Great Power Technology.

Chapter 623 Context

Chapter 623 Context
Liu Yong slept until noon the next day, and when he got up again, his wife had already prepared meals.

Unlike most catering businesses, his family is not a husband-and-wife restaurant, and his wife has a serious business job. According to her, this is to ensure a stable income for the family and increase the ability to resist risks.

At the dinner table, the two chatted for a while, and Liu Yong thought about his words before bringing the topic to the matter of adjacent dimension investment.

"...I think this thing can really work, but I have to discuss with you before making a decision on how much to vote for."

"I mean, simply invest more at once. I heard that the rate of return will drop when the investment is saturated. What do you think?"

"you deside."

The wife thought for a moment, then added:
"You should leave at least 10 to 20 in reserve, in case something happens at home and you can't afford the money, you will be in trouble if you get angry."

"Don't worry, I plan to invest only 20 yuan, and I guarantee that it will not affect our family expenses."

Liu Yong chuckled, he didn't expect it to be so smooth with his wife, after all, she used to be cautious and cautious, but this time it seems... a sex change?

But yes, according to the information on the Internet, the reliability of this adjacent dimension futures is similar to that of the bonds of large enterprises. Combined with the current popularity, it can vaguely compete with national bonds, so it is not surprising for her to rest assured.

"Then I will go to open an account by transfer this afternoon, and try to invest in it within this week, and see how much money I can earn in a month."

"Don't think about making quick money, don't move if you invest in it, and share as much as you can."

"A lot of people who play stock futures are messing around, and all the money that shouldn't be lost is lost..."

His wife resumed her usual ramblings, and Liu Yong smiled and agreed repeatedly.

But when he actually went to the business hall to open an account in the afternoon, he realized that his movements were still slow.

There was already a long queue in the business hall of the brokerage firm, all of them were clients who consulted the adjacent Wei Futures.

It seems that the popularity of this investment product is much higher than he expected...


On the other side, in a conference room of the Shanghai Supervision Bureau of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, a group of experts in the economic and financial fields are discussing the sudden rise of adjacent dimension futures.

"...First of all, we need to make sure that in our audit records, there has actually never been any words such as 'adjacent dimension futures'."

"Of course, it's not that we're shirking our responsibilities."

"We have to admit that the popular investment product portfolios in the trading market are indeed approved by us --- they were not labeled with the keyword 'adjacent dimension' at the beginning, but just regular private placements. product mix."

"The managers in charge of the trading are relatively experienced managers in the industry, but they have not reached the top level."

"All in all, these projects have been extremely low-key from the very beginning, and the targets are mainly concentrated on some peripheral companies, which is nothing more than normal in the market."

"Their rise is within these three months. From a contextual point of view, the first outbreak is after its quarterly earnings report."

"According to the published data, the first quarterly settlement, the annualized rate of return of this batch of investment portfolios reached 31%, which is among the best among stable products."

"So in a very short period of time, the popularity of this batch of investment product portfolios reached its peak with deliberate fueling."

"Especially after the fall of the Liu family, most of the vacant market was divided up. This batch of combinations happened to hit a few of the targets, and the market sentiment was mobilized at once."

"The situation after that is what we are seeing now. The term 'adjacent dimension futures' began to appear and quickly occupied the hot words."

Ye Lan, who was sitting on the edge, sorted out the development of the entire adjacent dimension futures, and then looked at the people in the venue, waiting for their speeches.

She is not actually the protagonist of this meeting - of course, with her experience and qualifications, being able to play the leading role is already considered outstanding.

"So, judging from the information we have so far, the hype of adjacent dimension futures is actually planned for a long time? Or, from the very beginning, they have been preparing for today's hype?"

"The current judgment is this."

Ye Lan nodded and replied.

"Then there is an important question here, that is, in the process of the development of adjacent dimension futures, is there any possibility of leaking inside us?"

"They stepped on the best point in almost every action, and the foresight they showed was beyond the norm."

"I don't believe in coincidences, and I don't believe that capital can make such instinctive judgments when we were at a disadvantage."

"So, my suggestion is, focus on the issue of leaks."

The man was an expert called Su He from the Economic Investigation Section by Chen Hao.

After more than [-] years of experience in the economic investigation position, he was later absorbed into the pyrotechnic team, and his sensitivity to economic crimes surpassed that of everyone present.

For him, whether the adjacent dimension futures makes money, whether it can lead ordinary people to make money, and the risk of collapse are all secondary.

The most important thing is that its investment targets are all major strategic projects. If there is any problem in any of them, it will definitely not only suffer from the economy.

If it affects the whole body, the whole layout may be affected.

No one in the room could answer the questions he asked.

Now the investigation of the adjacent dimension futures has just started, and the information in hand is still at the superficial level, which is not enough to support the judgment.

Seeing that no one answered, Su He frowned and continued:

"If even this basic problem cannot be resolved, I don't think it is necessary for us to continue today's meeting."

"I understand that everyone wants to control risks from the economic side and ensure the stability of the financial market."

"However, this incident of adjacent dimension futures is definitely not just a simple economic behavior."

"All economic activities related to strategic projects, we should start from the perspective of physical projects."

"I suggest that we go further to collect information and bring in the power of the General Technical Office when necessary. At the same time, everyone in the economic department should also start to formulate relevant strategies to stabilize the market."

"Walk on two legs and avoid all risks!"

After speaking, everyone in the venue nodded in agreement, and Su He didn't stay any longer, but left after confirming the plan.

He didn't plan to participate in professional discussions. After all, even if he participated, he didn't need to speak. It was just a waste of time.

He could already clearly feel that the time left for him was running out.

If it is not handled well, this adjacent dimension futures incident is likely to turn into a huge storm.

The damage it caused may even be more serious than the current adjacent dimension itself...

(End of this chapter)

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