Chapter 1679: A Generous Advice.

Chapter 1679: A Generous Advice.

He said to her, "You have two choices. Accept my help to resist the Will of the void universe, or you can leave to find your way yourself."

She replied immediately, "I will leave to find my way in the world."

He snorted. "Then be on your way."

He then pushed her out of the realm.

The White lady said beside him, "Why act angry? You didn't even want her here, and you certainly loved her fear of you?"

He replied to his sister, "I don't have to explain myself to you."

Then he asked her, "Don't you have someone else to be or something to do in this whole universe? Or do you plan to follow me around the whole time?"

She smiled at him despite having no face to do it. "Don't worry, I won't leave you alone in this cold, dark, dangerous universe. I will be with you every step of the way."

"Great," he said sarcastically. "If only you were good for anything."

"I am serious. I intend to help. I can help you collect information. With the three of us working together, we will be invincible."

He grumbled but didn't bother to argue with her or chase her. He can't chase her anyway. She can go anywhere she wants, and she can even hide herself from being noticed by anyone.

For example, this is his inner world, where he is supposed to have absolute control, and yet she can enter and leave any way she wants. What's most absurd is that he might not even notice when she entered or how long she had been hidden beside him, and he can't do anything to her in his inner world.

So he doesn't need to imagine just how useful she will be if she becomes a spy for him. He already knows, from experience, just how powerful she is. Unfortunately, he can't bring himself to be happy about the fact that she has decided to help him.

He thought to himself, "It will be useful to turn her power on others. Nothing can be hidden from her. The problem is whether I can trust what she says."

He didn't voice his concerns, though. He already knows that he is helpless against her, just as she, their brother, and most of his enemies have been helpless against him in terms of raw strength.

If not for her weakness, then she would be too terrifying. That's why he mustn't fall into her hands, or she would be able to solve her biggest weakness. The best he can do is scheme against her, just as he is sure she is doing against him.

In the meantime, he focused on what he came here to get in the void universe. Only by getting one of those ultimate items of power in the void universe would he be able to take another step forward and overcome her.

Becoming a world god has not strengthened him at all. It has only created a channel by using a world for him to awaken and use some of his power. That's why there were no side effects from destroying the will of the realm and the realm.

It was actually a good thing for him to remove the Will of the realm that was taking up space in his channel. It is only if he gets what he came to the void universe for that he can grow stronger.

To achieve that, the project must be started as soon as possible. This is the project for which a lot of world gods paid a lot for the slots. It is a project that will grant them the opportunity to try and get Authority.

He, on the other hand, will be getting something bigger than Authority through the project. After all, Authority of the void universe is only useful in the void universe. It is not as valuable as others make it out to be. In fact, Universal artifacts are more useful than Authority of the void universe.

For comparison, Authority can be acquired in various universes, but Universal Artifacts are unique to universes created by the Lord Of Madness. Universal Artifacts can only be acquired in a place like the void universe, but they are useful outside of it too.

-The Dark Side.

The events that just happened were like a tiny ripple in the ocean, which is the void universe. A realm tree finished its era of conquest and broke free from the law matrix.

The only oddity was that many world gods were defeated by a new world god, and two were killed. Plenty of this happens a lot in the void universe every time, considering that it is nearly infinite. If not for the fact that a lot of world gods were paying attention to the high heaven realm, these events wouldn't have spread at all.

Indeed, a lot of world gods were paying attention. They had a lot at stake in the fate of the realm of high heaven. There was a lot to lose if the realm lord died. The first sage was also paying attention. He was paying attention at the very back of the line of world gods who were paying attention.

Some world gods chased after the high heaven realm, while others only lurked about to watch the show. The first sage wasn't among the first or second group of world gods who just wanted to watch the show. Instead, he was at the very back and was probably the only world god who was preparing to run if need be.

He was at a distance where he could still see what was going on, but he was still very far from any danger. His eye sight is marvelous, so this distance was very far.

Reality has proven that it is not baseless paranoia to fear the realm lord. All of them bore witness to the swift defeat of those world gods and the deaths of two. The first sage was probably the only one who wasn't supposed to be surprised by it and yet, was still surprised.

He already knew that Monarch High Heaven would be a very powerful world god. After all, not only is he a realm lord, he also possessed at least 10 billion Authority. So the first sage expected him to be very strong, which is why he made sure to stay at the very back.

But the first sage became surprised when he noticed that Monarch High didn't use any of those powers at all. He didn't rely on his world or use the Authority of the void universe. Instead, he used an unexpected power that he seems to have been hiding within himself. "What was that? That didn't look like him at all. It doesn't look like anything a high elf should possess at all. Was that his Supreme Law?"

