Half of Me

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

8 am.

Thump, thump, thump, thump.

“Kim Taek-in.”

Thump, thump, thump, thump.

“The teacher called you, but you didn’t answer?”

I want to do it too, you bastard. However, the high school student's heart was pounding uncontrollably when he entered the school gate expecting to see the student and saw the dog. Gaebucheo was checking on Hakju to see if something was wrong with him. Without warning, I saw that his heart was beating faster than expected and I could barely open my mouth when I got in front of him. And with his red face down to his ears.


“You’re late.”


“Get down.”


I was so surprised that I just stared at him, ignoring my body's reaction. What kind of bullshit is this?


“Get down.”

“Why, why, why?”

My voice trembled violently. I don't know if it's because of my pounding heart or my feelings of resentment and resentment.

“You’re late. Get down.”

Even when my body wasn't listening to me, I burst out laughing. Have you seen a stone head like this? Even though it happened just 2-3 hours ago, you don’t remember it? Or are you just saying this because you have eyes for other latecomers being punished? I had no choice but to come closer to him and whisper softly.

“You met someone at the gym this morning, right?”


“I have a doctor’s note for being late anyway, so you can just send it to me.”

“Kim Taek-in.”


“Get down.”



“...Haha. Teacher, I guess you don’t understand what I’m saying...”

Dog Buddha turned away from me and gave an order to the latecomers who were lying down.

“You guys go. And Kim Taek-in, you bow down to their share.”

While I was in a daze, not knowing what I meant, the guys who were lying down ran excitedly, not wanting to miss their chance.


It was only when he called me that I finally came to my senses and looked at him. He repeated with expressionless, emotionless eyes.

“Get down.”

I still have a red face, eyes that shake just by looking at the other person, and a heart that trembles, but I recognized it by looking straight into the dog Buddha's eyes. This bastard was real.

“Fuck. Are you just taking the money and making fun of me?”

I felt bad, so I let out a low sigh and stepped back. I realized late that this was a school, but it didn't matter. To me, all I could see was an unlucky dog whose expression didn't change at all.

“Do you think I’m funny after chasing you to the gym every morning for a week? Woo Min-jae, I don’t know what happened to you in Canada or Kenya, but you can’t take 50,000 won of my money and act like this. Fuck you. "

In my heart, I wanted to swear loudly, but in reality, my voice was so soft that it trembled endlessly in front of the person I liked. This situation made me more upset.

“Even though I was a classmate who never said a word to you in high school, if I had laughed and bowed my head to you so much, I should have at least said a friendly word to this high school kid, you unlucky bastard.”

"it's over?"

“It’s not over, kid. I’m just going to leave now, but don’t ever call home. This high school kid’s mother suddenly became the head of the house and works from morning to night, so don’t bother her for no reason.”

And then she turned her body around. She huffed and took steps to get out of the school gate, but things didn't go as planned. I screamed as a strong force pulled my ears.


Whether I screamed or not, the dog grabbed my ears and dragged me to the other side. Fuck it, let go! She tried to pry his hand away, but with her stamina less than that of a teenage girl, she couldn't pry one of her fingers off.

“Hey, you bitch. I thought you were going to drag me to the teacher’s office and scold me, ugh! Even so, I’m not scared at all. I’ve already been suspended from school as a student…”

It wasn't the teacher's office. Tirik! A sound was heard and the lights of a small car standing in a nearby parking lot turned on. what? Before I had any doubts, the dog opened the passenger seat door and pushed me in. Twisting your ears.


My ears hurt so much that I forgot what was going on for a moment as I covered them with my hands. It was only when I heard a rumbling sound and the car started moving that I realized that he was kidnapping me with my seatbelt on.

“Hey, what are you doing...Ack!”

Again, a loud sound came out spontaneously. Dog Buddha hit my head with his hand. No, you bastard! I turned around in anger, but the guy put earphones in his ears and called somewhere.

“I am Woo Min-jae, the physical education manager. I am taking a student with him because his condition is not getting better. ...Yes. The student is Kim Taek-in, a second year student in class 7. ...Yes, he is in a very bad condition.”

He added, glancing at me.

“It’s pretty bad.”

I was shocked. It may look that way in your eyes, but in my eyes, your condition is more serious. But what the guy said next made my condition really serious.

“We will take the child to the hospital to check his condition, and if hospitalization is necessary, we will contact the parents and force hospitalization.”

“A hospital? Hey!”

“No, Vice Principal. I found it, so I will take responsibility for it and get it treated. My class today is... Yes, thank you.”

