Half of Me

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

7 am.


As soon as I opened my eyes, I looked at the clock. 7 o'clock sharp. At first, I was extremely tired as I had to start another day as soon as I finished work for the day. However, as I got used to this, I started to worry about other things rather than fatigue. Lady, if I wake up 30 minutes early, I won’t be late! However, if you wake up at 7 o'clock, no matter how long you fly, you will still be late.


“Kim Taek-in.”


Hakju called to me with his finger. He pointed to an empty seat next to another latecomer who was lying down as if he was too lazy to talk. Lie down. I suddenly felt a sense of crisis that I had to get out of this body quickly. Otherwise, I felt like I wouldn't be able to live my life because of Hakju.


Since my English class was in the afternoon, I was able to lie down and sleep comfortably in the morning, but I kept my ears open. Even though the dog department just let the class president go from the club, I was hoping that the school would say something. I was just hoping they would be called to the teacher's office, but what? They studied hard, not even going to the bathroom, let alone the teacher's office. Is it really possible that the Dog Ministry is trying to hand over those guys like that? Are you really thinking that you played like that too?




The bell rang to end fourth period. Only then did I stretch and stand up. Sleeping at my desk was uncomfortable and my whole body ached. I tilted my head left and right, turned my arms, warmed up my body, and got up to go eat. Some people had already left the classroom to go first. Okay, okay, you guys eat it first. At that age, you feel hungry even an hour after eating. It was childish to run together, but if you get there early and stand in line, the guys in your class will hit you without saying a word and harass you so you can't stand in line, so you tend to be the last one to go. Similarly, when I go to the bathroom, I trip on my foot or push my shoulder so I can't go in, so I purposely go to the bathroom downstairs.


When I told this to my employees, they both couldn't understand how I could put up with it. If it were my body, I wouldn't have been able to endure it. Even if someone touches my body, I will punch them. But it's not me. Since this was something that happened to him, I thought I should also endure it. If I couldn't stand it and got angry, it would be like admitting that the bullying he was going through was truly unbearable, so I couldn't do that. Of course, this is when I was in Taekin's body, and when I return to my body and meet the class president, I will never leave him alone...


My classmates suddenly became quiet as I looked at them, vowing revenge. In particular, the class president and friends 1 and 2 were looking back in contemplation. Only then did I look back to see the kids. thud! The heart reacted before the eyes. It was a dog Buddha. He was standing at the back door looking around his class. Thump, thump, my heart was beating like crazy again. However, independent of Taek-in's body's reaction, my heart also started pounding. Yes, if you are a teacher, you should scold the class president and his gang! As I looked at the Dog Buddha with eyes full of anticipation, our eyes met.


“You, follow me.”


“Yes? Me?”


I looked around with a red face and asked again.




“Yes, you.”


Not the class president? I was embarrassed and wanted to ask, but it was not easy to open my mouth because my heart was pounding without notice. Why is it me? I looked back at the class president. The guys were also tense, looking at each other with puzzled faces. Look, they're expecting to get called too!


“Can’t you hear me tell you to come?”


At the sharp shout, I had no choice but to keep walking. I followed the dog to the teacher's office, receiving half-curious and half-disdainful looks from my classmates. Because it was lunch time, the teacher's office was almost empty. He sat down and I stood in front of him. My heart was still pounding, my neck was red, and I could feel the heat all the way down my face. Of course, I couldn't make eye contact and lowered my head like a guilty person. No matter how many times I experienced this, I couldn't get used to it. There is a reason why all Korean pop songs make a fuss about love being painful. I never thought love could be this crazy.


“Kim Taek-in.”




“What did you do wrong? Why can’t you raise your head?”


I raised my head sideways. I felt his eyes on me, but I did not make eye contact. If he did that, he might collapse, clutching his heart. Fortunately, he got straight to the point, probably because even the ministries were satisfied.


“Did you tell anyone else what you told me on Saturday?”


“...Why are you doing this?”


“Just answer the questions.”




I answered and took a peek. However, even after meeting his cold eyes, I quickly looked away because my heart was pounding.


“Who did you tell?”


“My brother upstairs.”


I said and quickly added.


