Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 171 - The battle to defend the faith

“Albert haven’t seen you for half a year. I didn’t expect that your head has been struck by lightning and there is no cure, poor child.” Thorne met Albert’s eyes full of fighting intent, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone. meaning.

“There is no cure? You ignorant fellow, this is all the blessing from Talos, the **** of storms.” Albert first glanced at Thorne with disdain, and then tightened his hand with a lilac lightning bolt Down to the fleeting spear, he said angrily:

“Son, don’t be rude with me, I have never forgotten the one-shot feud at the foot of the mountain. I didn’t want to care about you, but the most sacred thunder ceremony of the God of Storms was destroyed by you once a year, so Today we simply calculate the old and new accounts together, and let you feel the wrath from the storm.”

“Lightning Ceremony? So it is.”

After listening to Albert’s irritable and familiar words with a middle tone, Thorne thought for a while, and immediately understood the truth of the matter.

The Day of Green Grass is called a holy day each year by the priests of Talos, who hold a grand celebration to honor and please the storm **** Talos.

And this so-called celebration is actually destruction and killing.

The followers of Talos broke into the settlement of intelligent races, summoned storms and lightning, and then killed the most powerful intelligent creatures in the settlement with the summoned lightning, and sacrificed them to Talos to obtain Talos gifts and blessings.

Generally speaking, the stronger the wisdom races that sacrificed, the more gifts and blessings they will get. Indigenous priests generally show a significant increase in strength, while priest players get a lot of experience and blessings. Practice point.

Of course, if your performance is particularly outstanding, you can attract the attention of the gods, and it is common to get unexpected surprises.

At this time, Thorne instantly understood the main reason why Albert came to him aggressively.

What he has done in recent days, the only people who can affect Albert’s ceremony to hold the thunderbolt are the leader of the gnoll tribe and the ogre wizard of the skull-kick tribe.

Then the other party is obviously because he beheaded the gnoll leader and the ogre wizard.

What surprised him was that he hadn’t seen him for half a year. Albert, who had struggled to deal with a small goblin tribe at the beginning, now sees him again, and his strength has grown to the point where he has the ability to single out a medium-sized ogre wizard tribe.

Whether it was the blind confidence of the other party, or whether his devout belief really attracted the attention of the God of Storms, would only become clearer after the two fought.

“The Thunder Falling Ceremony on the Day of Green Grass is in the middle of May in the beginning of spring. It seems that your belief in that one-eyed eye is not deep enough. They say that your brain was damaged by lightning, and you still refuse to admit it, even such an important thing. Festivals can be mistaken, it really belongs to you.”

Thorne looked at Albert’s disdainful pouting and said to him in a didactic tone.

Among the incarnations of the material plane of Talos, the **** of storms, the most conspicuous feature is that there is only one intact eye, and the other eye has a black blindfold.

The reason why they wear blindfolds, some wizards who like to study gods, think that the main reason is that Talos’ empty eye sockets are full of violent destructive energy. If it is not suppressed, then Talos’ eyes will be filled with violent winds. , hail, floods, droughts, lightning and other natural disasters.

However, for Thorne, this characteristic became his way of making fun of Albert.

In Thorne’s combat career, he has deeply realized that the enemy who is in a state of rage is the easiest to deal with.

Impulsivity and anger, for warrior and barbarian professionals, although they can improve combat effectiveness, details and techniques are often poorly grasped.

Thorne’s occupation is a ranger and a part-time kendoist. He is two agile occupations. He uses his flexible skills and attacking skills to grab the weak points of the enemy and carry out fatal blows, so he is particularly good at dealing with those who lose their minds.

The most effective way to try to **** off a devout priest is to make fun of their **** or question his devout beliefs.

For this point, Thorne managed very well. Whenever he faced Albert, who was naturally irritable and irritable, he always had an absolute advantage in every verbal confrontation between the two.

This is also the main reason why his “taunt” skill has never been deliberately trained, and it can also be raised to 5 points unknowingly. To put it bluntly, it is completely brushed from the storm lord in front of him.

Because this irascible storm lord, often a few simple words can completely arouse the anger in his heart and become violent.

However, in the group of players in the town of waterfalls, most people do not dare to try to die, and when they see Albert, they basically choose to avoid it.

When a player with high “taunt” skill passed by Albert, he was unconsciously muttering to himself, so he immediately thought narcissistically that the passing player was taunting him. , was struck by a crackling lightning bolt from him, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

“Carlos, get out of the way for me quickly, don’t get in the way here.” Albert, who was successfully aroused by Thorne’s simple words, suppressed his inner impulse and drove away angrily to Carlos who was standing beside Thorne.

“Just say a few words less.” Carlos saw that Thorne was about to provoke, and immediately interrupted him, then frowned and looked at Albert, in an unquestionable tone, said lightly: ” Albert, do you want to run wild in my yard?”


Albert raised the spear in his hand and smashed it **** the ground, and said in a calm tone: “This is a personal grudge between me and Thorne, all the idlers and others will get out of the way for me, and they were accidentally injured, don’t blame me for not reminding you. “

“Nonsense, Albert, don’t hurry up and come back to me!” As soon as Albert’s voice fell, Torvey, who walked over from the crowd, immediately scolded him.

“No, Thorne ruined the thunderbolt ceremony I had been preparing for a long time. This is the most sacred ceremony of the year. Under the watchful eye of the **** of the storm, if his most devout believers are indifferent to it, I am not interested in the storm. The firm belief in God will be shaken, and Talos will be disappointed in me.”