The first sage couldn't figure out what power he had used. What is most confusing about it is that it doesn't have anything to do with laws. It was simply willpower enhanced with Cosmic


But Cosmic force isn't a power that can be used so easily, not even by world gods. They need to have certain inclinations toward it before they become world gods or acquire an artifact like the Authority of the void universe to have it.

Monarch High Heaven was a high elf, and he has never used Cosmic force without the help of the Authority of the void universe, so the first sage was truly stumped.

Most of the world gods who were watching earlier have left after they saw 30 world gods struggling to escape and two eventually destroyed. They didn't have the mind to continue watching. Only the first sage didn't leave. He remained in the same spot.

It is partly because he doesn't need to leave. After all, he is very far away. The second reason is

that he had an inkling that something else was going to happen, so he waited.

The first sage muttered as he watched, "The power of a million exploding stars."

That is what he sees in the ascended Monarch High. It is a humanoid explosion made up of a million exploding stars, barely contained. This power is not obvious on the surface, but the first sage can see some clues and make some estimates.

World gods are not scared of stars. They can grab them as if they were plucking fruit. If there are any stars they have to be careful of, they are the powerful stars on the dark side of the void universe, especially if they are exploding.

A supernova of the stars in the dark side of the void universe can damage a world god. So one can imagine the kind of damage a million supernovas from such stars can do to a world god. The first sage is very imaginative, so he can imagine that kind of damage. He already caught a glimpse of the bright humanoid being blowing him to bits in a future where he got close to it. What he can't figure out is how that kind of power can be contained within Monarch High Heaven and not destroy him. He also can't figure out how he came to acquire such power.

He was waiting when he got the call for help from Mother High Heaven. It was not a targeted message. She was practically shouting into the void for help. Every world god around heard her, just like they hear and see when the realm tree is about to start a new Origin cycle.

He was among the many who got that call for help, and he was also among the many who refused to assist. From what he could see from his position, there were not a lot of world gods that chose to accept the call for help. In fact, there wasn't even one who actually put in any

effort to help.

Word had spread pretty quickly of how formidable the previous realm lord was. Those world gods just hung around but didn't take a single step to help.

Later on, the first sage sensed the death of Mother High Heaven. His eyes gleamed brightly, "This is a chance. It seems his heart has been destroyed."

The other world gods also sensed the sudden weakening of High Heaven. Like sharks that sensed blood, they rushed towards High Heaven. A mighty fight thus ensued.

The first sage was clear that this was likely to be the best and only chance to take down this competitor. He knew that there might never be a better chance or any chance at all in the future. But he still didn't make a move. He chose to watch.

He was right to watch. The weakened state of High Heaven didn't last more than 10 seconds. It

was a trap. All the world gods that had gone forward to take advantage of him were captured

and eaten.

The first sage thought to himself, "Fortunately, I have gotten everything I need from him when he was still weak."

The fight didn't end quickly. Many world gods struggled and put up a worthy fight. But it ultimately ended in failure. The first sage watched it all happen like an enthusiastic audience

at a show.

He was more than entertained. His wait was also rewarded with another gift, which was the sight of Green Vine after she was ejected from the inner world of High Heaven.

He saw that she was a high elf that was somehow related to Legion and that she was weak, so

he decided to meet this special high elf. Even then, he only dared to send an avatar to meet her for fear of getting tangled in trouble.

Green Vine had gained her freedom and was rushing to the areas in the immortal lands under the control of high elves to solve her current biggest problem. This problem is that she is being resisted by the void universe. The void universe can't do anything to her now since she has forged the perfect body to contain her soul. This container is hiding her from the law matrix, but it has also made her stand out as abnormal, and anything abnormal is resisted by

the void universe.

This resistance is of no concern as long as she can become a world god. Fortunately, she has

already made plans for this in the immortal lands. All she has to do is reach an area with high elves, and they will help her become a world god.

Their help won't be because she is their ancestor. She is not going to tell them that, and she is

not going to tell them that she killed all their relatives in the high heaven realm either. She is going to pin that blame on the Monarch of high heaven.

Instead, she is going to claim the identity of a normal high elf. That identity will be more

useful for her than that of their ancestor because Origin god high elves can't be controlled by her and would not like the revelation that she could control weaker members of their race. That was her plan until she met the first sage. But then she decided to add subduing Legion to her plans after she becomes a world god. She is confident in being able to get the coveted shards of power because one of the clones was made from her clone, and she will be a world

god soon.

Her plan is similar to what the dragon king tried to do to Ragnarok. She has a greater chance of success because Legion is already a part of her race. She can skip the part where he needed to use his blood to turn them.

Plus, the tree father is not an Origin god. That means the void universe will not protect him

when she makes a move on him.

Meanwhile, the keeper of secrets was also planning with Ghastorix and the Serpentine world

gods. This is happening in the background of the preparation of world gods for participation

in the project of High Heaven, which he called the domain of gods.


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