Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 1228 Luo Wuxin's Ice and Fire

The Great Elder laughed loudly: "Clan Leader, I am telling you that the end of your Evil Phoenix Clan has come! If you are really angry, you might as well go to the Ziqi Wen Dynasty to seek revenge from the Imperial Master."

"What do you mean?"

The Great Elder smiled and said: "The person who cracked the "Sutra of Immortality" is a man named Luo Wuxin under the Imperial Master of Zi Qiwen Dynasty! I will kill this Luo Wuxin on your behalf, and it can be regarded as a sacrifice for your Evil Phoenix Clan. Burial! Haha..."

The great elder floated away.

The leader of the Evil Phoenix Clan looked up to the sky and roared, shaking the entire Dao Sea...

Ziqi Wenchao, Cangqiong Pavilion.

The residence of the emperor's master.

Imperial Master Jin He stood in front of the window. Outside the window, chrysanthemums were blooming.

The sun sets in the west and the ground is golden.

In the wind, there is the smell of approaching winter.

Under the sun, the purple capital is bustling.

However, the emperor's brows did not relax, and he stared at the sky for a long time.

"Is the Imperial Master worried about things in the east?" came a voice, old and soothing. It was none other than the Imperial Master's personal guard: Mr. Ying.

"It's been more than half a month since Luo Wuxin entered the Eastern Region Immortal Dynasty, right?"

"Today, the third day of October, is exactly half a month since Luo Wuxin entered the Immortal City." Ying Lao said: "Are you worried that he can't shoulder this important task?"

"Luo Wuxin is indeed a great talent. He will definitely not miss this matter. All I am worried about is the opportunity to fight!" The emperor said: "The land of Xihe is changing every day. If we can't win this winter, next year It will be twice as difficult.”

Ying Lao said: "Your Excellency is very concerned. In the land of Xihe, the officials have been united and the past abuses have been quickly eliminated. Baiyujing's stronghold in Xihe has been moving frequently. As long as the officials of Xihe and Baiyujing are officially connected, our plan will take shape. There will be huge variables... Sir, can you explain this clearly to Luo Wuxin? "

"This was what Luo Wuxin mentioned on his own initiative. It was precisely because he saw this that he took the initiative to take down Lin Su with lightning speed and then implement the 'East Gate Plan'."

"My lord, why don't you summon him directly?"

The Imperial Master slowly shook his head: "This matter is of great importance. He is in the enemy's court and must be extremely cautious. Even if he is summoned in the most confidential way, there is a possibility of leakage, so..."

Suddenly, his voice stopped.

His eyes were cast to the sky.

Ying Lao also cast his gaze towards the sky.

Under the setting sun, a royal flying boat returned through the sky.

The emperor's master frowned slightly: "The second prince returned to the capital? How could it be so fast?"

"Yes, the official opening day of Daohai is today. Under normal circumstances, it won't come and go in such a hurry. We have to meet with the Daozong students for a while to find some favorable opportunities, unless there are some changes... Ah, Feizhou Go straight to the palace! Something happened!"

The Imperial Master sighed softly: "The Second Prince has never held a big responsibility in the past. I finally managed to get this opportunity for him, and actually... go and find out what kind of accident happened."

There was a movement in the air, and Ying Lao disappeared.

Jin He stared in the direction of the palace, his heart beating slightly.

From his position, ordinary things were not enough to make his heart beat, but what he saw in front of him was extraordinary.

The fight between princes for the heir apparent is extremely dangerous.

It's not just the prince himself who is dangerous, the people behind the prince are even more dangerous.

Jin He has always stood behind the fourth prince and has become the number one enemy of the prince's faction.

If the fourth prince hadn't died, Jin He would be sure to defeat the prince, and it wouldn't matter whether he was defeated or not.

But the fourth prince was fucked by the bastard Feng Changsheng, and Jin He felt the chill of winter, so he worked hard to support another person, and this person was the second prince.

He had to find an opposite for the prince.

There is no opposite but one must be made.

Otherwise, the prince's revenge would be too direct. There is a target standing there, which can at least protect him from the wind and rain.

But the target must also be able to stand.

Jin He chose the second prince. To be honest, he didn't have much confidence.

What should I say about the Second Prince?

