Grimoires and Gunsmoke

Cloaks and Daggers: Chapter 77

Bennett let out a low whistle as they made their way through the somewhat crowded streets of Glennsworth. "It’s like one of your shitty animes, Eli," he said, with eyes wide with wonder. "Try not to fuck anything, okay?"

"Eat my ass, Ben," Elijah replied distractedly as his eyes followed one of the Satyr-like beings that had the lower half resembling a bipedal goat with short but shaggy fur and cloven hooves. But besides the hooves and fur, she was all woman, with smooth, ashen skin and a mane of wild, wavy hair that framed her face like a lion's.

The Satyr-like woman wore a simple tunic that left her breasts and midriff bare, and around her neck hung a variety of charms and talismans, each one glinting in the sunlight as she moved. But it wasn’t her exotic and alluring features that caught Elijah’s attention. It was her beautiful face.

With high cheekbones, full lips, and eyes that seemed to sparkle with mischief. As she passed by, the Satyr-like woman turned to the medic and smiled brightly before giving him a wink. Elijah couldn’t help but gawk as he stared at her hips, which swayed with a provocative grace.

When his eyes finally floated up, Elijah noticed the small horns protruding from the front of her head. They curled aggressively back into her hair, giving her an air of untamed wildness that said she’d ram you if trifled with.

But just as Elijah found himself captivated by the alluring Satyr-like woman, she suddenly came to a stop on the other side of the road. Turning to face him fully, she flashed a seductive smile, her eyes locking with his in an inviting gaze.

For a moment, Elijah's other head started thinking for him while his mind raced with the possibilities after seeing those horns. He kept walking with the group, but god damn was drawn to her like a moth to a flame. But before his perverted thoughts could take another turn, he felt a sharp yank on his arm. Yelping in surprise, Elijah stumbled forward, nearly losing his balance.

"Oh no, you don't," Azeline said, her grip on his arm firm as she dragged him along. "Leave the Enaeris alone."

Elijah regained his footing, shooting Azeline a look of annoyed confusion. "Yo, what the fuck?”

Bennett rubbed his scraggly beard as he furrowed his brow. “Enaeris? Is that what they're called?"

Azeline nodded at the engineer, not slowing her pace as she dragged Elijah along. "Yes, and you're not getting involved with one,” she scolded as she turned back to Elijah, who seemed to struggle under the woman’s strength. We need to get to the tavern. You can find working girls there if you're that desperate."

She then shot him a warning look. "Knowing your luck, you'll end up with some cultist that mind-fucks you into self-sacrifice. Next thing you know, you'll be ripping out your own intestines so they can eat them."

Coleman, who had been listening to the exchange, blanched. "Jesus, what the hell?" he exclaimed, his eyes wide with horror. “Are you being hyperbolic?”

A grim expression spread across Azeline’s face as she shook her head. "I wish I were, but there are factions of radical extremists from certain druidic sects that practice forbidden magic.” She said, with a twitching eye. “They're cannibals, and they use sex as a lure."

She continued, her voice low and serious. "They keep their victims locked away, using carnal pleasures as part of a ritual spell. It slowly infects the mind with a parasite, driving the person mad." The elf’s eyes then took on a haunted look as she spoke. "And then, in the middle of the orgy, once the spell is complete, the victim uses their bare hands to tear open their own belly. They rip out their intestines, offering them up to the cultists to feast upon."

Elijah, who had been struggling against Azeline's grip, suddenly went still. His face paled, and he looked like he might be sick. "Jesus fucking Christ," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. How do you even know this? This has to be some kind of horror story you tell kids or some shit!”

“It’s really not….” Azeline shuddered as she dug into her memory. “I’ve had jobs where I’ve… encountered the aftermath of such rituals and even interrupted a few.”

