Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 1227 After I leave, I don’t care about the flood

After becoming a saint, one can enter the universe by killing the three corpses, which is the law of cultivation in this world.

But what exactly the three corpses in the killing of the three corpses refer to has been controversial for thousands of years.

Some people kill the three corpses according to good thoughts, evil thoughts, and obsessions.

But more people kill the three corpses, in fact, they kill their own wrong paths.

What is a wrong path?

The understanding of other rules is a wrong path by convention.

Therefore, among the masters of the universe, 99% of them only retain one rule or law, and the rest of the paths are regarded as wrong paths and killed.

In this way, you will understand why no one can decipher the "Immortal Sutra".

Because those who are qualified to decipher the "Immortal Sutra" are all people above the universe.

And those who are above the universe are people with a single path.

He can only see the scenery belonging to his path in the mystery of the "Immortal Sutra", and cannot see other things.

However, the Immortal Sutra is a joint effect of four paths - the soul is the sacrifice of the sacrifice, which is actually one of the three hundred rules, called "Soul of Art", a rule that cannot be more biased. The people who practice this rule in the whole world are not one in ten thousand, but one in a hundred million.

Everyone has a fixed mindset.

The higher the level of people, the more stubborn the fixed mindset.

What is it similar to?

Like a certain pattern in modern society, if you look at it from this angle, it is round, and if you look at it from another angle, it is square. Everyone firmly believes that he is right and will never accept other people's views.

Only the true God's vision can get a glimpse of the whole picture.

The person who has the God's vision, in this world, is probably only Lin Su.

He is the one who truly comprehends all the seven methods and three hundred rules to the source stage realm, which is truly unprecedented.

If the Immortal Sutra is a heavenly book that no one can decipher.

Lin Su's interpretation today is to pierce all the fog and put its most basic logic on the table.

The elder dared not blink, staring at the magical rules in the void. He was the ultimate truth, his vision was infinitely far-reaching, and he truly saw the glimmer of hope for the decryption of the Immortal Sutra.

Lin Su lightly raised his finger, and a ray of invisible mystery was held in his hand.

Rub gently!

A layer of cold sweat suddenly broke out on the elder's back.

The Immortal Sutra has been cracked here!

This method of cracking is to put aside the principle and only talk about execution.

As long as the cultivation reaches above the source sky, anyone can copy it, and any rules can be applied.

What does it mean?

It means that even the disciples of Dao Sect can become a disaster for the evil phoenix clan!

As long as they can kill the evil phoenix clan once, they can really kill them.

It is completely feasible to eliminate the evil phoenix and control the Dao Sea alone!

The elder stood up and bowed deeply: "Thank you, Mr. Luo!"

Lin Su smiled: "Is the deal done?"

The elder flicked his hand lightly, and suddenly 81 platforms of Dao Sect appeared outside the window, and all the teams were in sight.

The voice of the great elder sounded: "Three thousand disciples of the Purple Qi Dynasty can enter the Dao Sea every year. No one in the Dao Sect can stop them!"

As soon as the voice sounded, the whole audience was in an uproar...

The two officials of the Misty Rain Dynasty looked at each other, and saw a gleam of light in each other's eyes.

"The "Immortal Sutra" was successfully cracked!"

"This is a milestone event in the path of cultivation. Immediately contact your majesty!"

"Yes, this rule, our sect must not give up, and we must not let the Wuxian Sect get ahead. Killing this person will cut off this road."

Sima Lord's face changed drastically: "What Lord Li means is that the Wuxian Sect may get ahead and kill him?"

"That's inevitable! How can the Wuxian Sect allow this rule to spread in the world? It will definitely eliminate it to prevent future troubles, and the method of elimination must be fast, accurate and ruthless. Not only him, but even the great elder of the Dao Sect will face the most crazy hunting of the Wuxian Sect..."

Sima Lord's heart was rolling...

He suddenly realized the most terrible thing.

Wuxianmen is based on the Immortal Sutra. Now this method of cracking it is about to spread to the world. As long as it spreads, they will lose the most important method for survival. They will frantically hunt down those who know about it, and they will really do everything they can.

This kid named Luo Wuxin, can't you think of it?

What is his plan?