Albert heard the familiar voice and suppressed the anger in his heart, but still pointed the spear in his hand to Thorne who was not far away and explained to Torvi: “So I have to fight him today, because this is a battle. A battle to preserve the dignity of the gods.”

The reason why Albert’s strength can surpass all players in Waterfall Town is that in addition to the powerful professional characteristics of the advanced professional Storm Lord, the most crucial factor is his firm belief in the God of Storms.

But it’s like a double-edged sword. When you get great power, you often have to pay another price.

Talos, the God of Storms, gives the impression of a madman full of destructive desires on the main material plane, so Albert, who is a devout believer, will naturally not be able to go there.

“There are so many humanoid tribes in the Emerald Wilderness. If you destroy it, you can find others. Why is it so rigid.” After hearing Albert’s explanation, Torway’s originally tough tone also softened.

“The ogre wizard of the Skull-Kicking Tribe is the most suitable choice for the thunderbolt ceremony for me now. It is difficult for other weak tribes to attract Talos’ attention, or other tribes are too strong for me to defeat.”

Albert finished explaining to Torvey beside him, and after seeing that he did not have any refutation, his angry eyes looked at Thorne again and shouted loudly:

“Thorn! Are you afraid? You are a ranger who is greedy for life and fear of death. You sneaked away when the waterfall was almost in ruins half a year ago. Now it has finally developed with our efforts, and you are pulling your face again. Don’t you feel ashamed to come back? Do you still have the face to come back?”

Albert’s scolding was very loud, and the crowd watching the excitement could hear it clearly. Suddenly, many people who understood the meaning of Albert’s words revealed some inexplicable meaning in their eyes when they looked at Thorne.

“Don’t you just want to fight, why are you looking for so many reasons?”

Hearing the harsh words, and feeling the whispering and pointing of many people outside the courtyard, Thorne moved his hand to the hilt of the sword and said calmly.

“Be careful, Albert, a madman, has completely mastered the characteristics of thunder weapons, and most of the equipment has been replaced by Torvi to excellent quality, so don’t be careless.”

Carlos looked at Torvi, who was indifferent not far away, noticed Thorne’s expression, and understood that the battle between the two was unavoidable, so he kindly reminded Thorne.

Carlos knows a little about Thorne’s approximate strength through the description of the ranger Ashmore, but he has seen the strength of Storm Lord Albert with his own eyes. Albert is stronger.

“Have you fully mastered the thunder weapon?” Thorne said to himself, “I see, thank you for your reminder.”

The reason why the Storm Lord was dubbed the person whose brain was struck by lightning is precisely because this advanced profession has a special baptism ceremony.

This ritual is the baptism of the body through lightning damage, so that in addition to generating strong resistance to electricity, it also has the ability to summon lightning. This special ability can make all the weapons in the hands of the storm lords come with lightning. harm.

The flame energy of the Thorne Desert Wind Sect and the shadow energy of the Shadow Hand Sect are transformed by special qi energy, but the Storm Lord does not have the ability to master qi, so the way they quickly master the lightning is to damage the body through lightning damage. baptism.

For Albert half a year ago, his attack only produced weak arc damage, so now that he has mastered the characteristics of thunder weapon, Albert’s attack is accompanied by rapid lightning. If it is further improved, the additional It’s a thunderbolt.

“Thorn, among the three most conspicuous pieces of equipment of the storm lord, the dark purple lightning gem on the headgear is enchanted with the powerful “Thunder Summoning Technique”, and the spear in his hand has been constantly “Thunder Slash” magic, the enchanted armor looks like, It should be like the “flying technique” of the three rings. “

Standing beside Thorne, Andrina carefully looked at the mysterious rune carved on Albert’s equipment. After thinking for a while, she grabbed Thorne’s arm and whispered to him, “Anyway, you have to be more careful.”

“Don’t worry, I have my own measure.” Noticing Andrina’s concerned eyes, Thorne patted her palm gently, and after the other party let go of his hand, he walked in Albert’s direction unhurriedly. go.

“Albert is young and ignorant, why are you fooling around with him.” Noticing Thorne coming over, Torvey said helplessly.

“Since he is ignorant, then I will help you educate him.” Thorne glanced at Albert and said with a smile to Torvey: “Don’t worry, I will be merciful.”

Albert is Tolway’s younger brother, and he is obedient to Tolway’s words. Thorne is naturally very clear about this. If Tolway’s attitude is tougher, the battle between the two will definitely be defeated. abort.

But Albert also said just now that Thorne destroyed his thunder ceremony to please the God of Storms. As a devout believer, Albert, if he didn’t show anything to the destroyers, his firm belief would probably be destroyed. be shaken.

Faith is sometimes really hard to explain.

Albert’s situation is like a paladin encountering an evil creature. If he chooses to retreat, his own beliefs will be affected. If it is not handled properly, it is very likely that his strength will stagnate.

As Albert’s elder brother, Torvey naturally did not want his younger brother’s strength to be unstable.

Thorne is well aware of this. Even if there is no reason for this level, he will also choose to take action in the face of Albert’s provocation. This is a professional’s attitude towards challengers. It is not his style to be provoked by others and to back away.

“Actually, I was afraid that he accidentally hurt you…” Torvey sighed and said to Thorne.

“Old friend, what you said is a bit harsh.” Thorne patted Torvey on the shoulder with a relaxed expression, and ignored the other party, but walked forward.

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