Bennett, too, looked shaken. He swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat. “Okay then," he said, his usual bravado absent from his voice. “Satyr things are evil cultists… Got it”

Azeline sighed, shaking her head. "No, not all of them. Very few Enaeris are actually cultists. Most are just decent folk, but they can be a bit... enthusiastic when it comes to carnal matters." She paused, considering her next words. "But think of it this way. If you had a hundred steamed buns, but one of them would kill you if you ate it, would you take the risk?"

Finally regaining his footing, Elijah shot Azeline a dirty look as he straightened himself out with a harrumph. Despite the grim warnings, he couldn't resist glancing back at the alluring Enaeris. As if sensing his gaze, the satyr-like woman turned, waved at Elijah, and then walked off and disappeared into the crowd with a sway of her hips.

Turning back to Azeline, Elijah gave a nonchalant shrug. "Well, I'm not much of a gambler," he admitted. But then, a mischievous grin spread across his face. "But I'd like to consider myself a risk-taker."

A scoff left Azeiles mouth as she rolled her eyes in exasperation. "Of course you do," she muttered, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "Why am I not surprised?"

Before Elijah could retort with another insufferable comment, Coleman interjected, his voice firm and authoritative. "No," he said, his gaze fixed on Elijah. "We have things to do and places to be. We don’t have time for your dick to lead you into some goddamn cannibalistic cult!" He then pushed Elijah forward with a rather hard shove, causing him to stumble once more. “We have a goddamn tavern to scope out!”

“Okay! Okay! Jesus!” Elijah grumbled as he finally started cooperating and followed after Azeline under his own power. “I was just joking, god…”

“No, you weren’t.” Bennett narrowed his eyes and immediately called out the medic’s bullshit. “Everyone here is well aware of the fact you weren’t kidding.”

Azeline sighed as she placed a hand over her face to hide the exasperated expression that was starting to form. "Just... follow me," she said with a sigh, making it clear just how ridiculous she found this lecherous man’s behavior.

As she led the way through the winding streets of Glennsworth, the group couldn't help but marvel at the sights and sounds surrounding them. Every stall, every build, and every shop they passed was just as fascinating as the last.

Apothecaries with windows full of strange reagents ranging from dried-out animal parts to oddly glowing stones, shelves lined with jars, and vials of every color and size. Weapon shops displayed an array of arms, from the mundane pointy spear to exotic curved blades that gleamed with an otherworldly pulse.

But what really caught their eye was a rather expensive-looking building, its facade adorned with intricate carvings and glowing symbols. Instead of windows, the shop had strange shimmers that acted as windows into the interior. Through this arcane barrier, they caught glimpses of shelves lined with all manner of weird and wonderful artifacts.

Crystal orbs swirled with multicolored mists, ancient tomes bound in leather and embossed with glowing runes and ornate staves topped with gems that pulsed with an inner light. It was a veritable treasure trove of magical curiosities, each item more intriguing than the last.

A relatively thin, petite man with long, flowing, ashen hair emerged from the shop as they watched. His ears, as long as his forearm, drooped slightly, giving him an almost ethereal appearance. With a graceful wave of his hands, the shimmering windows winked out of existence, leaving only solid wooden walls in their place.

Despite his earlier preoccupation with the sultry Enaeris, Elijah couldn't help but gawk at the display of magic. "You gotta admit," he said, pointing at the long-eared shopkeeper, "that was pretty damn cool."

Bennett, equally slack-jawed, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, this is some crazy Final Fantasy shit," he muttered, his eyes wide with wonder.

Even Coleman, who had been tense and anxious about being surrounded by potential hostiles, couldn't help but look around wide-eyed at the fantastical displays surrounding them. The wonders of this new world, it seemed, were capable of breaking through even his professionalism.

Azeline, on the other hand, seemed completely unfazed. To her, this was just everyday life. Throwing her head over her shoulder, Azeline gave the boys an incredulous look as a crooked smile played on her lips. It was as if they were country bumpkins visiting a town for the first time. It became very evident that she would have to teach them a thing or two before they fully entered the lion's den.

But it wasn’t long before the well-maintained streets and bustling merchant stalls gave way to a rougher, dirtier environment. There were no guards or shopkeepers, just distinctly mercenary-looking individuals with hardened faces and rough-spun clothes.

