Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1035

Chapter 1034: Wu 3 Gui’An Dared To Harm Me The Supreme Emperor!

The “Nine Disadvantages” proposed by Gu Yanwu mentioned the symptoms of the late Ming Dynasty. Many of the policies implemented by Zhou Shixiang in Guangdong were reforms aimed at addressing these disadvantages.

As Gu said, ‘study malpractice” is the biggest flaw of real Confucian education. The sage Confucius never talked about xinxing and numerology back then, but only talked about prosperity and choice, and sometimes he talked about the six arts, but now Cheng Zhu’s theory of theory has abandoned the real and made the empty, and only talks about cappella, not pragmatic things. Specific to the imperial examination system, it is to select scholars with eight shares. Then the country will be governed by a bunch of scholars who don’t understand the world and only know how to do it. In order to manage government affairs for the officials, both large and small matters are all pragmatic. These eight-gut officials have never done practical work before, so how can they do things, so they have to rely on subordinate officials, and naturally “official abuses” are derived.

It can be said that ‘study malpractice” and “official malpractice” are a causal relationship, and “official malpractice” arises from ‘study malpractice”.

Gu Yanwu said: “If you want to solve the problems of learning, the key is to reform the system and the imperial examination system. Abandon the eight-legged and practice arithmetic, criminal law, calendar, agriculture, military affairs, engineering, etc. There is a specialization in the profession, and once you are in office, you can be organized and clear, and you will not be abused by subordinate officials and manipulated in the palm of your hand.”

Zhou Shixiang agreed, and he pointed out to Gu Yanwu the key points of the reform of the imperial examinations implemented in Guangdong before, and explained to Gu Yanwu that it is practical and practical to compile the teaching materials from the entrance of children to the university. He also mentioned that at the time when Guangdong started the rural examination, all the people who were enrolled went to the university to study for three years before they could be sent to work. In addition, the first appointment is not the chief officer, but as an “internship”, he is co-organized by the respective divisions to listen to it. The one-year period, only those who have passed the assessment can be promoted to the chief officer. Another example is the “debt clearing” carried out by various prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River. Not only was the gentry severely hit, but the six houses in the prefectures and counties, which were monopolized by the gentry’s privileges, were almost uprooted. They were replaced by officials who completely obeyed Zhou Shixiang, and many of them were “New officials” transferred from Guangdong, these officials are now the main force in the implementation of “building villages and townships”, and in the future they will be the foundation of the entire imperial court.

In Gu Yanwu’s words, Zhou Shixiang’s new imperial examinations and colleges and other systems in Guangdong are like a mountain gate. If you want to compare it, it is very similar to the Donglin Academy of the year, but the two teach one is false and the other is true. , one advocates practice, the other advocates clear flow. As long as the mountain gate is there, it can be foreseen that in the future, the officials of the entire Ming Dynasty will come out of this gate, and in the future, when Zhou Shixiang is absent, these officials who have come out of the new imperial examination will also inherit everything advocated by Zhou Shixiang intact. Because that’s where their roots lie. To shake the new imperial examinations is to shake them themselves.

Zhou Shixiang’s approach naturally borrowed from the “civil servant” system of his previous life, and what students learned was based on the education of the previous life. After all, Gu Yanwu is a contemporary person, and no matter how broad his knowledge is, it is difficult to be ahead of his time, so many of Zhou’s practices and sayings let him Very surprised. After thinking about it carefully, it was all right to the moment, and it was more comprehensive than he originally thought, which made him look at Zhou Shixiang with admiration.

In terms of fame, Zhou Shixiang was born as a scholar, and Gu Yanwu was just a student who donated to the department. In terms of thinking and academics, Zhou Shixiang was naturally inferior to Gu Yanwu, but in terms of knowledge, he was countless times stronger. Gu Yanwu has summed up the “nine malpractices” for more than ten years, but Zhou Shixiang has already started to implement it. Although some of these methods are too tough and violent, they are good medicines, but they are also powerful medicines, and they are overcorrected. But in today’s world, can it be done without strong medicine? As Zhou Shixiang said, after the Guangdong Rural Examination, many middle-ranked scholars are reluctant to study in a university, and just want to be an official immediately. Is this possible? Indeed, over the past thousand years, the imperial examinations have produced many good officials and officials, but the proportion is really small, so that they do not even have the ability to serve as directors.

The great waves wash away the sand, and those who do not want to stay will turn into ashes, and only those who remain may become gold. Gu Yanwu believes that as long as Zhou Shixiang is there, as long as the Taiping Army is there, it will not take many years. Gu Yanwu is a scholar himself, he is not afraid of death, but he is very clear that there are far more scholars in this world who are afraid of death than those who are not afraid of death, and there are definitely more scholars who are willing to accept new things for their own future than those who are conservative. Han Chuang studied hard, just for the sake of one dynasty, honoring the ancestors and honoring the ancestors, but not really for inheriting the sages.

“Set your mind for the world, set your mind for the life of the people, and continue the unique learning for the past!” These words sound exciting, but in fact, how many scholars actually study for this grand ambition?

For “money abuse”, Zhou Shixiang’s powerful medicine is naturally the “food stamp” system.

Gu Yanwu believed that most of the circulating gold and silver was in the hands of merchants. During the Han and Tang dynasties, the national currency was not mainly gold and silver, but actually rice and silk, which made the country prosperous and strong. In the Song Dynasty, gold and copper were used exclusively, and as a result, the country became weaker and weaker. At that time, there was no metal circulation in the Qin state, but as a result, it swallowed the six countries. It can be seen that the large circulation of gold and silver is not a good thing for the country.

