Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 457 - Tears of God

The morning light of dawn has revealed a shimmer, and the refreshing morning mist has diluted the rising sun on the horizon, making it less dazzling.

The damp and salty sea breeze wafted in the air, the wind whistled, and the seagulls flew. It was a flight with no beginning and no end. The seagulls hovered over the submerged ruins and cried wildly.

On a cliff swept out by the waves and towering over the beach, Thorne stood silently against the salty sea breeze.

Maybe even he doesn’t know how long he’s been here.

one day? two days? Or how many days?

He only knew that he had witnessed the entire process of the ruins of Winter City being engulfed by the raging waves of the Sea of ​​​​Glory, and saw the light blue Shadowmoon Inner Sea and the dark blue Sea of ​​​​Glory meet together.

He also saw a group of emerald druids come to the coast to see if the ecological balance of the ocean had been fatally disrupted.

Then, in the name of the God of Nature, many sahuagin corpses floated on the waters of the Shadowmoon Inner Sea, and were finally washed into the Sea of ​​​​Brilliant, returning to the arms of the great white shark of Sekora.

Looking at the familiar place that had long since disappeared without a trace, he silently turned and left.

He left this cape cliff, weathered by storm and sea water, waved goodbye to the ruins of a city completely far away from the war, and walked into the emerald field of blooming flowers and greenery.

The breath of the sea, the sound of the waves, the cry of the seagulls, and even the roar of the souls of the dead still lingered between his nose and ears.

However, this is no longer important to him, not important at all.

Emerald is full of wild life.

The plants here are wild and lush.

Every ray of sunlight that seeps through the foliage of tall trees is immediately absorbed by young birches, firs, towering trees, raspberries, blue-leaf trees, and ferns.

Beneath their foliage lie dead and decaying leaves, and the dying remains of the oldest trees.

The dying remnants of the ancient trees, Thorne seemed to have touched something and whispered to himself.

At noon, he found a human body.

It surprised him how little he saw dead people now.

He would ignore the vast majority of dead people who had nothing to do with him with utter indifference.

It was a boy lying on his back with his legs wide apart, a stiff expression on his face that looked like he was terrified.

Thorne instantly judged that the child died on the spot, without pain, even unaware of it until he died.

Because the arrow pierced through his eyes, through the eye sockets, and into his skull.

Made of eagle feathers, the quills are painted a bright scarlet red and stand out in the grass.


He determined the identity of the murderer, so he looked around quickly, and without much effort, found the traces of the boots trampled in the bushes.

The messy footprints disappeared into the wilderness leading to the Great Swordscar Mountains.

Thorne understood what was going on.

The child stumbled upon the remnants of the hobgoblins, and without realizing the danger, the arrow pierced through the air.

The ranger’s relaxed and comfortable mood gradually became swift and cautious.

Although he knew that the tracks left by the hobgoblins were still fresh, and that it would be easy to catch up with them and avenge the hapless child, he had no interest.

So he kept walking.

Not surprisingly, he found a second body.

The sword in the deceased’s hand was still reflecting the sunlight. It was an adult native adventurer, and the simple black clothes showed his humble identity.

Two sharp arrows pierced his chest, except for the blood around the shafts, his clothes were new and clean, which showed that he was not an ordinary servant.

Thorne frowned and looked around.

Sure enough, he found a third body.

The corpse was dressed in animal hide armor and dark gray tunic, and the surrounding ground was trampled with smash, moss and dead branches trapping mud.

It can be seen from this that the arrow inserted in his heart was very unpleasant to him, and he struggled for a long time before he died.

Looking at these corpses, Thorne remembered the outskirts of Tranquility Forest, where there lay the corpses of countless hobgoblins, wolves and wild dogs gnawed at them, vultures and crows pecked at their flesh, and even derived from negative energy aura. Hobgoblin ghoul.

In a trance, thunderous hooves, savage shouts, corpses, flames appeared again in his mind…

Thorne melted into the shimmering shadows of the wild forest and disappeared like a ghost.

From where he disappeared, there was the sound of a group of gnolls and goblins battling around the corpse.

They’re all yelling at each other for a great cause.

