Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 170 - Brain struck by lightning

Storm lord is not the lord of a certain territory, but a title for an advanced occupation.

Most storm lords are advanced by priests or druids who believe in the storm god.

However, in order to successfully advance to such a powerful profession as Storm Lord, two hard conditions must first be met.

The first condition is that you must serve the God of Storms as your patron saint.

Talos, the storm god, is a **** of chaos and evil.

The God of the Storm teaches that life is a combination of random effects and chaos. His followers preach the power of Talos, and then by casting natural disasters, intelligent races of all forces fear the dangers of storms, forest fires, and earthquakes and volcanoes. .

Let those who don’t believe or ridicule know that the only one who can save them is to pray to Talos, the **** of storms, and only in this way can we survive every disaster caused by natural disasters.

Therefore, all believers in the God of Storms are a group of fanatical destroyers. In the name of God of Storms, they brutally burn, kill and plunder like robbers.

If the crazy killing and destruction rituals are still not satisfied by Talos, then these evil believers will also raze all the attacked settlements to ruins, in exchange for powerful power from the gods.

This is the most direct and efficient way for the followers of the God of Storms to please their gods. Wherever there are followers of the God of Storms, you will often find the summoned storms or the destructive and violent actions they are carrying out.

Thorne was fortunate enough to witness once, the human player Storm Lord Albert, a small goblin tribe in the wasteland performing the Destroyer’s Wrath ritual on Talos.

In this ceremony, Albert first prayed to Talos, then roared the holy name of Talos, then fell into a frenzy, rushed into the goblin camp, and used the lightning and flames in his hands to frantically attack all surrounding buildings. and goblins, then pray, and then attack until all creatures in the goblin camp are killed.

Because the priests of Talos believe that only destroying the enemy alone is the most sacred act, the storm **** will pay more attention to you.

In this realm dominated by gods, the followers of each **** have a way of pleasing their beliefs and gaining great power.

For example, the hunting ceremony held by the followers of the **** of hunting Mara, the hunting ceremony held by the followers of the **** of tracking after a successful hunt, the ritual of the holy night of rest held by the druids of the **** of nature, and so on.

However, Thorne’s profession is not a priest, and the improvement of his own strength is not completely dependent on the **** of faith. The reason why he dedicated his main faith to the God of Tracking was mainly to facilitate tracking of prey and to perform ranger magic. The hunting ritual of the God of God is not so persistent.

However, the main occupation of the player Albert in front of him is the priest of the God of Storms. In order to gain powerful strength, the method to rapidly increase his own strength is to focus on destruction and slaughter.

In Fallstown, all the surrounding tribes of small humanoids are the perfect place for him to perform his Wrath of the Destroyer ritual.

As a storm lord Albert of the chaotic evil camp, his frantic actions not only eliminated the threat of humanoids for the Falls Town, but also caused a lot of unnecessary trouble for the players in the Falls Town. It can only be said that it is a mix of good and bad.

The second advanced condition of the Storm Lord is to survive natural lightning or magical lightning. Simply put, it must be struck by lightning once, and then survive this test.

As a **** of the chaotic evil camp, the Church of the Storm God has a very bad reputation, so the vast majority of Talos temples and altar buildings are hidden in hidden places that are difficult to detect.

Even Thorne still doesn’t know the exact location of Talos Temple. The only general information he knows is the sea-facing underground passage somewhere in the Great Sword Mark Mountains.

According to Albert, at the beginning of the game, there were a total of thirteen player priests who chose to serve Talos in the temple, but in the end only five players met the conditions for the advanced storm lord.

But he really survived the lightning of the advanced test, and he was the only one who successfully became the storm lord, and all the others were struck to death by the lightning that descended from the gods.

And the reason why the four players failed to survive the lightning, Albert once vaguely mentioned that they were not religious enough in the **** of the storm, and tried to use their ignorance and luck to deceive Talos. trust.

It was also that cruel advanced test that allowed him to truly see the terrifying anger displayed by Talos, the **** of storms, and made him have to face up to the position of the so-called gods in his heart.

Therefore, in the player group, if you want to become a qualified priest, the first thing you need to do is to choose a deity that matches your own character. You don’t have a sincere belief in deities, and trying to use your cleverness to deceive trust is simply not feasible. of.