He hung up the phone and hit me on the head again. ah!

"don't worry."


“I’ll call your mother after seeing the results of the consultation.”

“Hey dog, you are something... evil!”

This time it hit me really hard. My skull just cracked.

“You should sue this kid for school violence... evil!”

What kind of hands are so hot?

“Hey you… ugh!”

While trying to avoid his hand, I hit my head on the glass next to him. It hurt like this again. It's not my body, so I don't mind being a fool, but it hurt right now and I felt like I was going to die. As if I looked at him again and opened my mouth, but no sound came out. But his hands were different. Perfect!

“Ack! I didn’t say anything, so why are you hitting me?...?!”

I was afraid that his hand might fly off again, so I collapsed into the corner of the chair and raised my guard with his arm. But the dog car only drove and didn't pay attention to me. Still, I didn't let down my guard and was nervous about the hand that might come flying at me, and before I knew it, the car stopped. The car stopped in the parking lot behind the building, and in the meantime, I checked the sign on the building.

‘xx neuropsychiatry’

Only then did I come to my senses. What did he say? Did you say they would force you to be hospitalized?

“Listen to me for a moment...”

Of course, he didn't listen to me and got out of the car. He suddenly became scared. Is he really trying to force me to be hospitalized?

“Dogbu... No, teacher. Just talk to me for a bit. Of course, I know you’re surprised because I suddenly said something strange, but I think you’ll understand everything if you listen to my explanation.”

"get off."

He opened the passenger seat door and pulled me in. I desperately clung to the chair.

“I’m not crazy. It’s true!”

The polite words just came out naturally. I couldn't stand against the guy pulling me out with bear-like strength, so my head just turned.

“Baek Seung-in, Kim Shin, Won Won-jin, Jeon Se-jin, Lim Gwi-un... Also, ah, Kim Jae-han.”

He stopped, pulling me halfway. I took aim at the gap between them and poured out everything that only I and I knew.

"I don't remember the name of the vice class president I met at the class reunion last week... Anyway, the class leader who fought with the teacher always hosts the class reunion. The reason is that his father is a member of the National Assembly, and he has connections all around to pursue a political life, starting from the district council. It was to expand the scope. Oh, and the reason the teacher fought with the class president was because the kid was arguing with a group of teachers and talking about studying and saying that you will be his driver later? Anyway, that's why the teacher stepped forward..."


“No. I’m going to tell you everything I know, so they’ll be curious.”


“How did you know?”

He let go of his arm and looked pitifully.

“You must have heard it from Kwon Hee-chan.”

“No matter how thoughtless Kwon Hee-chan is, he won’t tell anyone about Woo Min-jae, which the vice-captain said while drunk.”

He raised his eyebrows. I looked at him and opened his mouth, finally calming down his breathing that had been so fast.

“I worked hard in Canada and got into the professional team I wanted, but I got into a fight with my teammate due to dating issues, and only Woo Min-jae was fired, and I lost my lover. Not long after, my parents also died in an accident. To borrow the expression of the vice-captain, dreams, love, family. He said he lost everything. Moreover, since he became rich through inheritance, there are many people who only care about money and cling to him. He would never say such painful things about others. Kwon Hee-chan also has that level of mentality."

There was no reaction. Still don't believe it? Surely you wouldn’t lift me up and take me to the hospital? When I was anxious, he finally asked me the question I wanted to ask.

“Then how did you know?”

“Because I am Kwon Hee-chan.”

  7:00 pm.

A toxic guy. I thought again as I saw the living proof of distrust in humanity before my eyes. That really harsh guy. Maybe it's because he made such a fuss in front of the hospital in the morning, but he didn't carry me to the hospital. Because I didn't open it. I talked for over an hour at a nearby cafe, trying to convince him as much as I could, but what came back was a dog who dragged me away just as the hospital was opening. However, he made one promise. He said that if I get tested at the hospital, he will see that I will prove it at 7 PM.

And after a long period of examination and consultation, I ended up talking to a doctor and just getting a prescription for medication. And as promised, he came here to listen to my testimony. To the store where I sleep as if my body had fainted. Of course, I also called two witnesses to help me in the afternoon. I wanted to call in the morning, but I didn't want to wake up people who had to sleep during the day, so I only called at 5 o'clock. The two people continued what I had been saying until 5 o'clock. And it is like this until now.

“Oh my gosh, it’s frustrating. It’s true. He may look like a high school student on the outside, but his soul is like our boss’s brother. Those of us who watched from the side can prove it, right?”

