Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1042

Chapter 1042: Am I Going To Die Too?

In Songjiang, Zhou Shixiang sent a letter to the imperial court, asking the Supreme Emperor Zhu Youlang to posthumously title “Yingtian Pushing Dao Minyi Gongjian Scripture Weiwu Li Renke Xiaokuang Emperor”. Every household in Nanjing City hangs up white curtains.

Because the body of the Supreme Emperor was not found, how to arrange the funeral was really worrying for everyone in the cabinet. As a last resort, Guo Zhiqi, the first assistant, finally proposed to build a mausoleum for the Emperor Taishang, and all other codes were still based on the ancestral system. Emperor Dingwu agreed, however, surprisingly, Emperor Dingwu did not issue any will to conquer Wu Sangui, and Zhou Shixiang of Songjiang did not intend to return to Nandu to preside over Zhu Youlang’s funeral, but instead took people to Hangzhou.

In the south, Zhu Youlang was newly mourned; in the north, a cloud of sorrow also shrouded the northern capital.

At the beginning of September, Shunzhi suddenly issued a decree for the provinces to quickly recruit famous doctors to come to the capital to diagnose and treat the imperial concubine Dong’e. In addition, Shunzhi also set up an altar in the palace and offered amnesty to the world to pray for the concubine. However, all of Shunzhi’s efforts failed to make his concubine’s condition get better, instead it became more and more serious. Heartbroken, Shunzhi left the military affairs and went to Xishan again. Accompanied by monks in the monastery, Shunzhi lit the ever-bright lantern in front of the Buddha statue, held incense sticks reverently, and looked up at the huge Tathagata’s whole body with benevolent brows and dignified eyes. Shunzhi made a big wish in front of the Buddha, but the Buddha did not respond to him, and news came from the palace that the imperial concubine was critically ill.

The news that Dong E was critically ill made Shunzhi’s face change greatly, and the incense stick in his hand fell to the ground. In order to rush back to the palace as soon as possible, Shunzhi ran wildly all the way back to the palace, which made the guards take heart. Pedestrians on the side of the road were so frightened that they fled in the east and west, and they jumped along the way. I don’t know how many people were knocked down and trampled. After entering the city, Shunzhi rode his horse straight to the inner city. Since Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty built this unparalleled splendid palace complex more than 200 years ago, no one has ever dared to risk their lives to lead a horse to pass here between the yellow tiles and red walls of the golden hall. The sound of hoofs rang through the high palace walls!

Aifei, wait for me, wait for me!

There was only the wind in Shunzhi’s ears, and he couldn’t hear the shouts of the guards behind him. When the maids and eunuchs in the palace saw the emperor rushing over, they all ducked aside in fright. Arriving outside Dong’e’s palace, Shunzhi flew off his horse and rushed into the hall. Shunzhi saw the queen and the queen mother, but he didn’t stop, and rushed to Dong E’s bedside. Dong E’s face on the bed was white, his eyes were closed, and he didn’t move.


Shunzhi let out a howl, and the queen held him back and cried, “Your Majesty, you are late, sister Dong’e, she is already.” The queen couldn’t continue, she turned her face and cried bitterly.

“no, I can not!”

Shunzhi threw himself on the bed, hugged Dong E and let out a painful cry of “ah”. This wailing was as if someone had stabbed Shunzhi in the heart, and it was also like the howl of an injured beast dying.

“Aifei, why don’t you wait for me, why don’t you wait for me!”

An extremely sad Shunzhi suddenly spewed a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground on his back.


The concubines and eunuchs panicked in panic, and they gathered around to rub their temples and relax their chests. Only Su Malagu was still calm. She told all the concubines and concubines to leave, and asked the **** to carefully carry the emperor to the long couch in the middle, and instructed the imperial doctor to quickly pass. The queen mother sat beside her son, never leaving him. The imperial doctor arrived quickly, and the concubines gathered in the room to listen quietly, all of them extremely nervous.