The level is not bad, but luck is really hard to describe. Luck is a thing that can be said to be imaginary or real, but it is also true to say that it is real. Several times, I saw the second prince's good fortune, but in the end it always changed inexplicably. To do something bad is enough to show that his luck is really bad.

If there were other options, Jin He really didn't want to waste his time on the second prince.

But... isn't there no other choice?

If there are people among the top officials who really hope that the second prince will be glorious this time, there are probably only two people. One is Jin He, and the other is His Majesty (As the king of the Immortal Dynasty, His Majesty naturally hopes He has enough weight in the matter of entering the Daohai. Only with enough weight can he hold the throats of the major immortal sects).

But things are not going well today.

Today is the official opening day.

Are you, the second prince, so stupid that you just sent the contestants to the ground and then returned immediately? Not seizing this opportunity to establish contact with Daozong?

If so, although you are hopelessly stupid, it is not the worst case scenario.

The worst-case scenario is that you have violated other people's taboos and received a solid rejection from others. If you lead a team for the first time, all the seeds selected by the major immortal sects of the Ziqi Wen Dynasty will lose the qualification to enter the Dao Sea. The Ziqi Wen Dynasty became the laughing stock of the whole world, and the Immortal Sect within its jurisdiction was dissatisfied and rioted. That would be really troublesome...


A strong wind blew suddenly, and the chrysanthemums outside the window were scattered all over the ground.

A bald monk appeared in front of Jin He, and it turned out to be Ying Lao's true form.

Jin He was shocked.

Ying Lao's face was full of shock.

"What happened? Tell me!" Jin He asked anxiously.

Ying Lao said: "The Second Prince's victory was unprecedented. Your Majesty couldn't believe it..."

"What?" Jin He's heart was beating.

Ying Lao said: "Dao Zong promised that Ziqi Wenchao would have 3,000 quotas every year. The more than 700 people he brought today have all entered Daohai. He was in a hurry to come back and asked the major immortal sects to send another 2,300 people urgently."

" is this possible?" Jin He's eyes were wide open.

"Yes, that's what your majesty asked!" Ying Lao said, "The second prince said it was Luo Wuxin! Luo Wuxin went to Dao Zong and negotiated a deal with him."

"Luo Wuxin! He actually went to Dao Zong!" Jin He's eyes flashed, "What kind of deal did they negotiate?"

"It should be a kind of skill. Luo Wuxin gave Dao Zong a skill, and Dao Zong gave Ziqi Wenchao this privilege."

"Skill... What kind of skill can be so effective? This Luo Wuxin is really... It really makes me..."

A voice suddenly came from outside: "Master Imperial Master, Someone from the West Prince's Mansion came to see you, sir."

When the Imperial Master lifted the curtain, he saw the Second Prince's housekeeper, who bowed to the ground with a gift list in his hand: "Sir Imperial Master, the prince is in a hurry to go to Dao Sect and has no time to come in person, so he specially ordered this old servant to send some gifts to thank you, Sir Imperial Master."

The Imperial Master said: "Thank me? But why?"

"My prince met Mr. Gao Shiluo, the Imperial Master's seat, on the Qianliu River and received his great favor. This is the credit of the Imperial Master's teaching, so thank you first!"

The housekeeper waved his hand lightly, and countless rare treasures were sent to the Imperial Master's Mansion.

The Imperial Master and Ying Lao looked at each other...

It was late at night, and thousands of lights were on.

And above the Purple Capital, there was a lot of traffic, and countless shuttles were rushing in the night. These were all shuttles from major immortal sects.

They were urgently sent to Tianjiao to enter the Dao Sea.

There are only three days to enter the Dao Sea, and today is the first day, so time is tight and the task is heavy.

Everyone had a dreamlike surprise.

How difficult was it to send someone into the Dao Sea in the past?

Some saints even lost their bodies and couldn't get in.

But today, the second prince took action and the situation turned around. Not only did the 700 people in front successfully enter the Dao Sea, but the major immortal sects could catch up.

As soon as this message was sent, even the sects far away in the extreme north immediately used the fastest shuttle to send their children to Zidu overnight.

The whole Zidu was in a carnival.

Teahouses, restaurants, the four courtyards of Ziyuan, and the four regions were all alarmed.

For a while, the reputation of the second prince was rolling up.

Everyone said that the second prince's reputation was not well-known in the past, that was because he was low-key. In fact, he was very powerful. Did you see it today?

