Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1041

Chapter 1040: Chinese Incense

In Fuzhou, the city walls are full of desperate Qing troops.

No one knows how many Taiping troops are outside the city. What they can know is that under the siege of the Taiping troops, a fly in Fuzhou City will never fly out.

Drum Mountain in the east, Qi Mountain in the west, Wuhu Mountain in the south, and Douding Mountain in the north all have the flags of the Taiping Army.

Surrounded on all sides, Fuzhou has become a Jedi.

At the top of the city, there is a faint smell of disgusting, which is the incense of the dead.

The Qing army, who had been crazy for seventeen days, built huge forts in Yushan, Wushan, and Pingsan in the city. It’s just that behind this line of defense, there is despair, dying, numbness, and fear.

If you fall, you will die. If you don’t fall, you will die. It’s better to work hard.

What happened in Guangzhou, Nanjing, and Hangzhou told the Eight Banners garrisoned in Fuzhou that they had no choice but to fight to the death.

No one believed that the Taiping Army would surrender, and no one believed that the Taiping Army would actually surrender them and give them a way out.

All this is more like revenge for the Han Chinese.

It is the revenge in the underworld of the hundreds of millions of Han Chinese who have been tragically killed by the sword of Manchuria since Jiashen. They want the executioners to die.

On this day, the dead souls waited for a long time, and the Taiping army outside the city also waited for a long time.

The Manchus were in despair, and so were the Han army and the battalions, but the latter looked at the Manchus in despair, but they were extremely resentful.

After the crazy Manchu garrisoned the Eight Banners out of control, in order to hold the Han army and battalion soldiers in the city, they forced them to participate in the massacre together. At first, these Han army and battalion soldiers were reluctant, because they knew that the situation in Manchuria was over, and if they followed them to slaughter the city, they would definitely be liquidated by the Ming army in the future. It’s just that they didn’t have the heart to resist, and the accumulated power of the Manchu soldiers forced them to swing their swords and participate in the atrocities. As soon as people get blood, they become crazy. Soon, the Han army and battalion soldiers in the city also lost control. Like the Manchurians, they slashed and killed men like the Manchurians, slaughtered every woman they saw, and killed the elderly. , kills immature children.

When the Taiping army approached the city, the Manchus laughed viciously, while the Han army and the battalion soldiers were sober and regretful, but they could no longer turn back. They have been firmly bound together with the Manchurians, and the death of hundreds of thousands of residents in this city cannot be washed away in any way.

Despair makes people crazy, dying makes people crazy, and fear makes people crazy.

After the madness, it is numb, collectively numb.

The city wall is still at the foot, and the fort is still at the foot. Rather than saying that the Qing army in Fuzhou City was working hard against the Taiping army collectively, it would be better to say that they lost all their will to survive. any thought at all.

“Look at what, the Taiping bandits killed you!”

The Manchu soldiers were too lazy to pay attention to the resentful eyes of the Han soldiers, because the other party had no way out. If they want to live longer, all they can do is to join hands and fight with the soldiers, not to fight back. That way, they would die faster. Don’t they know what the current Fuzhou city is like!

The huge Fuzhou city is like an empty city. Except for the full city, the outer city is almost empty. Some are just bloodstains on the street that cannot be washed away by the rain; some are just flies that cannot be driven away by anyone. Some places are even more restricted areas in the eyes of the Qing army. There are even the most ferocious Manchurians who are unwilling to go, nor dare to go, because there is a sea of maggots, which are densely packed with maggots. The piles wriggled and spread in all directions. Walking on an empty street, there will be a constant “pa-da” sound under your feet. From this end of the street to the end of the street, the “pa-da” sound will always accompany your footsteps. It was the sound of boots on maggots.

The streets are full of disgusting maggots, and some even climbed the walls and beams.

The plague, the Qing army has selectively forgotten.

If there is a choice, I am afraid that the Qing army would choose to die of the plague, which is better than being hacked to death with a long knife.

