Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 456 - ruins

Empty city ruins, unusually quiet seagulls, the only thing that can be heard is the waves of the sea.

The sound of the waves crashing against the weather-beaten rocks and the harbour is endlessly noisy.

The once glorious sea was calm, with sparkling waves, vast smoke, clear skies, and deep scales.

In today’s deep sea, as the dazzling sunlight exhausted its last strength, the turbulent tide rose rapidly, one wave after another, roaring with an unmatched momentum.

In the distance, the vortex-like center of the deep sea seems to be controlled by an invisible, huge hand, mercilessly turning the ruins of Winter City into the waves of the sea.

“woo woo woo woo…”

Blood-chilling ominous basses echoed through the thick sea fog in the ruins of Winterfell.

This is the hunting snail of the sahuagin, their call to plunder and fight, and the devout voice of their prayers to their gods.

With the sound of the deep conch shell, countless dark green-skinned sahuagins seemed like devils from the deep sea, straddling the fog-shrouded coast and the waves of the endless ocean, converging toward the ruins of Winter City.

Holding sharp tridents in their hands, they walked to the shore in groups and looked at the desolate ruins. The sahuagin people knelt down on the ground one after another, as if they were holding some kind of mysterious ceremony.

The waves were even stronger, and the rolling waves were like a huge army, overwhelmingly pressing on this lonely port city.

“woo woo woo woo…”

The deep conch sound sounded again.

Groups of female sahuagin priests holding shell instruments all gathered together to form a shark-like pattern. At the same time, they raised the instruments engraved with the emblem of the great white shark, facing the tumultuous sea, emitting a devout and sympathetic message. The sound of crazy prayers.

“Sekora, the patron saint of the sahuagins, the caller from the deep sea, the great joyful hunter, your most devout people, the proud shark tribe prays for your echo, let this abandoned ruins turn into the raging waves of the sea , let the lonely Shadowmoon Inner Sea and the Sea of ​​​​Glory become one, let your most devout and humble people become the only overlords in the deep sea, let…”

A devilish murmur echoed in the tumbling sea of ​​brilliance for a long time…

The deep sea is like a ferocious great white shark, surging, setting off waves of turbulent waves, and the strong waves impact the port that has long been turned into ruins, making a deafening sound of waves.

I do not know how long it has been…


A dull thunder sounded over the ruins of Winter City, and even after seeing the dark clouds in the dim sky, the surroundings became even darker in the blink of an eye.

Pieces of electric light danced like electric snakes, emitting violent thunder and lightning, mercilessly destroying the crumbling ruins of stone houses in the city.

Suddenly, in the darkness of the flickering electric light, the sound of rumbling houses collapsing sounded one after another.

In just a moment, the once prosperous port city was completely turned into a ruin.

Immediately afterwards, a violent storm roared.

The roaring rain sounded like a rushing wave, being connected into one piece.

The gloomy sky seemed to be opened with countless openings, the rainstorm gathered into a waterfall, and the ruins of the overwhelming Winter City hit.

The turbulent waves are rising little by little, and the ruins of Winter City are being eroded by deep-sea giants little by little as they continue to sink.

The torrential rain mercilessly washed away everything in the ruins of the city, washed away countless dead corpses, and the blood that had long since dried up.

The scouring sound was like the screams of countless souls who were unwilling to give in and die, and the lingering heroic souls seemed to be still roaring in the rain-covered air.

At this moment, a petite figure appeared in the gloomy sky. She flapped a pair of wide dragon wings, looked at the ruins that were gradually being eaten away, looked at the half of the lower city that was swallowed up by the waves, and looked at the little boy who was about to be submerged by the waves. In the courtyard, she murmured with a weeping voice: “Why did it become like this?”

The petite figure allowed the rain to wash away her weak-looking body, and she just floated in mid-air, staring blankly at all this with her small face mixed with rain and tears.

At this moment.

Everything in the outside world is trying to match her mood: the sky is dark and gloomy colors and torrential rain, the ground is heavy and dark sea water, the dark sea in the distance, and the piercing cold wind.

Her mood was like a blown leaf, she felt infinite despair, she felt that her soul had condensed into a heavy and hard stone, and her body was slowly sinking down.

That’s exactly what happened.

The large dragon wings behind the little figure floating in mid-air disappeared, and she was like a leaf floating around in a violent storm, floating to and fro in the ruins.

When the leaf reached a small courtyard that was about to be swallowed by the sea, it suddenly slammed and fell steadily.

The little loli, who was soaked by the rain and looked like a chicken in soup, looked at the empty courtyard, at the reclining chair that was undulating with the waves, and her thin body suddenly sat on the ground uncontrollably. , sitting on the clean rubble washed by the torrential rain.

