Great Artist

Chapter 2287

Chapter 2291: Thrilling Mission

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Cobb and Arthur questioned Fisher with their heads and tails. They fabricated a safe and created the illusion that they kidnapped Fisher just for the password of the safe. Then the pretender Eames sat in front of the dressing table, relying on the influence of his own memory, turned into Browning’s appearance – and after being forced to confess, Cobb took the Browning disguised as Eames to take a ride. In the room, the space was reserved for Browning and Fisher to communicate.

Browning scraped out the details of Fisher’s relationship with his father bit by bit, and fabricated a will that didn’t even exist in the safe. This will meant that if Fisher wanted, he could dissolve the company. : But apparently Fisher had no idea what was going on, the only thing he remembered was that the only words his father said to him on his deathbed were one word, “disappointed.”

As Ames struggles to find a breakthrough, Ariad finds Cobb, she knows that Cobb’s visit to the Lost Realm is abnormal, and while the others are persuaded to continue the mission, she must understand Cobb What ever happened.

Only then did Cobb tell the truth. When he was young, he and Moer explored the dream world together, and they went deeper and deeper. They were trapped in the dream world for fifty years, and the day they became saviors in the lost realm made them The joy didn’t return, Cobb knew that they were still in a dream, and this was not reality; but Mo’er didn’t want to remember anymore, she locked her totem top in the safe, and then enjoyed a happy life in the lost realm . So that when they woke up, the old soul entered the young body, and Mo’er couldn’t accept this reality.

Qi’er always believed that the place they were in was a dream, so she had to commit suicide to get rid of the shackles of the dream and return to reality. Yuer wanted to commit suicide, but she loved Cobb too much, so she didn’t want to leave alone. So on her wedding anniversary, she let Cobb come to the hotel room, and she sat on the window sill in the opposite room, ready to jump off. , she invited Cobb to jump with her.

Moer left a letter to her lawyer, telling the other party that she felt unsafe and that Cobb threatened to kill her, which cut off Cobb’s back path and made Cobb follow in Moer’s footsteps Suicide “returns to reality”. No matter how Cobb shouted and tried to bring back Yu’er’s mind, Yu’er closed her eyes and murmured, “You are waiting for a train, a train that will take you far away, and you know that you want the train to take Where are you going, but you’re not quite sure. But it doesn’t matter, because you will be together.” After speaking, Mo’er jumped down, just in the eyes of Cobb.

Yu’er found three psychiatrists to confirm that she was mentally normal, which made it impossible for Cobb to escape the arrest of Lu Huai because his wife had mental problems. As a last resort, Cobb could only leave. There’s no way to go back this way.

At this moment, Cobb found that Fisher’s **** had found them, Arthur had to speed up, forced Fisher to say a series of numbers at a critical moment with a pistol, and “Swamp Four” achieved the task. After that, they took Fisher back into a van, and after temporarily repelling the guards, all the group got into the van, with Yusuf, the dreamer on the first floor, and the others sitting in the back. in the seat, ready to continue to enter the second layer of dreams:

In order to avoid further attacks by Fisher’s escort, Cobb boldly implemented “Charlie’s Plan.” That is to tell Fisher that he was dreaming, and Cobb was another member of Fisher’s escort, his mission is to protect Fisher workers

After entering the second floor, Saito obviously returned to normal, but because the place where they dreamed on the first floor was the car, any fluctuation in the car would cause the second floor to vibrate, and the situation was very unstable. But luckily, Cobb managed to convince Fisher that he was “Charlie.” And to convince Fisher that what just happened in New York on the first floor was real, and they were only on the so-called first floor. In the dream, then Cobb took Fisher to the hotel room.

Browning in Fisher’s subconscious entered the hotel room by accident and was subdued by Arthur. Under Cobb’s intentional guidance, Fisher believed that all the kidnappings that had just happened were planned by Browning, and that Browning was for the safe. in the will. Since the Browning at this time is the Browning created by Fisher subconsciously, the way of action is to follow the direction in the scale of Cobb and others. But Fisher did not understand Browning’s motives, because he would not execute the so-called will to dissolve the company. Browning said the second step of the team’s plan at this moment. Old Fisher didn’t think his son could reach his height, and he didn’t think little Fisher could succeed from scratch, so old Fisher didn’t treat him until he died. Say disappointed:

In fact, the development of this piece is all speculation in Fisher’s own consciousness, and it was only Cobuga’s guidance, and the goal was successfully achieved. This is not consciousness implantation. It is just a matter of taking advantage of the poor relationship between Fisher and his son to amplify little Fisher’s inner doubts according to human nature, and finally achieve the goal: including Browning’s words, it is actually little Fisher who got it. Allusions to what happened in the New York scene on the first floor came naturally afterward.

At this time, Cobb proposed to enter Browning’s consciousness to find out his hidden true thoughts about old Fisher. Little Fisher agreed without any hesitation. But when Little Fisher was injected with tranquilizers, Cobb said that what they were going to enter was Little Fisher’s subconscious, so that their actions would be helped by Little Fisher himself, which would obviously be much smoother.

Except for Arthur, who stayed on the second floor, everyone else fell asleep again and successfully entered the third floor, the Snow Mountain Bunker. That bunker guarded layer by layer is the truth they hope Fisher will discover, and that is the consciousness and child that really needs to be implanted!

But at this time, a problem arose. Because the first layer of dreams was violently attacked by Fisher’s dream guards, the van driven by Yosef slammed left and right, and the entire space of the second layer of dreams jolted up, causing the Arthur faced great difficulties when dealing with the escorts: when the van on the first floor was pushed off the road and rolled over, the hotel corridor on the second floor was constantly overturned, making it difficult to even stand. Under the environment, Arthur had to deal with the guards, which was very dangerous.