In fact, there were so many corpses that the Qing army could not bury them at all. They killed all the Han people in Fuzhou city, even those who collected the corpses, and the monks in the temple were stripped naked and thrown into the stinking ditch.

If it weren’t for the three mountains in the city, if it weren’t for the moat inside and outside the city, and if it weren’t for the frightened women and children in the city, I’m afraid this city of Fuzhou would really be a ghost town.

The Qing army didn’t want to stay in a ghost town, they really had nowhere to go. So, if you stink, you should smelt a little, and if you are sick, you will be sick.

Shaowu Mansion has fallen, and now, only Fuzhou remains.

Every day, he only drank in the general’s mansion to relieve his worries, and Dasu, who was waiting for the end of the day, finally put on the city head. He quietly looked at the red ocean outside the city, but couldn’t scold or say anything.

How did Zhao Guozuo die? How did Tong Guoqi die?

It seems to be cooked by someone?

Dasu was searching in the red ocean, and he wanted to get a glimpse of the former Manchu leader Zhao Guozuo said, and the current Taiping general Suna.

It’s just that he was disappointed, he couldn’t find the other person’s figure. There was only one flag fluttering in the wind in his sight, and only a line of soldiers who had finished lining up.

Zu Dashou, Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong, Jiang Cheng, Li Dingguo, Zheng Sen

The names of former opponents emerged from Da Su’s mind, and now another name will be added, which is also the last opponent of Zhang Jia Dasu in this life, Zhou Shixiang.

Although Da Su has never really met Zhou Shi, he has never even seen him. Even if he is surrounded by the Taiping Army, his opponent is only a general under Zhou Shixiang, but this does not affect General Da Su. Zhou Shixiang regarded him as his opponent.

My opponents are all big Chinese people!

Dasu subconsciously removed Suna, a Manchurian traitor, from his opponent list, thinking that Suna was unworthy.

Whether or not Suna is worthy of being Dasu’s opponent is obviously not decided by Dasu, but by Suna. Dasu believes that Suna is a traitor of the Manchus, a villain who has betrayed his ancestors, but Suna thinks that Dasu is just an old dog waiting to die.

After the encirclement was closed, Suna was about to launch an attack to solve Dasu in one fell swoop, but received a handwritten letter from the commander Zhou Shixiang.

“Da Su murdered my Han people in the past, and wherever the army went to ~www.readwn.com~ there were no perfect villagers in the county, no perfect people, no perfect women. Fuzhou was mainly surrounded by siege, not a single person from the city, nor a grain of rice. into the city.”

Zhou Shixiang’s warrant required Suna not to attack Fuzhou by force, because Dasu would inevitably resist to the end, and there were many fortifications in the city of Fuzhou, and the attack would inevitably cause too much damage. As long as Suna encircles Fuzhou, the military does a good job of epidemic prevention, and waits for all the people in the city to eat each other. In other words, Zhou Shixiang wanted the Qing army in Fuzhou City to be the same as that of Xinhui City, but this time, it was the Manchurians who would eat themselves. Of course, another purpose of not allowing Suna to attack is that Zhou Shixiang needs to solve Jinsha immediately, so Suna’s army must preserve its strength, otherwise, it will be difficult to use Jinsha.

Since Suna was carrying out the command of the commander, the Qing army in Fuzhou was surprised to find that the Taiping army outside the city began to dig trenches one after another in front of the camp. In just a few days, the city of Fuzhou was like an island in the ocean.

At the junction of those ditches, bunker watchtowers, which the Qing army had never seen before, also stood up. At first glance, it seems that the outside of Fuzhou has suddenly become a mass grave.

The Taiping army did not attack Fuzhou, but the Qing army in the city was even more desperate. Waiting to die and dying immediately are very different feelings.

Breaking through the siege, in front of the strange fortifications of the Taiping Army and the snake-like trenches, lost any possibility.

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