Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 411 - goddess of peace

In the blue sky, a few white clouds drifted leisurely, mercilessly blocking the bright sunlight, dyeing the green plains under the feet into dark green.

Even Thorne didn’t know why he suddenly looked up at the sky, paying attention to such a boring sight.

He only knew that his mood at the moment was like the sunshine that had just been blocked by white clouds, gradually changing from relaxed and comfortable to dark and heavy.

Thorne just stared at the sky so intently, except for the occasional bird chirping, everything seemed very quiet.

The heartfelt words of Twilight Town Lord Sarayan echoed in his mind again.

A messy battlefield? Painful cry? The voice of a warrior facing death calling out to a lover?

In a trance, the blue sky gradually became dark in his eyes, and the air was also filled with a disgusting smell of blood.

He seemed to see that in the melee of swords, lights, swords and shadows, soldiers fell dead in a pool of blood. Seeing the blood-soaked stubborn clothes wrapped in vague flesh and blood, there are still people who are struggling to crawl between the stumps and the broken arms.

He even saw the blood-stained heads slowly lift up, the blood-red eyes widened, and an incomprehensible light flashed from the bottom of the dying eyes…

Who can remember these dead people? Will they still remember their voices and smiles? Remember how their determination to protect their homeland was bound together by strong convictions and **** battles?

Perhaps the survivors will secretly make up their minds to remember those who have passed away, but who will think of those who have passed away frequently when the never-ending battle has drawn their full attention and made them numb.

And if no one remembers them, maybe they really disappear.

Day after day, year after year.

The guilt of the survivors gradually eased, as they gradually forgot more as the years passed.

When memories are vague, they are given an opportunity to deceive themselves, and they will selfishly turn to praising themselves for what they vaguely remember and experience. While drinking a small wine, he will boast about how heroically he killed the enemy in the past, but he will not mention those who fought side by side with him and fell.

Perhaps this guilt will persist because in the end we are all self-centered creatures, a reality that every individual cannot deny.

After all, we all see the world with our own eyes.

Thorne didn’t know why he thought of these messy things that gave him a headache because of Sarajan’s words, but he knew that the lonely graves in the upper town of Falls Town were apart from the animal companions who were still alive. , and most of them are accompanied by only desolate weeds.

This is still the case in the upper city, and the compatriots in the lower city can be imagined.

At least most of the half-elves in Uptown still have their own family, friends and animal companions, but what about Down Town?

So what’s causing all this? Isn’t this the never-ending war?

Thorne, who had recovered his senses, shook his head and laughed, and then lowered his eyes listlessly, dodging the sunlight emerging from the clouds, and the approaching noon sunlight was a bit dazzling, making him not want to look directly at him.

But he hopes that on this sunny day, everyone’s melancholy mood will be soothed into happiness, because when there is sunshine in the heart, there will be warmth in life.

When the first ray of dawn pierces the darkness, light will fill the world with time.

The moment he lowered his gaze, Thorne immediately sensed that a pair of bright light blue eyes began to look at him quietly.

This gaze seemed calm as water, without a trace of fluctuation, but he could see the thousands of meanings contained in it.

Thorne looked into Lilia’s eyes, smiled slightly, put his hand on her thin shoulder, took it into his arms gently, and kept stroking her loose blue silk back and forth with his palm.

The well-behaved half-elf girl did not resist at all, she just leaned in his arms so quietly, enjoying a moment of tranquility comfortably.

As Sarayan’s words fell, almost everyone fell into a brief silence and deep thought.

Some people are pondering the true meaning of these words, some people will cast a disdainful look, and some people can’t help but let out a deep sigh…

“Look! How heartfelt, how great, how moving are the words of Sarayan, the warlord of Twilight.”

The shrill sarcasm was the first to interrupt the moment of silence, and the voice successfully attracted everyone’s attention.

The White Rose Knight Opter threw the blood-stained white cloak behind him, revealing the carved breastplate that was cut by the blade.

I saw him, regardless of the deep wound that had not healed, and the silent dissuasion of the two companions beside him, he rushed in front of Sarayan like an angry bull, imitating his earnest and compassionate tone. , repeating to everyone with sound and color:

“The reason why we people in the Emerald Fields formed an alliance is to end the war as soon as possible and make this place a refuge from the war, not a war waged by the rulers for power, group and glory.”

“Sarayan! Will you believe it yourself when you say these words in one breath? Don’t you think your conscience will hurt?”

The White Rose Knight Opter’s voice became sharp with anger, his eyes that seemed to be burning with anger stared at the silent Sarayan, gnashing his teeth:

“Have you long since forgotten how much blood of your compatriots was stained with the establishment of Twilight Town? You have long forgotten the slaughter of each other in order to compete for territory, and the ugly scene of you taking a group of people to attack us.”

