Great Power Technology.

Chapter 615 Simulation Failed

Chapter 615 Simulation Failed
If there is any factor that can affect the operation of the overtime communication system, then this factor must at least have corresponding quantum characteristics.

This is the most basic principle, and it is absolutely impossible for low-dimensional elements to interfere with high-dimensional elements.

Therefore, when it is clearly known that the communication system is subject to external interference, to determine the source of the interference, in fact, only a simple elimination method is required.

Either there is a super-strong high-energy particle storm around the base, or some physical constants have changed, or... it is related to the jump zone of entropy increase.

Yes, human beings have already had a detailed understanding of adjacent dimension passages in this era, but this does not mean that human beings can understand all the things related to it.

After all, it is still a channel that can directly establish an energy connection with another world. Since human beings can attack the other party through this channel, why is there no possibility that the other party can use some means beyond the current level of human technology to achieve What about disturbances in this world?

You must know that, judging from the records of historical data, civilizations of adjacent dimensions can obtain corresponding information by detecting energy fluctuations to a certain extent.

Such information will not have too detailed details, but the energy fluctuation characteristics generated by the overtime quantum communication system are extremely obvious. Even for a period of time, an ordinary person, holding the most primitive walkie-talkie, can locate the system by virtue of electromagnetic interference. specific location.

Therefore, if the enemies in another dimension also master this technology, they should immediately notice that human beings have entered the era of controlling time, and what they have to do is to immediately destroy the root of this human technology.

Ye Zhou doesn't know what means they will use, but what is certain is that all their interference with the human world is achieved through adjacent dimensional channels.

To destroy the adjacent dimensional channel, is to destroy the interference source.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou immediately restarted the road sign system. After a short call, he established contact with the center of Rongcheng 300 years ago.

"The road sign system is all normal. It should be subject to external interference. I suspect that the interference is related to the surrounding entropy jump zone."

"This is also the result of our analysis."

The woman's voice was very calm. Although in her world, the so-called cataclysm had just happened, the unusual situation around Shanghai Center had obviously attracted the attention of the professional department.

"Is there a way to destroy the nearby adjacent dimensional channel? I just checked the explosives inventory on my side. Let alone the energy infusion, I can't even self-destruct."

"The design of this base is flawed. If you rebuild new signpost bases in the future, you must ensure that each base stores enough self-destruct explosives."

"Otherwise, once there is external interference, the entire road sign system will be passive."

After listening to Ye Zhou's words, the woman was silent for a few seconds, and then said:
"It's not just a matter of self-destruction."

"According to our analysis, the road sign system of Shanghai Center should be hijacked."

"The other party simulated the entanglement form of the original quantum pair, and may even transfer the entangled object-we don't know how they did it."

"However, to break the hijacking, with our current technology level, there is only one way."

"Destroy the entire area and completely close the adjacent dimension passages in the area."

Ye Zhou nodded slightly. He was not surprised by this plan. In fact, even if there were other plans to temporarily terminate the hijacking, he would still prefer to destroy the entire base.

Because since there is a first time, there must be a second and a third time.

Sometimes, in order to completely solve the problem, we have to learn from Mao Zi’s approach:
I killed the hostages, and the robbers have no more hostages. Wouldn't the rescue operation be a success?

What's more, what does he have to lose now?

Thinking of this, he asked:
"What do you need me to do?"

"You don't need to do anything... Everything you can do has already been done."

Ye Zhou was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood what the other party meant.

Yes, as the final node of the road sign system, all the responsibilities that I need to bear are actually just passing information.

And all actions in the physical sense should be completed at the earliest possible node, that is, in the world where women belonged, 300 years ago.

"I see. How are you going to implement the plan?"

At this time, what Ye Zhou was most worried about was not his own ending after the center was destroyed. On the contrary, he was worried about whether the Shanghai Center could be completely and completely destroyed in the shortest possible time with the remaining technological level of human beings after the catastrophe.

"There is no need to worry about this... Our arsenals have not been affected much, and their defense level is much higher than that of ordinary facilities."

"We will use two dark matter bombs with an annihilation radius of 60 mm, and the explosion range is enough to cover the entire Shanghai Base."

After a pause, the woman continued to speak:
"I hope you can understand this decision. If we do nothing, Shanghai Center will still not be able to escape the fate of final destruction."

"Give it a go, but it can bring hope to all mankind."

"Don't tell me that."

Ye Zhou smiled freely and continued to ask:
"How long is the estimated time for action?"

"4 hours."

"Understood... Do you need me to keep in touch?"

"Please keep the overtime communication unblocked. If there is any emergency within these four hours, I will contact you in time."

Ye Zhou said yes, and stopped talking.

He walked towards the bones of those seniors in the hall, patted the dust on the sofa lightly, and sat down.

The last seat was finally filled.

With the explosion of the dark matter bomb, the entire Shanghai base will completely disappear into the dust, even cleaner than the decomposition produced by the adjacent dimensional channel.

So, what will happen to the Shanghai base where I am located 300 years later?

Gradually erased like a pencil drawing?Entering the void for a moment?Or continue to operate according to the new timeline?
Ye Zhou was very curious, and he couldn't wait for that moment to come.

However, what he waited for was only sudden darkness.

At the moment when the four-hour countdown ended, he instantly returned to the void of the simulator, and the ending summary interface gradually appeared in the air.

This is probably the simplest simulation scenario he has ever experienced—although the logic is extremely difficult to understand, there are really not many things that require him to do.

He looked at the summary subtitles, wanting to see the rewards this time, but when his eyes focused, he froze in place.

【Simulation evaluation: D】

【Unfinished ending】

This time the simulation failed?

(End of this chapter)

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