Now, the Ming Dynasty is also extremely short of food, but there is a lot of gold and silver. The revolt of the refugees during the Chongzhen period proved the evil of money. A large amount of gold and silver was in the hands of wealthy merchants and merchants, so that the court did not have the money to provide disaster relief, resettle the victims, and even pay military salaries. If the money goes on, the officials of the government will disappear in layers, and it will be pitiful in the hands of the common people and soldiers. As a result, the meager money couldn’t buy life-saving food, and this person, if he didn’t do anything, would have to do it.

It has been a few years since I came to this era. Except for discussing the related accusations with Duke Xiang of Song since the end of the Ming Dynasty, Zhou Shixiang has never talked to anyone like today. He explained the function of food stamps to Gu Yanwu carefully. After listening to Gu Yanwu, he pointed out that food stamps should not be issued alone. After all, the people did not trust such paper-based things very much. Zhou Shixiang was busy and then combined the silver dollars and food stamps issued by the Guangdong Bank, and first guaranteed the value of the food stamps in the official system, how to ensure it, how to recycle, how to exchange and other methods one by one.

“Military malpractice” and “general malpractice” are also causal relationships, and the two can be simplified as “military malpractice”. In the final analysis, the key to military malpractice is the “emphasis on literature over military” since the Song Dynasty. From the state to the people, the warriors are regarded as servants and lowly slaves. In the early Ming Dynasty, because the founding honors were still there, the situation was better. After the middle period, not only soldiers but also high-quality military attaches were discriminated against. Officials don’t have the heart to lead troops to fight, so naturally they only focus on making profits, and as a result, the soldiers under them naturally become less personal.

Zhou Shi’s solution to this must be to pay equal attention to both civil and military affairs. He stated the concept of “no military merit can not be awarded to Houbo, and non-Hou Bo is not allowed to enter the cabinet”, and even planned that in the future, officials of the county and government should have corresponding military qualifications. This is not to say that scholars who have passed the imperial examinations and entered the academy must go to the front line to fight, but to let them get in touch with military affairs, learn about military affairs, and be able to change from civilian to officer or from officer to civilian at any time. The civil and military are one family, regardless of you and me, so they will come together.

“Those who have served in the military can have their family deducted, and those who have made meritorious deeds can be awarded officials, promoted to nobility, and even exempted. Officers can take the imperial examination, and those who have taken the imperial examination can take the military training school. , parents, wives and children, the government should take care of them, so that they have status in the village, and it is convenient to leave the village, so that the abuse of the army and the abuse of the general can be eliminated.”

“A long way to go.”

After all, Gu Yanwu had never personally led a soldier. He could understand what Zhou Shixiang said. Just if he was not allowed to enter the cabinet, I am afraid that all scholars in the world would no longer dare to despise the warriors, but it was not achieved overnight. thing.

“Tax abuse, I intend to abolish the ding tax, promote the sharing of dings into the mu, and return the fire to the public.”

“The stallholders enter the mu, and the fire will return to the public?” Gu Yanwu’s eyes lit up.

All dynasties and dynasties levied land taxes and levied land taxes, that is, the head tax. Everyone who became a small family had to pay the tax instead of paying taxes according to the actual land and mu of their families. This increased the burden on farmers. In the Ming Dynasty, where land mergers were serious, , Ding tax system is undoubtedly a major factor in the demise of the dynasty. Zhou Shixiang proposed to abolish the poll tax, and to put a small share into an mu, which is a tax reform based on the reality that the land is unchanged but the population is changing. Since then, no matter how many people are added to the people’s homes, they will pay taxes according to the actual cultivation of the land, which naturally reduces the burden on the people. And those big landlords can no longer evade tax and pay less tax as before.

Fire consumption is when local officials collect money tax, they will collect more money and silver on the grounds of consumption. This behavior was called “consumption of envy~www.readwn.com~ in the Ming Dynasty” Zhou Shixiang agreed to change the consumption of envy into a regular tax, and fixed it. The fixed amount is intended to crack down on the arbitrary apportionment of local officials, and this part of the regular tax is used as the salary of foreign officials, which has a positive effect on rectifying official governance and reducing corruption.

Gu Yanwu felt that these two methods were good, but reminded Zhou Shixiang that the prefectures and counties may secretly send more in addition to the amount of fire. The measure that Zhou Shi took relative to this was naturally to strengthen the supervision of officials, but how to supervise the law is a matter of the future.

Regarding the “disadvantage of the domain”, Zhou Shixiangxian was unwilling to support Zhu Ming’s clan with state finances. His meaning was very simple. Because this matter involved the specific treatment of Zhu Ming’s clan, Zhou Shixiang was not good to have a deep talk with Gu Yanwu.

The best way to solve the “righteousness and malpractice” is to let the gentry know where the malpractice lies, and how to let them know requires a big discussion. The various malpractices since the end of the Ming Dynasty are left to the gentry to discuss, and Zhou Shixiang himself forced to say which one. No, that would definitely have the opposite effect. He can use force and sword to force scholars to follow his way, but it is impossible to change their hearts.

Zhou Shixiang asked Gu Yanwu how he could reform justice and abuse, and Gu Yanwu held a public exposition in Nandu.

Zhou Shixiang didn’t quite understand what “public disclosure” was. When he was about to ask in detail, Gui Yongzhi hurriedly entered and handed a rush and respectful letter to Zhou Shixiang.

Zhou Shixiang greeted Gu Yanwu slightly, opened the express delivery, glanced a few times, his color changed suddenly, and he said with anger: “Wu Sangui is a traitor, An dare to harm my Supreme Emperor!”


I’m sorry, the house is busy with renovations, otherwise if it can’t be installed before August, you will have to rent the house for another year, and the economy will not be able to bear it. The updates are a little too tiring, mainly because the whip was just started today, and there are a lot of things to find someone to do, look at the materials, and set the style. (No money for bones, money from my mother-in-law)

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