Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 412 - Alenala\\\'s condition

Without peace to define and highlight war, war loses its meaning.

Although the Druid Deadwood Master had disappeared from the crowd, the last sentence left the Archbishop Alenala from the Black Pearl Forest subconsciously stunned in place.

Projecting sharp and powerful eyes, there is also a trace of extremely contradictory incomprehension and comprehension.

I saw her right hand gently caressing a dark red barbed iron glove engraved with the emblem of a fiery silver sword on her left hand, and her black eyes moved involuntarily to the calm water ahead.

A gust of wind blew through, wrinkling the emerald river, making the groves along the river rustling, a few frightened sparrows flew out of the jungle, and a few leaves circled and fell.

A very familiar scene, Alenara thought.

This peaceful scene reminded her of the titles of the goddess of peace, Eddas: Goddess of Water Song, Tranquil, Mother of Guardian of the Grove, Green Goddess, Mother of Water.

Immediately afterwards, Alenara’s beautiful eyes that strangely projected strength and sharp wisdom flickered a few times with the trembling eyelashes, and the eyes were as bright as stars rising from the night sky.

She handed the sheathed long sword in her hand to the companion beside her, and then reached out and brushed the long jet-black hair hanging on the sides of her cheeks behind her, swaying in the wind together with the shattered scarlet cloak.

“Sarayan, the war lord of Twilight Town.” The Archbishop of the God of War, Ms. Lalenara, walked up to Sarayan and looked at the lord who was trying to hide inexplicable sadness in her eyes. She folded her hands on her chest, The worn armor creaked, and a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

“Defend the territory of the Emerald Wilderness from the threat of invaders, and become a refuge for us visitors from other worlds, right?”

“That’s right.” Salayan met Alenara’s gaze, nodded earnestly, and said, “This is my lifelong wish to make the Emerald Wilderness a free and equal country that truly belongs to us.”

“A free and equal country?” Larenara paced back and forth beside Sarajan with a playful smile:

“Eliminate all differences, embrace all suffering, eliminate the root cause of all evil, and make the whole kingdom without individual boundaries, without distinction from one another, without hatred, and equal to each other. This includes everyone, every animal, plant, and those Inanimate things. Is that so?”

“That’s not true. Your idea is too ideal and impossible to realize.” Sarajan smiled, ignoring the tone of Alenara’s words, sorted out the language, and continued:

“Now we are suffering, and we are struggling to survive in this strange and different world. The sun, air, and water here are not what we are familiar with. Most of us have never even touched the ground, touched a **** and a plow, right? I don’t even know how to grow crops.

But let us obey the decrees of the original world, identify with their king, give up our own culture and ideals, and live within the walls with the original inhabitants. For most people, there is no objection in their mouths, but as time goes by, they will gradually produce an instinctive rejection in their hearts, especially after being ruthlessly eroded by the long years, their hearts will strongly desire some kind of speech. Unexplainable things.

However, in order to survive, they must compromise, and must overcome the vanity and pride brought from the original world, despite the weak and pitiful line of defense. Therefore, if we want the earth to bring us vitality and prosperity again, and to build our own country, we can only rely on the strength we gather together.

Our territory in the Emerald Fields is to let our compatriots wandering around the world understand that although the sun is not the same as ours, it will continue to shine, its light is still bright and warm, and we want to All you have to do is accept the facts. Otherwise, even if we lash out at the fields with our hoes, we will not be able to grow what we need to survive.

I just want this place to develop into a second ‘home’ recognized by all our compatriots in the whole world, and let this place become our ‘holy place’, not as a springboard for world hegemony, into a never-ending war, that’s all That’s it. “


When Sarajan mentioned this familiar thing, it seemed to touch a nerve.

Some people look at the blue sky, the white clouds drifting slowly, and the sky is the destination of the clouds.

Some people look at the jungle in the distance, the crisp birdsong is faint, and the bird’s destination is the jungle.

Similarly, some people looked down at the tenacious grass under their feet, and the grass took root in the ground.

The only thing they have in common is that they are almost silent.

Thorne in the crowd also subconsciously moved his gaze to the town of waterfalls in the north. He saw the snow-capped Huaernas Mountains, which is covered with snow all the year round. The tireless waterfall is formed by the melting of the snow on the peaks. The town is named after the waterfall.

There are half-elves of the same blood as him in the town, and there are also visitors from other worlds with similar souls to him, which is enough for him.