For exclusive ownership of the three corpses, blood splattered and manes flew.

At dusk, Thorne came to Taran Village.

Unfortunately, this small village is empty and deadly silent.

The weeds struggled to stick out the green grass tips from the gravel-covered path, and the vines had already climbed to the waist of the wooden tower, entangled tightly together.

Thorne quickly figured out why.

So his eyes crossed the desolate huts and looked towards the direction of the village cemetery.

There is an eagle in the distance, calmly spreading its wings, soaring high in the sky, only it and the rangers on the ground are active in this quiet little village.

The weather in the evening was a bit sultry, but the fragrance of the grass made him a little intoxicated.

Thorne came to this fenced cemetery.

Because no one takes care of it, it has long been covered by lush weeds.

What surprised him was that there was a stone tablet in the cemetery. The base of the stone tablet was quite large, and at least five or six people could hug it.

There are many names that he can’t recognize on the tablet, and at the bottom of the tablet are many wild flowers that are common in the wilderness, including roses, thorn roses, violets, forget-me-nots, lupins…

Unfortunately, it has already withered.

Thorne simply made do with one night in the village of Taran, and set off directly at dawn.

Near noon, he came to the ruins of Yuanshan Town.

To his surprise, the silent ruins in the wilderness were under construction, and there was a lot of noise.

He saw Garrod, the former lord of Far Mountain, communicating with a mountain dwarf who was proficient in masonry, and he saw Druigst leading a group of spellcasters from Twilight Town using magic to restore the ruined city walls Reinforced shape.

Thorne simply said hello to a few familiar people, declined their invitation, and continued to walk forward.

When he was about to leave this vibrant ruin, two figures, one tall and one short, caught his attention in the corner of the ruins.

Thorne stopped involuntarily and listened with interest.

“It’s okay.” A mountain dwarf grinned and patted a pale and ugly human player on the shoulder:

“You snack guy, come on, help me, this medicine has to be made right now. The pills I made according to my grandmother’s recipe can cure all kinds of gastrointestinal diseases.”

The dwarf opened the package, took out a piece of green and faint, and a small pottery utensil, and the player, who was clutching his stomach, came up curiously.

“Snack, you must know.” The dwarf raised his nose proudly and said with a smile: “My grandmother who passed away was a priest of Muradin, and the medicine she made is unparalleled.

Unfortunately, she believes that the source of most diseases is laziness, and the best cure for laziness is with a stick. For me and my brothers and sisters, my grandmother took this as a means of preventing disease, and she liked to beat us up when something happened. “

“You are so pitiful.” The player sympathized, and a sentence involuntarily appeared in his mind: What should I do if my child has a cold and a fever? Most of them are installed, and it’s good to have a meal.

“Yeah.” The dwarf took out a handful of laxatives and said, rubbing the unpleasant little pills, “My grandmother was a fierce and ugly old woman. You know what? Once, she suddenly gave me a big piece of kindness. The bread rubbed with oil and sugar, my hands trembled with excitement, and I threw the bread away, only to be beaten up by my grandmother with a pickaxe. That vicious old lady. Then she gave it again I have a loaf of bread, but this time I didn’t add anything.”

“My parents never beat me since I was a child, but unfortunately…” The player said, his eyes dimmed.

“Okay, snack food, nostalgia ends here.” The dwarf pinched his nose and interrupted: “Take it, you just need to get this dirty and… swallow this little pill that cures all diseases, and then Pull…hehe…then one day of weakness and your gastrointestinal problems will be cured.

Remember, the animals and plants in the wilderness are not easy to eat. What’s not good to eat, you go to eat vicious snails, **** it, I haven’t tasted this stuff, and I don’t know how it tastes, if it’s really delicious… Anyway, I have grandma’s small pills in my hand. “

“It stinks… is this really edible?”

“If you don’t like the smell, just use my grandmother’s method, pinch your nose, and then put it into your mouth like a martyr, and swallow it.”

In the wilderness, Thorne sets out every morning, letting the sun rise behind his back, then runs toward the last pink glow of dusk, stopping to set up camp at the last chance before the night’s icy winds blow.

