Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1052

Chapter 1052: The Tide Is Gone

Feng Xifan persuaded Zheng Mingjun and Zheng Zanxu. He told the two uncles and nephews the simplest truth. With their current situation, no matter which side they voted for, they would not be valued because his uncle and nephew were already inseparable. A de facto “bereaved dog”. . The update is the fastest, but if his uncle and nephew can take the risk and return to Jinsha and lead the sailors loyal to Zheng Tai to defect, then their weight and status will undoubtedly be greatly improved.

Since Chongzhen, the reason why generals are generals is that they have soldiers in hand. Those who have no soldiers are noble as the ministers of the cabinet, but they are not ordinary people, and they will be slaughtered after the incident. Feng Xifan’s reasoning couldn’t be clearer. If Zheng Mingjun and Zheng Zanxu wanted to gain the attention of King Qi and gain a foothold in the Taiping Army, they had to bring enough benefits to King Qi and gain enough benefits for themselves. This advantage is naturally the navy of the Bingzheng family!

“The king of Qi is very talented in land warfare, but he is shorter than the navy. If the two can make up for the shortcomings of the king, then the king of Qi will reuse the two.”

Feng Xifan suggested that Zheng Mingjun and Zheng Zanxu rush back to Jinxia before Zheng Jing cleaned the navy in time, hold the navy firmly in their hands, and then go to the King of Qi. Zheng Zanxu couldn’t make up his mind, because going back to Jinsha would be very dangerous, and if it didn’t work out, his uncle and nephew would throw himself into the trap. Zheng Mingjun, however, agreed with Feng Xifan’s principle of ‘seeking wealth at risk”. He believed that it was impossible for Zheng Jing to have control of the navy now, because the eldest brother Zheng Tai had just handed over the command of the navy to Yang Ying. Before the eldest brother was harmed, Yang Ying He definitely didn’t dare to act rashly, so now Zheng Jing should be sending people back to Jinsha just like them. In this way, they would not be able to delay, they should set off immediately, and whoever came first with Zheng Jing’s people.

Zheng Mingjun made up his mind and said, “We can’t leave the navy to Zheng Jing for nothing! Although the eldest brother handed over the command of the navy to Yang Ying, the people below are all promoted by my eldest brother. If we go back, they will definitely listen. Ours! This thing can be done, with 80% certainty, without the navy, I see how Zheng Jing can survive!”

Seeing his uncle’s agreement, Zheng Zanxu gritted his teeth and said, “Zheng Jing is unkind, don’t blame us for being unjust! Let’s go back and slaughter Yang Ying, and take the navy to His Royal Highness King Qi!”

“It’s not too late, we have to rush back to Jinsha immediately, or let Zheng Jingxian arrest those people under my eldest brother, and this matter will be dirty!”

Zheng Mingjun did what he said, and immediately took Feng Xifan and his nephew to sneak back to Jinsha at night. Zheng Jing had already sent someone back to Jinsha to give Yang Ying an order, asking him to secretly kill the generals of the navy who were loyal to Zheng Tai. When Zheng Mingjun and others arrived, Yang Ying was working on this matter, but because the navy was stationed in Siming and Kinmen, and there were some warships on other islands, he had no way to command one of the generals loyal to Zheng Tai. Nets are captured, and they can only solve the two places of Siming and Kinmen first. In order to prevent some generals from seeing the strangeness and causing changes, Yang Ying declared to the outside world that he was summoned by the prince Zheng Jing and Jianping Marquis Zheng Tai to convene the generals to discuss the expedition of Taiwan, and that the generals would be arrested after they were all together. This delay gave Zheng Mingjun and Feng Xifan a chance.

After Zheng Mingjun and others secretly sneaked back to Jinsha, they immediately contacted the generals under Zheng Tai. When the generals heard that the Marquis of Jianping had been killed by Zheng Jing, all of them were filled with righteous indignation and shouted for revenge for the Marquis. Zheng Mingjun took the opportunity to say that he wanted to take the generals north to join His Highness King Qi, but none of the generals objected, and secretly took his family members to the pier. Zheng Zanxu wanted to get rid of Yang Ying and take away all the sailors, but Feng Xifan dissuaded him, saying that Yang Ying had obtained the secret order of Zheng Jing and must be prepared. Tiger injury, it is more than worth the loss. Zheng Mingjun didn’t want to cause more troubles, and also discouraged his nephew from acting with loyalty. They have already contacted the Navy Department, and the rest of them have nothing to do with whether they go or not. Zheng Zanxu had no choice but to press down his anger and split up with his uncle.