The half-elf girl noticed the suddenly dignified atmosphere, and she looked at Thorne beside her without thinking, just to capture the faint sadness that flashed in his eyes.

This kind of sad Lilia is very familiar. In the past life, as long as Thorne sat on the rocks by the waterfall and pretended to enjoy the beautiful scenery, he could not help showing this expression, so that when people looked at him from a distance, he would The back looks a little quiet.

Although she didn’t quite understand the true meaning of the lord’s words, she understood that they were all discussing a topic about ‘home’.

It turned out that his sad expression represented the meaning of ‘homesickness’, Lilia thought to herself as she looked at Thorne’s calm face again.

Then she reached out and grabbed his arm, and put another warm little hand in his palm and held it tightly.

When the suspicious-looking ranger looked at his strange behavior, Lilia immediately went up to him, returning him a faint smile and a reassuring look.

“Then have you ever thought that people are sometimes like rivers, sometimes they are narrow and fast, sometimes wide and smooth, sometimes turbid, and sometimes clear, and the same is true for us, although we have the roots of human character, but show are different.”

After listening to Sarayan’s tirade, Alenala turned her eyes gently to the emerald river that had become sparkling. She blew a sigh of hair at the strands of hair that blocked her vision, and continued:

“How do you deal with these people? Don’t forget, this is a world of great power and power, and the strong represent absolute dominance. The daggers, poisons, moldy dungeons, roasted red ones that your superiors can control. Do tongs and gallows really work? How can we say that this is also a country.”

“The current predicament cannot tolerate and there is no time for us to think so far. What we need to do most now is to do everything possible to end this cruel war as quickly as possible, and to return the Emerald Wilderness to a quiet and peaceful place. As for the future Let’s talk about it later.”

Salayan frowned deeply, thinking of the newly formed radical faction in Twilight Town, he couldn’t help rubbing his forehead again, and replied with a headache.

“So, what do you think? Carlos, the lord of the town on the waterfall.” Seeing that Sarajan couldn’t answer, Alenara turned around and walked to Carlos, tugging at the hair on her forehead and smiling. recalled:

“When you were in Zhanzheng College, you had the longest vision. You analyzed the war-torn land of the southern kingdom, the uncompromising wilderness of the northern land, the stubborn and self-serving aristocrats in the middle of the continent, and even the distant Searle. The red-robed wizard and Leatherman witch, as well as the overseas islands, were all thoroughly investigated, and it was finally confirmed that the emerald field of the Corina Peninsula was the most suitable area for the development of the territory.”

“Is this related to the war?” Carlos asked with a startled look on his face and a smile on his face.

“Is it necessary to develop a territory without war?” Alenara continued: “You are shouting to stop the war with war, and build a shelter of your own for your compatriots. It is impossible for you not to know the depths of the Silver Pine Plain. For us, Stone City is a ready-made city of shelter.

But you are still persistent in coming here to oppose the cruel war, but you don’t know that this war started because of you.

So those of you who gather people in the name of justice and call yourself ‘Fate Fighters’ make me think of some terrorism, and you and Sarayan strongly oppose the Church of God of War settling in the Emerald Wilderness , I may not think that you have ulterior motives. “

“Look at what you said, I said, as long as you don’t build a war church here and unleash your special storm full of sacredness, we welcome you to come here at any time. After all, this place is full of no-man’s land, we There is no right to claim to be the real owner of the land.” Carlos chuckled, looking at the familiar face, his tone became relaxed:

“As for the Deep Stone City you mentioned, that kind of ‘laying flat’ that kills your fighting spirit, you can go to the town to find out how many people are willing to go from their hearts.

The God of Suffering, Ilmat, is indeed a kind-hearted, docile, quiet, and peaceful god. Almost all the people he shelters are the disabled, the oppressed, the poor, slaves and serfs. .

So, beautiful Lady Alenala, do you think those of us with an inexplicable sense of superiority will really treat them as equals and live together with them? ” Carlos finished speaking, involuntarily sighed:

“People are all a little ideal, and no one is an exception. I just succeeded in making most people’s ideals resonate and become consistent.

However, it is a pity that some people fall on the road of ideals, some people continue to struggle for their ideals, and there are also people who fall into endless confusion after completing their ideals, trying to find the next ideal.

It is right for us to start a war on our own initiative, but no matter how selfish our goals are, they are all beneficial to our own people, and our development direction is full of hope.