Seeing the emperor’s appearance, the imperial physician panicked, his face turned yellow, his hands trembled, and large drops of sweat rolled down his neck. He knelt forward tremblingly, lowered his head, put three fingers on the emperor’s wrist, tried his best to even his breathing, checked the pulse for a moment, then took a long breath, bowed his head and said to the queen mother: “The queen mother , Your Majesty is suffering from acute pain, overworked, and fainted for a while. When the lower official prescribes a cold medicine that relieves the chest and calms the breath, it will be fine, please rest assured the Queen Mother.”

The queen mother breathed a sigh of relief, and the concubines in the back room were also relieved, and then cried out again, they were really frightened just now.

The queen glanced at her unconscious husband and said to the queen mother, “Empress mother, do you want to send the emperor back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation?”

The empress dowager’s absent-minded gaze swept across the queen and shook her head.

“However, the Chengqian Palace is so chaotic, Dong E’s sister’s… is still in it, the emperor is lying here, I’m afraid it’s not suitable…” The queen lowered her head and whispered.

“No, you don’t understand”

The Queen Mother sighed, no one knew her son better than her. The son is very fond of Dong E. Once he wakes up, the first thing he will do is to see Dong E. If he is sent away now, I am afraid he will go crazy.

The queen mother did not agree, and the queen did not dare to ask someone to send her husband away, so she waited anxiously for her husband to wake up. After more than an hour, Shunzhi woke up. The first thing he did when he woke up was to stand up staggeringly, and then walked to Dong E’s bedroom step by step. The concubines and the maids and eunuchs looked at Shunzhi in panic, and no one dared to say a word, because the expression on Shunzhi’s face was terrifyingly cold.

Dong E’s face on the bed was like life, but it was more peaceful and quiet than when he was born, and there seemed to be a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was glad that he was finally relieved. Shunzhi stared at her silently, stood motionless for a long time, then knelt down, took those cold little hands from her chest, put them on his face, and shed a few hot tears. He put her hand back carefully, looked at her with a smile, and whispered, “Concubine Ai, wait for me!”

Shunzhi actually pulled out a short knife and wanted to die in love. People were shocked, some of the concubines screamed, and the empress dowager and the queen rushed up regardless of their status. Wu Liangfu, who was closest to Shunzhi, was strong and strong, and he grabbed Shunzhi’s hand at once. Two more eunuchs hugged Shunzhi on the left and the right, and took away the short knife in his hand, preventing Shunzhi from committing suicide.

The queen mother was shocked and angry: “Fulin, what are you trying to do! Are you dizzy!”

Shunzhi was like a madman, and an astonishing force came out of nowhere. He pushed left and hit right, broke free of the two eunuchs, and kicked Wu Liangfu next to him with a kick, shouting: ” Whoever dares to stop me, I tell him to die immediately! I don’t want to live anymore, I just don’t want to live anymore!”

Shunzhi’s eyes were like crimson coals, and his face was as red as blood. He shook off the crowd, bowed his head slightly, and violently slammed into the wall. The eunuchs and palace maids swarmed to stop him again, wrapping Shunzhi and falling to the ground together. The cries, shouts, and screams were so messed up that they almost lifted the roof of the hall.


Suddenly, a loud voice resounded in the room, everyone was stunned, and Shunzhi was also stunned because his mother-in-law had just slapped him hard.


Shunzhi was very aggrieved. He stood there covering his aching face and didn’t dare to move.

“Are you still an emperor! For the sake of a woman, are you going to die! If you really want to die, kill E-niang too!”

The queen mother’s body was trembling with anger, looking at her son’s eyes with so much disappointment.

“Son dare not!”

Shunzhi shuddered, he woke up, and subconsciously knelt down in front of his mother. Seeing that the Queen Mother was so angry, Su Ma hurriedly brought a chair, and the Queen Mother slumped on the chair, taking a few breaths with her chest heaving. When Shunzhi saw E Niang like this, he was also very sad.

The queen also came up and knelt on the side of Shunzhi, and said to her husband with tears in her eyes: “Sister Dong E repeatedly said when she was dying that the concubine will go, this is a fixed number, and there is no hardship. The only thing is that I can’t repay the kindness of the empress dowager and her majesty. One, the empress dowager will be half a hundred years old and mourning for the concubine. Although the concubine died, she can’t feel at ease… My sister is filial to the empress dowager, and she will cherish her in her arms until she dies.