There was only one place that was extremely depressing, that was the Prince's Mansion in the East Palace.

The prince cursed, and no one knew who he was cursing.

No one mentioned Luo Wuxin.

This is probably what the royal family said...

Jin He was in a very excited mood, so he pulled Ying Lao out and the two of them drank three cups.

Just when they were getting drunk, another guest arrived.

This guest was quite special.

Ding Shuang, the permanent postman of the Yanyu Dynasty, was stationed in Zidu.

Although Ding Shuang was a postman, he had a very extraordinary status in his country. He had served as a second-rank doctor and had a very good reputation. Twenty years ago, he was sent to Zidu as a permanent postman. The external statement was that Ding Shuang's ancestors were from the Ziqi Wen Dynasty, so he had a special liking for the Ziqi Wen Dynasty, but the real reason was: he lost the competition for the Minister of War at that time, and he withdrew from the center of the court out of despair.

Jin He felt that such a person was very valuable to use, so he had put a lot of thought into him over the years, and he really solved several serious disputes between the Ziqi Wen Dynasty and the Yanyu Dynasty through him, which established Jin He's status as an imperial teacher in His Majesty's heart, and also made Ding Shuang quite face in the Yanyu Dynasty.

So, the two of them had a very good personal relationship.

The two are also a model of win-win in the officialdom.

"Sir Ding!" Jin He met Ding Shuang in Feiying Pavilion.

"Sir Imperial Master!" Ding Shuang bowed: "I want to see you late at night today because the situation is serious and urgent. I hope you will not blame me."

Jin He was slightly stunned: "Sir, please speak!"

Ding Shuang said: "Just today, in Dao Sect, Luo Wuxin, the Imperial Master, gave Dao Sect the method to crack the "Immortal Sutra". Although it has exchanged for 3,000 places to enter Daohai, it actually hides a huge crisis."

Jin He was shocked: "Luo Wuxin gave Dao Sect the method to crack the "Immortal Sutra"? "

Ding Shuang said: "Sir, Don't people know?"

"I really don't know!" Jin He's teacup rippled gently...

Ding Shuang said: "Since you know now, you should know that this is a double-edged sword, which hurts both the enemy and yourself! At this moment, all the Wuxian disciples will point their spearheads directly at the Emperor Master and Luo Wuxin. They will definitely kill you, the source, at all costs to prevent the leakage of this law. "

This matter is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it is the greatest harm to those who practice the "Immortal Sutra".

On the other hand, the people of Wuxian will definitely kill them as soon as possible.

Murder to silence.

Some people may think that it is not right. Dao Zong also knows this law. Why don't they do it to Dao Zong?

There are only two reasons. First, Dao Zong and they really can't do it. Second, Dao Zong and Wuxian have an unclear relationship. They also hold each other's handles and dare not do things too much.

Therefore, the biggest possibility is that Dao Zong will only direct its spearhead at the Evil Phoenix Clan in Daohai, and will not really start a full-scale fight with the Wujian Sect in the outside world.

Then, the biggest threat to Wujianmen becomes two people.

One is the source Luo Wuxin, and the other is the Imperial Master Jinhe.

Jinhe exhaled lightly: "I can swear to heaven that I don't know how to crack the "Immortal Sutra."

"I believe you, but will those sewer rats hiding in the dark believe it? They will only believe in one basic judgment, Luo Wuxin is the Imperial Master's man, and what he knows, the Imperial Master must also know."

Jinhe slowly stood up and walked to the window.

The night sky at this moment, the stars are like water...

Zidu at this moment is lively and peaceful...

But who can know which sewer rats are among them?

"Master Ding, what good plan do you have for coming here today?" Jinhe slowly turned his head.

Ding Shuang gently lifted the teacup: "Your Excellency must still remember the brilliant plan of Feng Changsheng in Xiandu that day."

Jin He: "To prevent others from killing people to silence them, the most cruel and the best way is to make this rule public?"

Ding Shuang said: "This move has three advantages! First, if the rule is made public, the people in Wuxian Sect will lose the reason to kill people to silence them; second, Wuxian Sect has infiltrated various forces over the years and has long become the public enemy of the world, which can be used to form a trend of common punishment by the world; third, my Yanyu Dynasty will remember your Excellency for a great favor."

Feng Changsheng set a good example and let everyone see the best way to avoid killing people to silence them.

