Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 461 - The Dilemma of Strength

The second floor of the cafe.

The dim candlelight and the melodious lute music control the atmosphere here very well, making people feel relaxed and quiet.

There are a dozen small round tables and armchairs in the interior, gleaming with steam-style candlelight shades and metal seats.

The air was filled with the faint aroma of coffee and the mellow aroma of cream.

Thorne walked lightly down the small wooden staircase.

A half-orc who covered his entire body in a dark green cloak seemed to notice his arrival, and looked up at the indifferent half-elf curiously.

The moment he met the other’s calm black eyes, the half-orc’s heart suddenly trembled, and instinctively, he immediately put his left hand under the table and casually placed it on the hanging hanging from his waist. on the dagger.

To outsiders, this posture may be a personal habit, but for an experienced ranger like Thorne, this half-orc’s posture is not so simple. The angle of his left arm is just right to quickly pull out the dagger. And throw it in an instant.

However, after noticing that the other party’s eyes showed vigilance rather than hostility, he didn’t bother to pay attention to the half-orc who was a little too alert.

In the past, he also went through this stage of growth.

Very understanding of the half-orc’s reaction. From this, it can be seen that the perception attribute of the other party is quite good, and he can detect the dangerous intuition he brings.

A bard in a gray cloak hid in a corner, playing his harp in the shadows out of the candlelight.

The sound of the piano is melodious and soft, accompanied by whispering chants, floating in the hall:

Time is like a surging torrent

gone forever

scorching hot years

short as morning dew


Today we are still singing together

infinite happiness

I don’t know each other tomorrow

Where are you going?


The ‘Blue Pearl’ cafe is not the same as the ordinary taverns on the street. The atmosphere here is neither noisy nor noisy, and even vulgar adventurers will become a little civilized when they come here.

Of course, vulgar adventurers will not come here, because the expenses here are calculated in gold coins, which are dozens of times more expensive than ordinary taverns.

Most of the people who come to this cafe are those who like to be quiet or enjoy one of the few modern ambiences here.

Although it has been more than five years since all players crossed here, with the precipitation of time, most of these people who have survived to this day have a common hobby, that is: nostalgia.

Especially some people who are quite good here.

When they are no longer worried about their lives and are no longer bothered by the work of the sunrise and sunset, these idle people start to think wildly in their minds.

Because most people who have seen it for a long time think that missing the past is not sad for sadness, but just to seek a feeling in this world.

It’s like reliving the same dream over and over again.

They don’t do anything else, they just want to see the future of their life more clearly.

So this exquisite little cafe has become a place for many people to chat and comfort.

Thorne found that the person who invited him hadn’t arrived, so he found a round table that had just been cleaned up by the waiter and sat down, then looked around and looked at it quietly.

In the position behind him by the window, sitting two wizards holding spell books, they quietly looked at the spells recorded above, and exchanged knowledge of arcane arts with each other in a low voice from time to time.

However, one part of the conversation between the two raised his interest.

“Hey, we just succeeded in the assessment today, and we can finally join the Emerald Tower in Waterfall Town. Have you ever thought about which school of magic you want to develop into?” A human wizard wearing a black pointed hat closed the book, Looking at the elf companion sitting opposite.

“…Transformation.” The somewhat sloppy elf companion rubbed his forehead, showing a look of difficulty in choosing.

“Transformation?” The human wizard sipped his coffee and replied, “Didn’t you listen to that Arcanist Pardo. Although spells are classified into eight major schools, each school is also divided into many sub-schools. .Wizards like us who came from wild ways are basically unstable. If you want to steadily improve your strength, you must specialize in a sub-school in the early stage. Start with turning elite, gradually from one specialization to more powerful, and finally become all-rounder .

If you only pursue breadth and not refinement, you are only half a bucket of water. Just like a house, a plank house, if you have a lot of planks, surely your house can be built hard and hard? Won’t it collapse when the rain blows? “

“Of course I know what you said.” The elf companion who was silent for a while seemed to have finally made up his mind, slowly stretched his frown, and said:

“It can only be said that the classification of magic is too broad. Although it is divided into eight schools as a whole, there are many small schools derived from each school. Those so-called all-powerful wizards, which of them did not rely on time to settle down? . I decided, I chose to specialize in the neutron school of transformation, and transformed into a stream.”