Why put himself at the top of the Wuxianmen hunting list?

The second prince of the Eastern Region Immortal Dynasty was shocked, staring at the direction of the Ziqi Wen Dynasty, his lips trembling slightly.

At this moment, he kept thinking: Luo Wuxin, can he win 3,000 indicators for the Ziqi Wen Dynasty by himself?

This person has the means to turn his hand to make clouds and rain, and it’s right to cooperate with him!

In the south, at the location of the Western Region Spirit Dynasty, the leading royal princess stared at the sky: "Immediately find out where this person named Luo Wuxin came from."


At the location of the Central Region Dragon Dynasty, a middle-aged man with a body full of vigor looked back from a distance: "Investigate! Luo Wuxin's origin, and also find out what this secret is."


For a moment, everyone in the room was stimulated.

Daohai cultivation allows practitioners to be reborn, and all forces are eager to increase one or two indicators.

And Ziqi Wen Dynasty suddenly has a basic base of 3,000 people admitted every year.

Who else can bear it?

Not to mention other forces, Ziqi Wen Dynasty itself can't bear it.

When the second prince heard the news, he staggered and almost fell down. Deng Yeweng beside him quickly stretched out his hand and grabbed him. Their hands were covered with sweat.

The people behind him cheered and almost went crazy.

Feng Ping and the beauties in front looked at each other as if they were in a dream.

The second prince personally came forward and gave out a lot of gifts, but in exchange he only got 200 places.

And he slapped the Holy Son in exchange for three thousand quotas, and not just this year, but every year in the future...

A figure slid through the air and landed in front of the second prince. It was the handsome and handsome Luo Wuxin.

Of course, he is Lin Su.

"Sir, you are really unpredictable! This king...this king..." The second prince bowed deeply.

Lin Su gently arched his hand: "The promise I made to Your Highness has been completed. I'm leaving!"

"Sir, do you want to return to Beijing?"

All seven hundred people looked at him eagerly.

This is a benefactor...

Lin Su smiled: "I have my own place to go, so Your Highness should return to the capital! Girls, please follow Your Highness back to the capital!"

With a gentle wave of his hand, more than thirty girls who had already reached the elder Qingyi were pulled back by a pair of invisible hands, and suddenly they reached the second prince.

Their faces suddenly turned red.

They have been sent out, their fate has been determined, and they have become the playthings of the Dao Sect disciples, and now they are being brought back?

The face of the Holy Son changed again, turning black and blue.

The expression of the elder in green also changed, because Lin Su just stretched out his hand and not only pulled the thirty women back, but also took away the three jade boxes in his hand.

It was common for him to receive gifts.

But the gift I received was taken back. Is there any precedent in the world?

However, neither he nor the Holy Son dared to speak. No one was willing to bear the urination of this kid who casually hit people.

Lin Su sent three jade boxes to the second prince: "Your Highness, Dao Zong is a regular immortal sect, and the Dao Sea is also given by Heaven. Dao Zong, as a sect under the Heaven's Dao, protects the Dao Sea and helps practitioners share the Heaven's Dao. Zhengguo is just your duty, don’t use these vulgar things to humiliate Taoism.”

The second prince took it blankly and suddenly felt his lips were a little dry.

The rest of the stations also suddenly felt full of something wrong.

Daohai is given by heaven.

Is it just the duty of Daozong to protect the sea of ​​Dao and help practitioners share the true fruits of heaven?

Giving gifts is humiliating Daozong?

Then should I still give you this gift?

Can I also get legitimate rights without giving gifts?

After all, this kid is right. Daohai does not belong to your Dao Sect. It is a gift from Heaven. Everyone is qualified to enter the cultivation sect under Heaven. Why do you hold the entrance tightly? Can others only look at you?

Once this thorn enters the heart, it will take root.

Affected by years of inertia, we may not be able to make big waves right now, but there will definitely be big waves in the future...

Lin Su followed the basic guiding ideology of "After I leave, I won't care about the raging floods" and came to the platform: "Elder, open the Daohai channel!"

The face of the elder in green clothes changed, and his eyes turned to the Holy Son. The Holy Son's face was black and blue, and he was confused.