"He's a really good person. I've never borrowed a single penny of money from anyone in my life. I'm so strict with money that I get angry when a friend tells me I'm giving him money, even if it's just empty words. I'm very sincere because I worked hard on my own without any help from anyone else. do."




“Also, he’s not the type of person to just ask for someone’s number or ask them out for a drink…”


“It’s okay. Go.”


why? I still have a long way to go to show off, right? But he had already turned to his desk. Against my will, I glared at him for a moment with my face red and my heart pounding out of embarrassment. But this alone seemed to be straining my damn heart, so I lowered my eyes and looked at the yellow card placed on one side of the desk. Is this a card you see often somewhere? As I was thinking about turning around, something important suddenly occurred to me.


“That’s right, indeed! Teacher.”




"What's your name?"




“Your name.”


“Kim Taek-in.”




“Get down.”




  7:00 pm.


“Ac, dog buddha!!!”


As soon as I woke up in my store, I poured out the words I had been storing inside. Since I'm only awake when I have to work anyway, I just pass out here at 7 a.m. without having to go home. However, after sleeping for 12 hours, my whole body aches when I wake up. It's not like I'm in a vegetative state, it's like I'm tossing and turning in my sleep, but my body still stiffens after lying down for a long time. These days, I've got a knack for it, so Taek-in comes into the store after school and massages my body here and there. At first, it gave me goosebumps seeing me in someone else's body, but now he's even massaging me, kneading my arms and legs.


What's surprising is that Taekin doesn't feel sick even though he sleeps in one position for 12 hours. Is it because I was young? By the way, why does this kid like dog Buddha? He barely even ate lunch because the damn dog made him lie down and stretch out for 20 minutes during lunch time. His arms were shaking, so not only did he bring the food tray shakily, but he also had no strength to use the cutlery, so he ate by licking the food tray with his mouth.


“You bastard! You asked for my name!”


Does everyone have to know their name? Is it okay if I ask? I cursed in anger and sent a text message to a classmate I met over the weekend.


[If you know the name of the dog department, please let me know.]


I let go of my anger as I waited for an answer. In my heart, I want to chase after him and have a fight with him, but I'm in a situation where I need to look good and I don't even know where to meet him...huh? Suddenly, the yellow card I saw on Gaebuddha’s desk came to mind. That's right, that was a gym card! When I saw it somewhere, it turned out to be a membership card for the gym where Namsu works. I quickly searched through the drawer. Two years ago, when Namsu moved there for a job, he had to meet the membership quota, so I went there for about two months to help out.


The entire building, up to the 4th floor, was a gym, golf, and swimming pool, and the membership fee was enormous, perhaps because it was located in the middle of a wealthy area. Of course, I was able to go to the local gym at the price of a local gym by receiving all kinds of discounts, including only the gym membership, employee discounts, and special discounts. Two years ago, when I was just starting my own store, I was so busy that I only had to go two or three times a week. I did a little exercise and warmed up in the sauna. There's a reason I don't go often because it's almost free, but there's also the burden of Namsoo's boss.


When I went to the gym, that person started watching me as if watching me. There were unusually many female customers during the time I went. It wasn't at first, but at some point, women started flocking around. As the number of women increased, the president would twitch his pursed lips as if he were holding back laughter and take a spin. In the end, he made sure to come up to me and talk to me, pretending to know me. Was he just taking advantage of me because I have a hard time talking to women? I was already concerned that the price was so low, but the owner kept talking about it, so I started to doubt it later. Is this a plan to annoy you and make you leave? When I quit two months later, Namsu told me I could keep going for the rest of my life at the same price, but he couldn't cause any more inconvenience. I found the membership card I used back then in the drawer. Yes, it was definitely this. I immediately called Namsu.


[Uh, Heechan.]




[no. I can talk. why? What's going on?]


He cautiously asked if it was because a secret had been revealed in a previous phone call.


“It’s nothing special, I was just wondering if any of your club members know me.”




“He’s the same age as us, he’s really tall, and he’s in good shape because he works out. Oh, he’s a physical education teacher now.”


While I was answering, a text message arrived. I quickly checked my phone

[Minjae. Minjae Woo.]


“Woo Min-jae. The name is Woo Min-jae.”


