Grimoires and Gunsmoke

Cloaks and Daggers: Chapter 78

While Azeline spoke to someone obscured by the doorway to the employee's section of the tavern, Bennett and Coleman decided to join Elijah at his table.

Their earlier worry transformed into a mix of intrigue and admiration as they observed Elijah's effortless command over the conversation. He exuded a sense of calm, his body language relaxed, and his smile genuine as he interacted with his newfound acquaintances.

"So, you two are looking to be freelancers too?" Elijah asked, his tone casual and friendly. "I'm always curious to hear what draws people to take up mercenary work."

Ryffka and Talarion exchanged a glance, a brief moment of silent communication. It was clear they were still somewhat guarded, not quite ready to divulge too much about their personal histories.

But Elijah, ever perceptive, quickly picked up on this. Instead of pressing the issue, he smoothly redirected the conversation.

"I mean, you guys don’t have to answer anything you don’t want to, but you know… I've always found that the journey matters more than the destination," he said, leaning forward slightly. "I’m more curious about what drew you to life, not what drove you. If that makes any sense." Elijah corrected himself with a smirk on his face as if he was expecting an exciting story.

A silence lingered between the two groups. The green-haired elf wore a complicated face as he thought about the words, but Ryffka allowed a thoughtful hum to leave his lips as he considered this stranger's question. The stymph's shoulders seemed to relax, and the tension seemingly dissipated from his posture as he smoothed a hand over the ruffled feathers on his head.

"You know, it's funny," Ryffka began in a nostalgic tone. "When I started practicing magic, I always dreamed of being a famous freelancer mage.” He chucked while his eyes wandered up in contemplation. “It was this grand, romantic notion in my head – the idea of being at the top of the game, taking on jobs that no one else could handle."

He chuckled softly, shaking his head. "I imagined being so renowned that my name alone would open any door and make any taskers fight over the chance to contact me.” Ryffka grinned as his memory went back to how he used to imagine conjuring castle-shattering spells.

"And ultimately…” The stymph’s breath hitched, knowing he was going to let out an embarrassing dream. “I’ve always fantasized about the idea of being a Knower… Of having so much skill and influence that not only the freelancers and taskers alike ate from the palm of my hand, but also the nobility scrabbling to meet my acquaintance in order to make connections to me… That's the real dream."

A snort of laughter left Talarions' mouth as he looked at Ryffka as if he had said something absurd. “You aim to be a Knower?” The elf man shifted his body and stared at his friend incredulously. “I knew you had some lofty dreams Ryff, but that’s just downright crazy! You’ll find a far easier time managing to get official peerage!”

“Shut up, Tal!” Ryffka shoved his partner, causing him to nearly spill his drink.

Elijah had absolutely no idea what in the hell a ‘Knower’ was, but he sure as shit wasn’t going to say that aloud. So he nodded in understanding and laughed at their antics as he chimed in with his own two cents. "A Knower, huh?” He replied as if Ryiffka had some impressive aspirations. “I’m going to have to agree with your elven friend over here, that’s a crazy dream.” Elijah jutted a finger at Ryffka and laughed while the stymph’s feathers pressed against his head in embarrassment.

After seeing Talarion’s reaction and this new stranger’s comment, Ryffka’s earlier enthusiasm dampened as he visibly deflated. However, a sly smile spread across Elijah’s face as his voice took on a more conspiratorial tone. “But don’t you gotta be crazy to be someone?”

Ryffka's eyes widened slightly as his head snapped up to look at the weird human. The stymph seemed to perk up and take on a tentative hope. “You really think so?” he asked before looking at Talarion, who had his brows furrowed.

“Well… when you put it like that…” The sun-elf murmured as he scratched his growing scruff. The stranger had a point… Anyone who was anyone in that world was by default, unhinged or crazy. So it made sense that someone who was crazy enough to chase after such dreams of grandeur was so by definition.

With a widening grin, Elijah nodded as he saw they were responding well to his bullshit. “I mean, that’s how it goes, right? Those who dares wins!” He said, excitedly elbowing both Bennett and Coleman in the side for his stupid little reference.

Bennett scowled, rubbing his ribs where Elijah's elbow had made contact. "Yeah, sure, whatever," he grumbled, not having to act too much to play the surly teammate.