Lin Su smiled slightly: "You can hesitate for three breaths, but never hesitate for ten breaths. If the Great Elder complies with the oath of heaven, the joke will be big."


The road to the sea of ​​​​dao opened directly behind Elder Qingyi.

Lin Su stepped in and drifted away.

He was the first to enter Daohai.

Because he is also from the Ziqi Wen Dynasty, one in three thousand.

"Come in!" The second prince waved his hand gently.

Seven hundred people entered at the same time.

The second prince turned to the elder in Qingyi and said: "Elder, I will return to the capital immediately and send another 2,300 people over. I promise to arrive within the stipulated three days!"

With a slight bow and a tremor under his feet, a royal flying boat appeared, and he returned with more than thirty beauties including Feng Ping.

At this last moment, he finally learned a bit of "Luo Wuxin" toughness.

Regained some royal dignity.

Having said that, the feeling of regaining dignity is quite satisfying.

However, on the way back to the shuttle, he still frowned quietly: "Deng Daru, do you feel that Mr. Luo is full of hostility towards Daozong?"

"It can't be considered hostility, right? It should just be confident." Deng Yeweng said.

"You are relying on...what exactly is this relying on?" The second prince pondered.

Deng Yeweng said: "I'm afraid this is a big secret that people from all dynasties are guessing. No one will be able to decipher it for a while. After all, Ziqi Wen Dynasty is different from them. There is no need to guess too much. As long as you know that he has actually changed the clouds with his hands, Congratulations, Your Highness, your return to Beijing will be a sensation!"

A smile appeared on the face of the second prince: "This girl Feng Ping is well taken care of. Her parents, please let her go free!"

"That is inevitable!" Deng Yeweng said: "In addition, these more than thirty women were also brought back by him at his request. If they were freed together, it would also let him see His Highness's sincerity towards him. "

"Okay, everything is arranged!"

The flying boat flies away with endless joy.

Naturally, he ignored the second prince's sixth sense at the beginning.

His sixth sense was that Lin Su was hostile to Daozong.

This feeling is accurate.

Lin Su was indeed hostile to Daozong.

That's why he slapped the Holy Son of Daozong.

That's why he took back the gifts and showed no mercy to them.

So, he planted a poisonous thorn in the hearts of all the major forces: Tell the world that Daohai is originally shared by everyone, and it should be shared by everyone. It is not reasonable for Dao Zong to block the road and collect fees and make a list of each sect on its own.

This poisonous thorn may not be planted very deep in the past.

But today, under the stimulation of him getting 3,000 indicators alone, it will be planted particularly deep.

Can't Dao Zong see these?

How is it possible?

Just like what Sun Zhen said that day: Who doesn't have a few old foxes in the immortal sects in the world?

Dao Zong can see his hostility!

Is Dao Zong not angry?

How is it possible?

Dao Zong is not a good man and a believer.

Will Dao Zong retaliate?

And how will he retaliate?

It is possible to retaliate against Lin Su, and it is also possible to retaliate against Ziqi Wenchao.

They will not retaliate today, because they and Lin Su are bound by the oath of heaven, and they are in public, but don't think they have no room for maneuver.

The elder said in the oath of the Heavenly Dao: 3,000 people from the Purple Qi Wen Dynasty were allowed to enter the Dao Sea, but there was no promise to protect your safety.

There are signs that the layers of malice revealed by Lin Su will eventually become a noose on the heads of the great geniuses of the Purple Qi Wen Dynasty.

But does Lin Su care?

He is not Luo Wuxin!

He and the Purple Qi Wen Dynasty are enemies!

What good birds are those sects that are friendly with the royal family in his heart? I don’t care whether you live or die in the Dao Sea, and I don’t care whether your crisis comes from the Dao Sea itself or from the inner demons of the Dao Sect.

This is called wearing Luo Wuxin’s little white face, and you can do anything unscrupulously!

If you are not happy, you can kill Luo Wuxin.

In the Dao Sea, Lin Su is relaxed and comfortable, floating.

There is actually no water in the Dao Sea.

What flows in the water are all the rules of the Heavenly Dao.

The seeds of rules and the flowers of rules make up the sea and the sky.

This is the real blessed land for practitioners.

However, for Yu Linsu, it was just the sky where his boat glided through.

