Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1034

Chapter 1033: The Rise And Fall, Everyone Is Responsible

Whoever protects the world is a humble man and bears responsibility.

In the previous life, Zhou Shixiang did not understand what Gu Yanwu was talking about, but in this life he was born as a scholar. Gu’s words can be summed up in eight words—“The rise and fall of a country is the responsibility of every man.” In other words, to defend the country, even a humble person like a man has an inescapable responsibility.

“What Mr. means is that the so-called subjugation of the country is just a change of dynasty, the emperor has changed, but the people are still the common people; the so-called subjugation of the world, but the obstruction of benevolence and righteousness, that is, the loss of morality, you eat me, I eat you, entrap each other, kill each other. Keeping the country from being overthrown is the responsibility of emperors, generals and ministers of civil and military affairs, and has nothing to do with ordinary people; and protecting the world is the responsibility of thousands of ordinary people in China, right or not?” In front of such contemporary Confucians as Gu Yanwu, Zhou Shixiang humbly asked for advice .

Gu Yanwu said frankly, “That’s what I said.”

“Master just said that Manchuria is now leading beasts to eat people, which means that China is destroying the world, not the Ming Dynasty. According to the teacher’s intention, this world is obviously more important than the Ming Dynasty.” Zhou Shixiang thought.

“If the world doesn’t exist, what’s the use of this country? Since Jiashen, Manchuria has harmed my Chinese people by 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 people in China have been destroyed, and my entire family is facing extinction. If the meat eater fails to fulfill his duty and loses the world, my people will no longer need to support him.”

Gu Yanwu’s meaning is very clear, as long as the Chinese world can be restored, the Ming Dynasty does not need to exist. Zhou Shixiang was a little taken aback by such frank expression. He did not expect Gu Yanwu’s thoughts to be so “radical”. Jiang Baldzi and other cadres asked Zhou Shi to make each other emperor because of the merits of the dragon, and although Gu Yanwu did not expressly persuade him to enter, he clearly pointed out that Zhu Ming had lost the world, so he should not reinstate it. The purpose of both is the same, but the reasoning is different. One is for personal gain, the other is for justice.

Zhou Shixiang coughed lightly and said, “Sir, this world is originally the world of all Han people, and the country is also the state of all Han people. Therefore, everyone has the responsibility to think about the rise and fall of the world. Those who are officials should think that the way of officials is the way to act. The world is responsible; those who serve the people should think that the way of the people is responsible for the world. If you do not fulfill your responsibilities, you will not have the right to enjoy the corresponding rights?”

Gu Yanwu nodded slightly: “Yes, first protect the world and then protect the country. If the world is protected, it is common to change the country. Since ancient times, no dynasty or generation has been forever.”

“Sir’s opinion really refreshed me,” Zhou Shixiang pondered for a moment, then said with emotion: “Before and after Jiashen, how many of them thought about the responsibilities they shoulder?  … Meat eaters only think about their own power and benefits, and in the end they lose the world. , once the world is protected, such people should no longer enjoy the previous rights, otherwise, what will the thousands of people and lofty ideals who protect the world see?”

“That’s right!” Gu Yanwu smiled and looked at Zhou Shixiang meaningfully.

Zhou Shixiang was stunned for a while, and whispered: “If the king is like this, can he not have to serve him again?”

“Those who can live in it, those who can protect the world live in it, and those who can’t live in it can be emptied and replaced. The world in China is not the world of one surname and one king, but the world of thousands of people. Today’s world is full of devastation and people. As long as China is strong and the people are prosperous, it takes practical actions and hard work to achieve this goal. Those who do not want to devote themselves to it should hand over to the virtuous.”

“Sir, I understand.” Zhou Shixiang raised his hand, and did not discuss the matter with Gu Yanwu any more, but changed the subject: “I think when an official has not fulfilled his responsibilities as an official, And when the people have not fulfilled their responsibilities as the people, neither side has the right to blame the other side, but only if one side does, the other side has the right to blame the other side. Starting from me, the rise and fall of the world is the responsibility of every man! The rise and fall of the world , everyone is responsible!”