When Azeline finally found herself standing in front of their destination, she glanced around at the building surrounding it. The tavern looked out of place in comparison to everything else around it. The building was far larger than any other inn or tavern they had passed on their way there, and it seemed to serve far more functions than any similar establishment.

Gone were the plainly clothed commoners and townsfolk that had populated the main streets. In their stead was a litany of rough-looking and armed freelancers, huddled in their own groups, chatting away or milling about. But once Azeline and her group made their way towards the tavern's entrance, these mercenary types gave them sidelong glances and appraising looks as they approached. They were already familiar with and wary of Azeline, but her new group was obviously being sized up.

Azeline, however, ignored these looks entirely. Instead, she glared at anyone stupid enough to stare too long and marched toward the entrance. But once she approached the door, she stopped and spun on her heels to face her group. "Alright, listen up," she said in a low voice. "We need to go over some ground rules before you waltz on in there."

She threw a thumb over her shoulder towards the tavern. "This place isn’t just a watering hole or a place where you can get your dick wet. It’s a hub or a general gathering place for taskers and freelancers. It's where you go to find work, make contacts, and get information."

Her expression turned serious. “There's a lot of ego and attitude in there. But most importantly, one of my best friends owns this place, the sister tavern to the one in Aldenshore.” Azeline narrowed her eyes as she looked over the humans. “I don’t want any shit being stirred here, so here are the rules."

She held up a finger. "First, don't go off talking to random people. Most of the time, they're not going to be friendly. They're here to do business, not make friends."

Another finger went up. "Second, if someone does approach you, be polite but firm. Don't promise anything, and don't agree to anything until you've had a chance to talk it over with me."

A third finger. "And third, keep your eyes and ears open, but your mouths shut. Anything you say is going to be used against you by some two-bit tasker looking to cut his teeth or scam you."

She looked at each of them in turn, her gaze intense. "You're strangers here. That makes you interesting, but it also makes you targets. So be smart, be cautious, and don’t cause any trouble… ELI." She looked at Elijah, who seemed to be offended by the accusation.

The man pointed at himself with both hands and mouthed words, ‘What the fuck?’

Azeline then fixed the group with a more accommodating gaze. "I know you guys aren’t soft," she said, her tone acknowledging their competence. "And you're definitely not new to conflict. But you are new to this land, and that will be obvious to everyone in there."

She paused, making sure her words were sinking in. "Do you all understand?"

The group nodded, murmuring their assent. Coleman and Bennett's expressions were serious, their postures alert. Elijah, however, rolled his eyes and muttered his acknowledgment as his attention drifted off to the exotic faces and points of interest around him.

It seemed this side of town differed notably from the more affluent areas they had passed through earlier. The buildings here were predominantly wooden, with less stone construction than they had seen before. Some structures even looked hastily repaired, bearing the scorch marks of past fires.

Luckily, the tavern seemed much better maintained and built, its structure more solid and intact than its neighbors.

As Elijah's gaze wandered, it fell upon a striking pair of individuals who seemed to be amid an argument. One was a hulking figure, standing at least seven feet tall, with long and pointed ears, while also bearing a deep, ashen grey skin tone that was marred with scars. Two large ram-like horns protruded from his forehead, giving him a fearsome, almost bestial appearance.

His opponent, in contrast, was a lot more human-looking but stood just a little four feet tall, baring his wild hair, which seemed to point in every direction. Despite his short stature, he was extraordinarily wide and stocky for someone his height, and even from under his massive beard, you could tell his frame was packed with dense muscle. But that was equally true for the ram-horned man both of them had equally impressive physiques, and the gestured wildly, pointing at a scantily clad human woman who looked at them sultrily.

"What the fuck?" Elijah muttered, his brow furrowing in confusion. "Is that a..."

But before he could finish his thought, he felt a lightweight settle on his head. Yana, who had been quietly observing until now, interjected flippantly.