The concubines also knelt down around the queen mother, the emperor and the queen. The voices of pleas and pleas filled the palace, and tears flowed endlessly. They begged the emperor to appreciate the painstaking efforts of the empress dowager and the deceased imperial concubine, and must not seek short-sightedness.

Shunzhi didn’t make trouble anymore, he went to the side hall alone and stayed there quietly.

That night, the inner courtyard of the palace stayed awake all night, and the lights of each palace were bright until dawn. Shunzhi was reluctant to leave Chengqian Palace, so the empress dowager and empress had no choice but to stay here for fear of an accident. The concubines and concubines returned to their palaces, trembling with fear overnight, not knowing what else would happen. Fortunately, Shunzhi never lost his temper again. For two days in a row, Shunzhi was immersed in the pain of Aifei’s death, so that he was unwilling to deal with the military situation ahead. Sony and Suksaha knew that the emperor was sad now, so they didn’t dare to disturb the master.

On the third day, all the concubines and concubines came to the Chengqian Hall. Concubine Tang, Concubine Zhen, Concubine Ke, etc. from the sixth elder brother Qisui all came. They sat around the Queen Mother and the Queen. Whether they wanted to or not, they kept weeping and whispered about the many things of the imperial concubine. benefit.

After Shunzhi came in, the concubines all stood up to greet him. Shunzhi walked slowly in front of the Queen Mother, knelt at her feet, and said, “The son is unworthy, disturbing the mother, exhausting the mother, and begging the mother to forgive the son’s sins. But the son has a wish, and I hope the mother will be fulfilled.”

When the queen mother saw that her son had finally returned to normal, she was relieved and nodded, “As long as the etiquette is reasonable, the emperor will just say it.”

Shunzhi gritted his teeth and said, “I want to honor Dong E with the gift of the empress.”


The hall was extremely quiet for a moment, as if frightened by Shunzhi’s words. The concubines bowed their heads, not daring to look at the queen’s expression. The queen’s face was flushed, and tears were about to burst from her eyes. The embarrassment and grievance forced her to jump up and escape from the palace. The queen mother frowned and looked at her son worriedly, as if worried that he was still awake. After a long while, the queen mother shook her head lightly and said, “Your Majesty, the queen is obviously here, Dong E is a royal concubine, and she has to be treated as a royal concubine, do you think this is appropriate? This is completely inconsistent with the country and the court system, and all ministers in the court must There are dissents and disputes can’t be settled, why does the emperor want to do this?”

Shunzhi smiled sadly, and said, “My son has lost all his thoughts now. If the mother does not allow her to ask her, she is willing to cut her hair and go to the mountain to study Buddhism, and no longer participate in the affairs of the world!”

“Your Majesty, you!”

The queen mother was sad and indignant. She wanted to scold her son for talking nonsense, but she couldn’t say anything when she saw his pained face. At this time, the queen wiped away her tears and said to the queen mother: “Mother, sister Dong E has served the emperor for five years. She is filial and obedient, and can really take the place of the daughter-in-law. To be buried with the empress’s ceremony is really in line with the original intention of the daughter-in-law. If the officials in the court have any objections, they can tell the daughter-in-law’s original intention. In this way, even the historians of later generations cannot discuss this as the emperor’s fault…”

Shunzhi was surprised and looked at the queen very gratefully. For a long time, Shunzhi did not like the queen, because the queen Borghizit was the niece of the deposed queen, and he had never liked the two aunts and nephews. After Dong E entered the palace, he rarely went to the Queen’s Palace. It can be said that the Queen has actually been a widow in recent years, resulting in no son or daughter. But he didn’t think that the queen should be so considerate of him, completely different from her aunt’s temperament, which made Shunzhi feel very guilty. The concubines and concubines were also very surprised when they heard the Queen’s words. Although they did not dare to discuss privately, they also exchanged many different glances. The third elder brother’s biological mother, Concubine Tong, bit her thin lips indifferently, while the second elder brother’s biological mother, Concubine Ning Qi, snorted in her heart.