Coleman, on the other hand, just gave Elijah a hard, unamused stare. His jaw clenched as he watched his subordinate continue to deviate from what he considered appropriate behavior for their current situation. They were supposed to be undercover, gathering intel in hostile territory, and here was Elijah, not only drawing attention to them but actively recruiting strangers into their fold.

It went against every instinct the team leader had, every bit of training that had been drilled into him. Maintaining a low profile, minimizing exposure, and sticking to the plan were the cornerstones of a successful operation. And Elijah seemed to be gleefully disregarding all of them.

But as much as Coleman wanted to pull Elijah aside and chew him out, he knew he couldn't. Not here, not now. Elijah had already pulled them into this conversation and managed to establish a rapport with these locals. To break character now would only draw more suspicion.

So Coleman forced a smile, trying his best to play along with the charade. "That's right," he said, his tone strained despite his efforts to sound casual. "Fortune favors the bold, as they say."

But even as the words left his mouth, Coleman could feel the tension building in his shoulders, the vein in his temple beginning to throb. He shot Elijah a look that promised a serious discussion later when they were away from prying eyes and ears.

For his part, Elijah knew exactly how Coleman felt about the situation. He could practically feel the waves of disapproval radiating off his team leader, the tension in the air thick enough to cut with a knife.

And on some level, Elijah understood Coleman's perspective. The man was a stickler for rules, structure, and procedure. Following the well-established parameters of Special Forces operations gave him a sense of control and a feeling of security in an otherwise chaotic world.

But what Coleman seemed to be struggling to grasp was the fact that those rules, those tried-and-true methods, no longer applied here. This wasn't some standard mission in a war-torn country or a covert operation in hostile territory. This was a whole new world, with magic and monsters and societal norms that defied everything they knew.

In Elijah's mind, clinging to the old playbook was a surefire way to get them all killed. They needed to adapt, to improvise, to make up the rules as they went along. And that's exactly what he was doing.

As far as Elijah was concerned, he was blazing a new trail, writing the guidebook for how to operate in this strange and dangerous land. Every conversation, every new connection, was another piece of the puzzle, another tool in their arsenal. As a matter of fact, he was in his element; Charming and disarming.

Sure, it was a gamble. Sure, there was always the risk that one of these new 'friends' could turn on them. Sure, they could expose them to the outsiders they were. But in Elijah's estimation, the potential rewards far outweighed the risks.

After all, they were flying blind here. They had no intel, no local support, and no way of knowing who to trust or what dangers lurked around every corner. Building a network and cultivating allies – even unlikely ones – could mean the difference between success and failure, between life and death.

And so Elijah pressed on, his easy grin and quick wit drawing Ryffka and Talarion further into his orbit. He could feel Coleman's gaze boring into the side of his head and could practically hear the gears turning as his team leader tried to figure out how to rein him in.

But just as Elijah was about to continue his charm offensive, he noticed Azeline waving at someone from the other side of the door she standing near. The elven woman had a smile on her face, but there was a hint of tension in her eyes as she beckoned for the person to follow her.

As the figure emerged from the doorway, Elijah couldn't help but do a double-take. Walking towards their table was a woman, but not just any woman. She was a striking blend of human and canine features, with light brown hair that framed a pretty face and a pair of long, floppy ears that reminded Elijah of a beagle.

However, it was her body that really caught his attention. She was a woman who packed on weight in all the right places, with curves that seemed to be the envy of every woman. Her hips swayed with each step, drawing the eye to her ample rear, while her bust strained against the fabric of her dress. It was a figure that was at once seductive and powerful, the kind of body that men would go to war over.

As she approached, Elijah couldn’t help the way this dog-like woman carried herself. Her steps were assured, her posture was straight, and there was a glint in her eye that spoke of intelligence and cunning. This was a woman who knew her own worth and was used to being in control.

With his mind analyzing each minute detail of the woman front of him, Elijah took on a noticeable shift in his demeanor as Azeline stepped forward introduce them to this ‘madam’. "Boys," the elf’s voice carried over the din of the tavern, "I'd like you to meet Mara. She's the proprietress of this fine establishment."

Mara smiled with her canine teeth glinting in the light. "Pleasure to meet you, gents!" She greeted the table with a rich purr as her gaze traveled over each face. "Any friend of Azeline's is a friend of mine!"