The Wuxian Sect was afraid that Luo Wuxin would leak the method to crack the "Immortal Sutra", so they wanted to kill him at the first time, and at the same time kill Jin He, with incomparable reasons.

However, once this rule is really made public, it will be useless for Wuxian Sect to kill Luo Wuxin and Jin He, so is there any need to kill them?

The court of Ziqiwen Dynasty was infiltrated by Wujianmen. Even the fourth prince was behind Li Tian of Wujianmen.

His Majesty was deeply afraid of Wujianmen.

If he could use this iron fist to attack Wujianmen, His Majesty would definitely be happy to see it.

In addition, Yanyu Dynasty remembered him as a favor.

Yanyu Dynasty hated Wujianmen the most. They had no cover-up at all, and they didn't need to cover up. The hatred between the two sides was known to the whole world...

Jinhe nodded gently: "Lord Ding sent a wonderful method late at night, I thank you! Have a drink!"

Ding Shuang was very happy: "I heard that Mr. Luo once said: Three cups of wine for a thousand miles of red dust, a pot of tea for a thousand years of great cause, I'd better drink a pot of tea with you, and pay tribute to this earth-shaking young hero under your seat."

The top-secret plan was achieved.

Send Ding Shuang away.

Cangqiong Pavilion was completely quiet.

Jin He and Ying Lao stood face to face, like two sculptures.

A light came on, and the starlight seemed to be separated from the light. There were torrents swirling in the eyes of both of them...

"Left Envoy, the situation is very urgent and a decision must be made!" Ying Lao said.

At this moment, his title changed, not the Emperor Master, but the Left Envoy.

The Emperor Master let out a long sigh: "That's right! Although there are countless secrets and talents in our sect, the "Immortal Sutra" is still the pillar of the sect. Luo Wuxin's move has dug up the pillar of our sect!"

"So we should find Luo Wuxin immediately and find out who he told this decryption method to. Our sect should take action immediately and do everything possible to eliminate all those who know about it, all!" Ying Lao said.

One title, two conversations, announcing a terrible thing.

Emperor Master Jin He and Ying Lao are both disciples of Wujian.

Ding Shuang asked for an audience at night, and came to negotiate with the Emperor Master as an imperial envoy of the Yanyu Dynasty, hoping that the Emperor Master would make public the "method of cracking the Immortal Sutra" mastered by Luo Wuxin, on the one hand, to solve the Wuxianmen's killing and silencing of them, and on the other hand, with the help of the power of the world, to give Wuxianmen a fatal blow.

It is a joke in itself.

The Emperor Master himself is from Wuxianmen.

Would he be afraid of Wuxianmen's assassination?

You Yanyu Dynasty and Wuxianmen have a deep blood feud, and you still hope that my Wuxianmen people will cooperate with you and make the things that want my own life public, so that everyone in the world can catch Wuxianmen and kill them?

However, there is one thing that is not a joke.

That is Luo Wuxin deserves to die!

Because this bastard, with the title of think tank under the Emperor Master, touched the lifeline of Wuxianmen.

Summon Luo Wuxin immediately!

However, the most difficult thing is that Luo Wuxin has entered the Dao Sea. In the Dao Sea, the Dao is entangled, and all communications are blocked. How to summon him?

The Imperial Master and Old Ying were also troubled by this problem.

"You should immediately hide in the Second Prince's team, sneak into the Dao Sea, find Luo Wuxin, search his consciousness in the Dao Sea, and implement the plan to silence him!" Jin He's eyes flashed.

Old Ying nodded gently: "That's the only way! How to deal with the Great Elder of Dao Sect?"

The most disgusting thing about Luo Wuxin is that he has told the Great Elder of Dao Sect about this fatal law. The Great Elder of Dao Sect is not an ordinary person, and Old Ying can never kill him.

Once the Great Elder of Dao Sect spreads this fatal news, Wujian Sect will still be in a disaster.

Jin He said: "Leave Dao Sect to Si Qi!"

Si Qi!

He mentioned Si Qi!

Old Ying's eyes lit up: "I'm leaving..."

Suddenly, a voice came from outside: "Report to the Imperial Master, Mr. Luo Wuxin is back, and he wants to see you."

The Imperial Master was shocked.

Old Ying's figure, which was just a step away from breaking through the air, stopped.

The two looked at each other, unable to believe their ears.