The seeds of rules and the flowers of rules were not enough to cause a ripple in his heart.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of miles away.

He saw a new and strange thing.

"The key to the falling flowers".

This is the key to break the falling flower gate.

Linsu's boat passed by, and occasionally his fingers lightly tapped a little, and several strange keys fell on his fingertips.

This key can make the third-level rule flying flowers directly turn into the falling flower gate, just like his wordless sky monument breaking the road barrier sky yarn. It is a cheating device on the road of cultivation.

However, Yu Linsu did not have any effect.

He symbolically put several falling flower keys into the wordless sky monument, and he was no longer interested in these rare fish in the sea.

Until the source platform lock appeared in front.

The source platform is the level of breaking the saint.

Breaking the saint is the opposite of the falling flower gate.

The falling flower gate needs to break the flying flowers from the inside to get a glimpse of the internal secrets.

The source platform is to be gathered to form a solid platform.

So the fallen flowers are the key, and the source platform is the lock.

Facing the source platform lock that can easily break the saint, Lin Su took a snack and collected every source platform lock he saw along the way. Soon, hundreds of source platform locks were concentrated in his wordless sky monument.

In theory, no one can know what he did in the sea of ​​Tao.

However, he overlooked one person.

The elder of Dao Sect!

The elder had been smiling at the cup of tea in front of him.

The figure of Lin Su was clearly projected in the tea.

It also clearly projected Lin Su's every move.

Suddenly, the smile on the elder's face froze...

"Elder, what did you find?" A black-bearded elder next to him said.

The elder slowly raised his eyes: "He can collect the source platform lock!"

"Collect?" The black-bearded elder's face suddenly changed.

"Look!" The elder flicked his finger lightly, and the cup of tea in front of him enlarged, as if it had become a real ocean.

Lin Su pointed his finger at a source lock, and the source lock suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Elder Hei Xu looked up suddenly: "Daoyuan Tablet! He has a Daoyuan Tablet on him!"

The rules of Daohai and Tiandao Island are the same.

All rule seeds, rule flowers, falling flower keys, and source locks can only be comprehended on the spot and cannot be taken away.

It is precisely because they cannot be taken away that Daohai is Daohai. Otherwise, anyone can take these things out. As long as everyone is willing to pay, they can get these Dao treasures. Is Daohai still a holy place for cultivation that everyone must get?

Only one kind of heaven and earth treasure can change this inherent rule.

That is Daoyuan Tablet.

Daoyuan Tablet, generally called "Wordless Heaven Tablet", is the fruit of the Heavenly Dao after the collapse of the small world.

It can store all kinds of enlightenment secrets.

The elder's eyes flickered: "The Daoyuan Stele is a unique stele of our sect. There are only two of them. One of them was lost on Tiandao Island. If it is on him, there is only one possibility, that this person came from that small world. Check if Luo Wuxin is likely to come from a foreign land!"

"Yes!" Elder Heixu took action immediately.

Soon, a message came back from Zidu...

The elder stared at the message, his face as gloomy as water...

Luo Wuxin, unknown origin, but there are a few incredible things...

He once passed a special algorithm to the Academy of Calculation, which was not covered even by the top Tiansuan Dao in this world.

He created a special style of writing, called Ci.

He was very familiar with Lin Su. Lin Su's background was exposed, and it was suspected that he was the one who did it...

"This man and Lin Su are both from the Great Cang Realm! There should be no doubt about it!" The elder said in a deep voice.

"Since we know that this man has foreign roots, we should take him down immediately!" Elder Hei Xu said: "I will do it myself."

"Wait!" The elder raised his hand gently: "He has entered the Purple Mansion Secret Realm!"

A cloud of purple air filled the teacup...

Elder Hei Xu's face changed slightly.

The Purple Mansion Secret Realm is extremely dangerous.

With their skills, they can travel freely in the Dao Sea, but the Purple Mansion Secret Realm is an exception.

The Purple Mansion Spirit in the Purple Mansion Secret Realm is a top resource for practitioners, but it is also an absolute crisis. Each Purple Mansion Spirit is equivalent to a Wanxiang. The Purple Mansion Spirit of the Light Rule is equivalent to a master who has practiced the Light Rule to Wanxiang. The Purple Mansion Spirit of the Water Rule is equivalent to a master of the Water System Wanxiang.