“The rise and fall of the world is the responsibility of everyone! The rise and fall of the world is everyone’s responsibility.”

Gu Yanwu praised, which made Zhou Shixiang blush a little, because this seemed to be what Gu Yanwu meant, but he summed it up and felt a little bit of stealing.

“Today, the southern capital has been decided, but the northern capital is still in the hands of Manchuria, and the world is in ruins. I want to strengthen the country and enrich the people, but I don’t know where to start. Can you enlighten me, sir?”

“If you want to strengthen the country and enrich the people, you must eliminate the nine evils.” Gu Yanwu was clearly prepared.

“Which are the nine flaws, please come one by one, sir.” Zhou Shixiang looked humbly asking for advice.

“One of the drawbacks of learning. Today Confucianism talks more about mind, nature and numerology, but Confucius rarely talks about it; Confucius talks a lot about ups and downs, but today Confucianism does not care about it. Abandoning the theory of reality and emptiness is to destroy the old Confucianism, and Jin winds bring disaster to the country. It’s also cheating.”

“The two parties are detrimental. The ancients talked about politics, but not about people; today’s people talk about people without discussing things. But when you see a policy, you don’t ask right or wrong, you first distinguish between cronies. The sage says the middle way, why is this? ? This party is also evil.”

“Three money disadvantages. The Han and Tang Dynasties and Tomi silk can be prosperous and strong; the former Song Dynasty used gold and copper exclusively, and then it became weak. The gold and silver belonged to only Jiaren. Wu Yousi’s advantage of tea~www.readwn.com~ Yunji; Qin’s field of rice and millet alone, there is no silver that can be easily exchanged. Therefore, the disaster originated from Qin and spread to the world, and this money is also a disadvantage.”

“The four disadvantages of soldiers. People can’t be without food, and a country can’t be without soldiers. In ancient times, soldiers were soldiers, and they were treated like children; in today’s world, soldiers are servants, and they are regarded as lowly slaves. There are some cities who serve several cities, but they are driven by nothing. Slaves. Sun Tzu said that the military is a major event in the country, but entrusting the major affairs to slaves, thieves, captives, etc., can you be at ease?

“Five generals are disadvantaged. Sun Wu’s way is all about loving soldiers. Today’s generals rely solely on their personal relatives, Ding and the like, and the soldiers have few armour, few clothes and food, and are no different beggars. Above the temple, the head is handsome. A rogue who slaughtered dogs. Either invaded his salaries, or insulted his people. He would have no ambition and lose his temper. Can you trust me if you have something? This will be a disadvantage.”

“Six tax drawbacks. Taxation, the country equals the rich and the widow. Nowadays, the rich people entrust fame and fame, bribe the government, and can’t benefit a single baht in the community; It can be enough to give it to the country. The unevenness, especially in Shaanxi, is the worst. Therefore, the chaos originated in Qin and reached Heluo, and eventually the world will be devastated. This tax is also a disadvantage.”

“The disadvantages of the seven vassals. Chengzu’s Xu County is the real center, the center is safe, and the four vassals are poor. The baht of the ministers is not enough to bail out the ministers, and the few soldiers are not enough to defend the enemy. Therefore, if the center of the Lie Temple collapses, the four sides will collapse. With the size of the world and the number of people, it cannot be considered that it is a dry city, and it is difficult to have clothes. This is also a disadvantage of the domain.”

“Eight officials abuses. The country uses registered officials to govern the county and county, and registered officials to subordinate officials to manage the villages. The subordinate officials have been passed down from generation to generation, and the registered officials have changed over the years. Although the name is Lingyin, in fact, it is mostly ignorant of its politics and trapped in the subordinate officials. After many years of troubles, until the laws and orders are broken, the government has been reduced to bribery! This is also a malpractice of officials.”

“Nine Righteous Disadvantages: Those who are good at speaking but not quick in action were rare in ancient times; those who are well-known and able to practice are rare in today’s world. Usually, Xian takes responsibility for himself as a sage, takes responsibility for others’ faults, and is like an enemy bandit; When the time comes, he walks or descends, but he does not feel ashamed. The death of this righteousness and principle is the evil of righteousness.”

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