly presented to all audiences for the first time. This bizarre world made everyone stunned.

The explosions on the streets of Paris are like slow motion, explosions under a magnifying glass are full of artistic sense, smokeless explosions burst out all the fragments like fireworks, and after stagnating in the air, each fragment explodes again, even You can clearly see a book, a rose, and an apple flying into the air due to the impact of the explosion, and then bursting in the air a second time. The beauty released at that moment is beautiful.

The curly Paris is like a strange kingdom in a fairy tale. The streets of Paris slowly rise in front of the eyes, and then curl into a square box, and all the people and things above the head violate the laws of physics and still stay firmly in the street. On the surface, it makes the world in the dream look like an inverse world composed of mirror images, magnificent and magnificent.

But in Cobb’s dream, Mo’er appeared again, and even killed Ariad directly, which made the whole movie theater scream, and both Ariad and Cobb were both at the same time. Woke up from the dream. This reminds the audience at the very beginning of the movie, where Cobb also shot Arthur to wake him from a dream.

Ariad, who had just experienced a death and was in a cold sweat, obviously found out that there was something wrong with Cobb’s spiritual world, but Arthur seemed to be used to it. Arthur thought that Ariad should have a totem to distinguish between reality and reality. In the dream, at the same time, Cobb took out his top again, walked to the next room and started spinning. Obviously, this top was Cobb’s totem, and he was always alert to whether he was in reality or a dream. After confirming that this is reality, Cobb breathed a long sigh of relief.

Seeing this scene, the audience immediately thought that after Cobb left the Shinkansen, he checked it in the hotel, and if it was a dream, Cobb obviously decided to shoot himself. So, what happened to Cobb made him so alert, what happened to his wife Moer, and what was the reason why he wanted to go home but couldn’t?

From the beginning of the movie, there is no rest for the audience’s brain, which is different from the tension at the beginning. After that, a whole new door is opened for the theoretical construction of a new dream world. People must concentrate all their attention to not fall behind the movie. rhythm. At this point, the audience finally understood why Evan Bell would “make the movie more difficult” at the premiere.

Next, Cobb goes to Mombasa to find Ames, the pretender. Although Mombasa is the site of Cobb’s previous failed mission, Ames is clearly worth the risk. Soon, Leonardo DiCaprio played Eames.

The conversation between Cobb and Ames further discussed the idea of implantation, with Ames saying, “It has to be the simplest idea that is implanted in order for it to take shape naturally in the target’s brain, which is difficult.” After fulfilling Cobb’s mission and only letting his son dissolve the company he was about to inherit from his father, Eames believes that only by starting from the most basic details of the father-son relationship can he complete the implantation of ideas.

But before going to meet the pharmacist Yosef, Cobb discovered that he was being targeted, apparently the tail of the employer of the failed mission. With the help of Ames, Cobb fled in embarrassment, and finally met Saito, and was able to escape.

When Ames, Cobb, and Saito went to see pharmacist Yosef, Ariad returned to the studio, and Arthur taught Ariad the optical illusion caused by the Penrose staircase. In order to avoid the subconscious projected characters of the dreamer, a labyrinth must be created when designing a dream, not because of its size, but because of its ingenious structure, so that others can avoid being disturbed by the projected characters and smoothly dive deeper into the dream.

The meeting with Yousef went smoothly. Cobb also proposed for the first time that the implantation of the mind must enter the third layer of the dream to complete. The general type of medicine is not enough, and the enhanced type of medicine must be used, but this may cause The instability and side effects of dreams, but this is a necessary condition for the implantation of ideas.

Many audience members in the cinema sighed. The mystery at the beginning of the movie is now solved. When they first tried to steal Saito’s secret, Cobb and Arthur entered the second layer of the dream, which is Nippon Keben. Palace; and the dilapidated room is the first floor, which is a backup plan; unfortunately, in the end, it was not able to complete the task and returned to reality, that is, the Shinkansen. This meticulous view of the world is truly breathtaking.

In the basement of Yusuf’s studio, ten to twelve people are using enhanced potions to enter the dream world. They connect each other’s dreams to each other, and they are immersed in sleep and do not want to wake up. This made Saito very incomprehensible, “They came here just to sleep?”

“No, they came here to be awakened. Because dreams have become their real world.” Such a sentence seemed meaningful, causing immeasurable wavelengths in the minds of many people.

After the new dream-making team finally built the acquisition, and after the successful construction of the new dream-making team, Saito’s mission was officially announced: the dream-making team must implant an idea for Robert Fisher, the heir of Saito’s rival company, to make the dream come true. After he inherited his father’s estate, he wanted to let him have the idea of dissolving the company.

Such a huge task involves the core content of implanted thoughts. It is simple but effective. It is like a correct seed, which can have sufficient nutrients in the soil of consciousness, and then sprouts and grows. Therefore, the relationship between Fisher and his son has become a breakthrough. Obviously, their father and son relationship is not good, and Browning, the right-hand man of the old Fisher and the godfather of the younger Fisher, currently holds the initiative of their company, so Browning It has become a key to a breakthrough.

When Ariad was making her own totem, she saw Cobb, who had just woken up from a dream. Cobb’s top is indeed a totem. If in the dream, the top would keep spinning and never stop; but in reality, it would be obvious. Restricted by the rules of physics, there is always a moment to stop.

Ariad pointed out that it wasn’t that Cobb couldn’t dream, but he didn’t dare to dream, because once Cobb was the dreamer, Moer would know all the details of the dream, and she would come out to sabotage the mission. Cobb was reluctant to respond positively to Ariad’s speculation, “I just want to go home, that’s all”, but Cobb was unable to return to the United States because the police thought he had killed Molly. The news made Ariad stunned.