That night, Yang Ying, who was trapped in his bones, had no idea that Zheng Mingjun’s uncle and nephew had sneaked back to Jinsha. He was still in the camp and discussed with his cronies about the arrest tomorrow. He heard the personal soldiers report that many warships of the navy suddenly suddenly Mutiny. Yang Ying was taken aback and rushed to the pier, where he saw countless warships and soldiers sailing into the sea and sailing north.

There are dozens of navy generals willing to follow Zheng Mingjun’s uncle and nephew to the north. There are more than 500 large and small warships and more than 10,000 soldiers in Siming and Kinmen alone. There were only more than 200 warships left, and people were panicking at the moment, not knowing what was going on.

Yang Ying knew that he couldn’t catch up with the departing warships, and he didn’t have the ability to catch up at all, so he had to rush this change to Xinghua. Two days later, another sailor deployed by Zheng Tai on Penghu Island was notified by Zheng Mingjun, and they also rebelled collectively and followed Zheng Mingjun to the north to defect to King Qi.

The navy rebellion caused chaos in Jinsha, and most people did not know about Zheng Tai’s murder, so there was a lot of discussion. When everyone knew that the naval rebellion was caused by the killing of Zheng Tai, the Marquis of Jianping, by the prince Zheng Jing, people were immediately heartbroken, and officials Zong Zhi and Zhu Ming also packed up and left Jinsha.

Jinsha has become a place of unease.

When the news reached the ears of Zheng Jing in Xinghua City, the young feudal lord was stunned, while his mother Dong Xian had been kneeling in front of the deceased husband for two days.

Chen Yonghua and Hong Xu were also speechless by the news. They only felt that the situation was probably over.

Zheng Mingjun led more than 600 warships all the way to the north at sea. These warships were large and small, almost two-thirds of the Jinxia Navy. It can be said that Zheng Mingjun’s rebellion has completely made Zheng Jing’s navy leader completely. Shortened, from now on, there will be no place for Zheng Jing to stand on the sea surface. The blue waves were rippling, and the sails of the warships and ships stood together, which only made Feng Xifan excited. He finally achieved this great event by himself. When the convoy reached Pinghaiwei, it was suddenly intercepted by Zhou Quanyun, the commander-in-chief of the navy who was loyal to Zheng Jing.

Zhou Quanyun is the younger brother of Zhou Quanbin, the governor of the Fifth Army, and his brother is now working for Zheng Jing in Xinghua City. After Zheng Tai defeated Liu Guoxuan’s troops at Ping Haiwei that day, Zhou Quanyun led his troops to garrison here to prevent Liu Guoxuan’s remnants from attacking Jinsha in the south.

Zhou Quanyun did not know that Zheng Tai, the Marquis of Jianping, had been killed by his lord Zheng Jing~www.readwn.com~, so at first he thought that Zheng Mingjun and others were ordered to come to pacify Liu Guoxuan’s remnants. It was not until Zheng Mingjun played the Taiping Army banner under Feng Xifan’s advice and sent someone to inform Zhou Quanyun that they had defected to His Royal Highness King Qi, and Zhou Quanyun knew that such a change had happened in Jinsha.

“Zheng Mingjun, are you really taking someone to vote for King Qi! The country’s surname is in the spirit of the sky, can you forgive you!” Zhou Quanyun shouted from the bow, and he wanted to persuade Zheng Mingjun not to go to the southern capital.

Zheng Mingjun sneered and shouted, “You first ask the country’s surname if he forgives that wicked son of Zheng Jing!”

Zheng Zanxu also had an angry look on his face: “Zheng Jing killed my father, and he has to cut down the weeds and roots of us. If we don’t go to join His Highness King Qi, are we waiting for him to kill us!”

Zhou Quanyun was speechless. He only had more than a hundred warships under his command, so he couldn’t stop Zheng Mingjun and the others. Zheng Mingjun also had no intention of fighting with Zhou Quanyun, and ordered to continue northward. Zhou Quanyun didn’t dare to stop him, so he could only watch the navy essence leave just like that.

In Fuzhou, Zhou Shixiang reported the news of the sudden rebellion of the Jinxia Naval Division and came to vote from the north. He was really surprised and delighted. When he learned that Feng Xifan had caused this incident, he couldn’t help feeling: “Feng Xifan’s sword is really bloodless. .”

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