Hope, like a colorful soap bubble, suddenly burst before her eyes.

She fell from the sky like falling from the cloud to the abyss, the little loli struggled a bit, and suddenly burst into tears.

A group of sahuagin armed with tridents noticed the uninvited guest, and heard a cry that even the tide could not suppress.

The group of devils from the deep sea stared at each other with their big dark black eyes, and nodded slightly at the same time, and then, led by the waves, leaned towards Little Loli.

“Why did you all lie to me? Why did you all leave me?” Little Loli’s cry was as if she had suffered a lot of grievances. It was not loud, but it was very penetrating, and it was distressing to hear.

However, to these ruthless deep sea devils, they are savage warriors who never ask or give forgiveness to others.

The sahuagin people emerged from the rushing tide, their webbed feet splashed with water, and surrounded the crying little loli, their mouths full of sharp teeth showed cruel grins.

A sharp trident wrapped in water vapor was clenched by the long webbed hands of the sahuagin, and at the same time, it stabbed fiercely at the indifferent, still sad and crying little Loli.

“Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!”

The sharp trident stabbed the little Loli on her head, back, face and other parts.

However, this stern attack was like a fragile branch hitting the hard marble surface, and it didn’t cause any damage to this weak-looking little loli.

The stunned Sahuayu people looked at each other and roared in anger. Unwilling, they used more force to stab at Little Lolita again.

Feeling the futile attacks of the monsters that surrounded her, the crying little Loli gradually stopped crying. She looked at everything around her with a nostalgic look, as if she was remembering it deeply in her heart, and then slowly He said to himself, “I’m going back to Dragon Island, and I’ll never come out again…”

At this time, she only felt empty and sad in her heart. She felt that the world she had imagined had collapsed, and the collapse was indistinct and silent, like a fleeting dream.


With a loud roar, a shadow fell from the sky, and a huge copper dragon appeared in the rainy sky.

The dragon’s head tilted slightly, and the ancient and deep eyes stared at a group of shivering sahuagins on the ground.


The dragon’s sharp claws smashed into the pile of stones in the ruins, and countless stones shattered in response, and sparks appeared in the rain curtain.

“Puff! Puff! Puff!”

Numerous fist-sized stones collapsed and sputtered into the sahuahua crowd.

In the mournful wailing sound, the dragon’s two wings that covered the sky suddenly unfolded, and the sharp wind sounded instantly.

She dragged her long dragon tail and disappeared into the dark, gloomy and rainy sky at a very fast speed.

“Bronze dragon? Is that her?” Thorne, who just arrived near the ruins of the city gate, looked up at the dim sky and the giant dragon that disappeared in the west. He let the heavy rain wash his pale face and said to himself .

Afterwards, he continued to walk towards the ruins in the face of the violent storm.

“This is the abyss snake demon!” Thorne looked at the long tail sliding traces in the ruins, and the foul pus that had not been washed away by the rain, and judged the identity of the dead demon based on the demon knowledge he had mastered.

At this time, he had come to the slums of Winter City.

In this not very far distance, he has seen many traces left by demons and demons from the bottomless abyss and Baator hell.

These cruel demons, without exception, all died in Winter City.

He continued to walk on the streets with swollen corpses and muddy streets, and he continued to walk non-stop towards the very center of the ruins, the small valley where the Wizard’s Tower was once located.

As he walked, an incomparably huge dirt pit appeared in front of him, and this pit was more destructive than the nine-ring spell “Meteor Burst” once cast by the sorcerer Anaxis.

Thorne wiped the rain off his face, walked to the vicinity of the huge dirt pit, stretched out his right hand, closed his eyes slightly, and quietly felt the faint fire element breath that had not disappeared around the dirt pit.

“It’s the “Burning Body” of the Balor. “As a man who possesses the life essence of the Balor Flame Demon King, he quickly determined what exactly caused the pit.

Thorne continued to move forward along the rain-filled puddle.

In the dark cracks of the ruins, an invisible divine light caught his attention, causing him to stop involuntarily.

Divine radiance, although this breath is very weak, it is very similar to Nolan who has not yet become a holy avenger. Thorne guessed subconsciously in his heart: Could it be him?

In the pouring rain, he looked at a pile of ruins composed of mud and gravel, walked up without hesitation, then squatted down, stretched out his hands, and started digging the dirt of the ruins.

The continuous rain washed away a corpse he dug up in the blink of an eye, clearly showing the appearance of the corpse before his death.

“It really is him.” Looking at the corpse’s face that passed away peacefully, and the fatal injuries caused by the flames and evil energy, Thorne sighed slightly and bowed deeply to him.

He took off a silver holy emblem clenched in the corpse’s hand and buried it in the ruins again.