“Who knows that this **** game can’t be quit all of a sudden! What can I do?! Do I want all my people to stand there with their necks stretched out like piglets, waiting for you to cut them down one by one? ?!” Sarayang heard the words, his expression suddenly changed, and immediately met the unfriendly eyes of the White Rose Knight without showing weakness, and retorted angrily.

“Isn’t it a common thing to fight each other for territory in the game? Who would have thought that just after the battle was halfway through, the game would suddenly not be able to quit, and the people who were killed would disappear forever. Besides, in that situation, you guys Both sides were red-eyed, and neither of them was willing to give in half a step, which led to the final tragedy, and you have the face to talk about this kind of shit.”

Carlos walked out frowning, first glanced at the White Rose Knight blankly, and then greeted them with puzzled eyes to explain the old grudges between the two.

“That’s right, when I established Twilight Town on the Emerald Wilderness, I did have my own selfishness and small calculus. Even if someone tried to compete with me for territory, I would fight him back at all costs, and I would never die. !”

Salayan looked around and said calmly, “But, this is just a game. Is it wrong to do whatever you like in the game world?”

“Since you admit that all this is your own selfishness, what is the nonsense you just said? Are you showing us the most hypocritical side of your Twilight Town lord? If so, then congratulations, you have done it. .” A member of the Fangs came out, clenched the iron gauntlets he was wearing, looked at Sarayang and retorted coldly.

“So I’m talking about the real thoughts in my heart when this world is still just a game, but even the whole world will undergo such strange changes, not to mention the unfathomable people’s hearts.” Sarayan glanced subconsciously. The blue sky and the bright sunshine, he sighed slightly, and said slowly:

“When everyone in the Emerald Wilderness can’t go back, and their only refuge is a lonely town in the wilderness, everyone’s heart is quietly undergoing earth-shattering changes.

Some people choose to stay here to protect their homes, some people choose to take refuge in the forces of the original residents, and some people even want to live peacefully. I respect their choice and have never forcibly stopped them.

Is there anything wrong with me being able, or wishing to do, to protect this wilderness territory from intruders and to serve as a refuge for us otherworldly visitors? “

“You are so right, noble and great lord, you respect their choice and never forcibly stop them.” White Rose Knight Opter covered the bleeding wound on his abdomen and grinned. Nodding, his distorted expression seemed to agree with Sarajan’s words.

Then, he frowned again, showing a look of thinking hard, and said sarcastically: “You never stop them? Let me think about it… Remember that little wizard who loved to laugh a year ago?

It is said that this poor little guy was a very cheerful and lively child before his death. His real age is only 15 years old, but what is the final result?

The end result is that he was tricked by your rhetoric to give up his plan to go to the Wizarding League, and chose to stay in Twilight Town, and then in the battle of a gnoll attack, his head was like a watermelon that fell to the ground, ‘Bang. ‘ It shattered with a bang, and red and white flowed all over the floor. “

Sarayang’s burly body trembled slightly, and after a rare silence, he did not respond vigorously. He lowered his eyes, pursed his lips tightly, and said nothing.

“As for games, of course, children play the most. These young people with vigor and vitality only need to draw a few big cakes for them and say some encouraging words, and they will rush forward like a pack of wolves. A year and a half have passed. Now, haven’t you found out how many boys are left in your territory? I don’t know…”

White Rose Knight Opter said, paused involuntarily, and his expression suddenly became a little gloomy, as if the pleasure brought him by mocking Sarayan disappeared in an instant, he was silent for a while, then turned away He pouted and said sternly:

“It’s a pity that these young lads with vigor and vitality are almost all left, and you won’t have any chance to fool these lovely lads, because they either grew up in maturity or matured. ‘Death’ myself.

Everyone has many faces, some of them are beautiful in appearance, but hide their terrifying essence, and someday they will reach out to you with **** claws. “

After the Knight of the White Rose finished speaking, he flung the blood-stained white cloak in a pretentious manner, and ignored Sarayan, clutching the still bleeding wound and staggeringly left the crowd.

“Sure enough, he is a noble lord who keeps saying that he wants to build a real territory for his compatriots. I don’t know how many people have been killed because of your deranged ideal. Every step you take in the wilderness, stay behind. The footprints below are stained with the blood of countless people, don’t you know what the phrase ‘the dragon slayer eventually becomes a dragon’ actually means?” The members of the Fangs sarcastically said again.

“What do you mean?” The half-drow elf Horat walked out of the crowd, looking directly at the faces of the members of the Fangs with pale red eyes, and asked coldly:

“Let’s be like you if we don’t? Dedicate our faith to the **** of war? Then follow the storm of war unleashed by the **** to sweep the world? Eventually become the bones scattered among the rocks?”

