Half of Me

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

There were a lot of people waiting in Ibiza or Igija, just like the last time I came. Ah, should I have made a reservation? Feeling worried, I approached the entrance to ask. But why? He looked at me and told me to go inside like last time. What are the people waiting outside? Do you give me a discount coupon?! My footsteps stopped as I was entering, but I soon gave up on the coupon. Let’s quickly catch the class leader and get out. And we will bring the full force of the law to this club that allowed minors into the store again. With firm determination, I went straight up to the second floor.

Should we start by looking for the room at the end? I rolled up my sleeves and went out, but there was no need to even open the first door. There was a loud noise from somewhere. A crowd of people gathered in front of a room with an open door. What? As I approached to take a look, I saw a familiar face.

“What the fuck, bastard? You’re just playing? Do you think this bastard would be sweet if he were a horse?!”

A man swearing in the room raised his hand. A woman nearby let out her scream.

"what are you doing?!"

The woman tried to stop the man, but that seemed to make the man even more angry.

"Fuck, are you on this baby now?

The tall, bulky man raised his hand in a threat again. The face of the person in front turned white with tension. Oh my, this is a big deal, class leader. I folded my arms and watched, worried in my mind. I met a girl who had a boyfriend, and from what I could see, I was in a situation where I was hooked on her boyfriend. I thought maybe I would come to my senses here without even having to go out. Of course, if I had to, I immediately took out my cell phone to call the police. If you go to the police station, you will definitely come to your senses. I watched happily with this in mind, but there was an obstacle. Before I knew it, an employee came running. While he was stopping her boyfriend, the class leader and his gang suddenly started running out with their bags. Even I was watching them run away, saying "Uh-uh", and then I came to my senses when my boyfriend cursed.

“Fuck, catch those bastards!!”

My boyfriend's group quickly followed behind. I followed him. Oh shit! I cursed under my breath and shouted so as not to miss the person disappearing among the crowd.

“Oh, get out of the way!!”

So I managed to get out through the back door of the club. Actually it took a long time. Since the back door is next to the bathroom passageway, I thought it was in the bathroom and looked for it. I looked around, but didn't see anyone. where are you? Where did you go?

“Fuck you bastards!”

Oh my, this is a surprise! I suddenly looked up in shock at the swearing I heard next to me. It was my boyfriend who chased me out late. Like me, he couldn't find the people who had gone before him, so he looked around and picked up his cell phone. I immediately asked if the other person had answered the phone right away.

“Where are you? ...Okay. Hold on, you bastard.”

My boyfriend started running. I also ran again. Class leader, there were three of them and they were caught by one person who chased them? This makes sense... It made sense once I got there. The class leader was caught alone. The other two must have run away. However, my boyfriend didn't care that the other two couldn't be seen, probably because his goal was to be class president in the first place. Moreover, the presence of the class president was very strong. He was on his knees crying, asking for his friend's hands.

“Don’t hit me. Don’t hit me in the face, okay?”


My friend was shocked and then realized that her boyfriend had arrived.

“Hey, listen to how funny this guy is saying... Who is he?”

The boyfriend huffed and walked towards the class president, but stopped when his friend said something.


“Behind you.”

My friend pointed behind my boyfriend, and he turned his head. Our eyes met.

“Who are you?”

“Who could it be?”


My boyfriend's impression has worsened. Well, whatever it is, I saw the class president caught by his friend. A nosebleed was flowing from the guy's face. To already be hit in such a short period of time, that's an incredible ability. The class president opened his eyes wide, as if he remembered my face. Yes, it's me. I responded with my eyes and opened my mouth to my boyfriend.

“I think he’s already been hit, so let’s finish it in moderation.”

“Fuck, who are you to say this or that?”

“Then should I tell him to do this or that? He’s just like Sammosam Cho.”


My boyfriend was embarrassed. Meanwhile, I asked my friend.

“I called the police. If you don’t want to get caught for assault, get out quickly.”

He rolled his eyes as he looked at my boyfriend's reaction to my words. I think I just need to persuade her a little bit, the problem is my boyfriend...

“Hey, I think you know that bastard. If you don’t want to get hit on, just get out of there.”

My boyfriend raised his fist and quietly threatened.