Jiyong pounded his chest and said what he had said hundreds of times. However, the guy opposing the three of us was powerful. The guy's eyes were resolute as he listened to our argument without saying a word. There are three crazy people.

“Hey, you stop. Damn, even Buddha would sit back if he heard this much.”

“But, it’s true. It’s the boss hyung!”

Jiyong even showed tears. While I handed him the roll of toilet paper, Chungyeon took over the baton.

"Really, everything we're saying is true. Of course, it makes no sense, and even if you think about it rationally, you won't believe it. But isn't it strange? That high school student knows President Kwon very well. He knows it very well. We can't contact each other. "Even in situations where you don't have much time, you tell everything that happened to the other person as if it were your own experience. What's more important is that we have nothing to gain by making these claims. Think about it. What would we have to gain by deceiving you as a group?"

The dog still had his arms crossed and just looked at me in turns as the three of us collapsed on the sofa like a piece of luggage. Then, I glanced at the clock on the wall and finally opened my mouth.

“It’s 7 o’clock.”

At the same time, Jiyong and Chungyeon looked at me. What are you doing, why don’t you change? Maybe it was because of the pressure that wasn't there normally, but even though the second hand passed 12, I was still the same.

“Wait just a moment, I’ll be there soon…”

A familiar feeling of dizziness came over me. And soon fluffed up. It became dark and the dizziness gradually disappeared. Meanwhile, the sound of something falling was heard. It must be the body I escaped from. I waited a moment until the dizziness completely disappeared and then opened my eyes.

“Woo Minjae.”

Even without calling his name, he was already looking at me. As was my habit, I relaxed my stiff neck and shoulders and looked around my familiar store. Soon, the item I wanted came into view. It wasn't far. A crowbar is within reach if you stretch out your hand. I walked over there, held a heavy piece of metal in my hand, and smiled at my classmate.

"You hit my head five? Ha ha, you die, you are a dog!"

Kill that guy's temper. There was a time when a major accident occurred once a year. Before I came to my senses and opened my own shop, I went to the police station once a year. When it was a bit serious, I went straight to the police station. Most of the time, it is because they cannot control their anger and start a fight without looking back. The good news is that I never hit him first. When I was young, I knew that if I hit first, my guilt would increase, so I did my best to hold back my anger until I got hit. Then, if you get hit once, the lid opens.

In a fight, unless the difference in skill is superior, the one with venom is bound to win. Fortunately, I was the type of person who, once I turned around, would stick to me until the end, even if I was in trouble, and would only let go of my anger when the other person also bleeds. Of course, some skills improve through years of fighting. Every time my mother is called to the police station in the early morning, I promise myself to come to my senses, but if I forget, another incident will occur. The last thing I remember was about two years ago when I was fighting with gangsters who were causing trouble in the market with this very crowbar. Jiyong, who witnessed the bloody scene at the time, was doing his best to stop me.

“Boss bro, no!!”

“President Kwon, calm down!!”

Two people clung to me.

“Let go of this!! I’m going to kill that bastard!! Fuck, it’s not enough that they stole my money since dawn, they made me kneel down on my stomach just because I was late, pulled my ears, and even hit my head?!”

He vented his resentment that had been building up since dawn and hurled abusive language at Woo Min-jae. Damn you, you son of a bitch! And when I almost got rid of the two people who blocked me by using my strength, Chung-yeon shouted at Min-jae.

“What are you doing? Hurry and avoid!”

“Why me?”

Stop. While Chung-yeon was frozen, he removed him, hung Ji-yong, moved forward, and swung the lever.


The dog narrowly escaped and only scratched the wall of my store.

“Oh, just avoid it!”

Jiyong, who fell from his own strength, shouted, but Woo Minjae instead stepped forward and caught my attack again with his bare hands. widely! The sound of metal colliding with flesh was loud, but the guy did not let go of the lever and held on with all his strength. If I were a high school student, I would have fallen backwards due to the force, but not now. I am already skilled in fighting. I have experienced situations like this several times where I was overpowered. I pulled with the force he was pushing. Suddenly, the guy's body leaned forward and I let go of the lever and grabbed Woo Min-jae by the collar and hit his head.


His head collided with his chin.


Profanity flowed from his mouth as well. I gathered my dizzy head and launched myself at him again. But at that moment, Chungyeon’s cry was heard.

“President Kwon then the product will be damaged!!”

