Chapter 1680: Intermission.

Chapter 1680: Intermission.

A/N: Allow me to say a few words.

Book 1 has ended. It started with the announcement of the era of conquest and ended with the completion of the era of conquest. It started with a look at two reincarnators and ended with the explanation for both.

A lot has changed since the beginning of Book 1. In terms of power, Legion started as a Sovereign of law and ended as an Origin god with many Supreme Powers. Legion has experienced a lot of things and learned a lot of knowledge. Some clones even died, either temporarily or permanently.

I have been writing this book for three years now. It has been a rollercoaster for me. The second book has also been prepared. There will be no break in transmission. We will continue on the second leg of this journey without taking a break on my part. So you will get another chapter tomorrow.

I have decided to continue book 2 together with book 1 instead of starting afresh. If you want to see how Legion will become a world god or many world gods, then stay tuned for the next couple of years.

We still have a long way to go since there will be Book 3 too. So hang in there. Don't give up on GREED or me. Maybe then, we will be able to achieve the perfection we seek so badly.

But first, I have a prepared a short volume to serve as the transition between the first and second book. It will tie up some lose ends in book 1 such as Salvini and it will show more of the void universe in preparation for book 2.

Have a good day.


Every Origin god felt it when Mother High Heaven died. A connection that many didn't know that they had suddenly disappeared. It left a gaping absence in their perception and informed them of the certainty that they are now alone. They won't have any help in their quest to become world gods anymore.

Some Origin gods tried to find the reason for her death. Some of them found answers, and some didn't. But a lot of Origin gods didn't care about Mother High Heaven now that she was dead. What most Origin gods care about is the entity called Legion.

Now that the era of conquest has ended, the Origin gods of the previous high heaven realm have a lot of time on their hands to go hunting after Legion. The Supreme Alliance was also quite enthusiastic about nabbing the elusive Legion. They sniffed after them like bound dogs.

Unfortunately, Legion seemed to have disappeared. They couldn't find any of the clones, even with world gods helping them in their search. It made the Origin gods desperate. They decided to get information about Legion from anyone who knew them or was related to them in any way.

So the Origin gods went after Soverick's family and Gehaldirah's parents. They didn't have any luck in this aspect because Soverick's family hid within the world of a world god, while Gehaldirah's family are high elves. No one messes with high elves. They are an incredibly united race with many world gods.

The Origin gods couldn't reach either target, but they still didn't give up. They badgered the high elves relentlessly. It truly came at a bad time for the high elves since they just lost all of their relatives and children in the destruction of high heaven realm.

The high elves were furious about the deaths of every high elf in the high heaven realm. They wished to kill or imprison Monarch High Heaven for his sins. One particular high elf named Green Vine was probably the most angry high elf.

This Green Vine was a high elf who loved to travel. She traveled all over the void universe to see all that there was to see. She only returned recently when she heard about the destruction of high heaven realm and the deaths of her loved ones.

Green Vine, like most aggrieved high elves were looking for any information that they could use against Monarch High Heaven. This led her to question Gehaldirah's parents about Legion. It was not an interrogation. It was just three high elves chatting and having a good time.

The three high elves were sitting at a table on a luxury void ship, eating. Gehaldirah's parents look alike to the untrained eye. They both had green skin and golden hair, like wheat. If not for the slight difference in their height and the length of their hair, it would be difficult to tell them apart.

Green Vine asked them, "So he claimed that your son died, but you never got any proof about it?"

The couples shrugged. Hopticon sipped his tea and replied, "He was the realm lord, the lord and savior of the high elves. His words were the only proof we needed."

His wife agreed. "But now we have reasons to believe that he might have lied. He might have killed our poor boy and lied about it."

Green Vine was taken aback. She was confused because she had it on good authority from a certain world god that Legion was formerly Gehaldirah.

So she asked, "You don't think Legion is Gehaldirah?"