While everyone else remained seated, Elijah rose smoothly with a relaxed but confident posture. "Elijah," he replied, meeting her powerful gaze with his own. "And the pleasure’s all mine. It’s not every day you’re personally welcomed by a stunning businesswoman.”

His compliment was casual, almost offhanded, but his tone showed genuine appreciation. It wasn't the leering, aggressive kind of flattery that Mara was no doubt used to receiving from patrons. Instead, it was the honest admiration of a man who knew how to appreciate beauty without objectifying it.

A coy smile spread across Mara's face. There had been many a man who complimented her for one thing or another, and the man in front of her was no different, even though he wasn’t as crude about it. "Well, aren't you a charmer," she said, her tail swishing behind her.

Elijah grinned as his eyes continued to hold eye contact. "I just call it as I see it," he replied, offering a casual shrug. "But while you are gorgeous, I’m more impressed by the way you run this place."

He gestured around the tavern, taking in the bustling crowd, the efficient staff, and the general air of controlled chaos. "How you've had the rough and tumble wrapped around your finger. How they don’t even raise a voice at your girls… that’s REALLY the thing of beauty here."

This time, a look of genuine surprise flashed across Mara's face, and a faint blush colored her cheeks. She glanced at Azeline, who seemed to roll her eyes in a mix of exasperation and amusement.

But Elijah wasn't done. He leaned forward, his eyes bright with interest as he continued. "I mean, just look at how you've organized this place. Staff are on rotation, with eyes on every corner that are keep a watchful eye without being overbearing. That's not just good management. That's an art form."

Mara's ears perked up, and her tail swished behind her as she listened. It was rare for anyone, especially a man, to notice the finer details of her operation. Most were too focused on the girls or drinks to bother with anything else. "You're very observant," Mara replied, her voice taking on a note of respect. Not many people bother to look past the entertainment."

A touch of mischief floated across his expression as he ran a hand through his wavey hair. "What can I say? I appreciate the finer things in life. And a smoothly run operation is one of them."

He paused, his head tilting slightly as he considered Mara. "But you know what I appreciate even more? The way you treat your girls. I've seen a lot of places like this, and the way the ladies are's not always pretty."

Clearing her throat for a moment, Mara's face softened as a flicker of something—pride, perhaps, or self-satisfaction—crossed her features. "My girls are the heart of this place," she stated firmly. They're not just commodities; they're people. They deserve respect, safety, and fair treatment."

Elijah nodded as his eyes closed briefly, and his smile turned gentle. "And that, right there, is what sets you apart. Beauty, brains, and a heart. That's a rare combination." He explained as he pointed at her, emphasizing each trait he possessed. He then loosened his shoulders and relaxed his posture to be more open. It was a subtle gesture, but it was effective due to Mara's posture subconsciously mirroring his own. "The way I see it, a person's character is revealed in how they treat those they have power over. And you, Mara…” He winked, pointing at her again. “Your character shines quite brightly."

Mara ducked her head as a bashful giggle escaped her lips. It was a strangely girlish and rare sound that was usually at odds with her confident demeanor, but there was no mistaking that she was pleased by her flushed cheeks.

"You certainly have a way with words, don't you, Elijah…?” The tavern’s Madam finally replied after taking a few seconds to recollect herself. She then turned her attention to the two other humans seated at the table. “And may I ask who your fine associates are?”

Elijah's eyes widened, and he smacked his forehead with the palm of his hand. "Where are my manners?" he exclaimed, a chagrined smile on his face. "Here I am, flirting with a vaunted businesswoman like yourself, and I haven't even properly introduced my companions!"

He stood up straighter, extending his hand to introduce his group. "The man with the dark brown hair is Benentt, and the blonde individual is our leader, Coleman.”

"Ma'am," Bennett said, his tone respectful while Coleman gave a curt nod with a more guarded expression. But he still met Mara's gaze evenly.

“Well, it's truly great to meet all of y’all,” Mara replied, giving a short bow before turning her attention back to Elijah, a playful smile tugging at her lips. And I must say, I do appreciate your words, Elijah. It's not often I'm on the receiving end of such eloquent flattery."

"Alright, alright, that's enough," Azeline finally interjected. She was sick and tired of this farce and wanted to get the show on the road already. "We're here on business, remember? You two can flirt later if you want, but right now, I can’t be asked to listen any more of your… drivel.” She shot a pointed look at Elijah.