"I think that's a Tauri and a Dwarf or something," she said, her tiny voice filled with bored nonchalance. I don't really remember what you mortals call yourselves, but that's not important."

Her tone took on an annoying, insistent tone as she yanked at Elijah’s hair. "What's important is the fact that I smell food in there! I must try it! I demand it!"

Elijah sighed, reaching up to flick the head of the fairy harassing him. "Yeah, yeah, we'll get you something to munch on, fatty," he replied in a tone full of exasperation. But stay hidden for now. These freaks might lose their minds when they see you, and I don’t wanna deal with it.”

“Kaaaay,” His patron replied just as the door to the taverns opened, but just as soon as Yana had the flippant agreement she had made with her Apstostle, she had forgotten.

Almost immediately, she buzzed out of Elijah's hood the moment she heard the sounds of clanking mugs and the roar of laughter. All around was the noise of jubilation and merriment and the little fairy seemed to be intoxicated by it as she flew around erratically

A flash of panic spread across Elijah’s face as he opened his mouth to yell for the little goddess to come back, but he immediately shut it the moment he saw that no one else seemed to notice the little menace. Shaking his head, the medic jogged forward to catch up with the group, his head swiveling as he tried to keep track of Yana as she seemed to be doing… something.

Oblivious to Elijah’s worries, Bennett seemed to just be gawking at everyone and everything he saw, while in contrast, Coleman had a nervous, straight-edged look on his face. The team leader's posture was ramrod straight, and his eyes darted about as if expecting trouble at any moment. Azeline, on the other hand, seemed utterly bored by the proceedings as she walked through the crowd, shoulder-checking and nearly shoving anyone stupid enough to linger in the way

As they wove their way through the chaotic press of bodies, Elijah shook his head, decided whatever would be, and took in the scene around him as well. As his eyes wandered, he found that there were humans and elves with ears just like Azeline's, adding a small layer of elegance. Dwarves clustered around low tables, their booming laughter rising above the din, while more of the go, Tauri loomed at the room's edges, doing their best to eat with the alien utensils in their hands.

But then, Elijah's roving gaze fell upon a sight that made his heart skip a beat. There, perched on a raised stool at the bar, was a dark-haired woman unlike any he had ever seen. She was slender and tanned, her body clad in a plain dress that did little to hide her curvaceous form. But what really caught Elijah's attention were the two furry, feline ears that poked up from her black hair and the long, sinuous tail that whipped back and forth behind her.

"Bro, bro, bro!" Elijah hissed excitedly, elbowing Bennett repeatedly in the ribs. "Check it out!" He jutted his finger out at the cat-eared woman, his eyes going wide, and a grin split his face.

Following his gaze, Bennett’s own jaw went slack as he took in the sight.

The woman was clearly a working girl, one of the many courtesans in this establishment. She was perched on her stool in a way that showcased her incredible flexibility. One leg was raised high and hugged at her chest while the other stretched out on top of the bar next to her. It was a pose that was both alluring and anatomically impressive and highlighted the supple skin of her leg.

As they watched, a patron approached the cat girl with a sparkling coin twisting in his hand. The elven man’s hand shouted out and began to wander over the feline’s body in a possessive and transactional way as he placed the bronze coins on the table. The woman leaned into his touch, a sultry look on her face, but her eyes were fixed on the coins the man had pulled from his purse.

Bennett's eyes widened as he took in the sight of the cat-eared woman. "Oh no..." he muttered under his breath, a sense of dread crept into his voice. Quickly, he reached out and grabbed Coleman's shoulder, shaking him urgently. "Cole!" he hissed, his voice rising in pitch. Eli found a catgirl!"

Both Azeline and Coleman whipped around at Bennett's words, their gazes immediately seeking out Elijah. And there he was, a predatory smile playing at his lips as he licked his fingertips and then smoothed them over his eyebrows in a comical and unsettling gesture.