Then he set off again before dawn, wandering alone in the wilderness, walking unhurriedly toward the town of Falls.

For him, it was a silent journey, save for the endless whispers of the wind.

On the night one month after the end of the Hobgoblin battle, his deep black eyes, through the thick darkness, saw the outline of the town on the waterfall, and the rushing waterfall.

The moon hangs high in the dark blue sky, and there are countless stars overhead, so close to the ground that they seem to hang from the treetops, within reach.

Thorne stood on the hillside, looking out at the hustle and bustle of a wasteland outside town.

There were bonfires lit everywhere, the red light of torches dotted the night sky, and thick smoke poured into the darkness.

Between the dancing figures, the fire crackled and the light flickered.

Thorne chose the path furthest from the light, hiding in the swaying shadows, and walked towards the town.

However, to his dismay, a few high-spirited, drunken, screaming people blocked his only way.

He stopped to make way for these people.

However, someone spotted him, grabbed him by the shoulders, and shoved him a small cup, the quivering liquid in the cup shimmered with an eerie sheen in the firelight.

Thorne shook his head slightly and refused, then pushed the wobbly drinking guy with a barrel of wine in his arms and walked straight towards the town.

not far from him.

There is a big stage built with fir tree poles, and the magic is shining brightly. Those who can dance dance on the stage, and those who can’t dance are like little ducks who have just learned to walk, swaying their feet to and fro.

They waved branches with flowers and vines in their hands, and their robes and flowers on their heads swayed in the wind.

It has been a month since the battle with Hobgoblin, these tired people who do not feel joy and sadness can finally vent their emotions tonight.

Thorne nimbly avoided the rickety crowd and those who were dancing.

These people gathered around the bonfire, holding hands, shouting loudly, and a drunken fellow fell, causing many people to fall to the ground, breaking the formation, and then divided into smaller groups.

Suddenly, keen insight led him to spot a young man holding a girl and running secretly into the darkness beyond the light of the campfire.

The girl screamed nervously, giggled, struggled in the arms of the young man, wriggling and trembling like freshly caught fish, and eventually the two disappeared into the dense bushes.

Thorne turned a blind eye to the revelry crowd and walked straight to the tower in Fallstown.

When he arrived in the town, he immediately activated the teleportation amulet in his hand and disappeared without a trace.

After entering the tower, he gently opened the door and walked towards the bed as if nothing had happened.

“I’m back.” Andrina looked at the ranger who came in, didn’t ask anything, just smiled at him and greeted him calmly.

She was wearing snow-white pajamas, and was reading a book with a soft pillow behind her back. Her fair and slender thighs were folded together, as if she had just taken a bath, and her long silky black hair was casually scattered.

Thorne met her smiling eyes, nodded, took off his cloak and weapons, hung them on the hanger, and walked over.

He sat on the bed and took off his boots, lying directly beside her, reaching out and taking the soft body into his arms.

A long-lost warmth, this is the first feeling in his heart.

A smile appeared on the corner of Andrina’s mouth, she closed the book, threw it aside, and quietly leaned against Thorne’s arms, her head against her chest, listening to his rhythmic heartbeat, keeping silent.

It was quiet in the bedroom.

“He has been waiting for you to come back.” After some time, Andersina raised her head and said softly.

“Wait for me?” Thorne’s hand paused.

“Let’s go and have a look.” Anderina got out of his arms.

Then, the two walked towards the twelfth floor of the tower together.

Thorne looked at the floating black figure with a complicated look. He was staring at the direction of Winter City, but unfortunately it had already become a vast ocean.

At this point he understood everything.

He knew why they were trapped in a world they could never go back to.

He also knew why the Wizard Tower of Winter City was ignoring the tragic encounters of his compatriots in the wilderness, and he even knew that the disaster in Winter City half a year ago was not an accident at all.

All of this is the result of the plans of the so-called ‘Insighters’ in order to carry out the God-building plan.

The inheritor of the Nine Swords needs a person who has experienced despair and has a firm belief to inherit, so he is “honored” to be selected by them.

When the gnoll attacked Winter City, the wizard tower deliberately showed weakness, just to attract the incarnation of the gnoll king Yenogu, who had a strong desire for revenge.