“The Wizarding Union is not as beautiful as you think. For the dead little wizard, Twilight Town is indeed a good choice.” The wizard Randall of Iron Horse Town squeezed out of the crowd, maintaining a calm look. :

“I’ve been in the Wizarding League in the middle of the continent for half a year. Yes, I did learn a lot of magic knowledge, but do you know what these things were exchanged for? You don’t know, and you won’t understand, Because you can only see the surface of a thing, but you can’t understand its essence, and then you like to use your own ideas to forcibly distort the views of others.”

After speaking, the wizard didn’t explain anything and walked into the crowd again.

“The reason why we people in the Emerald Wilderness gathered today to build the alliance of lords is because we all share a common goal.” Carlos glanced at Salayan, who was still silent, took a step forward, and said:

“Even if this goal sounds to you how ridiculous, how idealistic, how unrealistic, at least we are already moving in that direction, because we know that this goal, if achieved, will bring What kind of benefit, instead of blindly sweeping yourself into the never-ending storm of war for some great existence like you.

So if you come to the Emerald Wilderness as a guest, I can welcome you on behalf of everyone, but if you want to use the teachings of your beliefs to point fingers or sneer, then I’m really sorry, and I won’t send you far. “

“Every step we took in the wilderness, the footprints we left were stained with the blood of countless people. You said it well, it is true.” After a brief silence, Thorne suddenly squeezed out of the crowd and walked out, he was calm He stared at the member of the Fangs Group for a long time, until the other party turned his face in embarrassment, then patted his shoulder and said:

“But you don’t know what the **** people think, you don’t know what the look on a brave warrior’s face looks like when he faces the coming battle, you I also don’t know how their beliefs came about when they took a place as their spiritual sustenance, and you wouldn’t know a person who only lived for a few days and admitted ‘this is a home worth protecting with life’ What is this sentence based on?

These you will never know, because you are fighting only for some ethereal and great existence, you will only think that everyone should not fear war, but should regard war as a natural force, a human force , a storm of civilization brought about by its own existence.

Don’t you know what the end of the war is? Then I tell you, the end of the war is peace, and every war we launch in the Emerald Field is to usher in peace earlier. And you? Why do you run tirelessly to the battlefield time and time again?

Is it just to let the **** of war better see how you are slamming hard against the enemy on the battlefield? To show Him your glorious and tireless fighting stance? “

Looking at the silent group of fangs, Thorne continued: “You fought for power, group, and glory, and on the road to greatness, did you stop and think about it, even if these things are all Given it to you, are you really satisfied?”

Thorne finished speaking and left without waiting for them to refute.

He didn’t know why he suddenly said so many words, maybe it was because of what happened today. However, after saying these words, he can clearly feel a lot more comfortable inside, which is enough.

At the same time, he remembered that the last time he said so much in one breath seemed to be when he passed by the ruins of Talan Village half a year ago.

“Ms. Alenara, since you are the believers of the God of War, then I would like to ask, have you heard of the Goddess of Peace who is opposed to war?” At this time, the calm-looking Druid withered master came to the archbishop In front of Alenara, she quietly stared at her contemplative face and asked.

“Edath, the goddess of peace, is a pacifist. Even if threatened, she will not take any action against the enemy. When encountering a challenger, this peace-loving goddess even chooses to directly kill the challenger in order to avoid fighting. Hand over what is needed. It is precisely because of his weak teachings that he has become an almost forgotten god.” Alenara directly answered the question of the deadwood master without hesitation.

“Then you should know what the attitude of the God of War is to the Goddess of Peace.” Master Wither Wood smiled and asked again.

“The God of War believes that the Goddess of Peace, who is the opposite of the priesthood, is naive and weak. However, out of respect for his beliefs, the God of War will also severely punish those who desecrate the Goddess of Peace priests and temples.” Alenara wondered. Looking at the Druid in front of him, he replied.

“Like the forest goddess Melika, the goddess of peace Eddas also serves the goddess of nature, Sylvanas. Although in countless years, many great sages believe that the goddess of peace’s divine power has waned to the point of dying embarrassment. However, the goddess of peace has been able to maintain until now, and still has the energy to establish her own kingdom of gods on the main material plane, and then spend a huge amount of divine power to move the kingdom of gods to bliss. Ms. Alenala, you Do you know the reason for this?” With a smile, Master Withered Wood looked at the archbishop who couldn’t help frowning, and told her.

“It’s because the goddess of peace, Elath, got the help of Mystra, the goddess of magic, the goddess of the earth, and the goddess of the forest, Melika, the neighbors of Elysium.” Alenara recalled the information she had read and replied.

“No, that’s just a unilateral conjecture of some scholars.” Withered Master shook his head slightly, turned and left a sentence: “If there is no peace to define and highlight war, war will lose its own meaning.”

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