Lashirati frowned. Her face scrunched up in a pretty way that didn't make her look angry but still expressed her displeasure. She said, "Legion can't be Gehaldirah. Our boy was never like that. He would have called us if he was alive. And why would Monarch High Heaven lie and say he was dead if he were alive?"

Green Vine explained, "I hear that he was possessed by a demon. That might have changed him from the good boy you knew him to be into something else."

Lashirati said with determination, "Then he is dead. He is not the boy we birthed."

Hopticon interfered, "Even if Legion is Gehaldirah, why would Monarch High Heaven lie about it?"

Green Vine replied, "I don't know about this. Which is why I came to question you. I hope to get to the bottom of this issue. It is clear that Monarch High Heaven was hiding something, no matter how we look at it. Either Gehaldirah is dead naturally, or Gehaldirah was killed by him and he lied about it, or Gehaldirah is still alive and he lied about it. Fortunately, I have a way for us to determine which it is."

Lashirati's frown eased up. "What method do you have in mind."

"It is a method that will help us find Gehaldirah if he is still alive. It will determine conclusively if he is alive or dead. I will be able to know which direction I should take my investigation of Monarch High Heaven from the conclusion of this method, and you will be able to get closure on your son."

She made sure to emphasize that her true aim was Monarch High Heaven. Her investigation into Legion, or Gehaldirah, is just a means to an end. This set her apart from every other person who had approached them for information about their son.

The fact that she is doing this investigation to avenge the deaths of her descendants also

made the couple pity Green Vine. Besides, they have nothing to lose by sparing a little of their time for a grieving mother. It will also help them put the matter of their dead son to rest. So they decided to go along with Green Vine's suggestion.

They told her everything they knew about Gehaldirah. This included his birth date, his favorite things, and every nickname he ever bore. They even allowed her to touch one of the

things Gehaldirah used to own.

Green Vine used all of this information to confirm whether Gehaldirah is still alive or not. The conclusion she came to was that Gehaldirah was, in fact, dead. The couple cried while Green Vine resumed her journey of investigating Monarch High Heaven.

Meanwhile, a voice only she could hear spoke to her. It said, "Good job. Now you have a better

chance of success."


"What does it mean to be a titan of law? How does one become a titan of law?" Ghoto asked

himself as he looked through the window.

Those are the two questions that Ghoto has been asking around for. They are the two questions that fill his mind day and night. There is no day in the immortal lands, so the questions fill his mind all night.

He has been asking himself and others these questions ever since he became a king of law. He comprehended the law of lightning completely to become a king of the law of lightning. That is an achievement that rewarded him with power and a lifespan of 100 Origin cycles. That is

ten times the lifespan he had as a lord of law.

10,000,000 years is a long time to live. It is enough time for him to live peacefully and have no regrets, even if he fails to become a titan of law. That was his plan before the era of conquest came. His plan has changed ever since then. In fact, everything has changed. Nothing is the same, and nothing can ever return to the way it was before.

For one, he is not living in a city in the Virut plane anymore. He is not living in the High Heaven Realm at all. He is now living in the immortal lands because he didn't want to live in the inner world of a world god.

Danger abounds in the immortal lands. It is too much danger for a king of law. He is living in a

fortified tower, but that only does little to assure himself of his safety. Already, he has seen two explosions occur far off in the distance that are capable of leveling his tower if they had occurred much closer to his location.

That's two lethal explosions in the span of three hours. He has seen many more since he

started living here. He has also been told to expect more and expect them to be closer. His only assurance is that if he dies, his family will collect compensation on his behalf for his death from those who kill him.

Etiquette dictates that when you kill someone by mistake in the immortal lands, you give them compensation for their deaths when they come asking for it. Immortals will be satisfied with that, but not him. He has only one life, so he has to cherish it. Unfortunately, he wants to continue on the path of perfection, so he can't live within the inner world of a world god. However, the High Heaven Realm is no more. So he has no choice but to brace the danger of the immortal lands in his quest for power.

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