“You mean I can get hit if I want to? Okay.”

Permission was granted. I approached my friend and pulled away the hand holding the class president. Perhaps because I mentioned the police, he didn't struggle and fell off easily. When the class leader staggered back, I blocked his path and gave him an order.

“Hey, call the police.”

The class president blinked his eyes in surprise. You said you reported it to the police? My friend also looked at me with the same eyes.

“Of course it’s stupid. Call me quickly.”

Perhaps because I was young, naive young people looked at me with disbelief. Learn well, this is the adult world. I personally taught it, but there were some who were not interested.

“Fuck you asshole, are you really going to try it?”

My boyfriend came up to me and stretched out his hand to grab my collar. I quickly moved to the side, but my shoulder was grabbed.

“Make that smooth face look like bamboo? Huh?”

“Your face is smoother.”

I patted my boyfriend's cheek and praised him. He frowned and was delighted with the compliment. Then he raised his arm to hit me again, but his friend stopped him.

“Hey, don’t make a big deal out of it. If the real police come...fuck it.”

My friend who was trying to break up the fight suddenly started swearing and my boyfriend and I both wondered why? I looked at him with a face like that. My friend frowned and looked behind me.

“Oh, that bastard jumps out.”

what? When I turned around, I saw that the real class leader was running away. I instinctively shook off my boyfriend's hand and started running. Oh my, did you see that fucking guy!!!

“Hey! You’re not standing there!!”

Startle. The class leader who was ahead turned around in surprise and sped up even more. There were two people following me who came to their senses later, but they couldn't catch up. Because I'm so fucking fast. In an instant, I grabbed the class president's back.

“Ugh, ugh!”

“This bastard is going to die.”

“Please help me. I’m sorry. Please help me. Ugh...”

“Are you bragging about running 100 meters in 7 seconds in front of me? Haha, that’s ridiculous.”

The class president must have been really scared after being caught, so his legs became weak and he sat down.

"I won't run away. I'm sorry. Ugh..."

“Okay, lie down and stretch out.”

"yes yes?"

The class president looked up at me with wide eyes. Here?

"Right Now."

The class leader hesitated, but made eye contact with me and quickly crouched down in the middle of the alley.

“Student in one, study in two.”

“Ha, student... and study.”

The class leader started doing push-ups. The two turtles who arrived late watched this scene with dumbfounded faces.

“What the hell are you doing…what are you?”

“He will be judged on his own, so you can just go and take care of your lover.”

The moment I opened my body after giving friendly advice, a fist flew into my face. Luckily, I was turning around, so his fist barely grazed my chin, but the impact left a tingling sensation on my cheek. It was my boyfriend.

“Fuck, what is this nigga?”

“Okay, who are you to say this and that?!”

As someone thought that Sammosam Cho and Sammosam were not friends, their friend stood next to them, clenched his fist and helped. I tilted my head to the side and stepped forward. With many years of fighting experience, the best situation comes first. Because you can claim self-defense and beat him to death.

“Who wants to stop doing push-ups?”

Hearing the surprised moans of the class leader behind him, he took off the cool toss that was only on his Hanbok arms. Their eyes were focused on my tattooed arm. I'll give you a closer look soon. I lunged at my boyfriend.

The police box was cozy. Although it is narrower than the Earth Zone, I prefer to go to the police station because I can negotiate and move on in a good way here. And because I showed a very cooperative attitude in writing the report, the police officers looked at me favorably. It's better not to cause trouble with the police officers. From what anyone could see, my boyfriend and friend got hit and I only got a slight bruise on my cheek, but the treatment was different because they made a fuss by swearing and I showed a calm and high level of civic consciousness.

“You got involved in a fight. Is it because that person got hit alone?”

yes. I nodded loudly.

“Fuck. That bastard was following us before we even got hit!!”

My boyfriend struggled. The police stopped it right away.

“Well, be quiet!”

After all, it is the people's staff. My boyfriend looked at the police like he was going to die out of injustice, but his friend next to him stopped him. It was my friend who reported it to the police. She rolled around on the floor after being hit by me, and then called her boyfriend while he was being hit. Still, seeing as he didn't run away alone, it seems he was loyal.