With the skills of the two top elders of Dao Sect, they are obviously not afraid of such a level of Wanxiang, but there are not just one or two Purple Mansion Spirits in this Purple Mansion. There are tens of thousands of them.

As long as you make a move inside, the Purple Mansion Spirits will gather into a Purple Mansion army in a moment. Who dares to provoke tens of thousands of Wanxiang?

Therefore, people of their level have no problem entering the Purple Mansion Secret Realm, but if they are not crazy, it is best not to think about fighting with others inside.

"Entered the Purple Mansion Secret Realm! This kid..." Elder Hei Xu let out a heavy breath: "Are we just going to wait for him to leisurely collect the priceless Purple Mansion Spirit?"

"Why should we care?" The elder smiled lightly: "He will come out eventually, let's wait at the exit and wait for him to come out!"

Elder Hei Xu nodded: "That's right! On the other side of the Purple Mansion Secret Realm is the Sealed Sky Road, there is no way to escape, wait at the exit and catch him in a jar!"

The elder nodded: "We can just try that wonderful method!"

Elder Hei Xu's eyes lit up: "Wonderful!"

That wonderful method, of course, refers to the method of cracking the "Immortal Sutra".

This wonderful method is very difficult to interpret, and it is even more difficult to see through, but it is not difficult to teach.

Because the former is a theoretical matter.

The latter is an operational matter.

A generation of scientists may not succeed in making a TV.

But an eighty-year-old farmer can also press the remote control...

These two top elders plan to enter the Dao Sea to try this magic method and find a few masters of the Evil Phoenix Clan to truly verify it.

With some passion and expectation, they entered the Dao Sea.

When entering the Dao Sea, the contestants of the major immortal dynasties and major immortal sects also really entered the Dao Sea. For a while, the Dao Sea became lively.

The Great Elder and the Black Bearded Elder naturally did not toss in the shallow water area. They seemed to have turned into a stream of light in the Dao Sea and directly broke through an invisible partition.

This partition is a safety barrier built by the elders of the Dao Sect for generations. The Evil Phoenix Clan cannot break through the boundary.

Today, they passed through.

Once they passed through, the scenery was very different.

The pavilions, towers, green water and red flowers seemed to be in a different world.

On the top of a distant mountain, a phoenix suddenly cried out, and the world in front of them seemed to overturn. An evil phoenix sensed their aura. However, the great elder took a step past, as if the world was split, and the evil phoenix that seemed to cover the world was split into two halves.

The great elder rubbed his fingers lightly, and his face was happy.

He successfully verified that the evil phoenix was really dead.

The black-bearded elder stretched out his hand, and the four mountaintops darkened at the same time. He covered the four mountaintops with one palm and caught four evil phoenixes of the Wanxiang level. He also crushed them to death with one hand, and a smile appeared on his face.

Suddenly, a phoenix cried out from the distant sky.

With this phoenix cry, the whole world seemed to be involved in winter at the same time.

The great elder's face suddenly changed...


He and the black-bearded elder turned into streams of light and disappeared at the same time.

Just as they returned to the safety wall, two huge phoenix eyes appeared on the periphery. In the phoenix eyes, there were thousands of miles of stars, millions of corpses, the world overturned, and silence...

The leader of the evil phoenix clan appeared in person!

She was at the realm of Zhixiang!

However, she was still a step too late. The Great Elder and the Blackbeard Elder had already retreated to the safe zone.

They looked at each other through this transparent partition.

The Great Elder smiled: "Don't be angry, clan leader. I am just verifying a method."

"What method?" The eyes of the Evil Phoenix clan leader were like reincarnation, and it seemed that a piece of time and space had changed in an instant.

"The method to crack the "Immortal Sutra"!"

The Evil Phoenix clan leader laughed wildly: "With you?"

Suddenly, her laughter stopped abruptly, and her eyes were like an ancient deep pool, suppressed and dead...

Because she also sensed that her capable subordinate in the Wanxiang Realm had no signs of rebirth, and the chain of rebirth was cut off by an inexplicable force.

"Immortal Sutra"...

Really cracked? (End of this chapter)

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