She then turned to Mara with an apologetic look on her face. "See what I have to deal with? I told you he was a silver-tongued devil."

A rich but subdued chuckle left Mara’s lips as she half covered her face with her hand. "Oh, I can definitely see," she replied, her eyes sparkling with delight. "But I can handle a little devilry, dear Azeline. It keeps things interesting." She gestured for them to follow her, leading them toward a more secluded tavern corner. "But you're right. We should get down to business. I have a feeling this will be an exciting conversation."

As the group stood up to follow Mara, Elijah turned around to Ryffka and Talarion with a smile. "Hang around a bit, and I'll treat you to another drink. We got some business to take care of, okay?"

The elf and lymph looked at each other momentarily before Talarion nodded with a grin. "I'm not going to say no to a drink,” he replied excitedly, rubbing his hands. especially when it's free!"

Elijah knocked his knuckles on the table and pointed at Talarion. "My man!" he said before grabbing a small steamed bun and jogging to catch up with the others. As he joined the group, Elijah scanned the room for Yana until he spotted her diminutive form standing on a table, pointing at a dwarf with a thick brown beard and yapping at him as if she were giving a lecture.

"Yana!" Elijah yelled out as he jutted his arm above his head, holding up the steamed bun like a trophy.

The fairy's tiny head snapped towards him with an angry snarl before her eyes sparkled in recognition. Like a rocket, she took off for the man and snatched the bun out of his hand.

As Yana settled on his shoulder and eventually his hood when Elijah ushered her inside, the man peered around to see if any in the tavern caught the scene. It was evident that almost everyone had as they stared at him curiously before scoffing nonchalantly and returning to their own business.

A problematic look floated across Elijah's face as he gauged everyone’s reaction. He expected hushed murmurs or… well, any response other than dismissal. But it seemed that while Yana was an oddity, she wasn't entirely out of the realm of possibility here.

Returning his attention to the group, Elijah slipped through the employee doorway and into the back room of the tavern, where the employees were bustling about. The medic took in the kitchen and couldn’t help but marvel at its similarities with his home. There was definitely a magical twist to it as fires jutted out of strange, glowing magical stoves while line cooks ran to and fro, cooking up a storm. Meanwhile, the male and female courtesans grabbed plates to serve customers or took turns in front of a mirror, sprucing themselves up.

The back rooms were most definitely a hive of activity and seemed to mirror the hectic and festive atmosphere of the dining hall. Here, the air was filled with the sizzle of cooking food, the clatter of dishes, and the constant chatter of the staff as they went about their duties.

But Elijah’s eyes couldn’t help but wander towards the courtesans that primped and preened, adjusting their dresses and touching up their makeup. They were a striking bunch, each one as enticing as the last, with a variety of races and features represented.

There were even some of those Enaeris girls with long, flowing manes and delicate features, their curved horns adorned with glittering jewels. There were Beastkin girls with soft, furry ears and tails of every type as they playfully bantered. But the bulk of not just the courtesans but the staff, in general, was made up of humans or sun-elves as they giggled and practiced seductive poses.

Shaking his head, Elijah dismissed his lust and followed the group through the bustling back room and into Mara’s small, private office. She stood by the door and ushered them inside before closing the door behind them and effectively cutting off the noise and activity of the kitchen.

The office itself was surprisingly cozy, with plush chairs arranged around a low table and tasteful decorative textiles on the walls. Mara then gestured for them to sit while taking her own place behind a small desk lined with magical instruments that seemed to be used for counting coins and booking.

"Now then," she sighed, transitioning to a more business-oriented posture and tone. "Let's talk about why you're really here."

Mara leaned back in her chair, throwing one leg over the other as she gently crossed her arms. The Beastkin woman’s expression was one of mild skepticism while her eyes narrowed slightly at the group. "You see… here's the thing," she began in a measured voice. "I haven't received any notice to shelter you. No instructions, no details, no payment…” She Mara hummed as she eyed each and every face. “And it’s especially… unsettling when it's supposedly coming from Indi, Einhar, or whichever of Kjadnar’s lieutenants decided to stick their nose into my neck of the woods."