“But the reason you hit those two people like that...”

“That bastard is a thug, a thug! Damn, look at the tattoos on his arms!!”

My boyfriend struggled again. Hearing these words, the police looked at my arm wearing a cool t-shirt again. I quickly smiled helplessly.

“This is what I did when I was young and immature. Now I run my own shop and pay my taxes steadily.”

I quickly handed my business card politely with both hands. The police looked at my business card closely and pretended to know me.

“Ah, do you do business here? I always deny it and go here to buy groceries during the holidays.”

"Really? Be sure to stop by my store. Dried peppers come in in the fall, and if you buy the wrong one, you'll ruin all your year's worth of chili peppers. If you come to our store, we'll give you the best ones. By the way, do you like crunchy peppers? They'll be spicy soon, so now is the perfect time to eat them. It’s time. I have a box that came as a sample, and I’d like to bring it to you if it’s okay.”

“Haha, it’s okay. No bribes.”


Even though the policeman said that, he smiled brightly as he put my business card in his pocket. I also smiled brightly. The atmosphere was friendly.

“Ugh!! Fuck, what are you doing?!! Put that bastard in a cell quickly!!!”

“Please wait quietly until the report is written!”

The police waved the magic wand again and silenced the boyfriend. He let out a sigh and was shocked, but my attention was focused on something else. The class leader being investigated near me kept his mouth shut when asked by the police.

“Please tell me your name and resident registration number.”


“Didn’t you say you called a guardian? No matter how many guardians come, you have to fill out a document before you can leave. Name.”

“You might have a name to say, but you might not have a social security number.”

When I intervened, the police officer in front of the class leader looked at me. What are you talking about? I ignored him and asked the class president.

“Did you get your resident registration card? Doesn’t it come out after your birthday? I’m in my second year of high school.”

high school student?! Everyone except me was shocked. The class leader looked at me with resentful eyes, but he didn't care about me.

“High school student? 2nd grade? Wow... shit... oh, fuck. Hey, are you a high school student? Huh?!”

My boyfriend, who found out the truth too late, got angry and stood up. This time my friend didn't stop me. The class leader let out a small curse in response to the two people's reprimand, and then our eyes met and we immediately looked away.

“Police teacher, look. How could I just sit by and watch when those two vicious adults caught and beat such a young high school student?”

The police urged the squad leader.

“You’re in high school? Is that right?”


“You’re not answering?”

“That’s right. Second year at xx high school.”

I quickly intervened from the side. The police looked puzzled and asked me.

“Are you originally acquainted with this student?”

“We met at the same club not long ago. I saw this high school student drinking liquor and having fun with a girl, and I scolded him.”

The police were shocked. My boyfriend and friend were already so shocked that they couldn't say anything. I drove the wedge even further.

“Besides, I even drove today. Ask where I parked the car.”

“Really? You were a high school student driving?”

“Oh, no.”

The class leader quickly shook his head, but an unexpected witness came out.

“Fuck!! It’s true that that high school kid was driving the car!! I’ve been chasing that kid since he picked up my girlfriend today! Oh, shit! That high school kid… Oh, high school kid!”

The class president opened his mouth to my boyfriend with an expression that said he was screwed.

“I was spying on her girlfriend like that, so she contacted me.”

“What? Something like that? Surveillance?! This bastard is really going to die.”


He rushed towards the class president and the inside instantly became a mess. I sat back and watched, but it didn't last long. A well-dressed man in his mid-20s came into the police station.


He frowned and called out the class president's name. When the class leader saw him, he lowered his eyes in fear.

“Tongue, bro.”

“What happened to you? What happened?”

“Will you be this student’s guardian?”


The police briefly explained the situation to him and made him sit next to the captain. When the guardian appeared, the boyfriend and friend sat back down in a huff, but did not stop glaring. I guess I was quite upset. But further division remained to be done. After hearing the explanation from the police, the class leader asked briefly.

“Can’t we just agree and go?”

Then he took out a check from his wallet and threw it in front of his boyfriend and friend.

"Fuck, this..."

“I heard you hit my younger brother? Call the prosecutors and a judge you know right away, get it before they charge you with assault, and then quietly go home.”