“There are also many types of transformation streams, such as nature, undead, magical beasts, bugs, elements, intelligent races, etc. There are so many that I can’t list them all.

And the level of danger of this genre of magic is second only to the necromantic system. If a spell goes wrong or is interrupted, it’s a trivial matter of not being able to change back, and it’s not uncommon to die in the process of transforming, or to turn into something bizarre. “

The human wizard was surprised, obviously not expecting his friend to choose this genre, and then patiently explained to his companions.

The so-called wizards are naturally not a group of people who just stand there foolishly and cast spells in their imaginations.

There are also quite unusual and very violent schools of magic in wizards.

Transfiguration is one of the best.

A wizard who is proficient in the shapeshifting genre is sometimes even more powerful and difficult to deal with than a druid who is proficient in transfiguration.

Because most of the druids are based on natural creatures, but these transforming wizards can change various monsters to adapt to the environment according to the different environments.

“The Arcane Empire has inherited two very special transformation styles, namely the thirty-six transformations of the upper plane and the seventy-two transformations of the lower plane.

If the strength reaches a high-level or above, it can even transform into a real **** of another world or a high-level demon to fight the enemy. And what I chose is the thirty-six variations of the upper plane types. ” The elf companion who had already made a decision smiled indifferently, and then said slightly depressed:

“Unfortunately, if you want to learn this genre from the Arcane Empire, you can only sign another contract with the Emerald Tower, and then you have to practice the matching meditation method for more than five years before you can actually learn spells. That is to say, in the For the next few years, I will spend the days meditating and transcribing scrolls in the tower.”

Thinking that he was about to spend countless days and nights in boring spell research, the elves couldn’t help but back away.

However, in the end, he gritted his teeth and strengthened his determination.

After all, he is a pure-blooded elf with seven or eight times the lifespan of a normal human being, and a wizard is a profession that relies on time to accumulate knowledge.

“It turns out that you have already made up your mind. No wonder you suddenly became so generous today, and you took the initiative to invite me here.”

The human wizard took a deep look at his companion, sighed, and then thought for a while, and said firmly: “I have decided, I will choose the force field flow in the energy system, and then specialize in the force field of the Bigby series. magic.”

“This genre is actually quite strong, but I don’t know how many contribution points it will take to learn it all.”

“Take your time, after all, the Emerald Tower is the strongest wizard organization in the entire peninsula. If the two of us can pass the assessment, we are already a big step ahead of many wizards.”

“Hey, I heard that the real owner of the Emerald Tower is not the arcanist, the octopus head and the dark elf, but someone else.” The elf wizard seemed to remember something and asked again.

“You’re not talking nonsense.” The human wizard directly affirmed his companion’s guess, and whispered to him:

“Didn’t you find it? Every time the arcanist communicated with Taling, the attitude was extremely respectful, and the three of them did not have access to the sixth floor or above at all. This is already a very obvious thing.”

“Who is the owner of this wizard’s tower?” The elf asked curiously.

“It seems that you are really learning magic, and you are going to be stupid. As long as you go to the tavern in the town of waterfalls, it is easy to find out.

The owner of the wizard’s tower is a half-elf ranger, and on the relief of the Temple of Wisdom, the conspicuousness is second only to that of Martha. And the hostess is a dragon vein warlock, said to be Martha’s elector, I don’t know the other specific circumstances. “

Hearing the whispers of the two wizards, Thorne, who was sitting on the other side, couldn’t help but chuckle.

At the same time, I also realized that I was too thorough in being a hands-off shopkeeper.

However, it is gratifying that the three Pardos were able to manage the forces of the Emerald Tower in an orderly manner, which he did not expect.

Three years ago, when these three guys offered to help him form a wizarding force, he didn’t really have much hope.

Unexpectedly, in the past three years, he has not caused any big trouble to him.

Moreover, the profits brought by the spell scrolls and low-level magic items they shot are enough to maintain the normal operation and daily maintenance of the wizard tower.

This made him feel very happy as a hands-off shopkeeper.

Of course, the most critical factor in this is due to the legacy of the arcane empire that Malvasia left to the wizard tower.