A soft chuckle left her mouth as her gaze seemed to bore a hole into Azeline. "I've got to say, it's a bit... suspect. Usually, when there's work to be done, I get some kind of heads-up. A little something to let me know what's what."

Azeline started to stammer, and a panicked look crossed her face when she realized she'd been caught in a lie. "W-well, you see..." she began with faltering words. "I-It's not exactly a typical job, per se..." It was clear that Azeline, for all her physical might and street smarts, was not the most eloquent speaker under pressure. Her usual confidence seemed to have deserted her and left her floundering for an explanation.

The suspicion seemed to mount as Mara frowned and started tapping her arm rhythmically. "Now, out of respect for our friendship, Azeline, and..." She paused, her eyes lingering on Elijah as a coy smile played on her lips. "...the rather favorable first impression your friend has made, I'm more than willing to adhere to the non-disclosure agreement that comes with your usual business."

Her expression then turned serious. "But if you're here for personal reasons… then I'm afraid I will have to turn you away. I'm barely able to keep my establishment open with that Imperial bastard constantly raising operating costs on us. Bringing more attention would be... untenable."

Like a cat having caught her tongue, Azeline seemed to deflate as she struggled to respond. Her eyes flickered to Elijah in a plea for help, and ever the smooth operator, Elijah let out a relaxed chuckle and stepped in to rescue the situation.

"That, Mara, is exactly the problem we're here to solve," he interjected, leaning forward with a confident smile. "We're specialists, you see. And these… Imperials have been hampering operations for far more than yourself.” He added, understanding that the best lies were shrouded in truth. “Our task is to remove these… troublesome elements to ease business and operations for more than just you, Indi, or whoever else."

He reached into the pouch at his side, the same one he had filled with coins from the burned-out village. With a flourish, he pulled out a strange, glowing gold coin and held it up, letting it catch the light.

"There's a substantial reward for resolving this issue," Elijah smiled at Mara as he deftly maneuvered the coin between his fingers. "And of course, we have your payment as well… But I feel as if a new set of terms are in order, and we’re not beyond negotiations.” He smiled smugly when he saw Mara’s eyes widen

The way he spoke and the casual confidence in his tone implied that Elijah held all the cards and that he was dictating this arrangement's terms. But in truth, Elijah was flying blind. He had no concept of the coin's actual worth, no understanding of its place in this world's commerce and magic.

But it seemed that the calculated bluff seemed to pay off as Mara's breath hitched and her eyes locked onto the ethereal coin dancing between Elijah's deft fingers. Her posture tensed, and a flicker of recognition, tinged with a hint of avarice, flashed across her features. "Is that a soul coin…?" she whispered with a voice full of hunger. But before she could finish her thought, she caught herself, clearing her throat with a deliberate "ahem."

Narrowing her eyes at Elijah, Mara's expression shifted to one of calculated intrigue. "You're a bold one, aren't you?" she said, her tone a blend of admiration and caution. "Usually, I have a fixed price for my services, a standard fee that applies to all... even to those in Indi's employ."

She leaned back in her chair, her ears twitching as she appraised Elijah with a newfound interest. "But... given the sensitive nature of dealing with the Imperials in this town, I would normally reject any offer outright, no matter the amount."

"However..." Mara purred as her gaze drifted back to the glowing coin, and a hungry glint entered her eyes. "Since… I find you enjoyable, and you come bearing such... intriguing currency... I might be open to negotiation."

Elijah's grin widened as he saw the glimmer of interest in Mara's eyes. He had her right where he wanted her. "Thirty percent," he gave a high ball percentage with a casual tone and an intense gaze.

Mara's eyes widened, and she let out an audible gasp. Her body tensed, and for a moment, it seemed as if she immediately accepted. But then Mara paused as her expression smoothed, and her posture relaxed into one of careful nonchalance. "Thirty percent, you say?" she purred, her voice a silken caress. "That's quite a generous offer.”

She leaned forward, her elbows resting on the table in a way to emphasize her cleavage and her chin cradled in her hands. "But accepting such an offer with nothing in return would more than surely spoil any future business you would provide." Mara’s look and smile indicated she was… VERY interested in Elijah. “I’ll accept your terms, and in return… I'll ensure that your stay here is not just productive, but…”

The dog-like woman paused as she bit her low lip. “VERY amicable…”

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