Thorne looked at the silver holy emblem in his palm: pale hands, wrists wrapped in red cords.

Silver Emblem of the Suffering God

Type: magic weapon

[Explanation: This is an emblem that once lost the power of a paladin due to the collapse of its owner’s faith. Now, the owner of this seal has made it radiate the divine light of hope again, and has successfully assisted him in purifying a fallen death knight. 】

(Note: We should focus on spiritual ascension, not physical feelings.)

If I had not seen the light, perhaps I would have endured the darkness. But now… the divine light shone the hope in my heart even more desperately.

—Brant Ironhand

For a moment, Thorne wanted to throw the faintly radiant silver holy emblem in his hand into the muddy ruins, and then turned away without looking back.

“In this case, if there is a chance, I will help you return this holy emblem to the Temple of Ilmater in Deep Rock City.” Thorne put away the holy emblem in his hand and walked silently towards the center of the ruins.

He passed through the slums, carefully used the shadow hand to dodge a group of sahuagin priests, and left the lower city, which had been submerged by the sea, to the noble area.

In the end, in an unavoidable fight, after cleaning up the wandering sahuagins, they finally came to the vicinity of the wizard’s tower.

At this time, the illusion formation arranged around the wizard tower had long since disappeared, and what appeared in front of him was a valley that had been ravaged by flames.

The valley turned into a small lake in the scouring of the rainstorm, and there were densely packed corpses floating in the lake water. From their clothing, it could be seen that these people were the soldiers of Winter City.

As for the wizard tower that pierced into the sky, it has disappeared without a trace.

The torrential rain continued to fall, and the turbulent waves of the Sea of ​​​​Glory were slapping the gorgeous manors that had long been razed in the noble district.

Thorne, like a chicken in soup, passed the two sahuagin corpses with a sharp sword, came to the edge of the valley, and looked at the rushing rain curtain, slightly dazed.

Staring at the bloated corpses that rose and fell in the turbid ‘lake water’.

For some reason, after seeing this scene, a heavy sadness enveloped his heart, making his heart tremble with cold.

His face was strangely mournful and painful, frozen as ice, cold as rock.

That full of grief made him become like a grass swaying in a violent storm, swaying weakly all over.

In a trance, in the pouring rain curtain, he vaguely heard the echo that had appeared before:

“All the gifts of fate are secretly marked with a price.”

“The real purpose? That is…everyone for me, and me for everyone.”

“The duty of the Patronus Church is to guard the birth and growth of new gods. If necessary, they can pay any price for this, including… sacrificing everything!”

“People can deceive the world, but they can never deceive themselves. The more you want to prove yourself, the more you will lose yourself. So, it is enough to walk your own way and do what you want to do.”

Thorne stayed coldly in the pouring rain, staring at the hula-la rain, lost.

He suppressed the vague unease in his heart, raised his heavy footsteps, and turned away.

“Death is just a part of the cycle of life, it is not the end of the end, but a wonderful, never-ending cycle.”

After an unknown time, an old sigh echoed in Thorne’s ears, and he stopped to look back.

A thin old man appeared strangely not far from him. He was leaning on a scythe in his right hand, holding a mysterious and simple book in his left hand, and a skull emblem hung on his chest. Golden scales.

He just stood silently in the rain curtain, the torrential rain passed automatically in front of him, and not a single drop fell on his skinny body.

The old man was covered in a smoky gray robe, and the face hidden in the hood looked blurry.

Although he stood so prominently not far away, Thorne somehow didn’t feel his presence at all.

“You are the ultimate ferryman of the **** of death.” The Ranger was silent for a while, and said bluntly.

“That’s right.” The skinny old man nodded with a smile, and then disappeared without a trace.

Where he left, two sharp swords lay quietly.

One was broken in half, the other was rusted, and the weather-beaten blade was full of gaps.

Thorne walked over with heavy steps, bowed and picked up the two weapons.

He gently stroked the sides of the two sharp swords, feeling the familiar words engraved on the swords, and his hands trembled involuntarily.

The broken sword is engraved with: Yuanzhi.

The long sword full of gaps is engraved with: Angelica.

“Yuanzhi and… Angelica.” Thorne muttered to himself.

Vaguely, he seemed to hear the sigh of the owner of the long sword echoing in his heart: “May the eternal land of my family be evergreen.”

“May the eternal land of my clan…the leaves of the tree be evergreen.” Thorne whispered to himself, dragging his heavy footsteps and disappearing into the vast rain.

The torrential rain is getting heavier and heavier, and the ruins of the entire Winter City seem to be hung with a wide crystal bead curtain, misty.

The giant waves from the Sea of ​​​​Glory are like an angry sea beast, roaring and rushing towards this flattened ruins, turning everything here into the raging waves of the deep sea.

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