“If you want to see it through to the end, contact our lawyer in prison.”

The class president took out an additional business card and threw it over the check. Then he turned around and looked at me. I also looked up at him. A face that may or may not resemble the class president. He worked hard at the gym and was in good shape. And I felt bad. Something about this kid didn't feel right. Unlike me, he looked at my face and had a smile on his face. He tilted his head to the side as if curious and asked.

“Are you a celebrity?”

"yo. this."


“Shall we? That’s it. In our language, there are definitely honorifics that are meant to be used when meeting each other for the first time.”

He chuckled.

“Are you a celebrity by any chance?”


“Why are you speaking informally?”

“Did you do it too?”

Only then did he erase his smile. But he still looked at me with sparkling eyes. That sparkle was one of the reasons I felt bad. He had cunning eyes.

“You helped my sister?”

“Brother, no! That person didn’t help me…”

The class leader shouted and then looked down again when he made eye contact with his older brother.

“What does that mean to the person who fought with those people because of you?”

“But that person made me lie down on my stomach.”

Lie down and stretch out? The class president looked at me.

“Your younger brother is so spoiled.”

“What about it? I’m curious, so please tell me.”

He was still smiling and held out his cell phone.

“Please write down your contact information. I want to hear more details.”

Then he looked at me with an unpleasant look. I ignored his phone and got up and handed it over to the police.

“You need to write a report.”


I sat in front of my boyfriend and friend while the police took charge of the class and class leader. The guys flinched when I got close.


Jo Sam-i and Mo-sam looked alert and asked.

“Are you guys pissed?”

The two just kept their mouths shut without answering. The check that the class president threw was still on the table.

“If you get upset, just see my guardian come.”


That will make you feel refreshed. I was about to explain when I turned my head when I heard a loud noise behind me.

“You mean a minor driving without a license? You haven’t even seen it in person. Since when did the police stop cracking down on it directly and only solve it through testimony? Yes?”

The police only warned him with kind words, but the class leader got irritated by arrogantly talking about a prosecutor he knew. On the one hand, it was surprising. It's rare to find someone like that typical drama villain. Is that guy a drama writer?

“You unlucky bastard.”

Regardless of the swear words my boyfriend uttered, the three of us were of one mind.

“Who is your brother’s guardian?”

He asked again, as if he remembered his friend. But this time there was no time to explain. At that moment, someone who caught everyone's attention appeared inside the police box. Intimidating tall height, wide shoulders, and cool impression when expressionless. Today, Woo Min-jae, who looked like he had something on his suit, entered the police station and took a quick look inside. His gaze stopped once on the class leader and then on me again. I stood up, holding back the laughter that was about to escape. Damn, I never thought they would come 20 minutes after I called. I was planning on bowing even if he came within 2 hours.

"I'm here?"

He didn't ask what was going on. He must have realized the situation when he saw the class president. But he asked me as he approached me.


What? You wouldn’t know it if you looked at the class president?! Then, I remembered the record of him letting go of the class president. I quickly took him aside and briefly explained the situation. Emphasizing the class leader's sin. But what about his expression? That was it. I got a little anxious. I quickly told him about the atrocities of my class leader. He boasted by talking about a prosecutor he knew and handed over the check. He was rude to the police. As the guy's expression was still somber, I spoke faster.

“I smiled and asked for my phone number, as if I was helping my younger brother, but that was unlucky. I was in a bad mood when he laughed and asked me if I was a celebrity, but what was even more unlucky was that he spoke informally from the beginning...”

“What did they ask you for?”

“Phone number. That’s not important, just use informal language…”

Woo Min-jae suddenly turned around and went towards the class leader and his older brother. The class leader was talking to his brother about something and became nervous when he saw Woo Min-jae approaching. The class president saw this and blocked his younger brother's way.

"Is there a problem?"

I gave you the answer.

“Police teachers, this is my guardian. By the way, Woo Min-jae, you are a teacher at xx high school, right? Do you know that student?”

I glanced behind him, emphasizing the teacher. As expected, Jo-sam and Mo-sam were delighted when they heard about Woo Min-jae's occupation. What do you think, are you thankful I told you to wait? Brother, you are the best! The look in Zhaosam's eyes shouted. I shrugged and lifted her chin. And then he placed his hand on Woo Min-jae’s shoulder. This is my friend. However, the class president, who should have been embarrassed, was just looking Woo Min-jae up and down.