If there is no complete magic system for later generations to learn, it is impossible to attract talented wizards to develop.

In fact, the knowledge of these arcane empires was also backed up by Malvasia at a certain price paid by several other towns, but the town of waterfalls, which has the advantage of the wizard tower, still stabilizes all wizards. one head.

Then, a bit bored, Thorne turned his attention to a couple sitting in a dimly lit corner, the two whispering and snickering.

From the intermittent words, he heard clearly what the young couple was talking about in their whispers.

It is nothing more than the end of the ‘Wanderer Street’ inside the Watch Fortress. There is a ‘Holy Land’ that is nicknamed by the players, which is the so-called ‘Crystal Love’ hotel.

The main reason why it is called the “Holy Land” is that the development direction of the hotel and the high-end services in it are mainly for couples.

The current Overwatch Fortress has spread throughout the wilderness with the reputation of the “Crystal Love” hotel.

Taking your lover to stay for one night in “Crystal Love” has been regarded as an essential romantic fun in love by most young couples.

However, the high price has resisted a lot of hard-working mandarin ducks.

In fact, the real reason why many couples like to go to this kind of place is mainly because the boss there is a dwarf witch who is proficient in the magic of the illusion school.

Couples who go to the ‘Crystal Love’ hotel, under the influence of illusion, can put them in a variety of extraordinary environments to pursue excitement and pleasure.

For example: on the back of a unicorn, in a dark dungeon, on the balcony of one’s own house, on the balcony of someone else’s house, in a turbulent canoe in a turbulent river, in mid-air more than 20 feet above the ground, or even On crowded streets…

In short, this realistic illusion, for those who are not proficient in spell knowledge, after entering the room, they can’t tell whether they are in an illusion or a real room.

“Why do you sit here alone and laugh?” Suddenly, a dark figure came over, sat on the chair opposite Thorne, and asked with a smile.

“It’s nothing.” The wandering ranger came back to his senses and looked at Horat, the half-drow elf opposite.

With a smile in his pale red eyes, this guy was dressed in dusty black clothes, with leather high boots on his feet, a wide-brimmed belt and a silver-plated buckle around his waist, and a scarf around his neck.

“What’s the matter?” Thorne refused the menu, as he was used to, he wasn’t very interested in coffee.

“Did you kill that white dragon?” Horat squeezed the spoon and gently stirred the steaming coffee, then moved the cup to his nose and sniffed it, before nodding in satisfaction.

“You didn’t ask for it knowingly, just tell me who is interested in White Dragon’s corpse.” Thorne leaned on the back of the chair and observed Horat’s every move lightly.

He found that the other party changed a lot.

Every little movement of his inadvertently revealed an inexplicable sense of coordination.

The most important thing is that he felt the shadow energy on the other side that he had never had before.

“You have successfully advanced?” Finally, he couldn’t help but ask.

“That’s right, I just successfully advanced. Originally, I planned to find the bad luck of the ‘cute new killer Hogg’ and take revenge. Who would have wanted to be preempted by you.”

Regardless of whether it was hot or not, Horat took a sip of the dark blue liquid in the glass, then added a little more sugar and continued:

“Then I planned to find the white dragon wandering in the deep sky. As a result, I received a message from Twilight Town as soon as I set off, saying that the white dragon was killed by you again. Let me contact you immediately.”

“Is it a perfect advance?” Thorne ignored the slightly resentful gaze of the other party and asked the question that he cared most about.

“Perfect shit!” Horat drank the coffee in the cup, smacking his mouth in pain, and unconsciously touched the pipe in his pocket with his hand. When he came back, he said depressedly:

“According to the method given to me by the deadwood master, I have persisted for three years, but unfortunately the progress is too slow. No, I was almost killed by that **** gnoll recently, so I gave up. As long as I keep this progress, It is not that there is no opportunity to advance to the Legend of Destiny.

Fortunately, even if I didn’t have a perfect advanced level, I still obtained the core ability of the wanderer, “Shadow Mastery”, based on the progress of this task. “

“Congratulations to you then.” Thorne was silent for a while, and threw a word to Horat in a perfunctory manner.