With a swagger in his step, Elijah started to saunter towards the bar with his eyes locked on the feline courtesan. But before he could even take a second complete step, both Azeline and Coleman lunged forward, each grabbing one of his arms in a vice-like grip.

"Nope!" Coleman barked in a stern and unyielding voice. "Not today, dipshit!"

"Aw, come on, guys," Elijah whined as he stumbled back in the direction the group was headed. "I was just gonna say hello. Maybe offer to buy her a drink."

Despite Elijah's half-hearted protests, Azeline and Coleman weren't about to let him wander off. They kept a firm grip on his arms as they dragged him along. "Come on, you idiot," Azeline grumbled, rolling her eyes in exasperation. "You can get service AFTER we’ve taken care of business."

A dramatic sight left Elijah’s mouth as he allowed himself to be led, knowing that he wouldn't win this particular battle. He would just have to wait till no one was looking to slip away.

After ensuring that Elijah wouldn't make another break for it, Azeline once again took the lead. They needed to set themselves up with the establishment's madam, and she knew exactly where to go.

"Azeline, darling!" she called out, her voice carrying a note of familiarity. "Are you here for another job, love?"

Azeline nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Yeah, got more of Indi’s business to handle," she said, resting a hand on the counter. "I've also got some new associates with me this time."

At the mention of Indi's name, the receptionist's eyebrows shot up and a look of understanding dawned on her face. "Oh!" she yelled while her lips formed a perfect 'O' of surprise. "I see! Well, in that case, let me fetch Mara for you. She'll want to know about this personally."

With a wink and a sway of her hips, the receptionist trotted off, disappearing behind a door that separated the tavern from the employee section.

Azeline let out a sigh, taking a moment to gather herself. But as she turned around to check on her companions, she noticed something odd. Both Bennett and Coleman were still there, peering around and gawking at everything with wide, curious eyes. But Elijah... Elijah was gone.

But before anyone could panic, Bennett casually jerked his head over to the right. "He's right here," he said in a dismissive tone.

Coleman and Azeline turned their heads, and there, indeed, was Elijah. He was seated at a table right next to them, his usual insufferable and charismatic smirk firmly in place, as he chatted with two rather unusual-looking individuals.

One, an androgynous figure leaning more towards the feminine side, was adorned with a plumage of teal and white feathers instead of hair. The individual seemed even more slender than the catgirl courtesan as he stared at Elijah with a look of trepidation while his partner seemed much more at ease. The feathered one’s friend seemed to be a green-haired sun-elf with a scruffy face and seemed to stare at Elijah as if he was less of a threat and more amusing.

“...and that's when I was like, ‘What? Do you expect me to work in the fuckin’ dark?" The punchline to Elijah’s joke seemed to cause the elf to chuckle and place a hand on his face as a small smile cracked across his feathered partner's face. "Ahaha! Anyways, I’m Elijah, and my friends and I... we're somewhat new here. Maybe… I can buy you a drink or two, and you two can tell us the word around here?” Elijah leaned forward a bit and placed a few copper-like coins on the table. “I’m kind of sick of dealing with scammy assholes that seemed to fill this hellhole.”

The two local freelancers sitting across from Elijah exchanged a thoughtful glance. Initially, they were dubious of the man, but his strange yet amusing introduction and the mention of a free drink seemed to break the ice and shift their disposition into something accepting. They, too, experienced just how unfriendly the veteran freelancers who had already settled in were, and finding a friendly face or two would be a godsend for them.

"Ryffka," the feathered one said, introducing themselves with a slight nod.

"Talarion," the elf followed, his voice gruff but not unfriendly.

Elijah's face lit up, his grin widening. "Ryffka, Talarion, it's a pleasure," he said, leaning forward conspiratorially. "You know, since we're all kinda new here, how about we team up? I know someone who could get us some work and you can’t go wrong having more people on your first venture out right? “

Ryffka and Talarion seemed to consider this. The man in front of them seemed just as new to the world of freelancing as they were…

“I’d like to think we’re interested…” Talarion replied, looking at Ryffka, who nodded.

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