  5 am.


Although it was early in the morning, I could see a few people exercising at the gym. Thanks to Namsu's good advice in advance, I registered one month's worth at the same amount as before.


“Are you a friend of a trainer I used to go to? It’s been a while since you’ve been here.”


The counter staff pretended to know. Surely you don’t remember because you used it at a cheap price before?


“The boss was also happy to hear that his friend was coming.”


Stop. The boss still remembered me. Oh shit. Still, I'm sure he won't come out this early in the morning. There's no way there are many young women since dawn. As I expected, most of the people exercising inside were older people. Meanwhile, there was a young man exercising on a treadmill before going to work. The unusually large height and size were immediately noticeable. I got on the empty treadmill next to the dog Buddha. I pressed start, adjusted the speed, and started walking a little faster.


I glanced to the side and saw that he was listening to music with his earphones on and didn't seem to know I was there yet. Well, you'll figure it out someday. I increased the speed of the treadmill. After working out for the first time in a long time, my sore body seemed to be relieved. I turned my head left and right and started running hard, making a clicking sound. I have tolerated physical hardship well since I was young. This is my father's influence. My father also loved sports, from amateur baseball teams to bicycle clubs, jet skiing in the summer, hiking in the spring and fall, and smelt fishing in the winter. When I was young, I followed my father around and played sports with him.


When I entered middle school, I never followed him because I liked playing with my friends, but his father didn't even bother to take me with him. When I think about it now, I think my father just liked being outside rather than playing sports. His father's hobbies cost a lot of money. However, because his income was so good that he gave his mother all the necessary living expenses, it seems that his mother just gave up. At least my family won't starve. Eventually, at his favorite sports club, he met a girl who was a good match for him. One night, when their relationship was deteriorating, my father got into a big fight with his mother and shouted:


‘It’s stuffy here! If I just come home, I'll be so frustrated that I'll go crazy! When you look at me, the only thing you think about is money? Do you see me as nothing more than a money-giving machine? I'm exhausted. I don't want to be with you. I just want to do what I want and live my life. then no? uh?'


At that time, my father’s words were very shocking. My home, my mother, and I are stuffy and I hate it. How can he have something else he wants to do when we have him? They're family, so why don't you hate them? As I got older and gained more life experience, I found some answers to things I didn't understand. There was a person like that. Not everyone fulfilled their responsibilities and obligations to their family. There was someone who was more important than his wife and children. It wasn't just my father. It's just that there are people in the world who are more selfish than others. When I acknowledged this, the anger that had been burning inside me since high school became only a spark. Perhaps because of this, most of my lingering feelings about him have disappeared. It's unclear whether it will completely disappear, but I definitely feel like I have become a different person from my father. I don't care about him anymore. To some extent.


“Huh, huh…”


When he saw the treadmill time exceeding 30 minutes, he gasped and pressed stop. He hasn't played in a long time and it's hard. Now for strength training... Wait, why did I come here?! Only then did I come to my senses and quickly turned my head. There was no one next to me. Holy shit. Surely he didn't go out of his way? I was running right next to you, but you didn’t see me? I glanced around and found him on his shoulder exercise machine. I took a deep breath, sat down on the bench next to him, and wiped my face with a towel. And then I glanced at him and waited for him to make eye contact. He lifted his instrument, looking straight ahead. Wow, your shoulders are broad. But you're doing that just to make it bigger?




The dog suddenly put down the instrument and looked at me. I immediately said what I had prepared.


“Nice to meet you. Are you meeting me here?”


"What are you?"


"I do not know?"


He looked at me in annoyance and then stood up. I quickly followed him. I don't want to do this either, but I need to get closer to Taekin before I ask him for favors. Judging by Taek-in's body's reaction, it seemed like he would wake up immediately if Dog Buddha held his hand and told him to cheer up.


“It was fate that we met like this, so we had breakfast together...”




He left the gym and went down to the underground swimming pool, which I couldn't go to.


  5 am.


“Hey, see you again? Nice to meet you. Afterwards, have breakfast…”


"go away."


I'm crying. While I was controlling my anger for a moment, the guy disappeared right before my eyes. what? Where did you go?


  5 am.


