Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 462 - meeting room

Thorne was the last to enter the chamber.

If it was in the past, he would not even bother to pay attention to this kind of boring meeting.

But today is different. Now his identity is not only the owner of the Emerald Tower, but also represents the original half-elf inhabitants of the upper town of Waterfall Town.

Before he knew it, he had become a force in the Emerald Wilderness that everyone should not underestimate.

There are even many major decisions that require his nod to agree to be executed perfectly.

Therefore, in order to protect his own interests, or for the only free country to become an eternal place for all, he can only attend every meeting of the Lords Union without being absent.

This conference room is round, with a magnificent landscape painting hanging on the white-washed stone wall.

The hazy distant mountains are shrouded in a layer of veil, and the shadows are indistinct, in the misty clouds and mists, far and near, just like a few strokes of ink, smeared on the horizon.

This simple ink painting is by the deadwood master of Twilight Town.

He also signed a sentence on it to everyone who is doing it:

There are mountains and rivers in the eyes, clear and bright. May there be hills and valleys in your heart, and you will never go forward.

This sentence, Thorne is still more impressive.

When he brought Andrina to town for the first time at the waterfall, the sorceress gave him this somewhat esoteric-sounding remark.

At that time, he couldn’t understand the true meaning of it, so he just casually passed it.

It’s just such a coincidence.

This sentence was handwritten by Master Druid Deadwood and handed out to everyone in the conference room during the completion ceremony of the Watch Fortress.

It was at that time that he finally understood what the sorceress at the time expected of him.

The meaning of this passage is explained by the dead wood master:

May the world you step into is beautiful as far as you can see, with a pair of eyes to discover beauty and hands to create beauty.

May you have ups and downs in your heart, have good thoughts in your heart, be happy for others, and worry about others.

May you carry great ideals and have far-reaching plans in your heart.

There is an open mind like a river, and a grand air like a mountain.

The heart can accommodate the mountains and the ravines, and the eyebrows naturally look forward to the brilliance.

With firm vision, clear goals, forging ahead, fearless, the mission will be achieved!

A very far-reaching, very gentle and beautiful blessing.

Thorne doesn’t think he can do it all, and of course this mood doesn’t suit him.

However, his understanding of this sentence is relatively simple.

In his opinion, the meaning of this sentence is: there is no need for big mountains and big valleys, as long as there is a small ideal, a small goal, and then just let the horse go.

As for how other people understand it, it is unknown.

The location of the meeting room was a tower five stories high in the fortress.

This is the top of the tower, built near the gate to the Great Sword Mark Mountains.

It just happens to overlook the rolling Dajianken Mountains. There are also traces of battle that were once left by the dragon in the Falling Dragon Canyon, but have long been weathered. A shocking dragon claw is still very clearly preserved.

The basement of the tower is a warehouse where many high-quality weapons and armor are displayed.

The first floor is the battle hall of the Golden Thorn Rose Knights. When a war occurs, the orders that are enough to reverse the victory are issued by the battle hall.

The second, third and fourth floors are where the commanders of the Knights live. They permanently settle here to ensure the normal operation of the entire fortress.

The name of the Knights of the Golden Thorn Rose was named by Thorne himself.

Although many people were not satisfied with the name at the time, he still won it against all opposition.

As for the specific reason, he did not explain it to anyone, and it was the only wayward decision he had made in three years.

The knights jointly formed by six small towns are mainly commanded by three deputy heads.

They were the cursed swordsman Yas from Waterfall Town, a bearded wind knight from Iron Horse Town, and a double-shield guard from Yuanshan Town.

The real leader of the Knights is himself.

It’s actually just a name.

Although he is the nominal leader, he has never fulfilled the obligations of the leader of the Knights. It is nothing more than that when he encounters a task that cannot be solved by the bounty list, he will personally solve it.

Even if it is solved by hand, they will still give him a lot of the bounty on the bounty list.

In other words, the real meaning of the name is mainly his fame.

After all, the ‘Golden Thorn Rose Knights’ is an elite knights group formed by the joint formation of six small towns.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most elite force in the entire wilderness, so this head of the group naturally needs a person with the most famous reputation, so that it is easier to attract high-end talents to join.

A strange and shrill wind suddenly sounded outside the window, and Thorne thought he heard ravens and crows hoarse, but it was just wind.

For some reason, ravens and crows like to linger nearby in the Watch Fortress, and the wind in the canyon can sometimes sound very harsh.

Thorne walked quietly into the conference room, and the people inside didn’t notice him, they all seemed silent.

Sarayan, Lord of Twilight, lay in his armchair, staring at the beer mug that lay in front of him.

The tiger-man ranger Sailu of Horn Town turned his head to the window and showed his profile face with colorful stripes in front of everyone. Sitting on the right is the war troll Kohandor, who from time to time swept a pair of large eyes towards Sarayan.

As for the orc leader Saen, he was not present, as always, he was very low-key, like a big girl who had not left the cabinet, and rarely made public appearances.

Thorne was facing the Wind Knight from Iron Horse Town, one of the deputy leaders of the Golden Thorn Rose Knights. He had a big, bandit-like beard, and his small, penetrating eyes glanced lightly at the other participants in the meeting.

The lord of Iron Horse Town, Helm, brushed his hair with his ring-wearing fingers and pressed his temples, wondering what he was thinking.

The demon warrior Ishak from Stallman Town and the Asmo race Avatar are making eye contact.

Thorne just happened to see the gentle-looking Avatar gently nodding to Ishak, and the two seemed to have reached some kind of agreement in secret.

The succubus paladins of Stallman Town disappeared three years ago after the battle ended and the situation settled down.

He didn’t know the specific reason, because he didn’t gossip that much.

Today, most of the town’s decisions are made by Avatar.

In the position by the window, the lords of Yuanshan Town, Jarod and Gust, were sitting together, and their expressions were very relaxed.

One leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes, while the other put his hand on the table with a calm demeanor and tapped silently.

When Thorne turned his attention to Carlos, the lord of the town on the waterfall, the other party just noticed him and nodded to him.

Yas, who was sitting to the left of Carlos, waved his hand kindly.

Suddenly, everyone discovered the absent ranger.

So Thorne walked towards the empty seat beside Carlos.

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