The gods of the good camp are relatively gentle, and generally only expel them. In the face of the capricious gods of the evil camp, it is completely killing them. This is the main reason why the priest profession is not common in the player group.

Thorne looked slightly solemnly at the storm lord Albert standing at the gate of the courtyard.

Although the two hadn’t seen each other for half a year, and the other party’s equipment was all updated, Albert’s eye-catching pattern of explosive electric shocks still made him recognize his identity at a glance.

This is a young human man. His burly figure is wrapped in enchanted full-body armor. His domineering black hair hides a silk rope headdress that glows with lavender light. The silk rope is adorned with a dark purple gem in the shape of a lightning bolt. , was pressed close to the eyebrows.

Holding a two-meter-long pure black spear engraved with lightning runes, the sharp point of the spear shone with a strange dark purple light in the pale orange sunlight.

Storm Lord Albert is the most powerful player among the players in the town of Falls. His character is as irascible as the God of Storms he believes in.

Moreover, he also has a deep prejudice against Thorne, who is an aboriginal inhabitant. He has proposed many times to remove the original half-elves living in Uptown. He believes that these arrogant half-elves hinder the development of Falls Uptown.

Because these aboriginal half-elves have the least population but occupy the most land, and even if the vacated land is growing with miscellaneous trees and shrubs, it will never allow player forces to set foot.

However, the only good thing is that he obeyed his brother Torvi’s orders, otherwise there might be some trouble.

The current forces of the players in the following urban areas, if they really try to eliminate the half-elves in the upper city, whether it will be successful or not will not be mentioned for the time being, just the high-level ranger druids of the Merikai Temple will directly regard the player group as an evil force. And then a devastating blow.

Obviously, Torvi, another force in the lower city, has long been aware of this problem, so this impulsive tragedy did not happen.

Originally a simple meeting between Thorne and Carlos, after the arrival of the storm lord Albert, the atmosphere gradually became strange.

Moreover, the loud explosion of lightning generated by the wooden gate of the courtyard just now attracted not only the guards patrolling the town, but also many idle players and adventurers.

It can be seen from the crowd gathered on the periphery of Carlos’s humble courtyard that the cruel life in another world has not completely wiped out the melon-eating attribute that players like.

“Isn’t the irritable old brother Storm Lord clamoring to kill the ogre wizard of the Skull-Kicking Tribe recently? Why did he come back so soon.” An elf player surrounded the wooden fence and asked the barbarian player beside him.

“The head of the ogre wizard has been brought back by the orphaned ranger Ashmo, and Albert’s mission has naturally been cancelled.” The barbarian player frowned as he said casually, looking at the shadows in the courtyard.

“Just rely on him?” The elf player curled his lips in disdain: “I believe he can escape from the ogre wizard in a dreadful way, kill it? Let’s just forget it.”

“It must not have been killed by him. It is said that the half-elf ranger in the courtyard killed it.” The barbarian player pointed to Thorne’s figure and said.

“It seems that our Lord Carlos has finally realized the weakness of his own power and knows how to recruit experts. Otherwise, his individual strength has been suppressed by the people from the West Bank, which is indeed quite aggrieved.” The elf player glanced at it, and his expression relaxed, involuntarily. exclaimed.

“It didn’t take you half a year to come to the waterfall from the city of Sept. You don’t know some things at all. That person was not recruited by Lord Carlos. The other party belongs to the half-elf force in the upper city. Well, the ranger player.”

The barbarian explained to the elf player: “However, this guy is very withdrawn, and because he is an aboriginal force, he is ignorant to everyone, and to be honest, he wants to kill ogres with his strength. Wizard, I wouldn’t believe it unless I saw it with my own eyes.”

“Since he belongs to the forces in Shangcheng, why have I never seen him? And the human woman standing beside him, is he also from Shangcheng?” The elf player was attracted by Andrina’s figure. , said curiously.

“I haven’t seen it before, it should have come from other places, but the matter of Thorne is a bit complicated. You’d better not discuss this sensitive topic with other people in the future, or it will be caused by being known by Lord Carlos. his dissatisfaction.”

Hearing the words, the barbarian turned his eyes to Andrina and was surprised. He couldn’t help but glanced at it a few more times, and then immediately reminded the elf player in a low voice.