After all, what we have in our minds is the entire modern civilization, the sole ruler of the real world. How many people do you think will willingly integrate into the group of the original world, this is not all forced by life and has to be done.

If you still don’t believe it, you can come and live here for a while, laughing, singing, eating lamb kebabs and dumplings with these people, drinking beer, listening to music, watching dance, and flirting with girls with sweaty skin.

You can take a closer look to see if the smiles on their faces come from the heart during this difficult day. I don’t think this kind of smile is very common in Deep Rock City, Silverpine Plains, and Black Pearl Forest.

Because many people believe that people will not suffer for a lifetime, but suffer for a while, and many people suffer for a lifetime in order to escape for a while. “

“It’s really a compelling reason to hope that it all really develops as you say it will, eventually becoming a country of our own. I’m kind of looking forward to that day.”

Alenara looked at the lord of Falls Town through her long eyelashes, was silent for a while, smiled at Carlos, and walked towards the crowd behind him.

Seeing this, everyone made way for the archbishop of the **** of war.

Thorne was about to pull Lilia away when he suddenly realized that the archbishop’s target was him. Those sharp black eyes that revealed a smile had been locked on him, so he stopped and looked over.

“Hello, half-elf ranger, stalker of the Way of Silent.” Alenara walked over to Thorne, stretched out her right hand without the iron glove, and greeted him with a smile.

As Larianara got closer to him, Thorne slowly smelled a faint scent of verbena, which was very similar to the sap of weeds crushed.

Whether in reality or in this otherworld full of dangers, most women still have many similarities in their characteristics. For example, they like to rely on a certain perfume to attract the opposite sex.

For this point, Thorne was most deeply touched by Andrina.

The sorceress was particularly fond of the floral scent of violets, and when he asked Andrina why she liked the scent, she just smiled and showed him the flower language of violets.

The flower language of violet represents: eternal love and beauty, mystery and elegance.

And this kind of verbena with a bit of a bitter smell is regarded as a precious sacred grass in some churches in the mainland, and is endowed with a symbol of peace.

Its flower language is: justice, expectation and innocence.

“Hello, Archbishop from the Temple of War.” Thorne hesitated a little, and shook hands with the other party.

“I would like to ask you, as followers of the tracking god, you are often in endless battles with the enemies of the wilderness. So I am curious why you did not choose to go to the uncompromising northern wasteland in the first place, but stayed in the wilderness. The Emerald Wilderness.” Alena looked at Thorne with a smile and asked humbly.

“Ms. Alenara, as the archbishop of the Temple of War, I am also curious why you did not choose to go to the south of the mainland to spread the teachings of the God of War. After all, the southern kingdom is made up of a bunch of loose small and medium kingdoms, principalities and various dominions. Seriously At the same time, a city can even change owners back and forth three or four times, shouldn’t this be more suitable for you?” Thorne did not answer her question, but chose to ask back.

a brief silence…

“Thank you for letting me know.” The Archbishop of the God of War was startled by the question, and immediately figured out the reason, smiled slightly, and bowed to Thorne.

“You’re welcome.” Thorne bowed in return.

Then, Alenara came to the Druid Deadwood Master again, bowed and saluted, and said respectfully, “Hello, respected Deadwood Master.”

“If there is no peace to define and highlight war, war loses its own meaning.” Without waiting for Master Deadwood to reply, Alenala continued:

“Thus, people who have been baptized by war are more eager for ideals and hopes, and this ideal and hope is peace. War and peace are like order and chaos. War can bring a lot of things to a person who has experienced it, but the most precious thing is undoubtedly It is a belief in yearning for peace.”

The dead wood master smiled gently at the archbishop in front of him, then lowered his eyes and stopped talking.

“I can give up the conditions for building a temple of war in the Emerald Wilderness, and I can also assist you in expelling the Hobgoblins from the Serenity Forest. My condition is that I will personally lead the expulsion battle.”

Alenara walked to Salayan and Carlos, threw the shattered scarlet cloak behind her, showing a heroic figure, and stated her conditions.

“I object to this condition!” As soon as the voice fell, Cyrus, the tiger-man ranger from Horn Town, walked out together, accompanied by the war troll Kehando.

“Hey! This is our last concession. Both Waterfall Town and Twilight Town haven’t spoken yet. When will it be your turn to protest.” A mountain dwarf raised his neck and blew his beard. Staring at the tiger man who came out, his tone was very dissatisfied.

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