Stop. My precious peppers. A sudden thought struck me like lightning and my movements stopped for 1-2 seconds. And in that brief moment, a bear-like hand struck the back of my neck. No, I think it was. After that, I fell unconscious and couldn't see who did it. Of course, who else has a bear hand other than Woo Min-jae?

I opened my eyes. Creep clatter. Now, it has become a daily routine for me to go dark for a moment and then come to my senses and open my eyes.

“Are you out of your mind?”

It's the first time I've heard the enemy's voice. I jumped up at the sound of Woo Min-jae’s voice.

“You idiot...Ugh.”

As soon as I raised my upper body, I felt a heavy pain in the back of my neck that was incomparable to my usual stiffness.

“Oh, fuck.”

“You swear less.”

As soon as I opened my eyes, my blood pressure rose.

“How dare you call me a teacher?”

“If you are my student, I have no choice but to be your teacher.”

“...You don’t believe me, do you?”


“Are you saying you believe it or not?”

“I don’t know.”


I looked at him blankly. So what is it? I'm a simple person, so vague words like that give me a headache.

“Think what you will, but the moment she forces a high school asshole into the hospital, she’s going to fucking kill you when she gets back to being me.”

After speaking her words, I realized: By the way, what about high school? When I finally looked around, Woo Min-jae told me.

“Two of your employees took him home. They said he was used to it because they had taken him there a few times before.”

After hearing his words, I looked at the clock and saw that it was 7:20. You mean I passed out for 20 minutes? Minjae Woo, how on earth did he hit me so hard that I fainted... Did he even learn martial arts? Was he a martial arts fighter in Canada?

“Mr. Chung-yeon was very worried because you fainted because he called you out in the middle of a fight. It was never his intention, so he must tell you not to be offended.”

“How bad is it?”

“The guy named Jiyong was also worried that he had stopped him for no reason. Since you fainted so embarrassingly without even being able to hit him once, he thought you might get a fireball thrown at him.”

“What on earth are you looking at me for?”

“Still, he likes you.”

“Of course. Because he is the one who pays the salary. And the two of them are good people. After spending time together, their behavior has become similar in some ways. At some point, they look like a married couple? They are completely rich.”


“And didn’t you say anything else?”

I asked, and the guy looked at me with somewhat shocked eyes and barely opened his mouth.

“...Tell them that you’ll have dinner on the way.”

“Okay. What about you?”

I got up from my seat and took out the menu from my favorite restaurant in the drawer. There was no answer, so I turned around and saw the guy looking at me quizzically.

“What do you want to eat? Choose from here.”

He lazily stretched out his hand and took the menu.

“For your information, the sundae soup there smells a bit fishy.”

He glanced through the menu and then flipped it back.

“What are you going to eat?”

“Jeyuk rice bowl.”

"me too."

I called my regular restaurant, placed my order, and sat in front of him to greet the late customer.

“Would you like some green tea?”



“What your employee said is absolutely correct.”

Did you two curse at me again? He shot out disbelief with his strong eyes, but Woo Min-jae said something different.

“They said that since you exploded once, when you wake up, you’ll forget about being mad at me.”

“I haven’t forgotten. Even if I die, I won’t forget that you hit me on the head five times in the car. But, that’s not enough to make me attack you again.”

I shrugged my shoulders and expressed my extinguished anger, but he rekindled the flame again.


“It’s yours.”

“What? Five hits! One hit my head on the window while trying to avoid you. That was the worst pain, man.”

“It’s your fault.”

“It was your car.”

I gritted my teeth and spat it out. The guy was so shocked that he closed his mouth. I won. I feel a bit refreshed now.

“I didn’t know you had this kind of personality when you were in high school. You were like an ice prince who everyone knew when they talked about Kwon Hee-chan.”

“What kind of prince? Is there even a prince who is an outcast?”

“You ostracized everyone. Back then, I felt like a rebel who hated talking to anyone and forced myself to endure school life, but now it’s completely different. I didn’t know you were this talkative and simple.”

“Is it time to talk about someone else? You used to laugh so much, but now you don’t laugh at all.”

“There’s nothing to laugh about.”

“I have a lot to talk about. There are a lot of things that need to be simple. Everyone changes in life, right?”

“Then you can make me change.”

what? I didn't know what it meant so I just stared at it with a frown.

“If you make me laugh, I’ll help you.”

“I’m saying this because I don’t understand, but if you want to laugh, watch Sunday entertainment or comedy shows. It’s fun.”

“I’m not having fun.”

“Then the comic book…”

“No matter what you look at, it’s not funny. It’s not even funny.”