“I mean, I brought raw fish to eat with you...”


Suddenly, he turned and walked towards the door. I didn't want to miss him, so I caught up with him and started talking quickly.


“It’s fresh sea bream sashimi caught at night and brought in at dawn, right? There’s also sashimi sashimi. We never ate it with our employees and brought the leftovers, but we set aside yours and ate the rest…huh?”


I got to the front of the counter and the guy disappeared again. what?!


  5 am.




“He didn’t come out.”


The counter staff informed me with an apologetic look. I turned around and looked at the entrance blankly, holding in my hand the toast bag I bought on the street.


“...Kim Taek-in, can’t you hear me?”


While I was distracted, I heard Hakju's voice. Without even looking at him, I slowly stood up and turned around to face him.


“Where do you go during class?”


I just turned my head and answered Hakju’s question.


“I’m going to lie down and do it.”




She went back on her way.


“Kim Taek-in, you don’t even know why I called you, do you?”


“You didn’t call me to do a striptease.”


Sigh. A few people burst out laughing. However, everyone frowned and suppressed their laughter, as if they did not want to be seen laughing at the outcast's words. Hakju looked at me with a puzzled expression and asked.


“Are you in puberty?”






“Be careful of menopause.”


“...Get down.”


  7:00 pm.


One day off a week. But just like last week, we were gathered at my house discussing serious issues.


“I got a call from our team’s organic president. He said that if we lose 5-0 again like last week, he will give up everything and go to Brazil to study.”


Chungyeon, who contributed to the crushing 5-0 defeat against 'Godangdo' in the Imported Fruits and Vegetables Soccer Club last week, could not raise her head.


“Honestly, how good is Godang Do? Even if the CEO had left, wouldn’t it have been 3 to 0?”


We raised our heads at Jiyong’s words. They said he could only play goalkeeper because of his hangover, so we replaced him in the second half and he ended up scoring three goals. He was a major contributor to the defeat. After looking closely at what a shameless human face looks like, I expressed my impressions.


“Shut up, you bastard.”


Jiyong collapsed to the side.


“President Kwon, what should we do now? Tomorrow’s match will be on the livestock side, ‘LA Korean Beef’.”


Chungyeon's voice trembled, as if she had heard of the reputation of LA Korean beef. Although they were a small group of elites, they were so strong that they were like the Belgian level of the wholesale market.


“I have to do well. I’m sorry to Jeong Chung-yeon, but please work hard. I also need to get back to my body quickly, but I’m not making any progress...”


As a breath left my mouth, they both looked at me in surprise.


"Is it very difficult, President Kwon? Well, it must be difficult. Living in someone else's body..."


“No, I’m kind of used to it now.”


Yeah, really? Chungyeon was embarrassed. This time Jiyong was worried about me.


“Still, going to school is hard, isn’t it? Well, I get bullied and have to study again, and on top of that, I have to lie down every day…”


“I got used to that too.”


“Oh, then what’s difficult?”


“Are you annoyed now?”


Jiyong was crushed again. I checked the class reunion text message from yesterday and shared my concerns.


“Dog Buddha. I can’t give you a chance.”


“I should have told you that I wasn’t approaching you because the boss needed money.”


“I don’t even give you a chance to say that.”


“...That’s harsh.”


“That’s very rude.”


This was the first time I had seen such a picky person since Park, the owner of Hodori Mart, who sorted out all the products every time I bought something.


“But aren’t you being too wary just because your classmates are approaching you for money? Since you used to be rich, you must have gotten used to people like that. I guess there is another reason.”


“What else?”


“Well, you said you originally hated President Kwon...”


“I never said a word when I was a student.”


“But don’t you think you have bad memories of President Kwon?”


I went back 12 years and thought about it. But then he shook his head.




“Then there must be another reason. It could be traumatizing for someone who normally laughs easily to be that wary.”


“Tra what?”


“I suffered a great psychological shock from an incident…”


“It means you’re screwed. Let’s put it in simple terms.”


"...You may be wary of people due to your messy experience. If you want to become friends, it would be better to first know the reason and think about how to approach them. Why?"


Mr. Chungyeon asked, but I couldn't easily answer. I barely managed to hold my head and let it out.