“Today there was a lot of fun. The irritable brother is fighting against the Lonely Ranger. I don’t know if there will be a fight.” After the barbarian player finished speaking, he looked at the courtyard and said with anticipation.

“There shouldn’t be a fight, no matter how irritable the older brother sees his elder brother, he will be like a mouse seeing a cat, and he will only agree.” The elf player seemed to think of something interesting and said with a smile.

“That’s true.” The barbarian player also showed an inexplicable smile.

“Did you see? Just after I finished speaking, the old smoker Torvey came.” The elf player noticed the movement behind him and whispered to the barbarian player.

“Chris, why did Albert appear here?” Torvey looked at Albert’s figure, and said solemnly to the trickster Chris beside him with a displeased expression.

“It’s really none of my business. Albert didn’t say that he was going to the Skull-Kicking Tribe to kill the ogre wizard. As a result, the ogre wizard was killed, and then he came back.” Chris spread his hands and said helplessly. .

“The Tyr paladin from Sept City will come to the Great Sword Mark Mountains to perform a mission in the last few days, and he will definitely come to the waterfall to rest in the town, so all the people of the evil camp in the lower city should be careful.” Torvi Wang Glancing at Carlos in the courtyard, he breathed in a cloud of mist and instructed Chris.

“I see.” Chris nodded, and then said depressedly: “Albert knew the news of Thorne’s return, but I really didn’t inform him.”

“No matter how he knew it, call him back first. Now is a critical period. The taboo research problem has not been solved. There can be no more trouble in the town of waterfalls.” After a trace of worry, he sighed slightly.


In Carlos’ courtyard, the storm lord Albert thrust his spear into the hard ground, and said coldly to Thorne: “Sohn, I knew you would come back one day, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. , today we will count together new hatred and old hatred.”

New hatred and old hatred?

Hearing Albert’s words, Thorne’s original dignified expression was slightly startled, and he was naturally the most aware of the grievances between him and Albert.

At the beginning, the player force had not yet settled in Waterfall Town, and a large number of players gathered in the maple forest in Xiacheng District. Because the half-elf leader did not agree with the player to live here at first, a small part of the player force had a strong attack on Waterfallshang Town. Arrogant thoughts, the leader of which is the arrogant and ignorant Albert in front of him.

Albert, who had just advanced to the Storm Lord, not only had the idea of ​​​​attacking, but also almost put it into action. When he was arrogantly preparing to attack, the blocked Thorne shot an arrow in the chest, a sharp arrow. Any further deviation from Yaya would cost him his life.

If you don’t stop him and cause the anger of the original half-elf inhabitants, with the power of the player a year ago, it will undoubtedly be self-defeating.

From then on, the Liangzi between the two was settled. Thorne couldn’t stand the other’s irritable temperament and mocked him for being struck by lightning.

Albert also disliked his withdrawn personality, and often met him and called him a ranger with facial paralysis.

Even with Torvi’s efforts to stop the two, they had fought several times in the wilderness, but they were both people who knew the general situation.

Albert is a storm lord advanced from the priest profession, but his initial strength is not so conspicuous. The thunder damage attached to the professional characteristics can be easily resisted by Thorne’s ranger magic.

Thorne’s occupation is a ranger, and his attack power is slightly insufficient, but he is better than almighty, and can deal with many emergencies, especially in the favorable terrain such as the wilderness and bushes, neither of the two sides can do anything to the other.

Thorne knew about the contradictions in the past. As for the new feud, he felt a little confused and puzzled, because he returned to the town of Falls and had no contact with anyone other than Torvey and Chris.

It was obvious that the other party had made such a move for no apparent reason.

He thought about the scene of meeting each other, but everyone is an adult, and they are all people who have experienced the test of life and death.

Even if the two sides meet, it is nothing more than a few words like the trickster Chris, and it is impossible to make a fight.

However, this Albert rudely smashed Carlos’ wooden door into a pile of ashes with a flash of lightning, and rushed in aggressively, just like I was going to fight with you today.

If Thorne hadn’t understood Albert’s character, he would have really thought that the other party had been struck by lightning.

Although Thorne was a little puzzled as to where he had provoked the other party, he was naturally not afraid of Albert Chiguo’s provocation.

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