In the third layer of the bunkers, Saito led Fisher to the bunkers, while Cobb, Ames, and Ariad were responsible for sniping the guards in Fisher’s consciousness. But the mission has just come to an end, and Yosef on the first floor, which was under intense fire, couldn’t stand it anymore. He put earplugs on Arthur’s ears and played music. The signal has come. The first, second, and third layers are a loop of silkworms that influence each other, connect with each other, and develop each other. For example, if the three layers are impacted at the same time, otherwise the mission may end in failure, and there will be unpredictable events. Happening.

But the problem is, let’s not say that the mission on the third floor has just been completed, and even Arthur on the second floor is not ready yet. It is too fast now, and it is too late! Yosef will jump in ten seconds. Go down for a shock, which means Arthur has three minutes and the third floor has sixty minutes! Danger is imminent!

In order to seize the time, Arthur on the second floor had to take the lead in provoking the guards, hoping to gain more time; while in the third floor, in order to gain more time for his partners, Eames jumped out and actively attracted firepower .

Ten seconds on the first floor, Yosef’s van dashed straight down the Brooklyn Bridge—this is the red carpet backdrop design for the New York premiere—watching the van break through the railing and fall, the second and third floors The tasks have not yet been completed, the chain reaction has been completed, the third layer has avalanches, and due to the weightlessness of the first layer and the second layer has also entered a state of weightlessness, Arthur, who is still dealing with the escort, is now facing an impossible task. task.

Arthur had to keep the entire team in a state of weightlessness without gravity, making the impact bow to fall. Arthur had planted the bomb in the downstairs room of the hotel room. As long as it is detonated, the floor of the entire room can collapse, causing an impact fall, but now that the entire hotel is in a state of weightlessness, the original plan is obviously no longer feasible.

The third floor has also missed the first impact of the first floor, they must seize the opportunity of the second impact, that is, when the van on the first floor hits the water, this is their last chance! Simply put, Arthur has two minutes left before the van falls to the surface, and twenty minutes left on the third floor!

Saito took Fisher into the bunker with great effort, but an unexpected enemy appeared. Cobb, who was holding a sniper rifle in the distance, had a chance to stop this enemy, but he found through the scope that the other party actually It was Mo’er, the haunted Mo’er: Cobb couldn’t make a move, and this moment of hesitation caused Si’er to shoot Fisher. At this time, although Fisher was not dead, he was already in a coma and couldn’t. Continue any more, which also means the mission fails!

Although Eames rushed to the bunker immediately to draw a map to save Fisher, it was still too late. Even when Cobb was about to give up, Ariad proposed a new possibility. They could bring The comatose Fisher entered the next layer of dreams, and then created a shock for him alone, allowing Fisher to return to the third layer, and Ames took Fisher into the interior to find the answer they wanted him to see. Then when Arthur on the second floor was ready to give the signal, Ames and Fisher on the third floor used to blow up the bunker to create an impact, and Ariad and Cobb who entered the next floor also Create an impact and come back to reality together!

This makes the already pressing time even more insufficient, but it is the only way to complete the task.

After entering the next floor, Cobb found Mo’er successfully, and Mo’er was still trying to confuse Cobb, so that Cobb couldn’t distinguish between what was a dream and what was reality, but this time Cobb didn’t waver any more, “I have to go back. Come to our children, because you forsaken them and you forsaken us!”

Facing Mo’er’s pressing step by step, Cobb, who was tortured by guilt, finally told the truth, “It was I who instilled in you the idea of doubting reality.” Huh, Ariad also asked in surprise, “What?” Cobb replied, “The reason why I know implantation is possible is because I have done this to her before. into the mind.”

It turned out that at that time, Cobb and Moer had been in the dream for too long, Moer had lost himself, and Cobb thought they had to leave, so he dived into Moer’s subconscious and let Temple’s spinning top totem forever Spin it up and tell her that her world isn’t real.

Then the two of them committed suicide by lying on the rails holding hands. Before committing suicide, Ke Che said to Mo’er, “You are waiting for a train, a train that will take you far away, you know where you want the train to take you, But you’re not too sure. But it doesn’t matter because you’ll be together.”

This sentence is what Moer Suicide Jingjing said, and it is also what Ariad said when she found out that Cobb had locked Moer in her dream. It turned out that this sentence was what Cobb had in Moer’s thoughts. The next kimono!

“Only death can leave this place:

“This is the only child.

But even if Mo’er woke up and returned to reality, that little consciousness and child still took Let Yu’er always question whether the environment in which she lives is a dream or reality. The idea was destroyed, she missed the happy and happy life before, so she chose the most extreme method.

Until now, all the causes and consequences have come to light, and the huge amount of information contained in Cobb’s words shocked all the audience in the movie theater!

No wonder, no wonder Cobb was never able to conceive. From the beginning to the end, he thought that he had indirectly killed his beloved wife, just because he had made a conscious and child in his wife’s mind, but he had to do this. , because there are still a pair of lovely children waiting for him in real life. And now, his wife’s suicide has also been legally determined to be committed by Cobb, which makes him stay away from children again. Such torture almost destroys all of Cobb’s will.

Therefore, when Saito proposed that Cobb could go home as long as he accepted this task, he was so painful and struggling, but he continued without turning back. Even if he concealed the potential danger of his teammates getting lost in the field, he insisted persistently. down.

Home, for Cobb, is not just a noun, but an adjective such as warmth, happiness, and contentment. It is also the only harbor for his lonely, painful, sour, and difficult life. There was so much heaviness hidden between those slightly frowning brows, which made people sigh and feel sad.

What, it’s exploding.

(To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @一一情 Pigeon,]. If you like this work, you are welcome to ◤First Release◢ to vote for a recommendation ticket and a monthly ticket. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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