"So, you're trying to free the high school kid's resentment, but you're saying that if you keep doing this, you might have to release the person associated with the person, right? If that means you have to release the person associated with the person, and then you also have to release the person associated with that person. .. Ah, Mr. It’s complicated.”


Her head hurt. I just hated complicated things. I tend to do well when given one goal. I couldn't do two or three things at once. Jiyong seemed to feel sorry for the two of them who knew my tendencies, but Jiyong comforted me.


“It’s not complicated at all?”


“You’re salty.”


Chung-yeon gave me good advice to avoid becoming like Ji-yong.


“It’s really nothing complicated. Right now, just think about the one thing in front of you. Go to the class reunion today and find out what happened to that friend. How about that? Easy, right?”


  9 p.m.


It's not that easy. Dog Buddha did not come to the reunion. I waited for two hours wondering if he would come, but the only person next to me was a drunkard shouting a toast.


“Hey, hey, you know how good I was when I was a student. But I’m so good-looking! Why do I have to lick Manager Kim’s butt? Huh?”


For 30 minutes, I was forced to listen to Manager Kim, whose face I didn't even know, about his lifestyle habits, family and interpersonal relationships, and upbringing background.


“Last week, Manager Kim told me to stop by Hongdae and pick up an important item while I was out on the road. It’s so important that I have to bring it myself? Fuck, I’m on my way to Seongnam to work outside, so it makes sense to ask me to go to Hongdae to pick it up. ? When I went there, I saw that it was a cake that my daughter wanted to eat for her birthday. Is this a cake that I decided on after three days of angry searching? Oh, fuck, why do I have to bring it to my daughter, who is in middle school, whether she wants to eat it from Black Forest or Black Post? Huh? You? Have you tried that?"




“Try it, damn it, it was fucking delicious.”


Cake was recommended. Why should I come here and hear this? I felt annoyed. However, on his cell phone, Manager Kim's middle school daughter made a note of a delicious cake shop in Hongdae that she found through an angry search. When I looked around, I saw that everyone I was close to had gathered together and were chatting while being very drunk. Normally, I would have been alone, but thanks to a drunkard whose face and name I can't remember, I gained a best friend named Manager Kim.


“When I was in high school, I was vice class president, and I studied well, got into a good university, and never got into trouble with my parents. Fuck you, Manager Kim…”

uh? Were you vice-president? I glanced at his face again. Having said that, it seems like he was the vice-president... and when I looked at him, he also looked at me.


“Hey, how are you still the same as when you were a student?”


"It's not."


“No, it’s the same. Her face hasn’t changed at all. If you look at it that way, she’s the same, but... no, she’s not a dog. She’s completely changed as a person. You can see how much she smiles and doesn’t get angry. But wow. ... No one has ever seen her smile anymore.”


The whole world knows that dogs have become picky. I felt a little less unfair because it seemed like I wasn't the only one who suffered.


“Well, it may be a big shock to have your parents leave so suddenly, but it’s actually for a different reason. I know.”


Stop. I lifted my glass of soju and quickly turned to look at the vice-captain. You know?!


“What is the reason?”


“Huh? For what reason?”


“I heard you know why the Dog Buddha has become so picky.”






“More than that, did I tell you that Manager Kim was caught sleeping in the sauna while he was working, but he brushed his teeth off and got away? Oh shit, they’re from the same unit.


At this point, I wanted to assassinate Director Kim. I passed the soju I was about to drink in one go and put it on the table. 9 o'clock. It was enough to be like this. I got up halfway to get out of my seat, but then fell back down.


“But he was grumpy even before his parents passed away. Something bad happened to him in Canada.”


It seemed like it was a story about a dog.


“What happened in Canada?”


“She wanted to play sports, so she cut off all ties with her parents and went there. She got to play for the professional team she wanted, but she got into a big fight with her teammate because of her boyfriend. But, unfortunately, she couldn’t play sports because she got injured in the fight. Hey, they say you can live a normal life, but you can't exercise. The co-worker who fought stayed the same, but only the dog lost his job. To pursue his dream, he abandoned his parents and went abroad alone, but he lost his job and his love. On top of that, he lost his job. "I got a call saying that my parents suddenly passed away. Even though I have a lot of money from their inheritance, living now must be hell."