In this way, in the future plans, these overlords of the Great Sword Mark Mountains, the gnolls, will not be able to bring a fatal threat to the wilderness territory due to their greatly weakened strength.

The same goes for the hobgoblins of the Black Pearl Forest, who were banished to the Silent Forest just to serve as a perfect stepping stone.

The lord of winter, Martha, called Malvasia, did not return to the original world at all, but re-entered the game.

With the help of Kranwo, the Lord of Death, He retained the power of memory preservation and entered reincarnation, and was reborn as a goblin in the emerald field.

As for why the Lord of Death would help the Insight, there may be some kind of secretly priced deal.

At this moment, Thorne, the last glimmer of hope hidden in the deepest heart was finally shattered.

He originally thought that Malvasia could return to the original world, so as his strength improved, he would definitely think of a way to go back.

However, it is not.

It can be seen from the two broken swords that the skinny old man known as the ‘Final Crosser’ deliberately left him, there is no way to go back.

This news flashed through his heart like lightning, instantly awakening the fiercest and sharpest pain in his hidden depths, just as the scarred wound was scorched by a red-hot iron. .

Someone once asked him, what is home?

Home is a burden and a responsibility. It is a feeling that no matter where you are, as long as you think about it, you can’t help but be echoed in your heart by some kind of special beauty.

For Thorne, home is a light that never goes out in his heart.

Unfortunately, the light went out.

He really can’t go back, never will.

Knowing the truth, his heart seemed to be pulled tightly by an invisible giant hand, mercilessly pressed into the cold, bone-piercing pool.

Inside the quiet tower, Andrina looked at Thorne, who had finally regained his composure, glanced at Malvasia’s back, and finally swallowed the words she was about to say, and stood beside him obediently. keep silent.

“Don’t worry, I promised you something, and I won’t break my promise.” The silence was broken by Malvasia. He didn’t turn around, he just sighed faintly, dropped a word, and turned into a radiance that disappeared without a trace.

Thorne stared at the disappearing back of the other party, and he found that the two broken swords stored in his dimension bag had disappeared.

Soon, he understood the real purpose of his waiting for his arrival.

“What did he promise you?” Andrina looked back and asked curiously.

“He is the goddess of goblins and wisdom. Before the final battle with the gnomes, he promised me one thing.” Thorne, who had recovered, sighed slightly, held her hand, and went to the place where Malvasia left together. go:

“He promised me that if the consecration of the gods is successful, he will give you the first elect of the priesthood of wisdom.”

“Wisdom priesthood? Voters?” Andrina froze for a moment, looking at Thorne with a calm expression.

Hearing this news, she didn’t know how to express her feelings, and finally gave him a sweet smile full of happiness.

it is more than words.

Thorne looked at the charming smile, reached out and stroked her hair, smiling indifferently.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eyes, he found two small crystals on the floor.

So driven by curiosity, he bowed and picked it up.

These are two tear-shaped jewels that are shaped like teardrops, as crystal clear as winter ice.

Thorne and Andrina looked at each other and immediately checked its properties:

Tears of God

Type: Divinity

effect:? ? ?

(Note: According to legend, gods don’t cry easily, but in extremely rare cases, when a mortal is successfully conferred a **** and is about to leave the mortal world, he will be deeply attached to something. And the tears of the gods fell. Another legend says that if you look closely at the center of the tears of the gods, you will see the one who is regarded by the gods as the most precious memory in his life.)

Thorne pinched the teardrop with thumb and index finger, and lifted it carefully, facing the crystal magic lamp on the ceiling, both of them staring at the twinkling image in the center of the gem.

He saw a small house of dozens of square meters, a middle-aged woman in a wheelchair, and a cheering girl. Holding a mobile phone, she shared a score beginning with a 7 with the woman in the wheelchair. The mother in the wheelchair stood up excitedly and walked around the room with the girl in her arms.

The image of another teardrop is a small village by the sea. This small village grows at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the invasion of various evil creatures, it becomes a small town, erecting a towering tower, surrounding a sturdy The city wall eventually turned into a prosperous port city.


Volume two is over.

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