Then, he subconsciously looked at the progress of his mission:

Ranger Heart: Progress 95%

The Way of the Kendo: Progress 50%

Looking at this unwavering data, Thorne couldn’t help sighing and looked at the endless crowd outside the window.

In fact, this is his data half a year ago, and there has been no progress until now.

That is to say, now he is a little confused about the road to perfect advancement, and he feels that he can’t find his way.

“You don’t need to guess, I know, you’re still holding on.” Noticing the Ranger’s expression, Horat smiled secretly, and then solemnly consoled:

“Actually, this perfect progression really depends on talent. We have only three players in the entire Emerald Wilderness. Just like the mocking Gehao, the perfect progression is like TM’s drink. As simple as water, what can you do.

Although Master Deadwood and his apprentice did not have this talent, they had been tempered for decades when they entered the game. As long as they found the right direction to advance to the hero level, they would naturally come naturally.

So, it’s normal that you can’t complete the perfect progression. We all know that it’s not that you don’t work hard, it’s that your talent really doesn’t work. “

“Why… your comforting words sound so harsh.” Thorne looked at Horat’s grinning dark face, and had the urge to punch him up.

“Just kidding, actually, Master Wither Wood also said that sometimes things like state of mind are about a chance. As long as your chance comes, it will naturally be solved.”

Aware of the ranger’s unkind eyes, Horat shrank his eyes in fright, and immediately changed his expression and said:

“However, I didn’t plan to leave this peninsula, so it was destined that this so-called chance would be difficult for me to meet, so I gave up because I didn’t want to waste time.”

“Then do you know that some people have a completion rate of less than 50% because of the advanced superhuman level, and the completion rate of the advanced hero level is also less than 50%. The end result is that his system just disappeared.” Thorne After thinking for a while, he looked at Horat and said seriously.

“Of course I know about this. The disappearance of the system means that he can only rely on the methods of the original residents to improve his strength.

However, like me, the two completions are above 90%, so there is no such concern at all, there is nothing to worry about, it is nothing more than not being able to obtain other special abilities. “

Horat waved his hand not very concerned, and then looked around vigilantly, looking at the ranger on the opposite side and deliberately lowered his voice:

“I heard Master Deadwood say that, based on the many aboriginal professionals he has seen, he infers a conclusion: among the original residents, there are also very few professionals who can improve their strength so perfectly. So, this thing is also Nothing to mess with.”

“The masters of Qingchen you mentioned have also told me.” Thorne tapped the table lightly, while thinking about the little abacus in his heart, and finally said with a firm expression: “But I still want to try it. , just like I insisted on perfection and transcendence.”

“Whatever you want, this kind of thing related to your own strength can only be decided by you. I’m just worried that you will be busy in the end.” Seeing Thorne so insistent, I don’t know what happened, Horat suddenly suddenly I regret my sudden decision.

“Don’t mention this.” Thorne shifted his attention and returned to the theme: “Who wants the body of the white dragon.”

“Who else, the group of wizards who make a fuss all day, want to use the heart of a real dragon to do a special spell research.” Holat said truthfully.

“The corpse has already been transported to Waterfall Town by me. After the meeting, you can fetch it with me. As for the price… you should talk to the old butler directly. He is good at this.”

Thorne thought about it and found that the young white dragon’s heart was of no use to him, so he simply sold it to the other party for a favor.

“I know, I’m relieved with your words. In terms of price, I can come as I want.” Seeing his friend’s agreement so readily, Horat sighed in relief.

“By the way, we were suddenly called here. Is there something big to happen? It’s so inspiring.” Thorne remembered the real purpose of his coming here.

Today’s Emerald Wilderness and Yuanshan Town have become six towns.

Although the Hobgoblin War was won, the Alliance of Lords did not dissolve because of this, but became more and more reliable. Every three months, they would gather together to discuss the future development direction of the alliance.

What puzzled him was that it had only been more than a month since the last meeting ended, and he suddenly called everyone together, which made him wonder what happened.

“The lizards and bully frogmen of the Bottomless Swamp have been defeated by our three towns together and driven to the deepest part of the swamp, and the last threat of the Emerald Fields is gone, so they decided to jointly build a city.” Horat looked serious and serious. the way.

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