The vice-captain shook his head and muttered.


“What do you do if you have money? You lost it all. But there are many people who cling to you like bugs just looking at that money, so there’s nothing to laugh about.”


“How do you know him so well?”


“Oh, my aunt lives in Canada, and my cousin was a fan of the team that Gae Bu-cheo played for. They boasted about playing for Korean players, so when I went to Canada, I saw Gae-bu-cheo. According to my cousin, he played for the second team for over two years without receiving much money. He made it to the first team after putting in a lot of effort. He must have worked very hard. But he lost everything and had to come back. Coming to Korea and suddenly becoming a temporary teacher seems to me like he was just trying to forget by doing something. But... God, what the heck..."


The vice-captain suddenly bit his lip and expressed his anger.


“But a bastard like Manager Kim is so obsessed with academic ties and regionalism that he gets promoted even though he skips his work! Does this make sense? Huh?! Mr. A, I’m going to report everything! I’m going to accuse you all!”


The conclusion was, of course, Manager Kim. Yes, please braid it. If you don't do it, I will do it. As the drinker continued to shout, someone came to our seat and joined us, and I handed over my vice-president to him and left. I can’t believe Dog Buddha went through something like that. It's a pity, a pitiful piece of shit! I also wanted to scream like the vice president. AC, there are injuries everywhere!


  5 am.


'You came out today.'


The desk clerk said this as soon as he saw me. It was worth it for her to offer up her leftover sashimi and her toast. I went into the locker room and instead of changing out of my workout clothes, I put something in the crack of the dog locker and sat down across from him. And I started killing time by looking at my smartphone. Has it been about 30 minutes? The owner of the locker came back sweating profusely. As he approached the locker, I felt him stop as if he saw me. However, I deliberately did not take my eyes off my smartphone. Just looking at the photo of the Black Post cake was so sweet that my tongue felt numb. Is this really delicious? How many servings of pork belly can you get with this money? Sweet. I heard the sound of the dog opening the locker. After a moment of silence, he turned to me. I noticed the macaroons on the bakery menu. Everyone is leaving comments saying it is delicious. If you see that one is over 2,000 won, it must be the size of your palm, right?


“Did you do this?”


When I raised my head, he was holding the 50,000 won bill I had left between his fingers. It was ready to hit my face at any moment.


“When I work part-time at night while running a business, I pay 7,000 won per hour. I load and unload, do small parcels, and make deliveries to clients. I’ll pay you eight times as much. Just give me one hour.”


“Seven times that.”


what? I pointed my finger.


"7x1=7,7x2=14,7x3=21.7x5=36,7x6=40,7x7=49...Oh, that's right. 7x7=49."




“Why? I could be wrong.”


“You said you were in business?”


“Yes. Although I got one multiplication table wrong, I am famous for being accurate in my calculations.”


“...even one?”


“Are you going to give me time or not?”




Hey, a little. I sighed, swallowed my pride, and lowered my head.


“Please do me a favor, Woo Min-jae.”


Maybe it was because I finally knew his name, or because he bowed his head, or because he wanted 50,000 won, but he looked at me, put the money in his pocket, and sat down in front of me.


"10 minutes."


“10 minutes? Only 10 minutes for 50,000 won?”


He got up right away. I quickly grabbed him by the leg of his pants.

“Even 10 minutes is enough.”


Stop. The Dog Buddha twitched his eyebrows as to what was going on, but sat back down.




“Aren’t you curious why I tried to become friends with you?”






“Just say what you have to say quickly.”


“One of the second-year students you teach is Kim Taek-in. Be nice to him.”


“Is that it?”




He looked at me strangely.


“What is your relationship with him?”


“It’s nothing. I’ve never actually said a word to that guy.”


“But why are you asking me that?”


“It’s complicated to talk about.”




“Be nice to me. That’s all. It would be nice if you could at least hold my hand while talking.”


There were still 10 minutes left, but I said what I wanted to say, so I got up. Of course, I didn't forget to add something important before leaving.


“Hey, and in a humane way, don’t make me lie down on my stomach. Huh?”

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