At the same time, the dream-making team finally confirmed the method of completing the task of implanting consciousness. The first layer conveyed the idea of “I don’t want to inherit my father’s mantle”, and the second layer implied “I want to create a world by myself”. The third level of concept is the most important seed of “my father doesn’t want me to be like him” thought. Through this kind of positive and positive thinking, the layers are superimposed to cultivate enough soil for the germination of the seeds and to allow consciousness to emerge smoothly.

However, due to entering the third floor, if there is a little disturbance, the dream is likely to collapse, so Yosef used a strengthening potion, so that the first floor is about a week in the ten hours during the flight, and the first floor is about a week. The second floor is about six months, and the third floor is ten years. If there is no way to wake up in time, you will be trapped in a dream for ten years.

In addition to death, they will use the impact of gravity fall to return from the next layer of dreams to the previous layer. The key is to synchronize the impact, so that this kind of impact runs through the three layers of dreams, so that Fisher will not find any abnormality. , returning directly to reality from the third-layer dream. So you can use a piece of music to remind the time, and then create an impact at the same time.

Inadvertently, Ariad discovered that Cobb actually entered a dream every day, and then stayed with Mo’er. This showed that not only was Mo’er pestering Cobb, but also Cobb was unwilling to let go of Mo’er. These dreams were not virtual. The scene is a dream built based on Cobb’s memories. He created twelve layers in the dream, each layer is his most special and precious memory, and each memory is related to Moer and the child. It shows that Cobb wanted to let Moer continue to live, but Cobb was unwilling to let go, so he chose this way to go back and forth between dreams and reality.

All Cobb is doing now is to go home, to make up for the harm he has caused to the children by leaving. Cobb has never been able to wake up from the shadow of losing Mo’er and leaving his child. Looking at the past period of time, his every mission would be disturbed by Mo’er, and Mo’er even killed Ya in the dream without hesitation. Liard, Mo’er is like a phantom that goes with her, making Cobb walk on a tightrope day and night, not knowing when he will fall into the dark abyss.

The only belief that can support Cobb to continue to live now is the children. His obsession with wanting to go home is so firm and strong that he is even willing to take the risk of taking the idea of Saito’s implantation. Going home, this is the only belief that Cobb can trust, otherwise, maybe he will be like those people in Yosef’s basement, living in a dream forever, unwilling to wake up.

Seeing the entanglement and pain on Cobb’s face, Ariad knew that Cobb was also in the process of constant struggle, and no one had ever been able to know the facts during this period, and it might even affect their mission. Originally, Ariad would leave after finishing her labyrinth design, but she had no way to let it go, because at least one person had to know about Cobb’s situation, so as to avoid accidents in the dream. Therefore, in the end, a team of seven people who entered the dreamland was formed.

Before you know it, an hour has passed since the movie, but the tight situation, the huge world and the suspenseful plot make the audience not aware of the passage of time at all, and in a blink of an eye, it is time to perform the mission. The dream team led by Cobb and Little Fisher boarded a flight from Sydney to Los Angeles to start implementing this incredible mind-implanting plan.

The first layer of the dream is in New York, where it is pouring rain. The dreamer is Yosef, because he drank too much champagne, which caused the heavy rain in the dream.

Arthur drove Fisher into the taxi, and then Ames squeezed in, and Saito, who was hiding in the passenger seat, forced Fisher to surrender. Go to the destination. But there was an accident in Cobb’s car. He had just picked up Ariad into the car, and a train actually began to rampage on the street! Watching a train barge in on the streets of New York City was such a shocking shock.

At the same time, Arthur’s taxi was also shot and sniped by the escort. These situations were obviously unexpected. It turned out that Fisher received the training of the subconscious defense of the inception expert, and Arthur, as the outpost, was in the investigation process. However, it was ignored in the middle, which made the whole team completely unexpected, and the task of the first layer was severely challenged. The spark-filled gun battle even injured Saito, and there is a danger of death at any time.

Eames originally wanted to kill Saito, solve his pain, and wake Saito from the dream, but Cobb reacted violently to stop Eames. At this time, Cobb revealed the biggest task of this mission. crisis!

After taking the enhanced potion, one enters the dream state and can only leave the dream state by relying on the shock. If you die at this time, you will only enter the lost realm of chaos. In the lost realm, there is nothing but an endless primitive subconscious, and you will never be able to wake up. Come, only to be trapped in the lost realm forever and ever.

This crisis has thrown the entire team into chaos, blaming each other, but they have nothing to can only continue to complete the task, otherwise the longer they stay on the first floor, the more likely they will be charged Scheer’s **** was found and killed, because they didn’t expect such a crisis, and they didn’t carry weapons at all. It was difficult to persist until the end of the first layer of dreams.

Therefore, completing the mission has become the only way, and it must be completed before Saito on the first floor dies, otherwise Saito will directly enter the Lost Realm, and the team that has been staying on the first floor will be guarded by Fisher. The same is true after a kill. Once you enter the lost realm, there is a good chance that you will never be able to get out, ever.

Time is running out!

The technical and structural theories are clear, and the next story enters the impossible task of implanting consciousness.

The progressive plot made all the audience hold their breath, lest they would miss a picture in the blink of an eye, and would not be able to understand the progress of the story. The images Christopher Nolan and Evan Bell constructed contain so much information that, even with a blink of an eye, it’s possible to miss the key points of the movie.

At this moment, the cinema was quiet, and even the slightly heavier breathing could be clearly heard, and everyone focused their attention on the advancement of the movie’s plot. Obviously, the rich content of “Pirates of Dreams” makes everyone’s brains get rid of distracting thoughts and enter this magical country together.

Well, yes, it broke out today! (To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @小爱332335]. If you like this work, you are welcome to ◤First Release◢ to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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