"Luo Wuxin?" The Imperial Master asked in a deep voice.

"Yes!" said the person outside the door.

"Please let him in!" The Emperor exhaled softly.

The wind in the room blew gently, and the old man disappeared.

He did not leave.

Because he wanted to enter Daohai and kill Luo Wuxin, but now, the person he wanted to kill has come to the door, so the trip to Daohai is naturally unnecessary.

The stars outside the window are still bright.

The lights in the room are still quiet.

The door opened, and Jin He saw Luo Wuxin, his elegant and graceful figure, and his peace of mind that always holds the pearl in his hand.

Behind Luo Wuxin, Jun Yue followed and floated over, bowing slightly: "Wuxin greets the Imperial Master."

Jin He nodded gently: "Mr. Luo's actions have attracted the attention of the world. I would like to congratulate you for your extraordinary achievements!"

Luo Wuxin suddenly raised his head, and the smile on his face was completely stiff: "Sir, what are you talking about? I was assigned by you, and the things that the East Region Immortal Dynasty did should be kept secret. How could... the world look at me with surprise?"

Jun Yue's face also changed.

During this period, she accompanied Luo Wuxin to walk the tightrope in the East Region Immortal Dynasty. Although the footprints were very wide and the process was incredible, everything should be kept secret. Could it be that such a top-secret action has been leaked?

Otherwise, why would the Imperial Master say such a thrilling word?

Jin He smiled faintly: "What the Eastern Region Immortal Dynasty is planning will naturally not attract the attention of the world. What I am talking about is what Mr. Luo Dao Zong did!"

"Dao Zong?" Luo Wuxin's face changed drastically: "I have never been to Dao Zong!"

Jin He's face also changed: "You have never been there?"

"I left Zidu on September 16th and arrived in Xiandu on September 17th. For more than half a month, I traveled back and forth between Xiandu and Xihe. I have never been to Dao Zong!" Luo Wuxin said: "Could it be that someone with my name, Luo Wuxin, has come to Dao Zong and stirred up the world?"

Jin He stared at Luo Wuxin's eyes, his eyes were serious.

Luo Wuxin also stared at Jin He's eyes, his eyes were even more serious.

Finally, Jin He's eyes slowly closed, and his heart was surging.

Luo Wuxin's eyes also closed slightly: "I understand!"

"What do you understand?" Jin He's eyes slowly opened.

"Lin Su has begun to stir up the world of the Immortal Domain with the Mirage Dragon Secret Technique! He has finally taken revenge on me." Luo Wuxin said.

"Mirage Dragon Secret Technique?" said the Imperial Master.

"Yes! This involves his unique skills. The last big-character poster did not mention his skills. I am preparing to publish another big-character poster to expose him thoroughly." Luo Wuxin took a deep breath: "May I ask, Imperial Master, what kind of disaster did he do under my name?"

"It's not a disaster, but a great achievement!" Jin He exhaled and told the story of Dao Zong.

Jun Yue's heart seemed to be swept up by a twelve-level hurricane.

She actually had a premonition a long time ago that Lin Su would make a move against her husband.

She has always been uneasy because she knows that the questions Lin Su asked are the most difficult questions in the world.

Now he has made a move.

But why does she think this is a good thing?

Just as the Imperial Master said, this is a great achievement, not a disaster at all?

Under the name of Luo Wuxin, he helped the second prince of Ziqiwen Dynasty to win the unparalleled "Daohai quota" of Sanqianxiang. His Majesty was overjoyed, and the strength of Ziqiwen Dynasty increased greatly. Luo Wuxin suddenly became a popular figure in Ziqiwen Dynasty...

Using your toes to think, Lin Su would not be so kind as to give Luo Wuxin such a big gift out of thin air.

However, the current situation is just like this. Luo Wuxin received such an unprecedented big gift package because of him.

However, she was also very sensitive. She felt that her husband's face really changed...

This is definitely not joy!

"What does Mr. Luo feel?" Jin He lifted the teacup in front of him, blew the tea leaves gently, and took a sip.

Luo Wuxin slowly raised his eyes: "I have already guessed how he would retaliate against me. Now it seems that I still underestimated his strangeness. This move, with its tricky angle and vicious intention, is truly a plan, a stroke of genius."

"Poisonous intention? What does it mean?" The Imperial Master narrowed his eyes and asked six words. (End of this chapter)

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