The queen mother did not agree or object, she shook her head and motioned Su Ma to help her back to Kunning Palace. After the Empress Dowager left, Shunzhi immediately ordered Concubine Dong Gui to be named “Empress Duanjing”, and the overflowing title was “Empress Xiaoxianzhuang and Zhide Xuanren Wenhui Duanjing Empress”, a total of twelve characters, and the first overflow of Taizong Huang Taiji was only fifteen. words. On the fourth day after the death of Concubine Dong E, Shunzhi held a grand posthumous ceremony in Chengqian Palace, where she was still alive, and Concubine Dong E was posthumously named empress.

On the same day, the Queen Mother sent a message: “Five days after leaving the dynasty, the prince or below, the Manchu and Han 4th rank and above, and the princess, princess, etc. will cry.”

Immediately afterwards, Shunzhi issued a series of sacred decrees on the queen’s mourning: “Call the eminent monks of Wutai Mountain, send the Chinese envoy to the palace, perform repentance camps for the Queen of Dong’e, and set up a land and water dojo; Set up a haunted house; ordered scholars Wang Xi and Hu Zhaolong to compile the Quotations of the Empress of Dong’e, and ordered the scholar Feng Quan to write the Biography of the Empress of Dong’e; ordered the cabinet to use blue ink for the memorial from August to December to show In mourning, next year, the new party promises to restore vermilion; order the ministers to discuss posthumous titles; order the whole country to wear mourning, and from the imperial edict to Japan, the officials will be in one month, and the people will be three days.”

The first seven, after the second drum, Shunzhi changed into plain clothes, the little inner supervisor carried the lantern and guards, and walked quietly to the Chengqian Palace. Shunzhi’s idea was to meet Dong E alone for the last time in the dead of night to express his sincere feelings. However, there were many bannermen in Chengqian Palace who ordered their wives to cry for Empress Duanjing there. Shunzhi did not want to disturb them, so he could only watch Chengqian Palace from a distance in a daze.

It was late autumn, the night was deep, and the sky was cold.

Shunzhi just stood there blankly, letting the cool wind blow on him.

Wu Liangfu wanted to put on a cape for his master several times, but Shunzhi refused to put it on.

“Master, the wind is strong, be careful of catching a cold, you have to take care of yourself.” Wu Liangfu cried, the emperor looked like this, and he was sad even as a servant.

Shunzhi just stayed there, and Dong E left, as if he had taken everything in his heart, leaving his heart empty.

The chief **** Zhao Quan walked lightly with a brocade box in his hand, and Wu Liangfu gave him a wink, signaling him not to disturb the master. However, Zhao Quan shook his head and signaled to Wu Liangfu that the contents in the brocade box are very important and must be informed to the master immediately.

Wu Liangfu was helpless~www.readwn.com~ had no choice but to step forward to take the brocade box, and then walked carefully to Shunzhi’s side.

Shunzhi glanced at the old slave displeased, and opened the brocade box, which contained the Dao Lan Mo memorial. Open the playbook, the handwriting inside is all new.

“Are they dead too?”

After Shunzhi read the manuscript, for some reason, the news should have made him very happy. After all, he had been chasing the other party for more than ten years, and he was looking forward to the other party’s death in his dreams, but when the news of the other party’s death really came, he did not I couldn’t bring up my excitement, instead I felt a sense of loss and sadness.

“They are all dead, they are all dead, Zhu Youlang is dead, and Zheng Sen is also dead. My beloved concubine is also dead. Could it be that I am dying too?”

Shunzhi was talking nonsense there, Wu Liangfu held his breath, and did not dare to take a breath. After a long time, he heard the master sigh softly, then took a last look at Chengqian Palace, turned around silently and walked slowly towards the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

That night, the Hall of Mental Cultivation urgently summoned the imperial physician, and the emperor fell ill again.

With this disease, Shunzhi could never get out of bed again.

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