He looked at Minjae suspiciously. Woo Min-jae was dressed up well that day, so I felt a little awkward. I always saw him in sportswear or comfortable jeans, so I had no idea he looked so good in a suit.

“Hong Seon-gyu.”

Minjae Woo ignored the class president and called the class president right away.

“Stop, teacher…”

“What did I say at school the last time you got caught?”


“You’re not answering?”

The class president tried to open his mouth, but the class president blocked him again.

“I am Seongyu hyung. Please tell me, your guardian.”

“Hong Seon-gyu, stand up.”

This time, Woo Min-jae ignored him and ordered the class leader. The class leader who received the order suddenly stood up. He bit his lip nervously and pulled his brother's clothes with his hands. The class president was glaring at Woo Min-jae, but when he heard something his younger brother was whispering, he burst into laughter.

“Are you a physical education teacher? A temporary teacher at that?”

I flinched. When I looked back, I saw Josam and Mosam also looking at me with puzzled expressions. Brother, how did this happen?

“But he is definitely a teacher who guides students at school.”

I tried to help Woo Min-jae, but the class president's ridicule only grew.

“If you don’t want to get kicked out of school right away, get out quietly. I don’t think you know what the situation is, but the victim is my younger brother. I’m here because my younger brother was beaten. Put those two bastards in jail, and this guy too…”

He looked at me and grinned.

“You helped my younger brother, so I’ll thank you later, so we can just end it here. Yes, sir?”

“Hong Seon-gyu, I told you to answer, right?”

The class president was ignored again. The class leader hid behind his older brother, glanced up at Woo Min-jae, and finally opened his mouth.

“They said they wouldn’t watch it a second time…”


“...I called my father on the spot and told him to come...”

The class president's expression changed completely when he heard the word "father." It was an expression that even a child could tell what his weakness was. Does your father look scary?

“Hey, I’m Seongyu’s guardian. Why are you calling your father when I’m here?”

“Hong Seon-gyu. Tell me how you got into the club.”

Minjae still asked the class president as if he didn't exist, so this time the class president was embarrassed.

“Hey! Why did you tell me to talk to you, my little brother…?”

“Hong Seon-gyu. Should I call the club and confirm? Tell me straight who booked your room.”

No one could join in Minjae's low, powerful voice. The guy who looked more threatening because of his height looked at me with scary eyes, and the class president had no choice but to answer.

"...Tongue, brother..."

“What the fuck is this guy talking about?”

The class president was shocked and grabbed his younger brother's shoulder tightly. And immediately his hand went up. Me too? While he was frozen in embarrassment, fortunately, someone else blocked the class president's hand.

“Ah, sir...”

The class president cursed and turned around to find Woo Min-jae holding his wrist. The class president tried to free his arm, but he burst out laughing again, probably because he knew that he had no strength whatsoever.

“You seem to be a strong teacher. Or is he a teacher who also acts as a swallow?”

Woo Min-jae let go of his arm, but didn't even look at him.

“Hong Seon-gyu, call me.”


“Call your father.”


The class president was in tears and begged, and the class president swore at Minjae, who was only ignoring him.

“Fuck, what kind of temporary teacher are you, Mara, calling my father? Do you really want to be buried?”

To be honest, I was a little worried as I watched. There was no way those idiots would have called my father, and even if they had, I thought there was no way it would have worked out well for the father of the idiot son. Moreover, the class president couldn't control his anger and picked up his cell phone.

“You are prepared to be completely cut out of school.”

However, the class president could not make a phone call to a single word from Woo Min-jae.

“Do I do it?”

Everyone's eyes turned to Woo Min-jae. what? Unlike us who were puzzled, the class president became thoughtful as to whether he knew what it meant. In a situation where even the class president did not understand yet, Woo Min-jae took out his cell phone and pressed the call button. After a while, he spoke to the person on the other end of the phone.

“Are you the father of student Hong Seon-gyu?”

No one could have predicted that this one phone call would change the mood of the day 180 degrees.

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