Great Power Technology.

Chapter 614 Final Plan

Chapter 614 Final Plan

Road sign core room, which is the heart of the whole road sign system.

Here, dozens of ultra-large quantum computers operate continuously, controlling the activities of up to hundreds of overtime entangled quantum pairs.

In order to ensure that the quantum pair will not be disturbed by any external influence, the core chamber is designed as a perfectly closed structure—that is, there is not only no air, no magnetic field, and even observers are not allowed to exist.

If you want to enter the core room, the first thing to do is to interrupt all overtime communications, so as to avoid the collapse caused by the observation during the operation of the computer.

Ye Zhou was going to check the core room, which meant that the communication with Rongcheng would be temporarily interrupted, but the problem was that without the assistance of Rongcheng, it would be difficult for him to find out the problems with the road sign system.

His identity is indeed a relevant technician, and the information flow has indeed provided him with sufficient knowledge, but for such a large-scale system, it is absolutely impossible for one person to complete the inspection of all modules in a short period of time.

However, he also had no choice.

There are only 26 hours left on the life support system, and if nothing is done, he will miss his last chance to function.

"Is there a list of problems? Judging from the current situation, which modules may have problems?"

Ye Zhou asked calmly.

"It's hard to say, we've never had a situation like this before."

"However, I suggest that you start with the positioning system first, followed by the frequency division system and the timing system. If there are no problems with these three systems, then you can only go the last way."

"What way?"

"Completely shut down the road sign system of Shanghai Center and destroy all entangled quantum pairs."

"Are you sure this will get the other signposts back to work?"

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, the woman was silent for a moment, and then replied:

"It's unlikely... until the last moment, I suggest not to implement this plan, because it will make us lose all chips."

Ye Zhou nodded, thought for a long time, and then said in a low tone:
"However, this is the only choice I can make."

"The life support system of this base is about to collapse, and I am the only living person in the base."

"Even if you don't close the road sign, after 26 hours, you won't be able to get any information from here."

"The potential of this base has been squeezed out... If destruction can make it play its final role, then there is no need to hesitate."

The woman on the opposite side let out a long sigh.

In fact, she knows better than Ye Zhou how to make the right choice, and she also knows that for Ye Zhou, life has already entered the countdown.

However, she really couldn't bear to tell the other party the final outcome clearly at this moment.

Judging from his voice, it seems that he is not too old.

Even after sleeping in the dormant cabin for a long time, the years he has experienced in this world are actually just a few short decades.

He should have a better life --- not only him, but many people in the war between adjacent dimensions should have a better life.

"I understand."

"Anyway, let's check first."

"The protection level of the signpost core room is the highest among all signpost centers, especially in Shanghai and Rongcheng, which are disaster recovery centers. Each quantum computer has independent armor protection."

"If you want to completely destroy the entangled quantum pairs, you need to do more than simply cut off the power supply of the core chamber... The permanent magnet system will maintain the existence of the quantum pairs, waiting for the next power recovery."

"So, you have to at least destroy the permanent magnet system."

"do you understand?"

Of course Ye Zhou understood that, in fact, at the very beginning, the information integrated into the information flow had already shown him the final outcome.

A splendid explosion is inevitable.

Of course he could detonate after being away from the core chamber, but the violent shock caused by the internal explosion, the massive oxygen consumption, the uncontrolled dust and shock waves, each of which would accelerate the collapse of the already extremely fragile life support system.

It is very likely that the moment he detonated the explosives was the moment when his life came to an end.

But who cares?
He left the archives with firm steps. Outside the core room of the road sign system, he took off all electronic equipment according to the instructions and put on a full set of protective clothing. Afterwards, the communication with Rongcheng was cut off, and his ears became There was silence.

Ye Zhou took a deep breath. After passing the identity verification, the No. [-] door of the core room opened slowly, and closed again after he walked in.

The preparation cabin between doors No. [-] and No. [-] was quickly evacuated.

Immediately afterwards, door number two opened, and a deep tunnel was exposed in front of Ye Zhou.

The length of this tunnel is more than 500 meters.

Yes, although the core room is called a "room", it is actually a huge space hidden at the bottom of the center of the road sign. To enter this space, Ye Zhou must rely entirely on his own physical strength, dragging a heavy protective suit on foot hundreds of meters.

Not long after waking up from hibernation, his physical strength couldn't keep up at all, and he was out of breath after walking less than 100 meters.

The mist of sweat permeated the lens of the protective clothing. He pulled the rope of the exhaust port and manually exhausted the exhaust gas into the air storage tank while resting.

This made him feel a little funny. In front of him was the most advanced equipment capable of predicting the future in the entire human civilization and even in the entire universe, but the equipment he was wearing was no different from that worn by divers in the 18th century.

The contradictions in technology are sometimes so absurd.

After resting for a while, Ye Zhou continued to trek forward. After half an hour, he finally saw the overtime quantum computer displayed on the ground and covered by heavy metal armor.

These computers have sent countless messages to the past and future, but it is very likely that they will all be destroyed before long.

The emergency maintenance console is on the left side of the calculation hall. Ye Zhou quickly started the self-inspection program, and all the self-inspections were completed in just 2 minutes.

Apparently, no problems were found.

Afterwards, he checked the three main systems that might affect the communication anchor one by one according to the woman's instructions, but found that the operation of these three systems could almost be described as perfect.

So, what exactly went wrong?
Ye Zhou slowly squatted by the wall, thinking about the information the woman had mentioned to him.

The communication anchor point of the road sign system is messed up, and the communication that should have been connected to a fixed time was led to other nodes.

The road sign system itself works perfectly fine.

All of this should be caused by external forces.

It happened 300 years ago, after that disaster.

Rescue cannot be launched, because the periphery of Shanghai Center is full of entropy-increasing jump zones.

Ye Zhou suddenly stood up.

He suddenly understood what he should do.

(End of this chapter)

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