“...Then am I funny?”


sometimes? What part was funny sometimes? I thought about the conversation I had with that guy, but it was hard to find a funny situation. I shook my head.

“I don’t like things that are complicated and ambiguous, and I’m not confident. I don’t know why you thought I was funny, but I never had that intention... Huh? Where are you going?”

The guy on his way to the door spoke coldly.

“If you don’t like it, quit.”

“Hey, hey, okay. Okay.”

I answered quickly, and then he returned to his seat. And then he looked at me. What, are you telling me to laugh now? I was shocked. I'm pissed that I went to a high school twice, but now I have to become a comedian.

“You’re definitely helping, right? You have to really worry about Kim Taek-in and hold his hand so he can wake up. Huh?”

“I’ll try.”

“Don’t make me lie down on my stomach.”

“That’s not possible. You can’t discriminate against other students.”

I gritted my teeth without realizing it. A crowbar came into view. Even though Woo Min-jae noticed that I was upset, he asked casually.


“Whether you smile or not, you have to help me regardless of the result. Of course, I’ll try my best.”


He agreed surprisingly easily. Although I didn't like the fact that there were conditions, I felt fortunate that there was progress. Still, I couldn't help but sigh.

“Do I really have to learn how to describe a comedian’s vocal cords because of you at this age?”

“...even a comedian can’t describe something like that.”

“So, do you think I should do such difficult vocal descriptions?”


“...I understand why you were in last place.”

Why are you talking about sex out of nowhere? I frowned and responded.

“Hey, pay for dessert with your own money.”

  5 am.

I glared at Woo Min-jae, who had called me out, with a very annoyed look on his face. Since you were promised to help me, I thought you wouldn't have to come here, but that was a mistake in Gyeongsang Province.

“You said you would try? Then you should stick by my side.”

The guy chatted while exercising. I was shocked.

“But what does it mean to have to smile while lifting weights?”

I glanced at him and saw that he was lifting weights that were difficult for me to lift like a feather. Wow, you bastard... Next time we have a fight, I'll definitely have to attack from behind.

“Are you saying you don’t like it?”

I hated it. To be honest, I was offended by his sarcasm because he was so anxious to avoid me before. Of course, as someone in Eul’s position, I can’t say that honestly.

“Keep working out. If there’s a joke that comes to mind, I’ll tell you.”

“That’s okay, tell me your story.”


"You can't do it if you don't want to..."


He lowered the weight and looked at me.

“You want to talk about me? Normally, this is the time when I’m finishing work at the store and ordering food.”

“At that restaurant yesterday?”


“What would you have eaten if you hadn’t come here?”

What's the point of asking that? I thought about what I wanted to ask bluntly. Um, what should I eat? I thought for a moment about the worries I have every time I eat, and then answered.

“Jeyuk rice bowl.”


He got up from the exercise machine and stood in front of me.

"let's go."


“Eat pork rice bowl.”

Out of nowhere? I suddenly got up and followed him to the locker room. And, following the guy who took off his sportswear to take a shower, I took off my clothes as well. And as I turned around, I happened to look behind me. I watched as if I was mesmerized by the movement of my shoulder, which had nothing but muscles.

"What you looking at?"

I flinch. I felt like I was spying on him, so I strained my eyes and looked at him.

“I noticed that you seemed to have gained some weight on your back, why?”

“Why have I gained weight?”

“You gained muscle mass on your back.”


The guy had a slightly annoyed face. I felt quite refreshed.

“What kind of flesh is that?”

“But it’s not a bone, is it?”


I pointed this out and turned around cheerfully, when I heard a word.

“You’re skinny.”

I was very impressed. The last thing I want to hear is that I'm skinny.

“Where am I? This is perfect.”

“It’s perfect. It’s the perfect body for your mental age.”

“My mental age?”

"Elementary student."

Holy shit... this guy never loses a word. Since I had heard this a few times, I couldn't refute it, so I turned around. And even as I took off my panties, I still felt eyes on me. I turned around in an awkward posture with only one leg out of my panties. He was still looking at me. I straightened my back and turned completely towards him.

“Why? To see if my peppers are dry too?”

“Yeah, it’s dry too.”

This really pissed me off. My peppers are average! How good is Ji... so good? He was very handsome. What you only see in foreign pornographic films was in reality. I couldn't believe my eyes and rubbed them with my hands. Did you have surgery?

“It’s so bad, isn’t it?”

He asked mockingly and disappeared into the shower room first. The more I look at that guy, the more unlucky he becomes.

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